Digital Performer

Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 9.5
Format App
Compatibilité Digital PerformerMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $518  /  499€
4.5 / 5 , 16 votes
Mis à jour le 17 sept. 2017
Téléchargements 29 544
Télécharg. Mac 28 343
Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 9.5
Format App
Compatibilité Digital PerformerWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $518  /  499€
4.5 / 5 , 16 votes
Mis à jour le 17 sept. 2017
Téléchargements 29 544
Télécharg. PC 1 201

Séquenceur MIDI et Audio Numérique

Digital Performer est un système séquenceur MIDI & audio numérique. Il permet d'éditer, d'arranger, de mixer, de traiter et de masteriser des projets audio multipistes. Il permet également d'enregistrer et de lire simultanément plusieurs pistes audio numériques et MIDI.
Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later
Windows 8/7
Digital Performer Digital Performer v 9.5 17 sept. 2017 MacOS X Intel
Digital Performer version 9.5 is now shipping as a free update for all DP9 owners and introduces ZTX PROâ„¢ technology: cutting-edge audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting DSP developed and refined through years of advanced R&D by the renowned engineering team at Zynaptiq GmbH.

DP 9.5 also adds a new Effect Performance window, which monitors the processing load of all currently instantiated virtual instruments and effects plug-ins, allowing you to identify and manage plug-ins that impose high processing demands on your computer. Plug-ins can be sorted by name, processor load or the exact location (bar and beat) in the sequence time line at which they reach peak processing. Each plug-in is identified as either pre-gen or real-time, with hints as to why any plug-ins are currently running in real time.
Mark Of The Unicorn Digital Performer Digital Performer v 9.12 3 sept. 2016 MacOS X Intel
  • €¢ Fixed a bounce to disk crash caused by an issue involving non-active VST effects.

  • €¢ Fixed a problem where audio would sound choppy after inserting a post-fader effect.

  • €¢ Fixed a crash that could occur if a clipping window was closed while one of its

  • clippings was being auditioned.
  • €¢ Fixed a crash involving Melodyne.

  • €¢ Fixed an issue where project VIs would not work correctly when selected as MIDI

  • metronome.
  • €¢ Optimized code that could impact opening projects with a large number of tracks.

  • €¢ Fixed an issue where the Ivory Synthogy would hesitate and glitch when beginning

  • playback in pre-gen mode.
  • €¢ Fixed an issue where recording MIDI data into a track with sustain CC could clear the

  • live state of the sustain pedal.
  • €¢ Fixed an issue where overdubbing notes in a MIDI track would halt sounding notes

  • already on that track.
  • €¢ Fixed a case where track sysex data could cause a crash during playback
  • Mark Of The Unicorn Digital Performer v 9.1 31 juil. 2016 MacOS X Intel
    Next-gen Pre-gen™ engine — DP's Next-generation Pre-gen engine transparently pre-renders audio output from virtual instruments and plug-ins to dramatically reduce their CPU load, allowing you to run many times the number of plug-ins and virtual instruments than in previous versions.

    Reduced latency on OS X — DP’s host buffer latency has been cut in half, resulting in industry-leading overall latency performance. In a round-trip latency (RTL) test using a MOTU 1248 Thunderbolt audio interface, DP achieves roundtrip latency of 1.6 ms with a 32 sample buffer at 96 kHz.

    Enhanced Windows drivers — The latency of the WASAPI (Windows Audio) driver has been significantly reduced. This improves audio I/O latency and virtual instrument performance. The CPU load of the sample rate conversion used in the Windows Audio driver has also been substantially reduced.

    Small buffer optimization — DP's MOTU Audio System (MAS) engine processing has been optimized to better support operation at smaller buffer sizes (for both Mac and Windows), for even lower latency performance overall.

    Hardware Insert plug-in — DP’s new Hardware Insert plug-in functions just like other DP effects plug-ins, but loops the channel’s audio signal to a piece of outboard hardware, with latency compensation, for external processing. This allows you to easily incorporate outboard gear into your DP effects chains.

    SMPTE-Z plug-in — The new SMPTE-Z plug-in generates Longitudinal Time Code (LTC) while locked to DP’s timeline or while running independently in Freewheel mode. Time code can be routed anywhere via the audio track’s output assignment, allowing you to achieve accurate time code sync in a wide variety of situations.

    Workflow enhancements — Dozens of additional workflow enhancements include a new pre/post fader metering option, faster switching between large sequence chunks, simplified audio hardware settings, improved compatibility with Avid Artist Mix and other Eucon control surfaces, and much more.
    audio Digital Performer v 9.0.2 12 févr. 2016 MacOS X Intel
    rique Digital Performer v 9.01 23 août 2015 MacOS X Intel
    Version 9.0.1 provides many improvements, optimizations, and refinements, and is recommended for all users. Here are just a few highlights:

  • Improved selection in lanes in the Sequence Editor.

  • Allow MIDI Learn to target mixing board controls.

  • Improved performance when opening the Sequence Editor.

  • Improved saving of VST presets.

  • Addressed an issue where plug-in tails might get clipped when bouncing with iZotope Ozone, UVI Relayer and others.

  • [Mac] Allow MMC via the IAC bus.

  • Changed "Fix partial measures" back to on by default.

  • Show Marker grid lines in the Tracks Overview like other editors.

  • Increased the idle rate of VSTs, which should improve the redraw speed of plug-ins that depend on it, such as Serum.

  • Updated the Japanese documentation, including the User Guide.

  • [Win] Fixed right-clicking in MAS plug-ins.

  • More performance improvements for the Sequence Editor with lots of tracks.

  • Updated to the EuCon 3 SDK.

  • Fixed an issue where not all VST instruments were properly loaded as instruments.

  • Improved zooming across lanes.

  • Added scrolling to change values in MX4.

  • Tweaked contrast and colors in the Nine theme.

  • Disable the buffer size menu during playback.

  • Added the Japanese plug-in guide.

  • MX4 Japanese localization.

  • Plus dozens of other enhancements and fixes...
    quenceur Digital Performer v 9 5 juil. 2015 MacOS X Intel
  • MX4TM MultiSynth

  • Now included with DP, MX4 is a powerful 64-bit virtual instrument plug-in featuring a hybrid engine that combines several forms of synthesis, including subtractive, wavetable, frequency modulation (FM), amplitude modulation (AM) and analog emulation. Included is a new EDM-inspired soundbank with 120 new presets programmed by synth guru Erik Norlander.

