Bidule v 0.9749
Feb 12, 2016
MacOS X Intel
Bug Fixes in Version 0.9749:
Audio File Player/Recorder: some channel configurations are missing.
AU hosting: plugins are not always informed correctly of offline rendering.
Basic Audio Buffer 2: length of saved buffer is off by one sample.
DSP Adapter: crashes can occur with some Spectral bidules on specific oversampling and buffer size combinations.
OS X: on 10.11 progress dialogs sometimes do not show actual progress.
OS X: on retina display, the position of added bidule through the context menu can be off.
OS X: trackpad handling is wrong over some controls.
OS X: some AUs do not show the list of .aupreset files on disk.
Parameter Pool: removing of bidules with multiple parameters or when there are many parameter links can be very slow.
Polyphonic Adapter: program change messages are not sent to all voices.
ReWire Mode (Windows): logging to file can occur more frequently than intended in some hosts.
VST hosting: dynamic parameter Cockos extension is not implemented.
VST version: some cases of offline rendering from host are not handled.
VST version OS X: ReWire mixer support is disabled (added option to enable it).
VST3 hosting: plugins are not always informed correctly of offline rendering.
Bidule v 0.9747
May 22, 2015
MacOS X Intel
Added up/down sampling version of DSP Adapter
Added Frequency/Magnitude Value Extractor
AU/VST3: preset menu now show the presets structure (if any)
Audio File Looper: can now also zoom on content while holding CTRL(WIN)/CMD(OS X)
Audio File Looper: can now select a section while holding SHIFT
Delay Line: added clear contents input
Knob: new look (except for OS X 32-bit)
MIDI Message Remapper: added byte swapping for messages with 2 bytes
MIDI Switchers/Routers: added a close sustain pedal parameter
OSC: added option to send all parameters on file load
Windows: WaveViewer and Graphical Envelope look now closer to the OS X version
Bug Fixes:
Arpeggiator/Echo: crash can occur if sync is set to Same As Parent Group
Patchbay: fixed possible error when deleting bidules
Plugin hosting: removing a MeldaProduction plugin can corrupt the font in the patchbay
Plugin mode : fixed possible lost of sync info from the host
VST hosting OS X 64-bit : GUI position is not remembered
VST hosting OS X 64-bit : GUI doesn't popup at center
VST3: GUI position is not remembered
VST3: possible crash when removing a plugin
Bidule v 0.9745
Feb 11, 2015
MacOS X Intel
Added CPU overload detection and display warning.
Added MIDI Message to Pitchbend Remapper.
AU: added displayed parameter value call to hosted plugins.
FFT/iFFT: added reset parameters.
OS X: added retina support in the 32-bit build.
OS X: added possibility to disable Retina Mode per plugin via preferences.
OS X: added extra parameters to hosted AUSpeechSynthesizer.
OS X: added preference to prevent idle sleep.
OS X: retina mode is saved in the layout so they can be shared between retina and non-retina macs.
Patchbay: now uses oversampling for the font.
VST3: added some support for presets.
VST3: added latency output support.
Bug Fixes:
AU: switched to AudioComponentManager when it's available.
MIDI Output: fixed possible extra CPU usage on Windows.
OSC Server: fixed possible logging occurring continuously.
Patchbay: if the current skin has solid colours for bodies, a solid colour should be used when choosing a custom one.
Polyphonic adapter: better attempt at keeping connections when polyphonize/unpolyphonize.
Polyphonic adapter: crash could occur if textfield were used as parameter for the wrapped group.
VST: fixed possible crash if hosted plugin cannot be loaded.
VST: displayed parameter value is not shown if the hosted plugin hasn't implemented it.
VST: parameter label should not be displayed if it's empty.
VST Plugin: Fixed possible saving of bad window sizes/positions depending on the host.
Bidule v 0.9743
Oct 18, 2014
MacOS X Intel
Bug Fixes:
Audio file output: appending doesn't work if no extension is specified.
Audio file player: /audiofile_seek OSC message doesn't accept float parameter.
Crossover filter: sending nyquist value leads to instability.
MIDI File Player: transport button state is incorrect if transport was active when saving.
Monitoring: MIDI activity doesn't show up.
Plugin version: VST3 are scanned in plugin mode.
ReWire: doesn't pick up shared location for ReWire.dll on Windows.
Windows: VST window size is not loaded back if it was changed.
Bidule v 0.9741
Sep 26, 2014
MacOS X Intel
Bidule v 0.9737
May 30, 2014
MacOS X Intel
Preliminary VST3 hosting
Added custom body colour per bidule
Added passthrough version of all MIDI-based parameter modulators
Added MIDI Note Filter (Range)
Added Delay Line 2
Added new i/o configuration for OSC Creator/Extractor
MIDI File Player: added parameter to force going back to position 0 on EOF
OS X: Added MIDI FX AU hosting
OS X: Added MIDI FX AU plugin version
Windows: added some support for hot plugging/unplugging of USB-based MIDI devices
Windows: larger buffer sizes available
Bug Fixes:
Audio/MIDI File Recorder: save filename parameter state is not saved in group parameters
Groups: editing a group parameter list doesn’t mark the document as dirty
Groups: preset parameter from a VST can show the wrong preset names after loading a file
Groups: an empty UI can be shown when no parameters are exported
Monitoring: meter can stick depending on input signal
OS X AU version: crash can occur if MIDI ports are added/removed while running in Logic Pro X
OS X: AUSampler UI does not resize correctly
OS X: AUDelay UI always shows in upper left corner
OS X: scrolling/zooming with MacBook trackpad is choppy
OS X: crash/freeze could happen with a Bidule plugin instance hosted in a Bidule plugin instance
OS X: radar is off on Retina displays
OS X: dropping from palette doesn’t use the correct position on Retina displays
OS X: crash can occur if Always use device sample rate is activated with
Faster DSP changes is not
OS X: Find/highlight popup dialog doesn’t have keyboard focus in 64bit
OS X plugin version: some hosted plugins can behaved incorrectly in 64bit
OS X VST version: crash could occur when removing an instance from Cubase 7.x
Plugin version: group UI position is not saved sometimes
Plugin version: sync info from host is dropped if in cycling mode and the current position is wrong
Polyphonic adapter: crash can occur when un-polying multiple instances
Polyphonic adapter: open UI parameter can disappear on polyphonize
Polyphonic adapter: group parameters are not kept on some polyphonize/unpolyphonize operations
ReWire Mode: crash can occur when changing preferences on OS X
Skin selection is broken
Trigger: the parameter doesn’t reset to false state if it’s not processing
Windows: windows can pop off screen when using multiple monitors with different resolutions
many little optimisations -
Bidule v 0.9735
Jan 24, 2014
MacOS X Intel
Bidule v 0.9733
Sep 19, 2013
MacOS X Intel
Bidule v 0.9730
May 15, 2013
MacOS X Intel
Bidule v 0.9728
Dec 20, 2012
MacOS X Intel
Bug Fixes:
AU version: MIDI outputs could possibly not show up in a host
AU version 64-bit: crash in DP8
Audio File Player: continues to play when muted/bypassed
AU/VST hosting: All sounds off might not be send when mode changes
