    Converts rhythms into pictures for use in Metasynth. MSBeatBox is an application to assist in creating rhythms for Metasynth. Sometimes it can be difficult to construct a rhythm in the image synth, as the process...
    Analyser. A graphic tool for frequency and dynamic range analysis and estimation.
    Granular sampler. Granular sampler with 2D field of preset interpolation nodes. more crazy sounds.
    LNX Studio
    Virtual music studio. LNX_Studio is a way of bring people together to make music with new and innovative tools. Its all about creating and sharing ideas. There are many features in...
    RGB MusicLab
    Pixels into music. RGB Music Project by Kenji Kojima is a composite artwork of visuals, music and technologies that converts visual data into a music in attempts to discover...
    Generative Sample Player. Petri is a sample player that generates its own sequences and selects up to eight random samples from a folder of your choosing. It was designed to create...
    XYZ MusicLab
    Convert image into twelve-tone music. XYZ MusicLab creates a twelve-tone scale music from three dimensional wireframe objects. You can convert RGB values of an image to a three dimensional line...
    Six channel audio manipulator. Standalone, six channel audio manipulator, for hardware synths, audio inserts, and anything else that can carry a sound signal. used to create and design new...
    Jupiter FM
    FM synthesis and modulation. This used to be part of tune into it's its own thing.
    Granular step sequencer. With the rise of granular synthesis becoming more and more popular, either being with synthesizers or sample manglers. the one thing i have not seen of it, is...
    Granular synthesis. This is an app I developed using Cycling 74 Max. It’s a simple tool to do some granular synthesis from any .wav file. There’s a few parameters that can be...
    Instrument assisted by computer for live performance. With the Expresseur, experience the pleasure of playing music live, without having to worry about the complex problem of notes. Go directly to the world of...
    Random melodies generator. This is a small app I developed using Cycling 74 Max. Using MIDI information and three different randomization algorithms, it can generate random melodies...
    ratio rhythms
    Polyrhythmic pulses. Hear polyrhythmic pulses whose pitch is tuned to their position in the harmonic series.
    Multi-effect processor. R0b0.coder is a standalone multi-effect processor created using Max/MSP. It features a series of different real-time processing techniques that can be applied to...
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