  • Five new plug-ins

  • New version 9 plug-ins include the meticulously crafted MasterWorksTM FET-76TM emulation of the classic 1176 limiting amplifier (revisions D/E), MultiFuzzTM model of Craig Anderton's seminal QuadraFuzzTM distortion kit from the 70's, MicroGTM and MicroBTM polyphonic octave generators for guitar and bass, and the mind-blowing MegaSynthTM subtractive synth processor, which lets users turn their guitar into a synthesizer. MegaSynth combines polyphonic octave generation with flexible signal routing, envelopes, LFOS, a pattern generator and macros.

  • DP9 productivity enhancements

  • €¢ Automation lanes in the Sequence Editor — Display audio and MIDI automation data (volume, pan, plug-in settings, etc.) in separate lanes below each track for easier viewing and editing. Show and hide as many lanes as you wish.

  • €¢ Spectrogram display in the Sequence Editor — View the spectral content of each audio track, side by side with their waveforms, directly in the Sequence Editor timeline with a colorful, informative visual representation of the frequency content of your audio material.

  • Digital Performer 9 — Press Release Page 1 of 3• Retina display support — View DP’s carefully crafted UI themes like Carbon Fiber, Producer and the all-new DP9 theme in stunning detail on the exceptionally high image resolution of your Mac’s Retina display.
  • €¢ MusicXML export — Export your DP QuickScribe notation scores as a MusicXML file, which can then be imported into popular music notation applications like FinaleTM and SibeliusTM. QuickScribe’s renowned notation transcription, along with dynamics and many other musical symbols, are preserved during the file transfer.

  • €¢ Create Tracks command — Add many tracks to your project in one step, even different types of tracks (MIDI, audio, aux, master faders, etc.) all at once.

  • €¢ Floating plug-in windows — Keep plug-in windows in front of all other DP windows. Set the floating preference globally or choose to float on a per-window basis.

  • €¢ MIDI Learn for audio plug-ins — Map knobs, faders and switches on your MIDI controller to audio plug-in parameters. Use Digital Performer’s powerful Custom Consoles feature to access advanced programming for the connection.

  • €¢ Mute MIDI Notes — Use the Mute Tool to temporarily silence both audio regions and MIDI notes, including multiple selected notes.

  • €¢ Project Notes — Save text notes in your DP project, rather than a separate text document. Log production info, keep a To Do list, build up liner notes.

  • €¢ More searching — Find Markers, Chunks and plug-in preferences faster with newly added search fields.
  • permet Digital Performer v 8.0.7 5 sept. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Compatible with OS X Yosemite
    Support for 16 and 32 sample buffers (for audio hardware that supports these buffer sizes)
    Many enhancements related to video playback and the use of external video hardware
    Improvements to importing and exporting using OMF, AAF and Final Cut Pro 7 XML
    Windows operation enhancements to clippings, printing, and ReWire
    Fixed an issue where very long audio files would constantly regenerate their overviews
    telecharger Digital Performer v 8.0.6 22 févr. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Version 8.06 provides many improvements, optimizations, and refinements. Here are just a few highlights:

  • €¢ Added new Guided Lessons, which provide integrated, interactive tutorials. See the new Guided Lesson project in Application Support, or download it as part of the updated tutorial materials from

  • €¢ Improved operation with multiple Core Audio devices running under 10.9.

  • €¢ Sends can now be dragged and dropped in the mixer, just like effect settings.

  • €¢ Support for Japanese text input on Windows.

  • €¢ Improved importing crossfades from OMF and AAF files.

  • €¢ Improved operation on Windows with drag and drop, window focus, instrument aux assignments, and the Movie window.

  • €¢ Fix for an issue on Windows where Digidesign Accel HD hardware wouldn't change sample rate.

  • €¢ Addressed several issues related to Movies and Load.

  • €¢ VIs now retain their aux assignments when duplicating a chunk.

  • €¢ Improved compatibility with Scuffham S-Gear plugins.

  • €¢ Video output offset now works with MOTU video hardware and DV output, even when DP is resolved to an external time base.

  • €¢ Improved compatibility with UAD plug-ins on Windows.

  • €¢ MIDI tracks now retain output assignments to V-Rack VIs when loaded from a document containing the same V-Rack.

  • €¢ Fixed a problem with icon menus in plug-ins on Mac OS X 10.9 systems
  • mac Digital Performer v 8.0.5 17 oct. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Version 8.05 provides many improvements, optimizations, and refinements. Here are just a few highlights:
  • €¢ Added "At Wiper" and "At Original Time" versions of Paste, Merge, and Splice. Refer to the commands window for their default key bindings.

  • €¢ Performance improvements for video playback on Mac OS X.

  • €¢ External video (DV and sample-accurate MOTU video hardware) can now sync to MTC or LTC.

  • €¢ External video offset now applies to MOTU video hardware output (in addition to DV output).

  • €¢ Latencies are now updated properly before bounce-to-disk.

  • €¢ Improved latency compensation for side chains and virtual instrument (VI) aux outputs during bounce to disk and pregen mode.

  • €¢ Improved DP's responsiveness to scroll wheels (on both Apple products and third-party products).

  • €¢ Stability improvements in the Effects Chooser.

  • €¢ Improved Audio Unit (AU) plug-in support (Omnisphere in particular).

  • €¢ Improve compatibility with Vienna Symphonic Library (VSL) and Vienna Ensemble Pro (VEP).

  • €¢ Selection info times are now stored per chunk rather than globally, restoring DP5 behavior.

  • €¢ Fixed copy and paste behavior for soundbites with sync points.

  • €¢ Restored the "None" start-up document option to the Mac version.

  • €¢ Mixing board volume and pan are no longer chased for play-disabled MIDI tracks.

  • €¢ Command/Ctrl-up/down arrow now zoom in the tracks overview.

  • €¢ Improvements to color preferences and their effect on audio waveform colors.

  • €¢ MIDI notes are no longer dropped during MIDI controller overdub recording.

  • €¢ Autosave improvements: you can now limit how many auto-saves will be maintained by DP.

  • €¢ Added support for the OSC control surface plug-in for 64-bit operation on Windows (required for DP8's iPhone app).

  • €¢ Improved MP3 export speed.

  • €¢ Option-clicking a window's close button now closes all similar windows (not all windows).

  • €¢ AU automation values can once again be edited by typing into value boxes.