AU hosting: PLAY 64-bit could crash when removing it
AU hosting: PLAY does not show missing samples dialog if its UI is opened before sending saved data
Discrete version : OSC Creators send message without a trigger
Groups: loading a group can make a switch to offline mode
Group parameters: crash could occur when editing group parameters
OSC Creator 2: message is not created if only the trigger input is connected
OS X: changing the Reduce MIDI Jiiter preference is not broadcasted to MIDI devices already in the layout
OS X 64 bit: cannot use key shortcut to close popup dialog
OS X 64 bit: groups aren't showing in italic in the palette
OS X 64 bit: cmd-v does not work in textboxes
Patchbay: straight cables can be hard to pick
Plugin mode: added a new type of Bidule Plugin that has latency/tail amount inputs
Trigger To Gate: outputs a gate of 1 sample if gate length input is 0
Waveviewer: crash can occur when reducing the size of the buffer
Bidule v 0.9725
Aug 27, 2012
MacOS X Intel
Added Basic Moog VCF
Added Ladder filter
Added Multi Gain
OS X: 32bit and 64bit now in the same binary file, no more ppc
OS X: preliminary support for HiDPI mode
OSC Extractor: Added option to force discrete triggers on consecutive messages
OSC Monitoring: Added display of parameters for non-processed messages
Lookup table: added set value dialog on double-click
Added some optimization to .bidule file loading
Bug Fixes:
A(H)DSR envelopes: total release time is not always from current value
DSP Adapter: does not keep the channel names of the group
Gate/Trigger Sequencer: if both reset and trigger occurs
on the same sample, the first entry is skipped
Matrices: renamed i/os are not kept with presets
MIDI Switchers: close note option is not respected if output change doesn't come from a program change
Mixers: renamed strips are not kept with presets
OS X 64-bit: crash could occur at exit
OS X 64-bit: crash could occur when some dialog are shown
OS X 64-bit: UI is sluggish
OS X 64-bit: Graphical Envelope might not display points immediately
Polyphonic Adapter: a double note on for the same note could produce a stuck note
Step Sequencer: entered values in textboxes do not change without pressing the enter key
VST plugin: offline rendering may not work properly
VST: Retrologue doesn't save its data correctly
Bidule v 0.9724
Apr 19, 2012
MacOS X Intel
Test versions of VST and AU for OS X 64bit
Added basic version of Arpeggiator, Echo and Quantizer
Added basic version of Graphical Envelope
Added MIDI Note Dynamic Filter
Added hidden preference switch to mutate over entire range instead of current value (see forum post)
Arpeggiator, Echo : added some missing durations
Added override per instance for the main window title
Added Monitoring key shortcut for selected bidules (CTRL/CMD-8)
Audio File Player: added number of frames in file parameter
Audio File Recorder: added odd channel count versions
Basic Audio Buffer/Waveviewer: upped the limit to 6 minutes
Bidule Parameters Dialog: added apply to/reset all presets for parameter properties
Group Parameters: added Text Area as a GUI Type
Group Parameters Dialog: added column with original parameter name
Group Parameters Dialog: added key toggle to switch between default to parameter or bidule name when adding
MIDI Monitor/MIDI Monitor2: now has more display lines
Note On To Value List: added reset trigger input
OS X : added possibility to have modifiable plist next to app package because of code signing
Sync Extractor: added sample position output
Trigger : added Trigger At Load
Value List: added Previous Entry Trigger input
Waveviewer: now resizable
added several small code optimizations
Bug Fixes:
AU Hosting: presets do not behave correctly if there is only a User preset and new presets are saved
AU Hosting: components not containing the current architecture might always show up as begin scanned
AU/VST version: latency could be introduced with buffer size changes when it should not
Audio File Looper: loop points aren't shown
Graphical Envelope: can't draw points with a value between 0.93 and 1.0
Groups : fixed possible crash when changing the number of spectral I/Os while processing
MIDI CC Extractor: 14bit mode might not work correctly depending on the input
MIDI Remappers: some remappers would not work correctly with Parameter Modulator set for 0-127 range
Monitoring : does not show anything if mode is not processing
OS X : warning about running directly from disk image might not appear
OS X 64bit: step sequencer playlist grid doesn't work
OS X 64bit: the tree in group parameter dialog can behave incorrectly
OS X 64bit: arrow keys shortcuts do not work in tree/list controls
Sync Creator: time sig changes are not sent correctly if looping
VST Hosting OS X 64bit: some VST UIs are offset and do not show completely
Bidule v 0.9721
Jan 8, 2012
MacOS X Intel
Bug Fixes:
Parameter linking: reverted back to old behaviour with regards to integer/choice parameter targets instead of new
Bidule v 0.9720
Dec 21, 2011
MacOS X Intel
Bug Fixes:
Audio File Recorder: take mode doesn't work anymore
MIDI Note Closer/anything with a close MIDI Notes option : some notes might not close at all
Parameter linking: reverted back to old behaviour with regards to integer/choice parameter targets instead of new
Bidule v 0.9719
Dec 15, 2011
MacOS X Intel
Added AR Envelope
Added Basic Waveviewer
Added BLIT Oscillator
Added Gate/Trigger Divider
Added Gate/Trigger Sequencer
Added Mono and Stereo Matrix Mixers
Added MIDI Quantizer
Added Sync To DIN Sync
Added Terminal Dummies
Added Trigger To Gate
Added override of a few config entries per instance (OSC server port, buffer size, sample rate, fft size, fft overlap), see forum post for the details
ADSR/AHDSR/Basic ADSR/Basic AHDSR: added a smooth to zero parameter
Audio File Recorder/Basic Audio Buffer/MIDI File Recorder/MIDI Buffer : added parameter to never overwrite file, a filename will be generated using the current date and time if there is already a file using the specified name
Audio File Recorder/MIDI File Recorder: added notification in the patchbay of recording status
Groups : added Switch Button and Textbox controls
MediaPool : add view Waveform button
MIDI Message Remapper: added Program Change to Bank Select
OS X : added preference to default to saving as WAV instead of AIFF
Various small optimizations
Bug Fixes:
Catalog: clicking cancel on the confirm dialog to delete a group does nothing
CrossFader/FaderCross : could give bad results when using pow
Discrete Change: does not keep last value
MIDI Echo : some of the time divisions are not giving the expected results
OSC Extractor: receiving multiple messages at the same time could lead to a crash
Parameter Pool: an infinite loop could occur when attempting to delete links
Plugin: the displayed list of linked parameters in multiple instances can become corrupted
Step Sequencer: note off events could occur earlier than expected
VST Plugin: wrong number of inputs/outputs when loading a project
VST Plugin: BiduleVST in Bidule could end up showing the wrong number of inputs/outputs
VST Plugin OS X : extra menu entry appears in Cubase 6 once Bidule is loaded
Windows x64: a crash could occur when shutting down the computer and not quitting Bidule
