- 5 Diamond Music Services, Inc.
- 7air
- 9928189 Canada Inc.
- Сергей...
- å¯ä¾†éŸ³æ¨‚股份有é™å…¬å¸
- A Tasty Pixel
- A&G Soluzioni Digitali
- A.O.M. Factory
- Aaron Cavanaugh
- Abbey Road Plug-Ins
- AbelSim
- Abhijit Patait
- Ableton
- Abécédaire
- Access Music
- AccSone
- Accusonus
- Aciddose
- Acidgrooves
- Acon Digital Media
- AcousModules
- Acoustica
- Acquit
- Acustica
- Adam Szabo
- Adept Music Notation Solutions
- Adil Sherwani
- Adiorthotos
- Admiral Quality
- Adobe
- Adrian Swieton
- Advanced AudioWaves
- Adysseus
- Aegean Music
- Ag-Works
- Agile Partners
- Agilstream
- Aginova
- AIR Music Technology
- Airwindows
- Airy André
- Akai
- Akinobu YAMAMOTO
- Akira Rabelais
- Alain Cretet Software
- Alain Kong
- Alan Glenn
- Alberto De Bortoli
- Alden Doyle
- Aleksandar Mlazev
- Aleksey Vasilyev
- Aleksi Strandberg
- Alessandro Benedettini
- Alessandro Petrolati
- Alessio Mellina
- Alex Matheu
- Alexander Andrews
- Alexander Kojevnikov
- Alexander Nowak
- Alexander Wilson
- Alexander Zolotov
- Alexandernaut
- Alexey Nadzharov
- AlgoMusic
- Algoriddim
- Algorithmic Arts
- Algorithmix
- Algorithms And Data Structures
- Alien Apparatus
- All Forces
- AllDSP GmbH & Co. KG.
- Allen & Heath
- Almusie
- Aloysius Leeson
- Alphakanal
- Alterex
- Alvin Yu
- AM Music Technology
- Amaranth Audio
- Amazing Noises
- Ambiloop
- Ambrosia Software
- AmoriyA
- Ample Sound
- Anacrusis LLC
- Analog In The Box
- Analog Industries
- AnalogX
- Anarcasa
- Anarchy Rhythms
- Anatoly Kuzmenko
- Anchoright Productions
- Anders Waehlby
- Andreas Ersson
- Andreas Schweiger
- Andreas Wagner
- Andrei Patru
- Andrew Garber
- Andrew Milloy
- Andrew Sorensen
- Andy Drabble
- Andy Szybalski
- AndyM
- Andyvn
- Angry Red Planet
- Angular Momentum
- Annie Wang Publications
- Another Discogs Widget
- Antares
- Anthony Garone
- Anthony Winters
- Antonio Nunes
- Antti
- Anvil Studio
- Anwida Soft
- Anystone Tech
- Anytune
- Aphex
- Apparent Media
- AppExtreme,Inc.
- AppicDesign
- Appkats.Com
- Apple
- Applied Acoustics Systems...
- Apptree SA
- ApulSoft
- Aradaz
- AraldFX
- Arcam
- ArcDev Noise Industries
- Arcobaleno2001
- Arctican
- Ardour
- Argotlunar
- Arguru
- Aria Maestosa
- Ariel Elkin
- AriesCode
- Arizona
- ArKaos
- Arlo Leach
- Arne Eigenfeldt
- Arne Knup
- Arnold Mcculler
- Arobas Music
- Arpege music
- Ars Et Media Srl
- Ars Nova Software, LLC
- Ars Nova
- Arsosa Network Inc.
- ART Teknika Inc.
- Art Vista Productions
- Artificial Audio
- Artistic Techworks
- Artly There
- Arto Vaarala
- ArtsAcoustic
- Arturia
- Arvid Tomayko-Peters
- Ashly Audio, Inc.
- ASK Video
- Askywhale
- Asoft.iOS
- Astoundit Software
- Astrocode Pty Ltd
- Async
- AT-Sphere
- Atlantia Software LLC
- Atom Splitter Audio
- Atomic Droplet
- Atomix Productions America...
- Atomix Productions
- Atsushi Uchida
- Audacity
- Audeonic Apps
- Audiffex
- Audio Damage
- Audio Ease
- Audio Evolution
- Audio Impressions
- Audio Research Labs
- Audio-Assault
- AudioAppsStore
- Audiobulb Records
- Audiocation
- AudioD3CK
- Audiodog
- Audiodog
- Audiofield
- Audiofile Engineering
- AudioFront
- AudioGaming
- Audiomere
- AudioMIDI.com
- AudioMulch
- AudioNerdz
- AudioRealism
- Audiose
- AudioSlicer
- AudioSpillage
- AudioThing
- Audiowish
- Audioxygen
- Audjoo
- Audulus
- AuralWare, LLC
- AuraPlug
- Auricula
- Autonomic Controls, Inc.
