Pro Tools

par Avid
Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 12.8.1
Format App
Compatibilité Pro ToolsMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $899  /  998€
Mis à jour le 25 août 2017
Téléchargements 11 658
Télécharg. Mac 8 417
Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 12.8.1
Format App
Compatibilité Pro ToolsWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $899  /  998€
Mis à jour le 25 août 2017
Téléchargements 11 658
Télécharg. PC 3 241

Station de travail audionumérique

Pro Tools a redéfini l'industrie de la musique, du cinéma et de la télévision, et réunit tous les outils dont vous avez besoin pour composer, enregistrer, éditer et mixer de la musique et de l'audio. Travaillez sans aucune contrainte et au rythme de votre créativité, et gérez les sessions les plus exigeantes avec la meilleure qualité de son possible. Aujourd'hui, Pro Tools 12 innove avec Avid Cloud Collaboration, le prochain Marketplace Avid et des options flexibles qui offrent autant de moyens économiques d'accéder au logiciel standard de l'industrie. Créez avec un abonnement à bas prix. Achetez directement le logiciel ou un système complet. Ou lancez-vous dans l'enregistrement avec Pro Tools First, une version gratuite de Pro Tools.
Mac 10.12.5 (Sierra), 10.11.6 (El Capitan), 10.10.5 (Yosemite)
Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 8.1 64-bit, Windows 7 64-bit
Pro Tools Pro Tools v 12.8.1 25 août 2017 MacOS X Intel
Avid Pro Tools Pro Tools v 12.8 29 juin 2017 MacOS X Intel
Avid Pro Tools v 12.7.1 26 févr. 2017 MacOS X Intel
Bug Fixes


Deleting automation on a frozen track no longer deletes underlying clips as well (PT-224661)

Clearing a time selection that begins before a fade out within a clip and ends outside of the clip, after the fade, no longer fails to clear the fade out as a part of operation (PT-223910)

UI stuttering in the edit window no longer occurs when adjusting clip gain (PT-224370)

Fixed a case where the new playlist created by an overlap made while a track is in Waveform track view would be created in the wrong playlist order (PT-222733)

Restored the behavior of Insertion Follows Playback during Pre-Roll that existed prior to Pro Tools 12.6. The insertion point is once again placed where the play head stops during the pre-roll (PT-220982)

Fixed a case where multi-channel clip groups would break if they were dragged over an Aux, Master, or VCA track (PT-224183)

Clip Effects

Fixed a case where applying cursor focus to the Clip Effects view could lock out keyboard input (PT-224379)

Fixed a case where focus was not correctly restored to the Clip Effects view after switching between Pro Tools and another app (PT-223549)

Using the keyboard shortcut to access the Clip Effects view no longer incorrectly focuses a field in a text entry state (PT-224091)


Fixed a case where automation could be deleted without warning when changing the width of a track's main output (PT-224495)

Fixed a case where MIDI CC automation would not be played back correctly until reaching a new break point (PT-224233)

Unexpected automation ramps no longer occur intermittently when using the Punch Preview command after the Back and Play command (PT-211468)

Fixed cases where -9155 Automation Too Dense Errors would be thrown by sawtooth-like automation within a very small number of samples (PT-223818)

Fixed a case where track volume settings (volume levels without written automation) between +6db and +12db would be received as +6db by collaborators in a collaboration (PT-224848)

Soundbase and Workspace

Files auditioned in the workspace while the conform to session tempo setting is enabled are now correctly delay compensated according to the current system delay (PT-202849)

Relinking and indexing of files that are more than 6 or 7 folders deep no longer fails (PT-220471)

Copy and Relink performance for operations containing more than 2000 files is significantly improved (PT-223544)

The Tags pane in soundbase no longer fails to update dynamically when removing and returning a folder with audio to the Sound Libraries location (PT-223825)

Fixed a case where the contents of the Sound Libraries location may not be indexed properly after being renamed and then renamed again to "Sound Libraries" (PT-223964)

Fixed a case where the clip outline drawn to show placement of a file dragged from the Workspace browser would appear on the wrong track if there are hidden tracks in the document (PT-224050)

Fixed a specific UI glitch that could occur when dragging and dropping audio files to the Edit Window while using a Windows OS (PT-224104)

Fixed several tagging issues in Soundbase that could occur while using non-English language characters