Bidule v 0.9718
Nov 12, 2011
MacOS X Intel
Standalone 64-bit test version
Bidule v 0.9717
Sep 17, 2011
Added Basic MIDI Aftertouch Transpose
Added Basic MIDI CC Transpose
Added Basic MIDI Note Transpose
Added Basic MIDI Program Change Transpose
Added 64 tracks version of MIDI File Player
Added 4/6/8 outputs version of Basic Audio File Player
Double-clicking in the Variables (Multi) window brings a dialog to set a value
OSC : messages are also send to the same address with a _str appended if a parameter is a list of strings
OSC Creator: added Indexed String parameter type (input value is used for the index of a list of string separated by ; )
Various small optimizations
Bug Fixes:
A crash could occur upon deleting an unavailable bidule (red) if it was used for group parameters
AU Hosting: after loading a layout, a plug-in can end up using the contents of an aupreset file instead of the saved contents
AU Hosting: saving an aupreset does not make it appear at the correct location in the list of presets
Audio Value Display: display name doesn't change if the incoming signal is 0.0
Basic Audio Buffer 2 : immediate clear might not refresh the UI
MIDI Echo : the number of echoes can't be infinite
MIDI File Player: crash could occur if attempting to load a file with more than 32 tracks
MIDI File Player: home button cannot be mapped using learn
MIDI Note Extractor : use newest doesn't work if the same note is the newest more than once
OS X : having too much plug-ins/groups installed could lead to the context menu of the patchbay not working correctly
OS X : on Lion, a permission dialog can appear when attempting to update the Bidule ReWire aliases
OS X : application does not warn that the user is attempting to run from the disk image
OS X 64-bit: if the OS is set to something else than english, some plug-ins are unable to load their data back
Presets: a preset saved data can be overwritten when using reorganize
Presets: the read only flag does not appear on the correct preset if it was moved
ReWire Device: could possibly not connect to the host
VST Hosting : crash could occur when loading a fxp/fxb file if the plug-in doesn't show any presets
VST Plugin OS X : extra menu entry appears in Cubase 6 once Bidule is loaded
Windows: a crash can occur if your license file is in an unexpected format
Bidule v 0.9716
Aug 6, 2011
Added swing to Arpeggiator
Added MIDI Echo
OS X : added blacklisting of AUs causing a crash at scanning
Bug Fixes:
A group position in the patchbay could be saved with the wrong values
MIDI Misc Sysex Filter: could cause a crash when loading
OS X : Selecting a Sync source on the UI for AUs doesn't really set it
OS X P2: audio files and function were not available
Presets: Filenames for writing files can be loaded back from presets
ReWire: Should not complain about rewire not being installed
Windows: portaudio and formulc x86 were compiled for SSE2
Windows: Patchbay content could appear half-drawn on launch
Bidule v 0.9715
Aug 1, 2011
ReWire 2.6 implementation: 64-bit ReWire mixer and 64-bit ReWire device
Basic Audio Buffers/Multitap Delay: added option to force an immediate clear contents
Choice: now answers to mouse wheel
Crossfader/Fadercross: added more curve types
Added Basic Crossfader
Knob: now answers to mouse wheel
Misc Sysex Filter: added undefined MIDI messages to the list of filters
OS X: slider now answers to mouse wheel
Value Display: added some protection to prevent excessive cpu usage if name changes too often
Added Replace With Paste
Polyphony settings/unpolyphonize/ReInit/Replace can be applied to all selected
Ctrl/Cmd-1,2,3 changes the mode of the selected bidules
Ctrl/Cmd-9,0 group properties, group parameters
Bug Fixes:
AU Hosting: newly saved aupreset files are not added right away to the presets menu
AU Hosting: Sync dropdown might not show if the UI is already shown and the plug-in requests musical time information
Groups: possible crash after using the Parameters dialog
MIDI Value Display: not saving the user friendly parameter value
Oscillator: band-limited triangle was clipping
Oscillator: band-limited triangle phase reset was wrong
OS X: a crash could occur when MIDI Feedback is enabled and devices go offline and back online
OS X: opening an AU with a Cocoa UI disables the usage of cmd-w to close windows
Presets: current preset data could possibly not be loaded correctly when loading a layout
Saving: file saving could silently fail under some conditions
VST version: 32outputs not showing as such in Vienna Ensemble Pro
WaveViewer: out of bounds values aren't clipped correctly graphically
Windows: maximum number of opened files might be lower than expected
Bidule v 0.9712
Jun 10, 2011
Version v0.9712 (June 9th, 2011)
Crash can occur when loading older groups and layouts
Version v0.9711 (June 8th, 2011)
Windows: major compiler and compiler options change, if you experience anything you do not think you should please report, this should also apply to OS X
Added Matrix Sequencer, MIDI Matrix Sequencer
Added MIDI CC Splitter
Added MIDI CC Type Remapper
Added MIDI Note Splitter
Added Wavefolder
Added Variables Multi and Indexed Variables Multi
Added Frequency and Magnitude Value Display
Added FIR Table
Added Knob control type
Added Vertical Slider control type
Added Gate LED control type
New look for LED control
ADSR/AHDSR/Basic ADSR/Basic AHDSR : added parameter to force envelope to go back to 0 on a retrigger
Group parameters: increased the allowed maximum number of columns
Groups: added a parameter to set a group as the current one show in the patchbay
MIDI Note Extractor: added use highest and use newest stealing modes
MIDI Value Display: added user-friendly mode
Monitoring: MIDI is now monitored on a per channel-basis
OSC Creator/Creator2/Extractor : added more I/O configurations
Windows: added support for having user-defined MME and DS duplex devices through the registry, see forum post on the subject
Bug Fixes:
AU/VST version : some connections which shouldn't be lost are lost if a file is loaded into a different i/o config
DSP/Polyphonic Adapters: processing mode is not saved/loaded correctly
Groups: modified min and max of parameters could end up not being saved in a preset
OS X 64bit version: dropping of bidule file not working
OS X 64bit version: text not selected on rename dialogs
OS X 64bit version: maximum number of opened files might be lower than expected
OS X : multiple aliases to the ReWire device could be created
OS X AU/VST version: fixed possible crash of the host depending on how the OS caches some strings
OS X VST hosting: plug-in UI not showing up with the correct size
OS X VST version: UI not showing up correctly in Reaper
ReWire: on Windows, if the host attempts to launch Bidule, the 32-bit version is always the one launched
Spectral Bin Delay/Graph/Graph Analyzer/Magnitude EQ: presets takes more memory/disk space than needed
VST hosting: newer NI plug-ins were getting double keystrokes
VST version: prevent crashing if the host sends effEditIdle before any effEditOpen
VST version: better protection against hosts sending crap in VstTimeInfo
Windows : some ASIO drivers could refuse to start
Bidule v 0.9708
Nov 17, 2010
· AU: some Cocoa-based UI did not display.