- Avaritia Design
- Avid
- AW
- Axxeom
- Azati Corporation
- AZeta66
- Azfar Jafri
- B.Serrano
- BadRabbit
- Balazs Kiss
- Bamsworld
- BAND Industries, Inc.
- BarFly
- Barratt Audio
- Basebox Software
- BaseHead
- Bastus Trump
- BatSounds
- Baxtrom.com
- Baytex Software
- BBE Sound
- Beatlock Technology
- BeatsnBobs
- BeatSpeed
- BeepStreet
- BeLight Software
- Bell Standard, Inc.
- BelugaBloo
- Ben ODwyer
- Ben Shanfelder
- Benedikt Schlueter
- Bengt Holmquist
- Bernhard Hering
- Bernie Maier
- Bery Rinaldo
- Best Service
- BetabugsAudio
- Better Day Wireless
- Beyerdynamic
- BidBox LLC
- Big Fish Audio
- Big Tick Audio
- Bingappstore
- Bioroid
- Birnimal APP
- Bismark LLC
- Bismark
- Bit Shape
- Bitcartel
- Bitcount
- BitHeadz
- Bitnotic
- Bitshift Audio
- Bitwig
- Bjoern Marthen
- Bjorn Bojahr
- Black & White Software LLC
- Black Cat Systems
- Black Water Music
- BlackHoleProject
- Blacktree
- Blamsoft, Inc.
- BlauKraut Engineering
- Blip Interactive
- Blowbend.jp
- Bludgensoft
- Bludgeonsoft
- Blue Boat
- Blue Cat Audio
- Bluenoise Plugins
- Bo Lindbergh
- Bojo Software
- Bome Software
- Bonneville
- BoomBuzzSoftware
- Boris Blank
- Boxsounds
- Boz Digital Labs
- Brain Control
- Braindocs
- Brainwash Inc.
- Brainworx
- Bram Bos
- Braxton Sherouse
- Breakfast Quay
- Bremmers Audio Design
- BrennanMoyMedia
- Brian Davies
- Brian Hughes
- Brian Wis
- Broadjam
- Bruno Blondeau
- Brunsandspork
- Bryan Leister
- BTE Audio
- Bubuland
- Buzly Labs Ltd.
- Buzzmachines
- Buzzroom audio
- BYVI Automatic DJ
- BZH tec
- Bärenreiter-Verlag Karl...
- C&L s.r.o.
- C.L.Gizmos
- CableGuys
- Cakewalk
- Camel Audio
- Canato
- CantOvation
- Carlos Campaña
- Carsten Blüm
- Casual Underground
- CDBurnerXP Pro
- Cecilia
- CEDAR Audio
- Cedrontech.com
- Celemony Software
- Centipeak
- Centre for Digital Music
- Cerberus Audio
- CERL Sound Group
- CFA Sound
- Channel D Software
- ChaoticSoftware
- CharisMac
- Charles Martin
- Charlie roberts
- Chen Wang
- Chickensys
- Chimp Smart
- ChiperSoft
- Chisako Matsumiya
- Chord King
- Chris & Uwe
- Chris Jeffs software
- Chris Khoury
- Chris McQueen
- Christian Ecker
- Christian Kindahl
- Christian Knufinke Software
- Christian Schoenebeck d/b/a...
- Christofer Bustad
- Christophe Malhaire
- Christopher Penrose
- ChucK
- Chung Nguyen
- Ciaervo
- Circular Labs
- Circular Logic
- CIS DSP Factory
- Claire Holmes
- Claude Le Dû
- Clavia DMI
- Clear Complex
- Clemens Schulz
- Clone Ensemble
- Club CC4
- Cochleor
- Cockos
- Cocoa-Java
- CocoModX
- Codelle
- CodeOperator
- Codepoetry
- Cody Rotwein
- Coffeeshopped LLC
- Cognitone
- Colin Owen
- Columbia University CMC
- Comelody
- Computer Dynamic
- ConcreteFX
- Coradine
- Core Engine Apps
- Corey hoggard
- Coxco
- CPU Productions
- Craig Gonci
- Crane Song
- Creative Network Design
- Creed
- CrispSofties
- Crown Audio
- Crumhorn Labs
- Crysonic
- Csound
- CTT Source Technology Corp.
- CubicAudio
- Cupul
- CutDek Productions
- CuteDJPro
- Cycle of 5th
- Cycling '74
- Cytomic
- D'incise
- D-lusion
- D16 Group
- Daikyouju
- DAM Soft
- Dan D'agostino Master Audio...