  • €¢ Improved audio performance while slaved to MIDI Time Code (MTC).

  • €¢ Double-clicking on soundbite in the Tracks overview once again scrolls to that soundbite in the sequence editor.

  • €¢ Fixed Bounce to CD on the Mac.

  • €¢ Addressed an issue with Custom Consoles when running DP in 64-bit mode.
  • windows Digital Performer v 8.0.4 23 mai 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Addresses several issues reported last week
    macintosh Digital Performer v 8.0.3 13 mai 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • €¢ Fix for a crash with calculating waveform overviews.

  • Windows version fixes:

  • €¢ More accurate text in the crash reporter.

  • €¢ Fixed a crash that would occur after switching to QuickScribe on certain computers.

  • €¢ Improved hardware compatibility with Focusrite, Avid Mbox2, and Lexicon audio interfaces.

  • €¢ Better support for non-US computer keyboards.

  • €¢ Dragging MIDI data from plug-ins into DP (e.g., from Superior Drummer) now works.

  • €¢ Improved ASIO error reporting.
  • pc Digital Performer v 8.0.2 2 mai 2013 MacOS X Intel
    A 30-day demo period is now available, as explained earlier in this document.

    Digital Performer is now available for online purchase from the

    DP's new welcome window appears at launch and provides quick access to recent files, new project templates, training resources, and MOTU news.

    The ability to export MP3's is now built in to DP and no longer requires the LAME framework (or any extra setup).

    Version 8.02 provides many improvements, optimizations, and refinements. Here are just a few highlights:
  • If a movie is fullscreen, switching chunks now preserves fullscreen viewing.

  • Improved performance when the Movie Track is visible. Improved video scrubbing.

  • Waveform drawing is now smoother at certain zoom levels.

  • Improved bounce to disk in projects with VST plug-ins.

  • Improved stability and performance when using MIDI ports and ReWire (for Reason, Bidule, etc.)

  • Improved stability with Kontakt 4 and 5 under 64-bit operation.

  • Improved compatibility with VEP, EastWest Play, Spectrasonics Omnisphere, and Mac OS X 10.8's AUSampler.

  • Addressed an issue where abutting MIDI notes might not play back properly.

  • Autosave now creates a sub-folder in the project folder and saves incremental versions there.

  • Many improvements in waveform drawing and editing.

  • Fixed entry of diminished (°) and major 7th+ chord (?) symbols in QuickScribe.

  • Merging chunks in a song now takes the tempo mode from the song itself.

  • Effect categories in the Effect Chooser now contain all variants of a plug-in, not just the one added.

  • Restored scroll wheel sensitivity to be more like DP 7 and earlier.

  • The following feature has been restored: if tracks are selected when switching to the Mixing Board or QuickScribe windows, only those tracks are shown.

  • Fixed an issue with timestamps in broadcast wave files.
  • Digital Performer v 8.0.1 16 nov. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Optimizations and support for full-screen mode in 10.8
    Digital Performer v 8.0 27 sept. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Native 64-bit operation — Take full advantage of your 64-bit computer system.
    VST / Rewire support — On both platforms for easy project exchange.
    New video engine — Supports full-screen video, 720/1080 HD, and MOTU video hardware monitoring.
    Punch Guard™ confidence recording — Captures extra time before and after punch points.
    17 new plug-ins — From meticulously modeled guitar tones to world-class mastering plug-ins…
    15 new themes — Artistically crafted UI designs including Hi-Fi, Arctic, and None More Black.
    In-line control panel — Conserves precious screen real estate.
    Multi-format plug-in management — Organize, manage, and quickly search for plug-ins in multiple formats.
    Cross platform — Now shipping for Mac OS X. Windows 7 support coming soon.
    Digital Performer v 7.24 28 juil. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    This is a maintenance update to Digital Performer 7.23. This release includes compatibility with Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) and other improvements. Please refer to installer Read Me for changes and complete system requirements.
    Digital Performer v 7.23 8 juin 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Le problème de l'arrêt de la lecture lorsque un Instrument Virtuel est lancé ne se produit plus.

    meilleure gestion de la réponse impulsionnelle pour le plug-in Proverb.

    Import & Export:
    la lecture des fichiers audio à partir d'un CD est possible ainsi que l'ouverture de Projets au format Digital Performer.
    Digital Performer v 7.22 9 déc. 2010 MacOS X Intel
    Meilleure analyse de la forme d'onde des fichiers et meilleur aperçu de celle-ci.

    Meilleure gestion des I.R. (impulsion de réponse)dans la ProVerb (reverb à convolution).
    Sauvegarde et chargement correst des Présets dans le MasterWorks Leveler (compresseur) . Possibilité avec la touche Shift-+ glissement des points graphiques de l'EQ sur l'interface du plug-in MasterWorks EQ.

    Import & Export:
    pour l'échange de fichiers AIFF files avec Pro Tools;
    import du bundle au cours de l' operation de chargement; sauvegarde des fichiers du Projet concerné .

    Meilleure gestion du sidechain pour le bundle des sorties (Output)
    Digital Performer v 7.21 15 sept. 2010 MacOS X UB
    This release includes an audio pitch automation reference setting and more, as well as features and enhancements first introduced in DP 7.2 and earlier.
    Digital Performer v 7.2 16 juil. 2010 MacOS X UB
    Changement complet de l'interface utilisateur de Digital Performer en un seul clic. Choisir des thèmes tels que fibre de carbone, le Zen, le plasma et la production. Peaufinez couleurs d'affichage de forme d'onde et personnaliser vos propres indicateurs de niveau dans la table de mixage.

    Reconnaissance du clic-droit à l'aide d'une souris à plusieurs boutons pour les fonctions essentielles .

    Recherche rapide d'un fichier audio, raccourci-clavier ou autre en quelques secondes en tapant juste son nom depuis une fenêtre de recherche .
    Digital Performer v 7.12 3 mai 2010 MacOS X UB
    This maintenance release includes expanded control surface and MIDI device configuration options, improved waveform overview construction, and more, as well as features and enhancements first introduced in DP 7.1 and earlier. Improved control surface configuration options enable the use of applications such as Saitara Software's AC-7 applications for iPhone and iPad.
    Digital Performer v 7.11 13 avril 2010 MacOS X UB
    This maintenance release includes expanded control surface and MIDI device configuration options, improved waveform overview construction, and more, as well as features and enhancements first introduced in DP 7.1 and earlier. Improved control surface configuration options enable the use of applications such as Saitara Software's AC-7 applications for iPhone and iPad.
    Digital Performer v 7.1 19 janv. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Tuner plug-in

  • Get your axe in tune quickly with DP's new Tuner plug-in.