Fixed several minor UI and selection issues within the Workspace browser

Crashes and Errors

Fixed a crash that could occur when starting playback shortly after any use of the audition path, particularly following an AudioSuite audition and render (PT-223588)

Fixed a crash that could occur when playing a stereo clip that had been created by combining two mono clips if one of the mono clips had a crossfade (PT-225461)

Fixed a crash that could occur when pasting a clip group of six mono clips with individual edits into a 5.1 track (PT-225367)

Fixed a crash that occur during session open if the video engine needed to be enabled and then the session open operation was cancelled (PT-224339)


Fixed an issue where projects created in previous versions of Pro Tools may not download in newer versions of Pro Tools (PT-224695)

The Hardware Setup window is no longer launched unexpectedly after updating the HD Driver without first uninstalling the previous HD Driver version (PT-224011)
Fixed a momentary parameter value ramp up that would occur in the Channel Strip plug-in on C, Lss, Rss, Lsr, Rsr and LFE channels of surround instances immediately after any offline processing task completed (AAX-1437)
tools Pro Tools v 12.7 24 déc. 2016 MacOS X Intel
l'industrie Pro Tools v 12.6.1 2 déc. 2016 MacOS X Intel
Bug Fixes

MIDI Delay Compensation

MIDI notes are no longer recorded late by the delay compensation value (PT-220861)

Breakpoint Editing

Grid Toggle is disabled when adjusting automation, MIDI, or Clip Gain breakpoint controls in Slip Mode to avoid conflict with fine-control editing (PT-221294)

Pressing the Command key (Mac) or Control key (Windows) while editing automation and MIDI breakpoints now suppresses Grid mode and enables fine-control editing. This is now consistent with breakpoint editing behavior for Clip Gain. Fine-control editing can be disengaged during mouse-down by releasing the Command key (Mac) or Control key (Windows), and then re-engaged by pressing the Command key (Mac) or Control key (Windows) again (PT-221952)

Using the Smart Tool to add a breakpoint on a Clip Gain line no longer incorrectly constrains the breakpoint to the nearest grid line (PT-221919)

Fixed multiple automation breakpoint editing inconsistencies with Grabber Tool (PT-221862)


The Tandem Trimming option (introduced in Pro Tools 12.6) has been removed from the Options menu. Tandem Trimming is only available using key modifiers: Command-Control-click (Mac) or Control-Start-click (windows) with the Trim tool. Note that TCE and Elastic trim do not support Tandem Trimming.

Fade length settings from the batch fades dialog are now used when pressing the single-key "f" command to create fades (PT-218064)

Fixed a case where clip groups from created before 12.6 were broken when opening the session (PT-221888)

Audiosuite rendering with Clip by Clip and Create Individual Files settings no longer alters clip lengths unexpectedly (PT-216026)

With a selection across Audio and Instrument tracks, nudge no longer fails to move audio clips within the selection (PT-221115)

The Heal Separation command no longer includes adjacent clips that are not selected in some cases while using Layered Editing (PT-221928)

The nudge command no longer fails to move selected MIDI notes while using Layered Editing (PT-221116)

Deleting a fade out that is also an overlap of another clip no longer deletes the underlapping clip (PT-221271)

Edit/Timeline Selection is no longer lost when copying a selection within a clip to a new playlist (PT-221270)

Moving a fade on one clip that overlaps another no longer trims the underlapping clip (PT-221450)

While using the respective "Send Fully Overlapped Clips..." preference for editing, clips that are fully overlapped by nudging another clip over it no longer fail to be sent to a new playlist (PT-221274)

Fixed a case where Analysis markers would not be displayed on part of an underlapped clip when switching to Warp track view (PT-221672)

Automation and Mixing

Fixed a case where soloing and unsoloing tracks could cause AAE error -9155 "Automation is too dense." (PT-220691)

Previously written front-to-back pan automation now plays back correctly while previewing front left/right automation moves (PT-221130)

Engaing a VCA solo no longer fails to change the state of solos on tracks in the underlying group (PT-222010)

Emphasis has been added to the dialog warning users about writing automation to the entire timeline (PT-221890)

Fixed a case where newly created VCAs could not be record enabled on the S6 Master Post Module (PT-221664)

Crashes and Errors (Please continue to submit crash logs!)