- Dan Dugan Sound Design
- Dan Soper
- Danicsoft
- Daniel Bach
- Daniel Casady
- Daniel Clelland
- Daniel Doubleday
- Daniel Farrelly
- Daniel Klementovic
- Daniel Larsson
- Dante Varnado Moore
- Dapopup
- Dasample
- DashSignature
- Dave Cornutt
- David Ahmed
- David Bagno
- David Blake
- David Dahl
- David J Chura
- David Mann
- David Zemsky
- Davide Troise
- Davut Engin
- Dayana Networks Ltd.
- Db Audioware
- De Agostini Scuola S.p.A.
- De la Mancha
- Decibel Consulting/Avi...
- Deejay System
- Deep Dish Designs, LLC
- DeepNiner
- Defective Records
- Demagic AB
- Denis Ivanov
- Denis Kutuzov
- Denis Queffeulou
- Depollsoft
- Derrick Walker
- DesignArt
- DesignByPaul
- Devine Machine
- Dexter
- Digiarty Software
- DiGiCo UK Ltd
- Digidesign
- Digigram
- Digital Bananas, LLC
- Digital Confidence
- Digitalfishphones
- Dilaroga
- Dimorphic, LLC
- Direct Synth
- Dirk Rockendorf
- Disappointed Pig LLC
- Disco XT
- DiscoDSP
- Discovolos
- Distorque Audio
- DJ Mixer Soft
- DJ-1800
- DMAX audio
- DMG Audio
- Dmitri Marfin
- Dmitry Klochkov
- Dmitry Sches
- Dog Park Software
- Dominik Seibold
- Dominique Baillot
- Donnaqueebo
- Dotpico
- Doug Adams
- Dovetree Productions, Inc.
- Dr. Garbers...
- DreamBase Software
- Dreamvortex
- Driftwood Software
- DRS Digital
- DS Vocology LLC
- DSK Music
- DSP Mobile
- DSP-Quattro
- DSPaudio
- Dual Electronics Corp.
- Dynamic App Design
- E-Lab
- E-phonic
- Ear Machine
- EaReckon
- EarKandi Plug-ins
- EarMaster Aps
- East West
- Easy Ear Training
- Easytoolz
- Echo Digital Audio
- Echotone
- Edge Sounds
- Edirol
- Egert-Olger Lattemaa
- EGG Audio Project
- Eiji Koyama
- Eiosis
- Eisenberg-audio
- Electrotap
- Elektrostudio
- Elemental Audio
- Elements Plugins
- Elevayta
- Elliott Garage
- Elogoxa
- Elstar
- Elucid Software
- Elysia
- Emagic
- Emil Korngold
- Emmanuel Jourdan
- Empress Effects
- Empty Room Systems
- Emre Turgay
- EMS Rehberg
- EnergyXT
- Eowave
- Ergonis Software
- Eric Elfner
- Eric Wollo
- ErkiTonlist sf
- Ernest Properties
- Erwin Wolf
- Essej
- Estate Sound
- ETktab
- Eventide
- Evgen Bodunov
- Evgeny Molofeev
- Evita Wagner
- EVM Synths
- Evolving Software
- EXALTD CO., Limited
- ExpDigital
- ExperimentalScene
- Expert Sleepers
- Exponential Audio
- Expresseur
- Extent of the Jam
- ExtornoTechs
- EYB Projects
- Faberacoustical
- FabFilter
- Falkes music lab
- Fantastocrats
- Farbrausch
- Farnell Computer Services Ltd
- Fast Rabbit Software
- Fatih Mecitoglu
- Feb19
- Felt Tip Inc.
- Felt Tip Software
- Fenix Wox
- Fexia
- FFFF00 Agents AB
- Fiddlemeragged
- Fidelity Media
- Fielding DSP
- Filter24
- G-Sonique
- G200kg
- Gabriel Gritsch
- GaHyun KIM
- Gallery Software
- Gamedokan
- GarageCube
- Gargant Studios
- Garritan
- Gary Catona
- GeeThree
- Gene Backlin
- Geneffects
- GenieSoft
- Genuine Soundware
- Georg Holzmann
- Gerald Beauregard
- Gerard Grundy
- Gerard Paresys
- Gerzonic
- Gewpi Software
- Ghostdust
- Gianluca Natalini - NGCYBIT...
- Giel Bremmers
- GiggleUp Kids Apps And...