Bidule v 0.9707
Nov 11, 2010
Version v0.9707 of Bidule contains the following changes:
* Added support for 12 cores
* OS X: 64-bit test version of the standalone now available
* ReWire: added preference to enable the 64bit standalone to communicate with the ReWire device
* VST: added support for plugins changing the number of inputs/outputs through audioMasterIOChanged
Bug Fixes:
* MIDI To Sync: fixed possible crash when loading an existing layout
* OS X: crash could possibly occur on certain edge cases of MIDI input
* OS X: crash can occur in host after last instance of AU/VST is removed
* OS X: crash could occur under some specific circumstances when plugging back a MIDI device
* Patchbay: connect-insert doesn't work with some signal types mismatch
* Polyphonic Adapter: parameter links are not kept when using the Polyphonic Adapter
* Sync Transport: uses more CPU when the UI is shown
* + many more fixes
Bidule v 0.9705
Jul 6, 2010
Added LFSR (Linear Feedback Shift Register)
Added Gate Clock
Added Basic Audio File Player 2
Added attempting to load an audio file using OS functions if libsndfile fails
(OS X: ExtAudioFile, Windows: Windows Media Format)
Audio File Player: now behaves like audio and MIDI devices for MP Assign
Added autosave mode
Bug Fixes:
Groups: using spectral inputs/outputs could cause a crash
Groups: using relative modulation with group parameters could result in the modulation being applied twice
Group selected: some parameter links are not restored
Magnitude EQ: parameters are not loaded correctly
MIDI File Player: crash could possibly occur when using Follow Sync Source transport state
MIDI Splitter: could crash when set to split by Note
OSC : a crash could occur when removing a bidule from the layout and OSC Server is enabled
Plugin & ReWire mode: MIDI output events could end up be out of sequence
Plugin Mode: clearing the contents of Basic Audio Buffer and Multitap Delay doesn't work if the UI is not shown
Presets: the current preset is not saved before it is changed to be read-only
ReWire Mode: under some specific circumstances the tempo taken from the host is using a wrong value
Windows: double-clicking on elements in both Lock Parameters and Exported Group Parameters dialog could cause a crash
when running the 32-bit version on Windows 7 64-bit
+ many more fixes
Bidule v 0.97
Mar 2, 2010
What's new in 0.97 ?
# Added parameter linking of all parameters when selecting a bidule in the source and target tree of the Parameters window
# Added load and save of Map files to the MIDI and Sample Map UI
# Added Arpeggiator from chipsounds
# Added MIDI CC Creator (Multi) and CC Extractor (Multi)
# Added MIDI Comparison Filter
# Added MIDI Gate
# Added MIDI Basic Delay
# Added Variable (Int)
# Added multiple i/o configurations for Audio Dummy
# Added 176400 Hz sample rate
# Increased speed parameter range in MIDI Buffer, File Looper and Player
# Basic Audio Buffer 2: added option to save mono files
# Plugin mode : added possibility to have different FFT settings than standalone
# Value List: added parameter to save current position
# Windows x64 : added possibility to have a different VST folder for 64bit
Bug Fixes:
# Audio File Player: linking the home parameter through several players doesn't work
# Clock : meter changes do not correctly change the current musical time display
# Groups: plugins becoming syncable when processing do not change the syncable state of the parent group
# Multiple clicking not registering correctly on some buttons
# OS X : Resizable AU Cocoa views not working correctly
# Plugin mode: VSTs with no UI wouldn't work if the main window wasn't shown
# Plugin mode: menus not working in some hosts
# Presets: presets made with a bidule with an i/o configuration should be able to load into another i/o configuration if the parameters are the same
# Presets: attempting to create a copy of a read-only preset does not retain the changes made to the original preset
# Sync Creator: meters could be wrong when loaded from a file
# Sync Transport: changing meters could result in an incorrect start of bar
# Trigger: When synced it should only output values if the transport is playing
# Using Reorganize presets could make some presets disappear
# Windows x64: input and output selectors not working correctly
# + many more fixes
Bidule v 0.9695
Nov 2, 2009
Added Reorganize Presets
Added Clock
Added stereo version of Audio Switchers
Added stereo version of Audio Matrices
Added stereo version of Input Selectors
Added stereo version of Output Selectors
Added Value List 2 : Value with extra outputs for current index, number of entries and trigger for wraparound
Added Variable (Integer)
Added large label control
Sync Transport : added loop mode
Sync Creator: added inputs to generate looping
Sync Extractor : added outputs for looping information
Audio File Looper/Basic Audio Buffer 2/Step Sequencer : added cursors for current positions
Added several OSC addresses to many bidules for things unrelated to parameters
Send To OSC Servers context menu : when applied on a group, all bidules inside the group will also be set to send to the selected OSC server
OSC : added options to assume input messages parameters are normalized [0, 1] and to send normalized values
Offline mode can now support MP Assign
Monitoring : added tooltips to view the complete input/output name
Bug Fixes:
Accum : does not take start value into account without doing a reset
ADSR/AHDSR : sustain could never truly be 0
Align : Bidule with two bodies could end up with one body over the other
AU : better handling of preset changes when aupreset files have mismatched filename and internal name
AU : if an AU changes its list of parameters, the original list could still be seen in the Parameter window
AU : some multi buses plugins would show extraneous i/o
AU : Cocoa UI not hiding
AU: fixed possible crash when .aupreset could not be parsed
AU plugin: fixed display of UI sometimes not working correctly in some hosts under 10.6
Audio File Looper/Basic Audio Buffer 2: relaxed zoomed out "x" limitation
Bidules with two bodies could have their position not saved correctly
CombFilter 2 : not working correctly when using a delay of 0 samples
Crossfader/Fadercross: left input could slightly bleed into output when it's 100% right input
Group : using LED control with columns lead to strange UI look
MIDI Buffer : fixed possible crash
MIDI File Recorder : pitchbend events could be recorded incorrectly
MP Assign : many little adjustments made that should fix some non-working cases
MP Assign : MP Assigning inside a group could lead to more CPU usage than it should
OS X: fixed some cases where Reaktor menu sometimes would not appear
OS X plugin mode : presets menu sometimes becoming non-responsive
ReWire device : Bidule not able to start correctly in ReWire mode with Sonar under Vista
Step Sequencer : fixed ancient bug that could cause bad event timing when looping
VST plugin : multi output not showing correctly in Sonar
Windows : windows for plugins and bidules could have their position slightly offset upon loading
+ many more fixes
Bidule v 0.9690
Jul 9, 2009
New Features:
* Added number of columns field in the Group Parameters window
* Added display path field in the Group Properties window
* Most pop-up messages will now auto-dismiss after 5 seconds