Fixed cases where certain sessions created before 12.6 would throw an assertion error when opening or crash when attempting to Import Session Data (PT-221127)

Fixed a case where entering track comments could cause a crash on Windows 8 and Windows 10 only (PT-218721)

Fixed a case where deleting a VCA track with a D-Control connected to Pro Tools could cause a crash (PT-221285)

Fixed a case where deleting complex multi-selections of clips and clip groups across multiple tracks could cause a crash (PT-221288)

Fixed a case where dragging and dropping a MIDI file to a MIDI Instrument track caused a crash (PT-222247)

Fixed a case where unchecking "Ignore Errors" in the playback engine could cause a crash with some 3rd party audio interfaces (PT-209601)

Fixed a case where undoing immediately or sometime after using the keyboard shortcut to switch playlists would cause a crash (PT-221780)


Fixed a case where frames would be dropped at the beginning of playback with newer BlackMagic video cards (PT-221056)


Workspace searches of mapped network volumes no longer fail to find files as expected (PT-211720)


When recording to Avid ISIS or NEXIS storage, an intermittent delay of several seconds no longer occurs when starting a record pass (PT-216388)

Fixed relinking behaviors for copied WAV and AIFF media when importing data from an AAF (PT-209751)

Recalling Memory Locations that show all tracks in large sessions is now faster (PT-221011)

Window positions are now correctly restored when using two displays on Mac OS X El Capitan (PT-221010)

Fixed a UI clipping issue for the Copy Selection to New Playlist command in the Edit menu (PT-221883)

MIDI continues to play on deactivated instrument track (PT-221284)

The Cancel Recording command no longer fails to delete and remove MIDI clips from the timeline when canceling a record using one of the punch record modes (PT-220488)

Collaboration and Project Sync

Fixed an assertion error that could occur after undoing a track download that could prevent further downloads on affected tracks (PT-220148)

Projects created by the Save Copy In... command are no longer forced to multi-mono audio file type (PT-217280)

When going offline and back online, collaboration features no longer fail to reactivate (PT-221749)
musique Pro Tools v 12.6 2 oct. 2016 MacOS X Intel

  • Clip Effects (HD Software Only)

  • Provides clip-based effects that let you apply non-destructive EQ, filtering, and dynamics processing to any whole audio clip on any audio track.

    Lets you modify the sound of any single whole clip or a selection of whole clips on one or more tracks without having to use rendered AudioSuite processing or having to process entire tracks using plug-in inserts.

    Settings always stay with the clip, which means you can move, and Cut or Copy and Paste clips along with their corresponding clip effects settings

    Fully supported with Pro Tools HD software. Pro Tools software can open and playback sessions and projects with clip effects as well as Bypass, Clear, and Render clip effects if present, but cannot edit clip effects.

    Uses the host processor (Native processing) on all systems.

  • Layered Editing

  • New editing option which prevents loss of partially overlapped clips while editing. For example, deleting a small clip placed on top of a larger clip reveals the intact underlying clip, not silence. Option is enabled with new button near Edit Tools and Options menu.

    “Overlap Shadows” now indicate overlapping clips. This replaces previous “Overlap” option for dog-ear indicators. Option is enabled in View>Clip menu.

    “Overwrite Indicators” inform the user if an offscreen clip will be fully overlapped and cleared. Option is enabled in View>Clip menu.

  • Playlist Workflows

  • When a track contains more than one playlist, the Playlist selector now turns blue.

    New “Send to…” commands allow selections to be more freely copied or moved between playlists. Visual indicators are provided to inform the user of the playlist destination. These commands are available when right-clicking on a clip and in Edit menu.

    “Send Fully Overlapped Clips to Available Playlist…” preferences allow fully overlapped clips while editing and/or recording to be sent to an available playlist as opposed to being cleared from the timeline. These preferences are available in Preferences>Editing.

  • Additional Editing Improvements

  • In Grid mode, use the Command (Mac) or Control (Windows) key to toggle off (or “clutch” out of) Grid mode and edit in Slip mode. When in Slip mode, use the Command (Mac) or Control (Windows) key to toggle off (or “clutch” out of) Slip mode and edit in Grid mode. This makes editing much more fluid as the Slip or Grid edit mode can be “parked” in a default position and using only the key command to toggle to the other mode from the one currently selected.

    Tandem Trimming is now available in Options menu and is no longer enabled with Command (Mac) or Control (Windows) key.

    Fine breakpoint adjustment now requires Shift+Command (Mac) or Shift+Control (Windows) keys and adjustment is constrained vertically.