- Gil Estes
- Gilian Pablo
- Giorgio Nottoli
- Girl (Yow)
- Gismart Limited
- GizmoLabs
- GleetchPlug
- Glen Stegner
- Glitch Sequencer
- Glitchmachines
- Gmedia Music
- Gmorgan
- Go Independent Records
- GoatCactus
- Goatella
- GoldWave
- Grace Cloud GmbH
- Graf-Martinez
- Grain-Brain
- Grant Damron
- Greenoak VST plugin
- Greg Clayton
- Greg Fishman
- Greynote Music
- Griffin Technology
- Groove 3
- GrooveCube
- GTG Synths
- GTuner
- Guda Audio
- Guillemot Corporation
- Guitar Tricks Inc.
- GuitarVision
- Gunshopsoftware
- Gustavo Diaz-Jerez
- Guy Cockcroft
- Gvox
- GwEm
- H-Pi Instruments
- H.G. Fortune
- HairerSoft
- Half Note Labs
- Hamburg-audio
- Hans Toft-Olsen
- Hapax
- Harald Meyer
- Hardmoon
- Harmonic Sense
- Harrison
- Harry bachmann
- Hartmann
- HASound
- Hawks Hill Software, LLC
- HDSmusic
- HeelAudio
- Henrique Silva
- I.R.I.S
- Iannix
- Iced Audio
- Icegear
- Ichiban Mobile
- Idolumic
- Ifoundasound
- Iglesia Intermedia
- Ignite Amps
- Igor Borodin
- Igor Nembrini
- IK Multimedia
- IKlax Media
- Illformed
- Illposed Software
- Illustrate
- Image-Line
- Image/ine
- Imaginando, Sociedade...
- Iman Setiawan
- IMEA Studio
- IMect Ltd.
- IMusicAlbum
- Indigo Penguin Limited
- Inear Display
- Infinaut Technologies, Inc
- InitGraf Software
- Insideout ltd.
- Insignificance
- Intelligent Devices
- Intelligent Sounds & Music
- Intermediaware, Jochen...
- Intermorphic
- Interruptor
- Interval Studios
- Intua
- Intuem
- IonaWorks Co., Ltd.
- IOSONO Sound
- Iprog
- Ircam
- IridiumIris
- ITasbih
- Itoh Tomoaki
- IWriteMusicProject
- Ixi Software
- Ixox
- IZotope
- J Schrier
- J1000
- Jack Cox
- Jack Marshall
- Jack Tools
- Jacklin Studios
- Jago
- Jaime Alberto López Buenrostro
- Jalmus
- Jaltoh
- Jam Origin
- JambaLaya
- James Buchanan
- James Sentman
- Jamie.B Audio
- JamPlay, LLC
- Jankenpopp
- Jason R. Kramer
- Jasuto
- Jazz Apps Mobile LLC
- JCDeshaies
- Jean-Louis Valero
- Jeannot Welter
- Jeff Holtzkener
- Jens Korinth
- Jeroen Breebaart
- Jerome Decque
- Jerry Kindall
- Jess Hendricks
- Jesse Jost
- Jesusonic
- JH Labs
- Jim Campbell
- Jk plugs
- Jniz
- Joachim Sendelbach
- Jochen Falck
- Joel Clifft
- Joel Glanfield
- Joerg Piringer
- Joey Sturgis Tones
- Johan Looijenga
- John Aschenbrenner
- John Dormishian
- John Milner
- John Milner
- John Nastos
- John Ostler
- John Sohn
- John Solsma
- John Walbolt
- Jonas Gruska
- Jonas Norberg
- Jonathan Bell
- Jonathan Diehl
- Jordan Rudess: Wizdom...
- Joris Brouwer
- Joseph Genden
- Josh Bernfeld
- Joshua Parmenter
- José Maria Côrte-Real
- Jpu4ea/Unicorn
- JS8 media
- JSplash
- Ju-X Designs
- Juan Pablo Boero Alvarez
- Judebear Software
- Juho Jantunen
- Junaid Abbas
- Jungulator
- Junpei Wada
- Justin Guitar
- Justin Ohneiser
- JustJ
- JVico
- JXPlugins
- Kaelabs
- Kainjow
- Kandalu
- KangaSound
- Karaoke Music Coach App
- Karlheinz Essl
- KarmaFX
- Katsura Shareware
- KavaSoft
- Kawai Musical Instruments...
- Kazrog
- Kazutoshi Kawamura
- KBD-Infinity
- KBIC International Ltd
- Kelfar Technologies
- Kelly Bouwens
- Kelly Technology Inc.
- Kenaxis
- Kenji Kojima
- Kenneth Rundt
- KennettNet
- Kentaro Matsumae
- Kevlee Software LLC
- KeyKit
- Keytosound
- Kharma International B.V.