Bug Fixes:
* AU Plugin: some MIDI events could be lost in some hosts
* AU plugin : fixed possible crash that could occur on key down/up after several closing+opening of the AU window
* AU+VST plugin : fixed possible crash on wake from sleep if the plugin was not initialized completely but still loaded in RAM
* Audio Stats : values not exported correctly to the group level
* Context Menu: MP Assign submenu can disappear after using the context menu on a group of objects
* Devices: loading a .bidule made with another audio/MIDI device changes the display name of the current device
* DSP Adapter: subgroups not working with DSP Adapter
* DSP Adapter: some bidules being allowed to be used with DSP Adapter but output nothing
* DSP/Poly adapter : parameters window missing parameters after using undo/redo
* Graphical Envelope : fixed possible infinite loop
* Groups : crash could occur if reordering group parameters when there is a group parameter linked to another group parameter
* Groups : crash could occur when deleting a group under some specific combination of sync source/sync to and groups
* Groups : names starting with an ampersand are not displayed correctly in menus
* Matrix : clicking on cells when scrolled could lead to strange results
* Matrix : scrolling causing display issues on Windows
* MIDI : fix possible issue where multiple events occurring on the same sample tick could become out of order
* Monitoring: crash could occur when using replace with the monitoring window visible
* MP Assign : better support of MIDI devices shared between MP assigned branches
* OSC Extractor : Depending on the address pattern and other Extractors, changing the address could lead to messages not being processed anymore
* OSC Monitor : Unresponsiveness can occur after a large number of messages
* OSC : hanging can occur if cut+pasting OSC sending bidules while sending OSC messages
* OS X : saved renamed virtual MIDI ports are not renamed upon loading back the file
* Relative Parameter Modulator used as group parameters could lead to strange issues
* ReWire Devices Config: not saving the correct number of audio channels
* ReWire mode : tentative fix for crash on closing the device when displaying MIDI ports in PT because it doesn't explicitely remove them
(this needs a manual config/registry change)
OS X : open a Terminal window and paste this:
defaults write com.plogue.bidule ReWireDevice.PTFix -int 1
then press enter
Windows: under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PlogueBidule add a DWORD value named
set its value to 1
* Spectral Graph: 4 channels version could crash depending on the FFT Window Size setting
* VST plugin : crash could occur on a mono track when there's no default VST layout
* VST plugin OS X : fixed crash that could occur on 10.5 on drag and drop when running as a plugin and having multiple monitors
* VST/AU plugin/ReWire mode : having the Never Substitute Devices option enabled could lead to layouts not loading correctly
* VST plugin OS X: added code to prevent crash when opening the UI in Resolume Avenue
* VST plugin : Live 8 configure parameters now work
* Windows : added possibility to blacklist ASIO devices in a text file
* Added warning to the user if saving to file fails because of too many opened files.
Bidule v 0.9685
Mar 19, 2009
New Features:
* Added DSP Adapter feature to wrap groups to run a limited set of bidules at a buffer size of 1 samples (more bidules to be supported, other buffer sizes and sample rates support to come)
* Added OSC Monitor to show all incoming/outgoing OSC Messages
* Optimized handling of presets to reduce memory usage and fix a few bugs
* Added MIDI Message Creator
* Added MIDI Note Off Velocity Remapper
* Expanded MP Assign to use up to 8 cores
* plus many more little improvements
Bug Fixes:
* AU Version : sample rate change could be missed
* Integer parameter display not always being accurate
* Message Remapper : remapping pitchbend doesn't work
* OSC : using the open command on a file loading audio files in the Mediapool or using the polyphonic adapter crashes
* Polyphonic Adapter: doesn't transmit some MIDI messages to active voices
* Possible crash if a VST could not properly initialize itself
* ReWire Device : added protection against out of range MIDI events timestamp
* Value List : could load up with incorrect values
* VST Hosting : some MIDI events coming out of plugins could be missed/skipped
* plus many more fixes
Bidule v 0.9675
Nov 5, 2008
New Features:
* Basic Audio Buffer 2 bidule with selectable loop points
* Waveviewer bidule to view the signal waveform
* Parameter Modulator (abs) trigger version
* Audio File Output : Added W64
* Comb Filter 2 : now uses hermite interpolation
* Main window : added Find bidule by name
* Main window : added scan new plugins only menu entry
* MIDI To Sync : overriden tempo is now saved within the layout
* MIDI To Sync : added round tempo parameter
* VST/AU plugins : added user-specified tail time
* plus many more little improvements
Bug Fixes:
* Crossover filter : 5th order minimun frequency being enforced incorrectly
* Import/drop of .bidule files don't show all parameters in the parameters window
* MIDI : 7bit CC could be used for feedback when 14bit should have been used
* MIDI Devices : renaming Bidule virtual MIDI ports could lead to an endless loop of renaming
* Monitor : changing the I/O of a group while monitoring could cause a crash
* Multitap Delay : taking more CPU than it used to
* Multitap Delay/Basic Audio Buffer : buffer allocation could possibly occur in realtime thread
* OS X : backspace key not working as shortcut to delete parameter links
* OS X : using cmd-w shortcut to close an AU plugin window could lead to a crash
* OS X : VST version could make Live menu disappear
* OS X : VST version could crash when deleting it from the host
* Parameters window: deleting links with the delete key sometimes doesn't remove the link
* plus many more fixes
Bidule v 0.96
Nov 1, 2007
New Features:
Added possibility to use read-only preset vs. dynamic snaphots in bidules/groups
AU : added support for AUs with MIDI output and MIDI output in Bidule AUs
MIDI Note On To Value List bidule
MIDI RPN To Params bidule
MIDI NRPN To Params bidule
OSC Creator 2 bidule
Spectral EQ bidule
Spectral Analyzer bidule
Audio File Player/Recorder : can now read/write FLAC
Crossfader : added selection of fade type
Matrixes : added renaming of I/Os
Matrixes : added 16 and 32 I/Os versions
MIDI File Player : now uses the Mediapool
OS X : MIDI devices in patchbay now currently change their state when a device is disconnected/reconnected
OSC : added possibility to have multiple OSC Creator using the same address
Patchbay : added dropping of .bidule and .bgrp files
Parameter Pool GUI : added possibility to select multiple targets at once
Parameter Pool GUI : added replace source/target buttons
Spectral Bin Delay, Graph : now use logarithmic display
Spectral Graph : can now use PVOC files from the Mediapool
plus many more little improvements
Bug Fixes:
AU : scope part parameters aren't available
Bidule AU : added proper support for multiple outputs in Logic 8
OS X : return/enter/copy/paste can't be used in Comment
plus many more fixes
Bidule v 0.95
Jul 14, 2007
New Features:
Added easy dis/connect when holding the Alt key.