  • Real Time Fade Manipulation and Fades Context Menu

  • Manipulate fade curves in real time with waveform updates using the Smart Tool or Selector Tool.

    When using the Smart Tool, hovering the mouse over the center third of a fade of any kind will show the Fade icon. Clicking and dragging on the fade while this icon is shown will allow the real time adjustment of the fade curve.

    When using the Selector Tool, hovering the mouse over a fade of any kind and holding the Command key (Mac) or the Control key (Win) will clutch the selector tool into the fade manipulation tool. Click and drag on the fade to adjust the curve.

    A new Fades sub menu is added to the edit window right click menu while fades are selected that allows changing of primary fade shape setting, equal power or gain setting, and access to the Fades dialog.

  • Single System Re-recording Workflows (HDX Only)

  • Delay Compensation enhancements have been made to support Film/TV re-recording workflows within a single system using cascaded audio tracks.

    Set cascaded audio tracks used to re-record to “Auto-Low Latency Off,” enabling seamless input monitor switching and Destructive Punch in and out.

  • Workspace Simple Search Boolean Enhancements

  • Classic Boolean search operators are now available when using Simple Search in the Workspace. Simple Search performs a search of all “free text” fields within the Workspace’s current index of volumes and catalogs chosen for searching. The following operators now affect a search string:

    Exact matching; by enclosing search terms in quotations, e.g. “search string”, the workspace will return only files with exact matches to the enclosed string

    AND operator; by separating search terms with AND, e.g. search AND string, the workspace will return only files with matches to both terms. AND is the default operator used when separating search terms by a single space.

    OR operator; by separating search terms with OR, e.g. search OR string, the workspace will return files that match both terms in any combination

    NOT operator; by using the - symbol immediately before a search term, e.g. -“search string”, the workspace will return only items that do not contain the given term

    Parenthetical operations; by enclosing search terms in parens, e.g. (search AND string), the workspace will first perform the searches within parens and then permute the displayed results by the operators and terms used outside of the parens

  • Edit Window Status Icon Enhancements (Relink Offline, Task Manager, and Freeze)

  • Clicking the “Session Data Online Status” indicator when it is red because there are Offline Files in the current session or project will now initiate the “Relink Offline” command

    A new “Task Manager Status” indicator is displayed that will show whether any tasks are in progress as well as whether any tasks have failed. Clicking the Task Manager Status indicator will open, close, or focus the Task Manager window depending on the Task Manager window’s current state

    A new “Freeze Status” indicator is displayed that will show whether any of the currently shown tracks in a Pro Tools document are Frozen. Right clicking on the Freeze Status indicator will allow you to freeze or unfreeze all tracks, or selectively include track types in subsequent freeze or unfreeze all commands. Option(Mac) or Alt(PC) + clicking the Freeze Status indicator will Freeze All no matter what settings are used in the context menu, and Command(Mac) or (Control) + clicking the Freeze Status indicator will freeze any remaining unfrozen tracks of the chosen tracks types if one or more shown tracks in the document are already frozen

  • Collaboration and Project Sync Updates

  • Pending Invitations can now be revoked from Artist Chat

    Tracks with conflicting upload and download state are now shown in the Collaboration Issues workflow

    Ownership requests can now be rejected by Command+Clicking (Mac) or Control+Clicking (PC) the ownership button when another user has asked to take ownership of a track

    Cloud Client Services v2.0 - supports future enhancements to the Collaboration and Project Synchronization feature set and increases transfer reliability for current versions of Pro Tools

  • ------------

  • Bug Fixes

  • Performance

  • Fixed a class of performance issues that were associated with viewing core plug-in windows during playback such as a case of -9173 with the Click II plug-in

  • Editing

  • Fixed graphical issues that could occur when moving tracks or clips vertically within the edit window

    The commit operation no longer creates both a whole file clip and an identical sub clip. Only a whole file clip is created

    Using "Create Individual" and "Clip by Clip" settings for Audiosuite processing no longer modifies clip boundaries unexpectedly

    Tracks created by a committing an Elastic Audio enabled tick-based track no longer fail to respond to tempo changes

    Track Bounce no longer creates a file with an incorrect original timecode value

  • Import Session Data and Import Audio

  • Imported audio files with names containing 2-byte language characters or certain non-English language characters no longer fail to be found when searching the Clips List