- Kidstatic Apps ApS
- Kilian IT-Consulting
- Kilohearts
- Kinetic Sound System
- Kip Chatterson
- Kjaerhus Audio
- Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen
- KL
- KLANG:technologies GmbH
- Klanghelm
- KlangLabs
- Klevgrand
- Klevgränd produkter AB
- Laan Labs
- LaCuerda.net
- Laidman & Katsura
- LairWare
- Lamophone Pty Ltd
- Lars Careliusson
- Launay Software
- Laurence Davies
- Laurent Colson
- Le Barrail
- Leafcutter Studios Ltd
- LeafNotes Inc.
- Learn To Master
- Lemonskin
- Lemu
- LennarDigital
- Lensco
- Leoné MusicReader
- LePou
- Lernvall Audio
- Les Productions Zvon
- Level Control Systems
- Levelground Media
- Levyware
- Lewis Keller
- Lexicon
- LFObia
- Liefactory
- LifeWay Christian Resources
- Light Guitar
- LilyPond
- Lindell Plugins
- Line 6
- Line of Sight Software
- Liner App
- LinPlug
- Linux MultiMedia Studio
- LiquidSonics
- Little Endian
- Live Factory
- Live Styler
- Livid Instruments
- Liyi Cheng
- Lloopp
- LNX Studio
- Lockwood Productions
- LoftSoft VST Plugins
- Logelloop
- LogicProFiles
- Lolo
- Lone Electron
- Longcat audio
- Loomer
- Loop-Sessions.LLC
- Loopr
- LoudMax
- Love-Creative.com
- LowNorth
- LSR Audio
- LtjBPM
- LucidMac Software
- Lucky Media
- Luis Martinez
- Luke Bartolomeo
- Luxonix
- LVC-Audio
- Lynx Studio Technology
- M T Software
- M-Audio
- Maag Audio
- Mabuse
- Mac Yun Soft
- Mac:method
- MacDJMixer
- MachineCodex
- Mackie
- MacMusic
- Macsome
- Mad Calf Apps
- Madrona Labs
- Maggot Software
- Magic Mouse Productions
- MagicAnywhere
- Magix
- Magnus Emilsson
- Maison Sonique
- Maize Soft
- Maj9.com
- Majorthird
- MakeMusic
- Makunouchi Bento
- Malcolm Haylock
- Malcolm Mugglin
- Malia software
- Mammut
- Mandolane
- Manfred Lipper
- Mani Consulting Limited...
- Manyetas
- Manytone Music
- Marcel Blum
- Marcos Alonso
- Marcus Satellite
- Marcus Scherer
- Marek Bereza
- Marek Dolleiser
- Margaret kovatch
- Marinus J.G. van de Molengraft
- Mariya Ivanova
- Mark Bunch
- Mark Heath
- Mark Jeschke
- Mark Malson
- Mark Of The Unicorn
- Mark's Recording Studio
- Markus Heberling...
- Markus Schiessl
- Markus Sigg
- Marsyas
- Martian Storm Ltd.
- Martin Eastwood
- Martin Pesch
- Martin Suda
- Martinic
- Masagi studio
- Masayuki Akamatsu
- Masih vahida
- Mason Peralta
- Mason Software
- Massey Plugins
- Massimo Biolcati
- Mastrcode Music
- Mathew Lane
- Mathieu Routhier
- Mathons
- Matjaz Marolt
- Matt Ingalls
- Matt Tytel
- Matthew Caldwell
- Matthew Prockup
- Matthew Rosenfeld
- Matthias Schorer
- Max Schlee
- Maximos Kaliakatsos-Papakostas
- Mbpowertools
- MDecks Music
- Meatscience
- Media Punk Studios
- Meesha
- MEET Studio
- MeldaProduction
- MellowMuse
- Melody Machine
- MelonSoft
- Meow-prod
- Merging
- MeterPlugs
- Metric Halo
- Michael Bergen
- Michael Chourdakis
- Michael Eskin
- Michael Geilich
- Michael gieson
- Michael Hand
- Michael Kastrup
- Michael Klingbeil
- Michael Norris
- Michael Rylee
- Michael Stoeckli
- Michael Zapp
- Michel Pollet
- Microcosm Software
- Midimetric
- Mifki
- Mike Verdone
- Mikhail Motyzhenkov
- Mikkel Bertelsen
- Mikrosonic
- Mil Productions
- Milkytracker
- Minimal System Instruments
- MiniSoftMusic
- Minnetonka Audio Software
- MiQ Limited
- Mireth Technology
- Mitchell Turner
- Mixage
- Mixed In Key
- Mixere
- MixMeister Technology
- MixShare
- MixVibes
- Mixxx
- MKD Software
- Moany Pony
- Mobileroo Pty Ltd
- MobileTutor.org
- Modartt
- Molecular Bytes
- Molten Logic LLC
- Monkey Tools
- Mono.casual
- Monoplugs
- MonoRAVEik
- MooCowMusic
- Moog Music
- Moor Computer Productions
- Mooseok Bahng
- Moppel
- Morpheus
- MP3 Converter
- MR Studio S.r.l.