  • New Custom '59 power amp models

  • Four new power amp models give you guitar tones extra punch: preamp, vintage, classic, and modern.

  • Guitar tone presets

  • Dozens of guitar tone effects chains are now provided as single, convenient presets.

  • Track folder overview

  • View the contents of track folders at a glance, including track color and type of data.

  • Track folder editing

  • Select, cut, copy, paste and otherwise edit the contents of track folders, just like individual tracks.

  • Track folder controls

  • Track folders now have play-enalbe, solo, lock, and other track controls, just like individual tracks.

  • Channel strip presets

  • Save, recall, and manage chains of insert settings as single presets, including guitar effects chains and virtual instrument chains that include effects. Many presets are provided for drums, guitar, bass, vocals and more.

  • Automatic addition of inserts

  • When you fill the last insert, or load a new insert setting preset, extra insert slots are automatically added as needed.

  • More plug-in presets

  • New plug-in presets have been added, especially for DP7's guitar effects plug-ins.

  • New Trim tool for automation

  • Scale, flatten, or offset MIDI or audio automation data within a selected time range in one simple step.

  • Auto-save

  • Enjoy peace of mind as you work: your creative efforts will always be backed up.

  • Auto-check for updates

  • Get immediate notification about about new available updates as soon as you launch DP7.

  • Fine-tune control

  • Hold down the command key when adjusting many controls in DP7 for fune-tuned adjustments.

  • More keyboard shortcuts

  • Speed your workflow with new shortcuts for nudging MIDI notes up/down, the QuickFilter, zooming and other features.

  • Core Audio file format support

  • Import Core Audio (.caf) files via simple drag and drop.

  • Pro Tools 8.03 compatibility

  • Digital Performer is fully qualified for operation with DAE version 8.0 to 8.0.3.
    Digital Performer v 7.02 24 nov. 2009 MacOS X UB
    This 2nd maintenance release includes several highly-requested program enhancements and optimizations, including the new QuickScribe features, keyboard shortcuts, and count-off click options first introduced in 7.01.
    Digital Performer v 7.01 21 oct. 2009 MacOS X UB
    This is a maintenance update to Digital Performer 7.0. This release includes a new Countoff mode, QuickScribe Editor improvements, and more. Please refer to installer Read Me for changes and complete system requirements.
    Digital Performer v 7 13 sept. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • Custom '59

  • A meticulously detailed guitar amp emulator modeled after all-time classics from Fender® and Marshall®.

  • Live Room | G

  • A superb physical modeling speaker cabinet emulator with four mixable mics (close, near and far) and 3-band EQ per mic.

  • Guitar pedals

  • A new suite of stunningly accurate classic guitar pedals modeled after all-time favorites from Boss®, Ibanez® & others.

  • Inline EQ & dynamics

  • Control DP's multi-band graphic EQ and vintage dynamics processing directly in each Mixing Board channel.

  • Channel Strip

  • Gain instant access to all mixer channel settings for the track you are working on in any Editor window.

  • Lead sheets

  • Create and print lead sheets, complete with lyrics and transposable chord symbols.

  • Freely resizable Counter

  • Resize the Counter window to any size you wish, even the entire width of your screen.

  • Marker Counter

  • Display markers in large type in the resizable Counter window. Use markers as a teleprompter for lyrics during live performance or recording sessions.

  • Consolidated V-Racks

  • Display V-Rack virtual instruments and effects side by side with disk tracks in the Mixing Board.

  • Lyrics

  • Type in lyrics directly below notes on the QuickScribe page. Or paste them into the Lyric window from your word processor and flow them into a track with one click.

  • Transposable chord symbols

  • Add complex chord symbols directly on the page and transpose them at any time, together with or independently from notes.

  • QuickScribe notation enhancements

  • Numerous enhancements give you even more control over the look of your score and help speed your notation workflow.

  • Support for Pro Tools 8

  • Industry-leading support for operation as a complete software front-end for Pro Tools | HD systems.

  • Info Bar mixer controls

  • Get instant access to mixer channel settings in any editor window that follow the track you're working on.

  • Next-generation sample rate conversion

  • A new ultra-fast, CPU-efficient sample rate conversion algorithm delivers increased precision, efficiency, and transparency, with an astonishing 138 dB signal-to-noise ratio.

  • Real-time crossfades

  • All crossfades are now computed in real time for lightning fast edits.

  • Wave64 support

  • Support for the industry standard Wave64 extension to the Broadcast WAVE file format lets you record and import audio files larger than 4GB.

  • Range automation modes

  • Raise, lower or write automation moves within any selected range, preserving everything before and after.

  • Audio Units instrument side chains

  • Route side chain inputs to all your favorite third-party Audio Units plug-ins.
    Digital Performer v 6.02 6 févr. 2009 MacOS X UB
    Mise à jour de maintenance comprenant diverses améliorations et optimisations avec, entre autres, une nouvelle fenêtre pour la configuration des raccourcis, de nouvelles options pour le flottement et la transparence du panneau de contrôle principal ou bien encore les modes manuel ou automatique pour la durée des notes dans le QuickScribe Editor.
    Digital Performer v 6.01 30 août 2008 MacOS X UB
    This maintenance release includes numerous program enhancements and optimizations, including the handy new Track Inspector, new preferences for running plug-ins in real time, enhancements to Final Cut Pro XML interchange, improved on-line help, new shortcuts for configuring info windows and info bars, and many other program improvements and optimizations.
    Digital Performer v 6 21 juin 2008 MacOS X UB
  • nouvelle interface utilisateur

  • possibilité de zoomer dans la fenêtre Track

  • 2 nouveaux plug-ins : Pro Verb, réverbération à convolution à faible consommation CPU, et Masterworks Leveler, un processeur de dynamique modélisé à partir du célèbre LA-2A

  • support des fichiers Broadcast WAV et des fichiers XML Final Cut Pro

  • fonction gravure de CD
  • Digital Performer v 5.13 25 nov. 2007 MacOS X UB
    Compatibilité Leopard
    Digital Performer v 5.1.1 23 nov. 2006 MacOS X UB
    Mise à jour de maintenance: nombreuses améliorations de programmes et optimisations
    nouveaux presets pour les six instruments virtuels de DP5
    Digital Performer v 5.1u 3 août 2006 MacOS X UB
  • Universal Binary: compatible avec Macs Intel et Macs PPC G4 et G5

  • nouvelle option dans le menu Project > Add Instruments Tracks nommée Add Instruments... : ouvre une fenêtre de dialogue permettant de choisir combien d'instruments à ajouter, combien de pistes MIDI assignées à ajouter, etc.