    Fixed an Import Session Data issue that could delete plug-in automation without warning when matching to tracks in the current session with plug-in instances that were not automation enabled before import

    Fixed an issue with Import Session Data that would fail to import tracks that did not have any whole file audio clips on the active playlist

    Fixed a case where groups that are active in a source session are imported as inactive after Import Session Data

    The "Consolidate" option in Import Session Data no longer copies the full file for clips that should be consolidated instead

  • Automation

  • The Channel Strip Low Pass Filter Frequency parameter responds to automation more accurately

    A warning is now presented while attempting to remove plug-ins that have been automated from tracks that are inactive

    Fixed a case where Master Fader tracks would switch automation mode to Auto Latch after a Bounce to Disk

    The duplicate command no longer fails to operate on automation on frozen tracks

    Fixed a case where some 3rd party plug-in automation written in previous Pro Tools versions would not play back in 12.5-12.5.2

  • Crashes and Errors (Please continue to submit crash logs!)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when resizing a video track

    Fixed a crash that could occur inserting the Downmixer plug-in on a track during playback

    Fixed a crash caused by cancelling the Rename dialog while using Strip Silence

    Fixed a crash that could occur separating clips containing certain combinations of fades

    Fixed a crash caused by moving inMusic VIP between inserts

    Fixed a crash that could occur when nudging clips

    Fixed a crash that could occur when downloading track changes that included a new version of an existing audio file

    Fixed a crash that could occur after using Destructive Punch and turning delay compensation on and off

    Fixed a crash that could occur while using S6 and closing a session while a track is in playlist view and the edit selection is placed on that track's main playlist

    Fixed a crash that could occur when re-calculating waveform overviews for a file that was moved or renamed

    Fixed a hang that could occur undoing nudge commands by clicking in the Undo History window

    Fixed a hang that could occur when using the trim scrub tool on certain clips

    Fixed Access Violation errors that could occur using Clip Gain and Audiosuite in some cases on Windows 10

  • Video

  • The Video Engine no longer fails to initialize on a non-Administrator account if Pro Tools hadn't previously been launched by an Administrator account on the same OS install (Mac OS only)

    Using Bounce to Quicktime no longer fails to bounce audio in sessions created from an AAF with a project type other than 1080p24

    Playback of one half frame timeline selections no longer cause a video engine error

    Creating a new session from a template containing a video track and one or more video clips no longer asks to import the video file

  • Workspace

  • Filenames containing 2-byte language or special characters no longer fail to be found while searching in Workspace

    Fixed a bug that prevented selection of multiple "TC Rate" values in Workspace advanced search

    Workspace no longer fails to display all channels for a multichannel file after renaming

    Workspace window position no longer fails to save when closing and reopening

  • Miscellaneous

  • Fixed an issue that prevented and Instrument Track MIDI Fader volume change from adjusting a virtual instrument's volume during performance or playback

    Fixed an issue that could cause noise to appear in clips with fades when consolidating

    Fixed a slow memory leak that could occur while Pro Tools was left running for many hours

    Fixed an issue that could cause track solos to be ignored during the countoff

    Disabling "Link Mix/Edit Group Enable" no longer fails to unlink mix and edit groups when changing active state

    Fixed an issue that could cause Aux tracks to erroneously switch to Frames track view

    Copy to send no longer generates unexpected send volume levels on frozen tracks

    Inactive tracks no longer fail to be made active if the track selection also contains tracks that are already active

    Fixed an issue that could cause artifacts to be recorded when stopping a destructive punch record pass if system delay is greater than 5000 samples

    MIDI Tracks in the "Single Note" track view restore correctly when reopening sessions

    While using S6 and controlling multiple machines in a satellite network, soloing a track in X-OR no longer fails across machines

    Fixed an issue that would disable Elastic Audio without updating the Elastic Audio algorithm selector UI when using the do-to-all modifier to choose an algorithm if some tracks already have an algorithm setting

    Fixed an installation issue that could prevent ICON and C|24 from working on Windows 10

    Increased the click zone size for black squares in the Fades dialog used to adjust fade in and out start points for crossfades with unlinked fade ins and fade outs

    The state and position of the floating Transport window no longer fails to be stored and recalled with window configurations

    Fixed a case where the timeline insertion point may roll backward slightly after stopping a Destructive Punch record pass

    Fixed a case where installation of a new plug-in would not be detected when launching Pro Tools