ReWire device : now configurable with up to 96 audio outputs.
Added drag and drop of media files in the patchbay and on Mediapool-using bidules.
Added label and LED to group parameter UI controls.
Level Meter bidule.
MIDI Monitor 2 bidule.
OSC Creator : added force int values parameter.
Plus many more little improvements.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed some memory leaks.
OSC Creator : not accepting addresses with multiple slashes.
OS X : MIDI device added notification sometimes not handled.
OS X plugin : not drawing correctly in non-compositing windows.
Plugin : crash when switching to a layout with no plugin device.
SDK : mediapool param wasn't updated on add/remove files.
SDK : not showing their parameters in the OSC address space.
Spectral Bin Delay : doesn't sound correct when all bins are equally delayed.
Sync To MIDI : could output bad MIDI Clock messages.
VST : MIDI Clock output from plugin doesn't work.
Windows : log files not being written in some cases on Vista.
Plus many more fixes.
Bidule v 0.94
Mar 15, 2007
New Features:
Added easy dis/connect when holding the Alt key.
ReWire device : now configurable with up to 96 audio outputs.
Added drag and drop of media files in the patchbay and on Mediapool-using bidules.
Added label and LED to group parameter UI controls.
Level Meter bidule.
MIDI Monitor 2 bidule.
OSC Creator : added force int values parameter.
Plus many more little improvements.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed some memory leaks.
OSC Creator : not accepting addresses with multiple slashes.
OS X : MIDI device added notification sometimes not handled.
OS X plugin : not drawing correctly in non-compositing windows.
Plugin : crash when switching to a layout with no plugin device.
SDK : mediapool param wasn't updated on add/remove files.
SDK : not showing their parameters in the OSC address space.
Spectral Bin Delay : doesn't sound correct when all bins are equally delayed.
Sync To MIDI : could output bad MIDI Clock messages.
VST : MIDI Clock output from plugin doesn't work.
Windows : log files not being written in some cases on Vista.
Plus many more fixes.
Bidule v 0.93
Nov 14, 2006
New Features:
Added Open UI parameter to all internal bidules and plugins
Optimized internal processing of many internal bidules
Added possibility to change a parameter UI control type in groups
Added label and LED to group parameter UI controls
Audio Stats bidule
OS X (UB version) : handling of AU and VST plugins UI completely redone
OS X : added larger buffer sizes for DSP processing
OS X : added reduce MIDI jitter option in the preferences
OS X VST : multimaker (to have multiple I/O VSTs) now available
AU : added sidechain effect version
MIDI Splitter : added split by note
plus many more little improvements
Bug Fixes:
Couldn't read some AIFF files
OS X : Cocoa UIs sometime creating crashes when closing
Plugin : crash could occur when closing plugin with linked Plugin Device parameters
VST : latency returning to 0 wasn't noticed
VST : not setting itself to the host sample rate in some cases
Windows : OpenGL hardware acceleration now off by default, you can enable it in the preferences
plus many more fixes
Bidule v 0.92
Jun 24, 2006
New Features:
New disk streaming code with :
sample accurate loop mode
players now play what they can when there's a channel mismatch betwen the player and the file
files with a different sampling rate than Bidule aren't pitch down or up
ReWire master support on MacIntel
Added possibility to turn off fading windows per bidule when switching between processing modes
Added 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 file players and recorders
OS X: ReWire temporary files are now created in a Bidule owned folder
SDK: added support for plugins with no output
Bug Fixes:
Saved MIDI files are sometime corrupted
Monitoring not working on terminal groups
SDK: plugins can't receive the sync information
SDK: getParameterChoices isn't called with the parameter id
OS X: AUAudioFilePlayer can't open its UI twice
VST Plugin: not setting itself to the host sample rate in some cases many more fixes
Bidule v 0.91
Feb 10, 2006
New Features:
Universal Binary version for OS X
x64 version
VST 2.4 support (both as a host and as a plugin)
There's now a Bidule SDK
Added context menu to all sliders
New Modules:
Surround ITU Mixers
Continuous Surround Panner
Audio Matrix : added optional fading
Audio Switcher : added optional fading
Biquad Filter : added extra input for dB value for peaking band, low and hi shelf
FFT/iFFT : added higher quality preference
Group Manager : added button to set a custom catalog URL
MIDI Buffers/Recorder : added takes mode
MIDI Recorder : added add to Mediapool parameter
Monitoring : can now open multiple windows
Plugins/ReWire device : relaxed sync information validation when looping is on (bad in/out point or a position outside the loop points will result in disabling looping)
VST : finally(!) added load/save of fxp
Bug Fixes:
Application : if old VST mode is activated, there's no way to reset it
Audio Files : bad embedded loop information could lead to weird behaviors/crashes
Audio File Recorder : multiple mono files option is not remembered when loading
Envelope : moving points doesn't work
Mediapool : sometimes flags files as being used when they aren't
Envelope : not using correct values after loading if presets were used
Multi Channel/Channel Pressure Remapper : display is 0-based instead of 1-based
OS X : help doesn't show in Help Viewer for some persons
OS X : crash at startup on some 10.2.8 systems
OS X : closing a VST window could crash
OS X : changed AU cache format to prevent possible clash between plugins
OS X VST plugin: UI doesn't work in Renoise
Particle Arpeggiator : closing its UI could lead to a crash
Plugins OS X : doesn't display correctly with a composite window
Plugins : the Plugin Device always use the name saved in a .bidule file, leading to confusion when using files made with the standalone version
Plugins : MIDI data could be lost when Bidule/host buffer size didn't match
Polyphonic adapter : random/mutate gives different results on each voice
VST : channel names aren't always shown
Windows VST plugin : Envelope/Looper extra windows can't be reopened
Windows : using Control From MIDI could crash
many other fixes
Bidule v 0.9
Oct 20, 2005
New Features:
Bidule can now run as a VST/AU plug-in (available only to registered users)
Monitoring of inputs/outputs of a bidule (new context menu entry)
New Spanish translation (many thanks to BiCho)
New Modules:
Key Sender
MIDI Aftertouch Value Filter
MIDI CC Value Filter
MIDI Channel Pressure Value Filter
MIDI Note Closer
MIDI Note Velocity Filter
MIDI Pitchbend Value Filter
Basic Audio Buffer : added Clear Contents trigger input
Constant : added loaded files in Mediapool choices
Mixer : you can double-click on the Volume label to change the channel strip label
OS X : you can drop supported audio/MIDI files on the dock icon to add them to the Mediapool
OSC MIDI : detune parameter is now optional
Unit Converter : added MIDI 7bit to/from [0,1] normalized
Bug Fixes
Bidule v 0.8751
Sep 26, 2005
Plogue has released the true plug-in version of Bidule (i.e. no VST Bridge required). Currently at version 0.8751 the plug-in version is available to registered users only in VST and AU instrument and effect formats for Windows and Mac OS X.