  • Meter Bridge: nouveau contrôle Meter Witdh

  • Audio Bundles: deux nouvelles options Import Bundles... et Export Bundles...

  • MIDI Keys: Tab et "\" pour Sustain (CC# 64)

  • General:

  • Controle-clic sur le nom de la piste permet de régler la couleur de la piste (dans Sequence Editor, Mixing Board et V-Rack)
    Les pistes Surround dans le Mixing Board affichent les niveaux surround.
    Digital Performer v 5.01 27 mai 2006 MacOS X PPC
  • amélioration de performance de lecture MIDI

  • optimisation de performance pour les gros projets DP

  • optimisation de lecture de séquence QuickTime

  • amélioration de l'affichage de texte sous certains systèmes internationaux

  • ajout d'optimisations aux nouveaux instruments (BassLine, Model12, Modulo, nanosampler, PolySynth, Proton)

  • mise à jour des fichiers d'aide
  • Digital Performer v 5.0 7 avril 2006 MacOS X PPC
  • six nouveaux plugins instruments : BassLine, PolySynth, Modulo, NanoSampler, Model 12, Proton.

  • Nouvelle fenêtre "Meter Bridge" permettant de visualiser l'ensemble des signaux

  • nouveaux outils d'éditions Trim, Slip, Slide et Roll dans la barre d'outils

  • navigateur et dossiers pour l'organisation des pistes

  • nouveau mode de monitoring d'entrée

  • mise à jour de l'éditeur de formes d'ondes

  • amélioration des fonctions dédiées à l'image (clic visuel, superpositions, support de CueLine ProCue 1m1 et ClickStreamMachine),

  • MIDI Keys : clavier virtuel pour entrer des notes MIDI

  • support pour Pro Tools 7
  • Digital Performer v 4.61 4 nov. 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Maintenance et améliorations générales, nouvelles préférences
    Digital Performer v 4.6 8 juil. 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • Fonction 'Pitch Automation' permettant de corriger l'audio en temps réel : transposition de notes individuelles, changement de tonalité de pistes entières.

  • Fonction 'V-Racks' permet de charger les plug-ins et instruments virtuels une seule fois et d'y accéder depuis toutes les séquences du projet, sans avoir à gérer plusieurs instances du même plug-in avec les mêmes réglages.

  • Plug-in 'Pattern Gate' : ajoute groove pulsé à tout audio

  • Echange de fichiers avec Pro Tools : Digital Performer supporte le standard AAF

  • Fonction 'Bounce to Quicktime Movie'

  • Support des sorties multiples des instruments virtuels Audio Unit

  • Personnalisation des sons de Click et Countoff

  • Améliorations Film/Video : possibilité d'ouvrir plusieurs films Quicktime, un par séquence, tous dans le même projet ; fenêtre 'Find Tempo' améliorée
  • Digital Performer v 4.52 12 janv. 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Nombreuses améliorations (concernant en particulier la gestion dynamique de CPU et le MultiBounce)
    Digital Performer v 4.51 22 oct. 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • Gestion dynamique du CPU (un plug-in ne sollicite pas le processeur tant qu'il n'a pas un signal audio à traiter)

  • Sauvegarde des réglages de bounce

  • Bounce multiple

  • Numéros de marqueurs

  • Améliorations de performances concernant la détection de pulsation et de tempo, l'affichage des pistes vidéo, l'automation des plug-in, la gestion des plug-in hardware (TC-powercore, UAD1)

  • Amélioration du support Digidesign DirectMIDI

  • Bypass de l'automation des AUs

  • autres améliorations diverses
  • Digital Performer v 4.5 22 août 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • Beat Detection Engine : fonction d'analyse de tempo des fichiers audio

  • compensation de latence des plug-in, sous MAS et DAE, pour tous plug-ins MAS, AudioUnit, TDM ou RTAS

  • MasterWorks EQ : égaliseur "vintage"

  • Support Pro Tools étendu et amélioré : automation des plug-in, compensation de latence des plug-in, support piste Instrument, support plug-in RTAS et AudioSuite, départs Mono et stéréo, automation des départs, allocation de voix automatique, support DirectMIDI, support QuickPunch, support side chain, fenêtre usage ressources système

  • Consolidated window : toutes les fonctions et éditeurs dans une seule fenêtre

  • Amélioration de productivité : smooth Audio Edits, QuickScribe Film Cues View, QuickTime movie DV playback offset, Bounce / Export MP3 et autres formats, fenêtres Preferences and Settings, davantage de voix et bus, bus mono, stereo et multicanaux, davantage de départs, import Apple Loop
  • Digital Performer v 4.12 22 avril 2004 MacOS X PPC
    Mises à jour dans cet installeur :

  • Performances accrues sur Mac G5 single et dual processors

  • compatibilité avec l'interface audio Tascam 1884 Firewire en mode 18-channel

  • Support AudioUnit
  • compatibilité avec Reaktor (version 4.1 et plus)

  • support pour "MusicEffects", c'est à dire les effets qui reçoivent du MIDI

  • amélioration du support pour mono-to-stereo

  • autres corrections
  • Digital Performer v 4.11 22 mars 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • Compatibilité avec Panther

  • Gestion des listes de patchs des cartes d'extension des synthétiseurs

  • Amélioration de la fonction Snap to Marker

  • Support des sous-menus des presets des plug-ins TDM
  • Digital Performer v 4.1 3 janv. 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • support du ProTools DAE

  • support des plug-ins AudioUnits

  • pistes instrument virtuel

  • modèles de documents

  • fonction Documents Récents

  • fonction "Shift to Marker"

  • fonction "Snap to Marker"

  • amélioration de l'import/export de fichiers AMF
  • moins...
    Digital Performer Digital Performer v 9.5 17 sept. 2017 Windows
    Digital Performer version 9.5 is now shipping as a free update for all DP9 owners and introduces ZTX PROâ„¢ technology: cutting-edge audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting DSP developed and refined through years of advanced R&D by the renowned engineering team at Zynaptiq GmbH.