- MRAC Publishing
- Mu Technologies
- Mucoder
- Mukunda Haveri Srinivasa...
- MultiTracks.com
- Muon
- Murat N Konar
- MurphSoft
- Murray Blair
- MuseScore BVBA
- MuseScore
- Music Breath, OOO
- MUSIC Group Research UK...
- Music Paradise, LLC
- Music Unfolding
- Musical Hearing
- MusicDevelopments
- MusicLab
- Musicnotes
- Musicrow
- MusicTheory
- Musikeys
- Musinaut
- Musitek
- Musopia
- Mutagene
- Mutools
- Muxer
- Myriad Software
- N-Track Studio
- N-Track
- N. Wheeler
- Nao Tokui
- Nasca Octavian Paul
- NashNET
- Nassen
- Native Instruments
- NCH Software
- Ndc Plugs
- Neko
- Nemat Behiar
- Nethernet
- NETTuno
- Neuratron Ltd
- Neuromixer
- New Sonic Arts
- Newforestar co,.ltd
- Newkline Co., Ltd.
- NewTech Infosystems
- NeXoft
- Nexogen Private Limited
- Neyrinck Audio
- Nick Crow Lab
- Nicola Canali
- Nicolas Fournel
- Nils Schneider
- Ninebuzz
- Nitzan Ravhon
- Noise Makers
- Nomad Factory
- Nonlinear Educating Inc.
- Nootka
- Norbert M. Doerner
- Nord
- Norihiro hanazono
- Normalware
- Norman Sander
- Norman Schmidt
- Northernbeat audio
- NoteHeads
- NoteTutor
- Notion Music
- Novaflash
- Novation
- Noveltech Audio
- NovLegLLC
- Nsaka ApS.
- Nucleus SoundLab
- NuGen Audio
- NUSofting
- O'Malley Sound
- Obie Leff
- ObjectGraph LLC
- Obvious Matter
- Oceanturtle
- Odo Synths
- Ohm Force
- Okkibokki
- Oli Larkin
- Oliver Buecker
- Olivier Gäumann
- Olympia Noise Co.
- On Beat Limited
- Pablo Prieto
- Padawan Software
- Panaiotis Panaiotis
- Pandaa Jonas Arstrom
- Panic
- Panoramic Software Inc.
- PaperWeight Software
- Parallax-audio.com
- Partikkel Audio
- Pascal Naidon
- Patrick Q. Kelly
- Paul Le Secq
- Pavel AGAPOV
- Pawel Krzywdzinski
- Pdp7. org
- Peavey
- Pekka Kauppila
- Pentacom
- Pete Yandell
- Peter Deelstra
- Peter Gilmour
- Peter Mcilwain
- Peter Nagy
- Peter Weightman
- Peterson Strobe Tuners
- Pethu
- PG Music
- Photosounder
- Phuturetone
- Phyar Studio
- Physical Music
- Pianovintage
- Pierre Couprie
- Piticule
- Pivitec, LLC
- Pixelshox
- Pixound
- Pixszels
- Piz
- Plasq
- Plastaq Software
- Play Music Publishing
- Plogue
- Pluck-n-play
- Plug and mix
- Plusadd,Inc
- Pocket Lifestyle
- Pocketglow LLC
- Podcollective
- Pol-Online
- PolyFractus
- Polygonium Inc.
- Polyrythmic
- Positive Grid Inc
- Post Musical Instruments
- Power Music Software Ltd
- Power Music, Inc.
- PowerFX
- PQN Audio
- Praat
- Prasad Upasani
- PreSonus
- Primitive Digital Software
- Primo Media
- Princetondigital
- Pro Audio DSP
- Pro Guitar Sweden AB
- Procypher Software Co.