    Fixed an issue that could cause installation of Pro Tools to fail if a prior installation of Media Composer 8.5.2 had taken place

    Improved translations throughout the application

  • Artist Chat

  • Fixed cases where Project chat rooms did not display a name in Artist Chat

    Fixed a case where it was possible to leave "Display Name" empty before beginning to collaborate

    Fixed an issue that could cause Artist Chat to only update once after signing in

    Fixed various issues with sending a contact request to an e-mail address

    Fixed various issues with sending and receiving project invitations

  • Collaboration and Project Sync

  • Fixed a case where the save command could take 30 seconds to execute for a Project using many thousands of audio files

    Fixed an issue that could prevent some users from deleting projects or creating new ones

    If there are track changes and tempo ruler changes in a download queue, the queue is sequenced so that tick based tracks are not modified out of sync with tempo changes

    Fixed many issues with Project functionality that could occur after network connectivity is interrupted

    Upload all new changes command no longer fails to operate on hidden tracks

    Fixed a case where unshared tracks could display deactivated collaboration UI elements

    Unfreezing a shared Aux or Instrument track no longer fails to register a track change

    Fixed a case where the global upload button may not clear after sharing a track change that included a Commit operation

    Fixed a case where uploads of some files could stall while uploading a single track that contained hundreds of audio file

    Fixed a case where files could be missing after using Save Copy In to convert a session to a project

    While using Shared as Frozen, parameter changes that would not affect the rendered audio no longer require re-freezing

    Audio files that were uploaded as part of a project synchronization before being shared for collaboration are not re-uploaded if the track becomes shared

    Drawing a tempo change no longer causes all shared tracks to register a track change
    logiciel Pro Tools v 12.5.2 31 juil. 2016 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools | S6 Master Post Module support
    Enhanced EUCON support for track arming and punching in Pro Tools. Read more about the Master Post Module at the Build Your Own S6 page.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed an intermittent issue affecting HDX systems which would cause a crackling sound after making changes to the HDX mixer
    Shuffling DSP no longer fails to restore audio when signal from a bus or output is lost - to shuffle DSP hold Shift+Option+Command on Mac or Shift+Ctrl+Alt on Windows and click on a DSP plasma meter in the System Usage window


    MIDI and Instrument tracks no longer fail to arm when included in a do to all or do to selected command using the “option” modifier
    Fixed a case where punching in and out and then banking an S6 control surface would crash Pro Tools
    Fixed a case where Pro Tools could crash after switching focus to another EUCON-ized application
    telecharger Pro Tools v 12.5.1 15 juin 2016 MacOS X Intel

    Pro Tools | Dock Support

    The EUCON AppSet for Pro Tools | Dock is installed automatically with Pro Tools 12.5.1. This AppSet is required for proper Dock button functionality. Refer to the “Optimizing EuControl After a Pro Tools Update” section of the Pro Tools | Dock guide or visit Pro Tools | Dock Support for setup instructions. Learn more about Pro Tools | Dock here.

    Artist Chat

    Double-clicking on a Project in the projects list will open the Project in Pro Tools

    Bug Fixes

    Thanks to Avid’s Pro Audio Community

    Many thanks to the users who notified us and provided reproducible cases of bugs, helping us provide the following fixes:

    Fixed an unexpected volume change that intermittently occurred when using non-HDX playback engines and starting playback from directly on top of a mute automation event

    Fixed a crash that occurred when a Commit command was cleared from the undo queue

    Write to All enabled no longer fails to work when using the numeric keypad shortcut on non-English keyboard layouts


    The scrub playhead is no longer out of sync with audio when using delay compensation and high system delay

    The "Restore Previously Shown Tracks" command no longer fails

    All channels of automation for unlinked multi-mono plug-ins on Aux or Master Faders can now be copied and pasted successfully

    Fade in, Crossfade, and Fade out no longer fail to follow the edit preferences when using command focus keyboard shortcuts on edit selection

    Automation breakpoints no longer snap to the center of a fade while dragging fades around clips

    Fixed an error that would occur trying to modify the Start, End, and Length fields in Insert Time and Cut Time event operation windows by clicking and dragging the mouse or typing a value

    TCE Trim of clips on an Instrument Track no longer deletes underlying automation

    Yellow rectangle outline of clip groups is no longer drawn incorrectly

    Yellow rectangle outline of clip is no longer drawn incorrectly when editing in Shuffle mode