    DP 9.5 also adds a new Effect Performance window, which monitors the processing load of all currently instantiated virtual instruments and effects plug-ins, allowing you to identify and manage plug-ins that impose high processing demands on your computer. Plug-ins can be sorted by name, processor load or the exact location (bar and beat) in the sequence time line at which they reach peak processing. Each plug-in is identified as either pre-gen or real-time, with hints as to why any plug-ins are currently running in real time.
    Mark Of The Unicorn Digital Performer Digital Performer v 9.12 3 sept. 2016 Windows
  • €¢ Fixed a bounce to disk crash caused by an issue involving non-active VST effects.

  • €¢ Fixed a problem where audio would sound choppy after inserting a post-fader effect.

  • €¢ Fixed a crash that could occur if a clipping window was closed while one of its

  • clippings was being auditioned.
  • €¢ Fixed a crash involving Melodyne.

  • €¢ Fixed an issue where project VIs would not work correctly when selected as MIDI

  • metronome.
  • €¢ Optimized code that could impact opening projects with a large number of tracks.

  • €¢ Fixed an issue where the Ivory Synthogy would hesitate and glitch when beginning

  • playback in pre-gen mode.
  • €¢ Fixed an issue where recording MIDI data into a track with sustain CC could clear the

  • live state of the sustain pedal.
  • €¢ Fixed an issue where overdubbing notes in a MIDI track would halt sounding notes

  • already on that track.
  • €¢ Fixed a case where track sysex data could cause a crash during playback
  • Mark Of The Unicorn Digital Performer v 9.1 31 juil. 2016 Windows
    Next-gen Pre-gen™ engine — DP's Next-generation Pre-gen engine transparently pre-renders audio output from virtual instruments and plug-ins to dramatically reduce their CPU load, allowing you to run many times the number of plug-ins and virtual instruments than in previous versions.

    Reduced latency on OS X — DP’s host buffer latency has been cut in half, resulting in industry-leading overall latency performance. In a round-trip latency (RTL) test using a MOTU 1248 Thunderbolt audio interface, DP achieves roundtrip latency of 1.6 ms with a 32 sample buffer at 96 kHz.

    Enhanced Windows drivers — The latency of the WASAPI (Windows Audio) driver has been significantly reduced. This improves audio I/O latency and virtual instrument performance. The CPU load of the sample rate conversion used in the Windows Audio driver has also been substantially reduced.

    Small buffer optimization — DP's MOTU Audio System (MAS) engine processing has been optimized to better support operation at smaller buffer sizes (for both Mac and Windows), for even lower latency performance overall.

    Hardware Insert plug-in — DP’s new Hardware Insert plug-in functions just like other DP effects plug-ins, but loops the channel’s audio signal to a piece of outboard hardware, with latency compensation, for external processing. This allows you to easily incorporate outboard gear into your DP effects chains.

    SMPTE-Z plug-in — The new SMPTE-Z plug-in generates Longitudinal Time Code (LTC) while locked to DP’s timeline or while running independently in Freewheel mode. Time code can be routed anywhere via the audio track’s output assignment, allowing you to achieve accurate time code sync in a wide variety of situations.

    Workflow enhancements — Dozens of additional workflow enhancements include a new pre/post fader metering option, faster switching between large sequence chunks, simplified audio hardware settings, improved compatibility with Avid Artist Mix and other Eucon control surfaces, and much more.
    audio Digital Performer v 9.0.2 12 févr. 2016 Windows
    rique Digital Performer v 9.01 23 août 2015 Windows
    Version 9.0.1 provides many improvements, optimizations, and refinements, and is recommended for all users. Here are just a few highlights:

  • Improved selection in lanes in the Sequence Editor.

  • Allow MIDI Learn to target mixing board controls.

  • Improved performance when opening the Sequence Editor.

  • Improved saving of VST presets.

  • Addressed an issue where plug-in tails might get clipped when bouncing with iZotope Ozone, UVI Relayer and others.

  • [Mac] Allow MMC via the IAC bus.

  • Changed "Fix partial measures" back to on by default.

  • Show Marker grid lines in the Tracks Overview like other editors.

  • Increased the idle rate of VSTs, which should improve the redraw speed of plug-ins that depend on it, such as Serum.

  • Updated the Japanese documentation, including the User Guide.

  • [Win] Fixed right-clicking in MAS plug-ins.

  • More performance improvements for the Sequence Editor with lots of tracks.

  • Updated to the EuCon 3 SDK.

  • Fixed an issue where not all VST instruments were properly loaded as instruments.

  • Improved zooming across lanes.

  • Added scrolling to change values in MX4.

  • Tweaked contrast and colors in the Nine theme.

  • Disable the buffer size menu during playback.

  • Added the Japanese plug-in guide.

  • MX4 Japanese localization.

  • Plus dozens of other enhancements and fixes...
    quenceur Digital Performer v 9 5 juil. 2015 Windows
  • MX4TM MultiSynth

  • Now included with DP, MX4 is a powerful 64-bit virtual instrument plug-in featuring a hybrid engine that combines several forms of synthesis, including subtractive, wavetable, frequency modulation (FM), amplitude modulation (AM) and analog emulation. Included is a new EDM-inspired soundbank with 120 new presets programmed by synth guru Erik Norlander.

  • Five new plug-ins

  • New version 9 plug-ins include the meticulously crafted MasterWorksTM FET-76TM emulation of the classic 1176 limiting amplifier (revisions D/E), MultiFuzzTM model of Craig Anderton's seminal QuadraFuzzTM distortion kit from the 70's, MicroGTM and MicroBTM polyphonic octave generators for guitar and bass, and the mind-blowing MegaSynthTM subtractive synth processor, which lets users turn their guitar into a synthesizer. MegaSynth combines polyphonic octave generation with flexible signal routing, envelopes, LFOS, a pattern generator and macros.

  • DP9 productivity enhancements

  • €¢ Automation lanes in the Sequence Editor — Display audio and MIDI automation data (volume, pan, plug-in settings, etc.) in separate lanes below each track for easier viewing and editing. Show and hide as many lanes as you wish.

  • €¢ Spectrogram display in the Sequence Editor — View the spectral content of each audio track, side by side with their waveforms, directly in the Sequence Editor timeline with a colorful, informative visual representation of the frequency content of your audio material.

