Realtime interactive programming environment. CPS is a realtime interactive programming environment for audio, MIDI and other media & I/O. Patches are build by placing objects and making wires between them....
    drool string ukelele
    Algorithmic randomized sequencer. Drool string ukelele is a randomized algorithmic sequencer/looper application. It consists of 8 sampler/sequencer modules which sequence randomized data located...
    Create objects with attached sounds. Sound Crystals is a space where objects with attached sounds can be created. It is a kind of a "pool" where randomly shaped crystals become alive and emit, in a...
    Grain Box
    Granular synthesis. GrainBox is a two channel granular synthesis sound manipulator. It accepts mono sounds, which can be pitched, reverbed, triggered, panned, amplified, etc....
    Pure Data
    Real-time graphical programming environment for audio. PD is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio and graphical processing.It was planned as a free, better and more stable Max/fts, which has also...
    A visual programming environment for interactive real-time music applications.. JMax is a new implementation of the MAX software written originally by Miller Puckette at Ircam. The name MAX is an homage to Max Matthews, one of the fathers of...
    Creative softsynth & sample processing app. Spongefork is a complete softsynth, sampler, live improvisation tool, and studio soundfile processing application. The 2.* series has been completely rewritten...
    REplay PLAYer
    Generative sound file shredder. REplay PLAYer is a computer program based on the paradigms of granular synthesis. The program de-constructs a given sound file and re-composes it by using...
    Visual programming environment. OpenMusic (OM) is a visual programming environment for creating computer aided composition applications on the Macintosh. OM offers the user a number of...
    Real time audio synthesis programming language. SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis. You can write programs to generate or process sound in real time or non...
    Real-Time Granular Synthesizer. RTGS-X is a Real-Time Granular Synthesizer that can be used to generate brand new sounds or to manipulate and distort existing sounds. It is very useful in...
    Graphical programming environment. Max gives you the parts to create unique sounds, stunning visuals, and engaging interactive media. These parts are called 'objects' – visual boxes that contain...
    Virtual Modular Studio. Bidule is a realtime modular creation studio aimed mainly at artists seeking a new creative environment to experiment with. With Bidule, you create your own live...
    Argeiphontes Lyre
    A set of audio, video and text filters and generators. Audio: Faltung In Zeit, The Lobster Quadrille, Time Domain Mutation, Eviscerator Reanimator, Morphological Disintegration, Dynamic State Veryabyll, Time...
    Ambient soundscape generator. FLOW is an audio computer program running on Apple Macintosh machines. It generates an ever-changing and never repeating soundscape in real time that fills the...
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