- Prodyon
- Progress Audio
- Prominy
- Propagamma
- Propellerhead
- Prosoniq
- ProXL
- Prysm Audio
- Przemek Mieszkowski
- PSP Audioware
- Psychic Modulation
- Psycle
- PTH Consulting
- Publicspace.net
- Pure Data
- Radical Breeze
- Radicle LLC
- Raffaele Albanese
- Rainbow Flight
- Rajmil Fischman
- Rambax
- Raul Riera
- Ravenware Music
- Raymond May
- Rayzoon
- RCF spa
- Real-Time Specialties
- Real
- REALmac Software
- RealSynth.Net
- Red Cliff Corporation
- Red Hong
- Red Sweater
- Redmatica
- ReFuse Software
- ReFX
- Reign Design
- Rejean Poirier
- Rekkerd
- Rekliner Records
- ReKon audio
- Relab Development
- Rene Zuidhof
- Renoise
- Repetito
- Retronyms
- RetroWare
- Reveal Sound
- Revontulet Soft Inc
- Revox
- Rgc audio
- Ricardo Santos
- Richard Bannister
- Richard Foster
- Richard Furse
- Richard Hoffmann
- Richard Spindler
- RichDevelopments
- RightClickMP3
- RigSonics
- Rising Software
- RiyaazPal LLC
- RJV Media
- Rob Papen
- Rob Swart
- Robert Cory
- Robert Martin
- Robert Normandeau
- Robert W. Rose
- Robot Planet
- RoDen Apps
- Rodrigo Kolb
- Rodrigo Yanez
- Roel Spruit
- RoGame Software
- RoGame Software
- Roger Linn Design
- Roger Nichols Digital
- Rogue Amoeba
- Roland
- Rolfs Apps
- ROLI Ltd.
- Roll on Buddy
- Rollerchimp
- Ron Miller
- Roni music
- Rootsolutions
- Ross Flint
- Roughsoft
- Round Square
- Roxio
- Rs-met
- RSM Records
- RubbleDev
- Rubotic, Inc.
- Rumpelrausch Täips
- Ryan Newsome
- Ryota Yamauchi
- Ryouta Kira
- Ryu Suzuki
- Safwan Matni
- Sagan Technology
- Saitara Software
- Saltline
- Sam
- Sample Magic
- Sample Modeling
- SampleRobot
- SampleSumo
- Sanford Sound Design
- Sanus Artificium
- Sawa Digital LLC
- Sbooth.org
- SC
- Scala
- Scarbee
- Schaack Audio Technologies
- Schalltechnik Dr.-Ing....
- Scherzkeks Prod
- Schlukhash.nl
- Schwa
- Sci-Fi Hi-Fi
- Sciss
- Scoofster
- Scorio GmbH
- Scott Garner
- Scott Rundell
- Scott sopata
- Scruff Monkey Productions Ltd
- Scuffham Amps
- SearchWare Solutions
- Sebastian Mikolai
- Secret Base Design
- See'n'Sound
- Seishu
- Sensomusic
- Sentient Meat
- Serato
- Sergiy Korchan
- Seventh String Software
- Sevilla Soft
- SFX Machine
- Shackapoo
- Shehryar Lasi
- Shirt Pocket
- Shiverware
- Shure
- Shuriken
- Shuva
- Sibelius
- Siddha
- Sidmusic
- SillyMonkey Software
- Silverspike
- Simon Booth
- Simon Hopkin
- Simon Ma
- Simon Schoenenberger
- Simple Solutions
- Simple-Media
- Sincere Apps
- Sineqube
- Sinevibes
- Sinusoid Pty Ltd
- SinusWeb
- Sionsoft
- Sixth Happiness
- SKnote
- Slate Digital
- Slicksquare
- Smappsoft
- SmartElectronix
- Smartsound
- SmileOnMyMac
- Smoking Bunny Productions
- Smule
- SnakeLoops
- Snoize
- SoftJock Audio Software
- SoftPlug
- Softrave
- Softube
- Software-Kitchen
- Solid State Logic
- Solutions SW
- Sonalksis
- Song Zhang
- Songtive
- Sonic academy
- Sonic Age America LLC
- Sonic amigos
- Sonic Assault
- Sonic Charge
- Sonic Core
- Sonic Flavours
- Sonic project
- Sonic Studio
- Sonic Timeworks
- SonicBirth
- SonicLAB
- SonicReef
- SonicXTC
- Sonigen
- Sonimus
- SoniqWare
- Sonnox
- Sonoma Wire Works
- Sonomatics
- Sononum.net
- Sonophile
- Sonoris Audio Engineering
- Sonosaurus
- Sony Creative Software
- Soonchul Choi
- Sothinkmedia
- Sound and Form
- Sound Burst
- Sound Consulting
- Sound Devices
- Sound Grain
- Sound Guru
- Sound Magic
- Sound Performance Lab
- Sound Quest
- Sound Radix
- SoundApp
- Soundboard
- Soundcrack
- SoundEditor
- Soundfisher
- SoundHack
- SoundLib
- Soundminer
- Soundness
- SoundSpin
- SoundTower Inc.
- SoundToys
- Source Elements
- Sourceforge
- SpartanApps
- SPC Plugins
- SpearGear
- Spectacular Software
- Spectral Efficiency Ltd
- Spectrasonics
- Spicy Guitar
- Spongefork
- Spoonboiler
- Spoonjack
- Squared 5
- Squaredheads
- Squarepoet, inc.