  • Digital Performer 9 — Press Release Page 1 of 3• Retina display support — View DP’s carefully crafted UI themes like Carbon Fiber, Producer and the all-new DP9 theme in stunning detail on the exceptionally high image resolution of your Mac’s Retina display.
  • €¢ MusicXML export — Export your DP QuickScribe notation scores as a MusicXML file, which can then be imported into popular music notation applications like FinaleTM and SibeliusTM. QuickScribe’s renowned notation transcription, along with dynamics and many other musical symbols, are preserved during the file transfer.

  • €¢ Create Tracks command — Add many tracks to your project in one step, even different types of tracks (MIDI, audio, aux, master faders, etc.) all at once.

  • €¢ Floating plug-in windows — Keep plug-in windows in front of all other DP windows. Set the floating preference globally or choose to float on a per-window basis.

  • €¢ MIDI Learn for audio plug-ins — Map knobs, faders and switches on your MIDI controller to audio plug-in parameters. Use Digital Performer’s powerful Custom Consoles feature to access advanced programming for the connection.

  • €¢ Mute MIDI Notes — Use the Mute Tool to temporarily silence both audio regions and MIDI notes, including multiple selected notes.

  • €¢ Project Notes — Save text notes in your DP project, rather than a separate text document. Log production info, keep a To Do list, build up liner notes.

  • €¢ More searching — Find Markers, Chunks and plug-in preferences faster with newly added search fields.
  • permet Digital Performer v 8.0.7 5 sept. 2014 Windows
    Compatible with OS X Yosemite
    Support for 16 and 32 sample buffers (for audio hardware that supports these buffer sizes)
    Many enhancements related to video playback and the use of external video hardware
    Improvements to importing and exporting using OMF, AAF and Final Cut Pro 7 XML
    Windows operation enhancements to clippings, printing, and ReWire
    Fixed an issue where very long audio files would constantly regenerate their overviews
    telecharger Digital Performer v 8.0.6 22 févr. 2014 Windows
    Version 8.06 provides many improvements, optimizations, and refinements. Here are just a few highlights:

  • €¢ Added new Guided Lessons, which provide integrated, interactive tutorials. See the new Guided Lesson project in Application Support, or download it as part of the updated tutorial materials from

  • €¢ Improved operation with multiple Core Audio devices running under 10.9.

  • €¢ Sends can now be dragged and dropped in the mixer, just like effect settings.

  • €¢ Support for Japanese text input on Windows.

  • €¢ Improved importing crossfades from OMF and AAF files.

  • €¢ Improved operation on Windows with drag and drop, window focus, instrument aux assignments, and the Movie window.

  • €¢ Fix for an issue on Windows where Digidesign Accel HD hardware wouldn't change sample rate.

  • €¢ Addressed several issues related to Movies and Load.

  • €¢ VIs now retain their aux assignments when duplicating a chunk.

  • €¢ Improved compatibility with Scuffham S-Gear plugins.

  • €¢ Video output offset now works with MOTU video hardware and DV output, even when DP is resolved to an external time base.

  • €¢ Improved compatibility with UAD plug-ins on Windows.

  • €¢ MIDI tracks now retain output assignments to V-Rack VIs when loaded from a document containing the same V-Rack.

  • €¢ Fixed a problem with icon menus in plug-ins on Mac OS X 10.9 systems
  • mac Digital Performer v 8.0.5 17 oct. 2013 Windows
    Version 8.05 provides many improvements, optimizations, and refinements. Here are just a few highlights:
  • €¢ Added "At Wiper" and "At Original Time" versions of Paste, Merge, and Splice. Refer to the commands window for their default key bindings.

  • €¢ Performance improvements for video playback on Mac OS X.

  • €¢ External video (DV and sample-accurate MOTU video hardware) can now sync to MTC or LTC.

  • €¢ External video offset now applies to MOTU video hardware output (in addition to DV output).

  • €¢ Latencies are now updated properly before bounce-to-disk.

  • €¢ Improved latency compensation for side chains and virtual instrument (VI) aux outputs during bounce to disk and pregen mode.

  • €¢ Improved DP's responsiveness to scroll wheels (on both Apple products and third-party products).

  • €¢ Stability improvements in the Effects Chooser.

  • €¢ Improved Audio Unit (AU) plug-in support (Omnisphere in particular).

  • €¢ Improve compatibility with Vienna Symphonic Library (VSL) and Vienna Ensemble Pro (VEP).

  • €¢ Selection info times are now stored per chunk rather than globally, restoring DP5 behavior.

  • €¢ Fixed copy and paste behavior for soundbites with sync points.

  • €¢ Restored the "None" start-up document option to the Mac version.

  • €¢ Mixing board volume and pan are no longer chased for play-disabled MIDI tracks.

  • €¢ Command/Ctrl-up/down arrow now zoom in the tracks overview.

  • €¢ Improvements to color preferences and their effect on audio waveform colors.

  • €¢ MIDI notes are no longer dropped during MIDI controller overdub recording.

  • €¢ Autosave improvements: you can now limit how many auto-saves will be maintained by DP.

  • €¢ Added support for the OSC control surface plug-in for 64-bit operation on Windows (required for DP8's iPhone app).

  • €¢ Improved MP3 export speed.

  • €¢ Option-clicking a window's close button now closes all similar windows (not all windows).

  • €¢ AU automation values can once again be edited by typing into value boxes.

  • €¢ Improved audio performance while slaved to MIDI Time Code (MTC).

  • €¢ Double-clicking on soundbite in the Tracks overview once again scrolls to that soundbite in the sequence editor.

  • €¢ Fixed Bounce to CD on the Mac.

  • €¢ Addressed an issue with Custom Consoles when running DP in 64-bit mode.
  • windows Digital Performer v 8.0.4 23 mai 2013 Windows
    Addresses several issues reported last week
    macintosh Digital Performer v 8.0.3 13 mai 2013 Windows
  • €¢ Fix for a crash with calculating waveform overviews.

  • Windows version fixes:

  • €¢ More accurate text in the crash reporter.

  • €¢ Fixed a crash that would occur after switching to QuickScribe on certain computers.

  • €¢ Improved hardware compatibility with Focusrite, Avid Mbox2, and Lexicon audio interfaces.

  • €¢ Better support for non-US computer keyboards.

  • €¢ Dragging MIDI data from plug-ins into DP (e.g., from Superior Drummer) now works.

  • €¢ Improved ASIO error reporting.
  • pc Digital Performer v 8.0.2 2 mai 2013 Windows
    A 30-day demo period is now available, as explained earlier in this document.