Now that it no longer relies on the VST Bridge, Bidule can be driven by the host sequencer and you can run multiple instances of the plugin as an instrument or fx. The host will also save and restore the state of all the instances inside its own file format (no need to separately save .bidules for each of your projects).
Each plugin also "exports" 512 parameters that you can automate in your host and link to any parameter in Bidule.
Note that this plugin version of Bidule will only work for registered "Early Bird" licenses and is not available for "free" testing like the stand-alone version of Bidule is. It will be made a permanent part of the Early Bird v0.9000, and is intended to become a v1.0 'full' feature.
Bidule v 0.8501
Jul 8, 2005
Graphical Envelope : added set position dialog when double-clicking on a point
MIDI Note Transposer : changed velocity offset behavior to use maximum velocity instead of skipping note when resulting velocity is higher than maximum
Bug Fixes:
AU : Cocoa UIs don't work with Floating Frames option
AU : Cocoa UIs disappearing when clicking on some toolbar button
Graphical Envelope : can't delete point if scrollbar is used
Graphical Envelope : possible crash after reaching 100 points on Windows
Graphical Envelope : display doesn't update correctly when changing presets
Input/Output Selector : confusion between processing mode and interpolation mode parameter names
Replace : replacing a duplex audio device with a direct connection by another duplex device causes a crash
Bidule v 0.85
Jun 27, 2005
New Features:
OSC Client implementation (Bidule can now send OSC messages)
New Modules:
AHDSR Envelope
Basic AHDSR Envelope
Graphical Envelope
Graphical Envelope (Synced)
MIDI File Recorder
OSC Creator
OSC Extractor
Sample Map
Application : default files are now saved in user space instead of application space
Audio Monitor : better management of min/max values
Audio Monitor : min/max are reset when disconnecting
AU : added support for multiple busses
HID Data Extractor : added renaming of parameters when changing device
HID Data Extractor : added act as trigger parameter so that keys/buttons can be linked to buttons
Input/Output Selector : added Mode parameter to select between Pan and Linear Interpolation
MIDI Buffers : added save to file
MIDI Message Remapper : added Program Change to Note
MIDI Monitor : added Clear Buffer button
MIDI Note Transpose : added velocity transpose parameter
Mixer : now allows multiple solos
Mixer : added interpolation for Pan values
OS X : better MIDI clock input
OS X : better timing on MIDI output
OS X : help now appears in Help Viewer
Unary Operator : added Truncate operation
VST OS X : added supported for plug-ins requiring compositing window
Bug Fixes:
Application : loading files with Mediapool references on a different platform doesn't truncate the filename to search correctly
AU : parameter list change notification takes time to process
Groups : syncable status not being updated correctly
Groups : parameter linking from a group parameter to another parameter inside the group isn't saved
Groups : doesn't remember the i/o labels when changing the i/o config or using the polyphonic adapter
MIDI Feedback : some parameters not sending the correct value back
MIDI File Looper : doesn't send currently opened notes Note off messages when stopping
MIDI To Sync : sometimes outputs wrong info
Monitors : freeze after a certain time on OS X when not using an audio device/not in VST or ReWire mode
Oscillator : normalized amplitude of bandlimited waveforms
Palette : history isn't always updated
Patchbay : sometimes doesn't refresh immediately
Parameter Modulator (abs) : presets aren't displaying their values correctly
Presets : some values aren't save correctly
Presets : can't be saved for some groups
Trigger : possible crash when using it synced
+ many more fixes
Bidule v 0.8002
May 4, 2005
Prefs : added preference for the number of virtual MIDI ports
Bug Fixes:
AU : problems when loading files containing Kontakt instances
AU : crash with AUNetReceive/Send UIs
AU : gain parameters don't change their value correctly with parameter linking
Bidule v 0.8001
Apr 25, 2005
Mixer : added peak meters and clip indicators
Audio File Recorder : added option to save to multiple mono files
Crossfader,Pan and Mixer : added interpolation to some parameter changes.
Loading : faster loading of bigger files
MIDI Switcher : added sending of Note Off for opened notes when changing the active output
Parameters : better precision for some parameters
VST : faster refresh rate
Bug Fixes:
AU : parameters don't save min/max/mutation factor/locked status
AU : going back to User preset doesn't always display the correct values
Audio File Looper : resetting the loop points at start and end of file doesn't
always recalculate the correct number of beats
Audio File Looper : stuttering data instead of silence on some stereo files.
Audio Switcher : an output could possibly not be reset correctly when changing the active one
Basic Audio File Player : doesn't unreference the audio file when going back to None
Buffer Granulator : could crash on some settings
Context menu : syncing multiple bidules to one source doesn't work
Delete : could crash in some special cases when OSC server is enabled
Groups : sometimes doesn't save the group display name correctly
Groups : exported amplitude parameters with a user-set min and max don't always work correctly
HID (OS X) : devices won't work when waking from sleep
HID : now supporting POV/hat switches.