- Squeegees
- Squit Sounds
- SRS Labs
- ST audio
- Stagecraft Software
- STAMER Group
- Starplugs
- Startly Technologies
- Steevchik Dev Projects
- Stefan Kuhn
- Steinberg
- Stephan Hepper
- Stephane Dupont
- Stephen Norum
- Stephen P. Tarzia
- Steve Dekorte
- Steve Hazel
- Steve Thomson
- Stickies Software
- Stillwell Audio
- Straightarrow
- Studio AMANgA
- Studio Devil
- Studio Kura
- Studio Phiz
- Studio Six Digital
- Studio Sol
- Studio Units
- Stumm
- Stumod
- STW audio
- Stéphane BRUNET
- Subatomic labs
- Subree I/S
- Subsonic Labs
- Subsun.ca
- SubtleSoft
- Sugar Bytes
- Super Destroy FX
- Super Kiddo Studio
- SuperCollider
- SuperMegaUltraGroovy
- SuperNonstop.com, Inc.
- Supertintin
- Susan Marvin
- Sven Meier
- Swar Systems
- SwingDrama
- Sylfid
- Symbolic Sound
- Synapse Audio
- Synaptricity
- SyncerSoft
- Synchro Arts
- SyncSing
- Synful
- Synleor
- Synology Inc.
- Synthblitz Audio
- Synthedit
- Synthesia
- Syntheway
- Synthogy
- SynthPlug
- T-Force
- T-u-b-e
- T@b
- TablEdit
- Tac System
- Tactile Pictures
- Taika Systems LLC
- Taisuke fujita
- Tak Mitsuhashi
- Takashi Mizuhiki
- Tanadium
- Tanager AudioWorks
- Tascam
- TC Electronic
- TC-Helicon
- TeamDNR
- Techné Media
- Tecworks
- Tek'it Audio
- Tekartik
- Tellini's
- Tempo rubato
- Ten by Ten
- Teofilo Vizcaino
- Teragon Audio
- TerraTec
- TGTools
- The Associated Board of the...
- The DSP Dimension
- The Lone Roger
- The Musicology Group, Inc.
- The Shpits
- The Strange Agency LLC
- The Trove
- The United Academy of Music
- The Universal Music Machine
- The Wild Bits
- TheCoolBytes
- Thepriest.site11.com
- Theta Music Technologies, Inc.
- ThingTone Software
- Thinking Cap
- Thinkyhead Software
- Third Cog Software
- Third Monk Software
- Thirteen32 Limited
- Thomas Fiedler
- Thomas Gunter
- Thoor software AB
- Three 2 One
- Thumb Wizards
- TiAu Engineering UG...
- Tibor Horvath
- Tim Barrett
- Tim Leasure
- Tim O's Studios
- Tim Omernick
- Tim Ross
- Tim Shim
- TimeWarp Technologies
- Timothy Bowers
- Tin:b Software
- Tingalin, LLC
- Tingjing.com
- Tinytool
- Titanium Software
- Tiv Studio
- TK-Plugins
- Tobias schmitt
- Tobybear
- Togu Audio Line
- Tokentoken
- Tomohiro Yamashita
- Tomohisa Himeno
- TonalEnergy, Inc
- TonApp AS
- Tone Projects
- Tone2
- ToneBooster
- ToneBytes
- Toontrack
- Top Apps Inc.
- Topaz Productions
- Topten Software
- Torculus, LLC
- Toronto Celtic Music Page
- Toscanalyzer
- Toshihiko Arai
- Touch & Learn
- Tracktion Software Corporation
- TrakAx.com
- Transported Productions
- Tri-Edre
- Trillium Lane Labs
- Tritik
- TriTone Digital
- TroikaLabs
- TroikaTronix
- TrozWare
- TrueFire
- TSE Audio
- TTrGames
- TubeOhm
- TuinHok
- Tune It!
- TuxGuitar
- Tweakbench
- Twerk
- Twisted Lemon
- TwistedWave
- Two Notes Audio Engineering
- TX16Wx
- V-Plugs
- Vacuumsound
- VadeCreation
- ValhallaDSP
- VaporTrail Software LLC
- Variety Of Sound
- Vemberaudio.se
- Vengeance-Sound
- Versilian Studios
- VertexDSP
- VescoFX
- Vex in Music
- Victor bajada
- Victor Ren
- Vidya Multimedia
- W-project
- WADA Masashi
- Waldorf
- Wallander Instruments
- WarmPlace.Ru
- Waschbusch.com
- Wave Arts
- Wave Idea
- WaveDNA
- Waveform Software
- WaveMachine Labs
- Waves Factory