    Digital Performer is now available for online purchase from the

    DP's new welcome window appears at launch and provides quick access to recent files, new project templates, training resources, and MOTU news.

    The ability to export MP3's is now built in to DP and no longer requires the LAME framework (or any extra setup).

    Version 8.02 provides many improvements, optimizations, and refinements. Here are just a few highlights:
  • If a movie is fullscreen, switching chunks now preserves fullscreen viewing.

  • Improved performance when the Movie Track is visible. Improved video scrubbing.

  • Waveform drawing is now smoother at certain zoom levels.

  • Improved bounce to disk in projects with VST plug-ins.

  • Improved stability and performance when using MIDI ports and ReWire (for Reason, Bidule, etc.)

  • Improved stability with Kontakt 4 and 5 under 64-bit operation.

  • Improved compatibility with VEP, EastWest Play, Spectrasonics Omnisphere, and Mac OS X 10.8's AUSampler.

  • Addressed an issue where abutting MIDI notes might not play back properly.

  • Autosave now creates a sub-folder in the project folder and saves incremental versions there.

  • Many improvements in waveform drawing and editing.

  • Fixed entry of diminished (°) and major 7th+ chord (?) symbols in QuickScribe.

  • Merging chunks in a song now takes the tempo mode from the song itself.

  • Effect categories in the Effect Chooser now contain all variants of a plug-in, not just the one added.

  • Restored scroll wheel sensitivity to be more like DP 7 and earlier.

  • The following feature has been restored: if tracks are selected when switching to the Mixing Board or QuickScribe windows, only those tracks are shown.

  • Fixed an issue with timestamps in broadcast wave files.
  • moins...
    Mark Of The Unicorn
    Acheter Digital Performer en ligne chez:
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    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

    version 7.21, MacOS X UB
    Avec DP 3 comme 1er compagnon de route, j\'ai fait le chemin des upgrade. La seule version décevante fut la 6,
    mais tout est progressivement revenu dans l\'ordre depuis la 7 et ses mises à jour. Logiciel hyper stable, doté de fonctionnalités performantes. Un gros travail a été effectué par MOTU sur la gestion de la mémoire. Du coup, la bête ne bronche pas avec 20-30 pistes et des plugs. J\'ai l\'occasion de tâter PT régulièrement et sincèrement, DP n\'a pas grand-chose à lui envier. Je reviens à mon DAW avec plaisir. Depuis la 7, il est doté d\'options de GUI. On choisit celle que l\'on préfère. Manque un elastic-time à la PT pour que cela soit nickel! Le MIDI est super bien géré, et l\'édition de piste est bien pensée. Pour regagner de la ressource proc. il suffit de freezer les pistes IV, elles sont alors traduites en audio. Les EQ de DP restent, même après tout ce temps (11 ans!) d\'excellents plugs, efficaces. Même la ProVerb fait parfois la nique à Altiverb. La gestion des AU semble à toute épreuve.Bref! En ce qui me concerne, aucune raison de changer...
    dj jambon
    version 4.52, MacOS X PPC
    Juste installé la version francaise en 4.52 avec mon g4 bi-pro 1 ghz et ses 1,5 go de ca baigne niquel...pas un bug pas une plantade en une semaine de boulot...j'ai récupéré tout mes anciens projets sans souci ..seul petit hic..petit probleme de reconnaissance avec certains instrus virtuels audio unit comme l'atmosphere ou le trilogy de spectrasonics mais j'ai réussi a contourner le probleme en installant la version vst des plugs et ca marche..via vst wrapper...
    donc en bref...fenetre consolidée superbe,beat detection engine monstrueux ( a moi les megamix de manu le malin avec lara fabian)...bref tout ca pour dire que y'a pas besoin d'un g5 pour que ca tourne du tonnerre et vu que tout marche crois que je vais attendre un tout petit peu avant de me mettre sur tiger...hé hé
    version 4.52, MacOS X PPC
    Sur powerbook 1,25ghz avec 1 go de ram je suis pas tres content DP est gourmand en ressource et je suis vite limité dans mon travail et doit user de stratageme complexe pour pouvoir avancer ,
    en revanche sur G4 ou G5 bipro ce soft est une merveille , rapide fluide efficace on va droit au but , mais j'ai pas de birpo pour le moment .
    quand meme un point noir au niveau de l'edition audio qui meriterais d'etre plus performante .
    version 4.52, MacOS X PPC
    Avec un G5 bi pro , pas de probleme , pas de latence , tout baigne .
    version 4.12, MacOS X PPC
    I got the Power!!
    bon alors je vous dis, il faut une sacrée machine pour que DP+ Reaktor tournent correct, ça mange du CPU genre Pacman.. sur un g4dual 1.5mhz je me vois contraint de mettre les buffers en 1024 voir 2048 si d'autres plugs sont connect. Jouer une basse ou autre synth. avec autant de latence c'est pas très confortable, ne reste que le "freeze" et la on perd en flexibilité
    version 4.12, MacOS X PPC
    Sur un powerbook alu 1 ghz, os 10.2.7, 768 mo RAM, motu 828 : la maj 4.12 a résolu certains problèmes : faders collants, bug sonic modulator, peut être une meilleure gestion cpu (à vérifier). Pour moi, il reste impossible de jouer des projets de taille moyenne (16 à 24 pistes mono + 1 à 4 stereo) avec un buffer à 256. Les instruments virtuels font vite monter la pression sur le cpu.
    version 4.12, MacOS X PPC
    Le meilleur soft audionumérique du marché 100% fiable.
    version 8.0.4, MacOS X Intel
    Good idea
    june bug
    version 7.23, MacOS X Intel
    bugs fixed! Thank you
    version 7.23, MacOS X Intel
    I don't know where y'all got the information, but Digital Performer has not been discontinued by MOTU. And there is no demo. Having said that, it is the best DAW out there! Excellent workflow that is completely customizable to however you work best. DP rocks!!
    version 4.52, MacOS X PPC
    I love it!
    Audio editing like in pro tools, but more tracks.
    works great with G5
    version 4.51, MacOS X PPC
    The best just got bester!
    version 4.12, MacOS X PPC
    Super intuitive, fast work environment. Easy to customize.
    version 4.12, MacOS X PPC
    version 4.11, MacOS X PPC
    Great program ;
    version 4.11, MacOS X PPC
    Works like a charm with a dual 1.25 G4 and Panther 10.3.1!

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