Mediapool : loading files with the same name could lead to weird events
Mediapool : loading of some raw audio files could cause a crash
Mediapool : sometimes refuses to load existing/working audio files
Mediapool : could not load some MIDI files
MIDI Buffer : 0 length shouldn't be available
MIDI File Looper : outputs incorrect syncing
Replace : could crash on dual proc machines
ReWire : devices go back to the beginning of their timeline when switching processing on/off
Spectral Freeze : could crash when saving a file
Spectral Inverter : could crash on some settings
Sync Transport : sometimes outputs wrong syncing info
Trigger Clock : doesn't reset itself correctly when making it inactive
VST : previous parameter value is shown in the status bar of generic ui
VST OS X : problems when loading files containing Kontakt instances
Bidule v 0.8
Mar 10, 2005
New Features:
You can now use your USB joysticks, mouse, keyboard and other HID devices as MIDI controllers and parameter sources: see Misc/HID Data Extractor(DX9 on Windows is HIGHLY suggested, DX8 is however the minimum no extras are needed on Mac OS X)
Mediapool now shows more Audio file details, including bpm, bars, beats and includes whole new tabs for MIDI and PVOC files!
New and improved Audio File Looper with graphical loop points editing, variable number of beats/bars, meter adaption and time stretching (old looper has been renamed to Boboche Looper)
New Modules:
12, 14, 16, 24 and 32 channels Audio File Player
12, 14, 16, 24 and 32 channels Audio File Recorder
Mono Dither (just duplicate by hand for the number of channels you want)
HID Data Extractor
MIDI Activity
MIDI Aftertouch Creator
MIDI Aftertouch Extractor
MIDI Aftertouch Filter
MIDI Multi Aftertouch Remapper
MIDI Aftertouch Transposer
MIDI Channel Pressure Creator
MIDI Channel Pressure Extractor
MIDI Channel Pressure Filter
MIDI Multi Channel Pressure Remapper
MIDI CC Transposer
MIDI File Looper
MIDI Message Remapper
MIDI Note Extractor 2
MIDI Pitchbend Creator
MIDI Pitchbend Extractor
MIDI Multi Program Change Remapper
MIDI Program Change Filter
MIDI Program Change Transposer
MIDI Stack
MIDI Switcher 2 ports
Sync to MIDI Clock
MIDI Time Delta
MIDI Voice Counter
4 and 16 mono channels Mixer
4, 8 and 16 stereo channels Mixer
Parameter Modulator (Relative)
Spectral File Looper
Spectral Inverter
Spectral Sustain
Sync Transport
Accum : changed the higher bounds input to be exclusive, please change your layouts accordingly
AU : added support for Cocoa UIs
Audio File Player : added loop mode
Audio File Recorder/Audio Buffer: added option to save in either wave or aiff instead of forcing the platform's preferred format
Basic Audio Buffer: added Interpolation parameter
Basic Audio Buffer: added distinct Record position input, please change your layouts accordingly
Indexed Value List: changed Index input to be 0-based for consistency, please change your layouts accordingly
Mediapool : added extra info on audio file
MIDI Monitor : add events one by one in the window instead of by block
Noise : added HP Tri noise type
Parameter Properties Dialog : added display of increment value
Patchbay : Paste from the context menu now pastes at the mouse position
Spectral Freeze : can now save to file
VST Bridge : added MIDI output to the host
VST Bridge : added OS X version
Bug Fixes:
Application : possible crash if groups cache file is corrupted
Application : import causing crashes with some layouts
Application : some undo operations could fail depending on your regional options
AU : some AUs crashing when starting processing
AU : some AUs windows not resizing properly
AU : scanning fails on MusicDevices with a flexible configuration
Audio File Granulator : crashes upon certain settings
Buffer Granulator : crashes upon certain settings
Groups : parameters exported to group sometimes don't update their enable/disable status correctly
Groups : re-saving a group with a displayPath doesn't change the displayPath
MIDI File Player : some files not looping correctly
MIDI Step Sequencer: settings saved on one platform might not work on the other
OS X : main window title bar could appear under the menu bar
OS X MIDI Ouput: some MIDI events aren't sent properly for some interfaces
OS X VST : keys aren't received by some plug-ins
Presets : some bidules have parameters that reset to 0 when using presets
ReWire : looping sections inside a ReWire device sometimes causes weird results
Patchbay : current zoom isn't taking into account when adding bidules through drag and drop
Spectral To MIDI : the threshold parameter doesn't have any effect
Trigger : the send trigger parameter doesn't behave properly through parameter linking
Bidule v 0.7003b
Jan 17, 2005
Bug Fixes:
AU : crash with some plug-ins using CurrentPreset when changing presets
Basic Audio Buffer : Number of samples isn't set correctly for some buffer sizes
Better handling of failure of starting audio processing
Audio/MIDI Matrix : crash when clicking outside the grid
MIDI File Player : stuck notes when stopping playback
Main window shows up with the titlebar under the menu bar
crashes on startup with some Digidesign card/driver combination
Presets : possible loading problem when files are shared between locales
ParameterPool : having a default presets file prevent parameters to show up correctly
Bidule v 0.7002b
Nov 23, 2004
AU: can now save any presets not just the User preset.
Faster application shutdown.
Group Config Dialog: changed max number of ins/outs to 128.
Polyphony Config Dialog: changed max number of voices to 128.
Bug Fixes
Bidule v 0.7001b
Sep 23, 2004
MIDI Buffer : added speed parameter.
Palette : shown/not shown state is now remembered.
Step Sequencer: only clicking is needed to delete notes (instead of clicking+move).
Bug Fixes
Bidule v 0.7b
Aug 23, 2004
Nouvelles fonctionnalités :
vous pouvez enregistrer Bidule pour supprimer la date d'expiration
Nouveau look
support de skin
mode MIDI learn plus intuitif
support de Feedback
mode Processing dans la fenêtre de chaque bidule ou plug-in
option Sync To dans la fenêtre de chaque bidule ou plug-in
Bidule est désormais un serveur OSC
Les audiounits listent tous les presets installés pour un plug-in
internationalisation (français réalisé)
les cables peuvent être droits ou courbes
Scan Groups et Scan Plug-ins sont maintenant séparés
Nouvelles fonctions pour la Palette
Nouveaux modules :
MIDI Buffer
MIDI Synced Buffer
MIDI Delay
MIDI Synced Delay
MIDI Dummy
MIDI Multi Channel Remapper
MIDI Multi CC Remapper
MIDI Multi Note Remapper
Autres changements et corrections de bugs
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