    Sync points in MIDI clips are no longer displayed incorrectly during clip drag

    Clip boundaries of video clips selected and dragged with the object grabber are no longer drawn improperly

    MIDI clip outlines and note data no longer distort unexpectedly while being dragged across tempo changes and between tracks of different time-base


    The Auto Backups preference no longer resets to 2 after creating a Project

    Fixed a launch slow down that would occur when opening Pro Tools on a system connected to a closed network with no internet connection

    Click II plug-in no longer causes UI freezes when open

    Pressing "=" while “Hide Ticks & Milliseconds” is enabled in the Big Counter no longer causes the edit selection to jump to the beginning of the timeline

    Disabling the "Audio Track Record Lock" preference no longer fails to take tracks out of record enable when stopping a record pass

    Folders created by the installed Avid Codecs are no longer left behind when uninstalling Pro Tools on Windows

    Fixed a case where MIDI Channel assignment is lost after import session data to existing Instrument Tracks

    A bug in Pro Tools was fixed that caused V-Mon AAX DSP instances to be allocated to multiple DSP chips

    Fixed the placement of localized text in the Bounce to Quicktime dialog

    The Audio I/O Firmware page of Avid DigiTest now warns against power cycling audio hardware while a firmware update is in process. Please, always allow a firmware update to complete even if it seems to be taking longer than expected.

    Crashes and Errors (Please continue submitting crash reports!)

    Fixed a crash caused by creating a track while recording

    Pro Tools no longer crashes when searching the workspace for certain non-English characters

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools could crash after importing session data and coalescing VCA automation

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash when using the Polyphonic Elastic Audio plug-in

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash during offline Bounce, Freeze, or Commit, when using certain plug-ins

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash when undoing an Expand to new tracks operation on a Field Recorder Guide Track

    Pro Tools no longer hangs when using memory locations to Show/Hide tracks in large sessions

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools could crash when importing frozen Instrument tracks

    Fixed a crash caused by using "Thin All" command on an edit selection containing automation on a VCA Master and a MIDI track

    Fixed a crash that could occur while attempting to commit by drag and drop from a MIDI to an Audio Track while Clip Transparency is enabled

    Fixed a crash during real-time bounce caused by a high volume of MIDI data being input to Pro Tools during the bounce pass

    Fixed a case where removing a Key Signature symbol could crash Pro Tools

    Fixed a crash caused by using "Do To All" and removing a key signature marker

    Fixed a crash that could occur while using the Cut Time event operation

    Fixed a crash when revealing the workspace for a selection in the clip list containing both audio and MIDI clips

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash after renaming a track or bus during playback

    Fixed a case where the New Tracks dialog becomes unresponsive causing Pro Tools to hang

    Fixed a case where opening sessions from the dashboard could crash Pro Tools

    Fixed a case where saving fade settings in the Fades window caused Pro Tools to hang

    Fixed a case that prevented sessions from opening if they linked to multiple video files that had timecode rates different than the session setting

    Fixed a case where creating overlapping output paths could cause Pro Tools to hang indefinitely

    Quickly changing Fade Presets no longer intermittently crashes Pro Tools

    Control Surfaces

    EUCON layout assignments are no longer lost when saving sessions in Pro Tools 12.5

    Fixed a case where writing automation in an extremely large session could crash the S6 MTMApp and lock up the S6 surface

    Cloud Collaboration Bug Fixes

    Track/Project Data Changes and Ownership

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools could crash after taking track changes to a shared track that included changing a track from non-elastic to elastic enabled

    Global upload and download buttons no longer illuminate incorrectly when there is a new shared track available to download

    Making adjustments to adjustments to plug-in graphs such as EQ curves directly in the graph now register as track changes

    Changes to Waves plug-ins are now registered as track changes

    Deleting automation on a frozen Aux or Instrument track, or on a Master Fader, is now registered as a track change

    Deleting a playlist is now registered as a track change

    Muting a MIDI or Instrument Track from the MIDI Editor is now registered as a track change

    Key input changes are now registered as track changes

    Playing back previously written automation on shared Aux, Instrument, or Master tracks no longer flags the track as changed

    The missing plug-in dialog no longer appears every time change are received on a track with a missing plug-in. The warning only occurs when first receiving the change containing the missing plug-in

    "Custom Allocation Options" in Disk Allocation for tracks are no longer transmitted to other users' systems, preventing missing media

    Fixed several cases where track changes were ignored when using Automatic Upload mode

    Using "Do To All" to unmute tracks will only cause tracks that changed state to be flagged for upload

    Using Shared as Frozen no longer sets recipient systems to share as frozen if they make and upload changes

    Entries in the Metadata Inspector window are now shared in Projects

    Undoing "Rename Clip" command no longer fails to clear the upload button on a shared track

    Fixed multiple cases that could cause the global download button to fail

    Fixed a case where removing a clip from the clip list could cause the global upload button to fail

    Solo Safe is no longer cleared on a track when abandoning track changes

    Ownership no longer gets stuck after download the version of a track on the server to resolve a conflict

    Ownership requests no longer fail to appear on ruler tracks

    Tracks that are receiving input from multi-output plug-ins are no longer received with the input path deactivated

    Receiving newly shared tracks no longer modifies track selection while auto downloading newly shared tracks is enabled

    Project Synchronization

    Fixed a case where cloud storage was not reclaimed immediately after deleting a Project

    Fixed a case where a project that failed to upload on its first synchronization with the cloud, could not be downloaded again even after a subsequent successful upload

    Fixed a case where personal cloud storage indication differed between the dashboard and the storage meter in the collaboration tools cluster within a Project

    Downloads no longer fail to complete after a separate upload fails because the file exceeds available cloud storage

    The save dialog properly indicates if there are tracks with changes not downloaded when closing a project

    Media no longer fails to download after removing a volume that had been used in a Project's Disk Allocation

    Fixed a case where two users collaborating simultaneously on the same shared track could get out of sync without entering a conflict state

    Clarified all dialogs about unfinished transfers or pending changes when closing a project

    Project Synchronization transfers no longer fail to populate Task Manager if a preceding transfer of shared track data failed

    The Task Manager progress bar for Project Synchronization tasks is now more responsive

    Fixed cases where the same project could be open to the same user on multiple systems

    Using "Remove Local Cache" for a project in the Projects tab of the dashboard no longer fails to remove the project from the Recent tab

  • Save Copy In…” and Import Session Data between Sessions and Projects

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a session created from a Project by using “Save Copy In…”

    Memory locations no longer fail to share when imported from sessions

    Fixed a case where some memory locations were not copied from a session to a project when using "Save Copy In.."

    Fixed a case where "Save Copy In…" may not copy all audio files when saving a session as a project

    Fixed a case where collaboration track tools were greyed out after saving a copy of a project as a new project

    The global collaboration tools cluster is now shown by default in the edit window when creating a Project from an earlier template

    Removed a misleading menu option for "Save Copy In…" that allowed an attempted conversion from a session to a project without an internet connection

    Bounced Files folder is now properly located in the session folder hierarchy when bouncing in a session that was created by Save Copy In from a Project

    The Task Manager progress bar for a project upload triggered by saving a copy of a session as a project is now more responsive

    The Edit Window is no longer hidden by default when saving a copy of a session as a Project


    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash when signing in and out and back in

    It is no longer necessary to sign in and out to see a change in Project quota in the Dashboard after changing Project Subscription plans

    Fixed a case where tracks that are hidden by showing only tracks with an ownership request stay hidden after restoring previously shown tracks

    Corrected the size of the context menu click zone for Projects in the Dashboard

    Fixed the dimensions of the password recovery window when loaded from within the Sign On screen in

    The accept icon in a dashboard project invitation no longer appears awry

    Offline mode and Network Loss

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash when saving a change to a Project while offline

    Fixed cases where a user may not stay signed in to their account while disconnected from the internet

    New uploads no longer fail after restoring a lost internet connection

    Ownership no longer gets stuck after restoring a lost internet connection when connection was lost after an ownership request was made

    Fixed a case where track order of incoming tracks could be scrambled after losing and restoring network connection

    The upload light in the global collaboration tools no longer fails to illuminate when making track changes after restoring a lost internet connection

    Ownership buttons on shared tracks no longer fail to update correctly after restoring a lost internet connection

    Fixed an error -20006 that could occur when attempting to open a Project from the Recent tab of the dashboard while offline

    The "Open" button in the dashboard is no longer greyed out for locally cached projects while signed in offline

    Notifications that a project has been deleted by another user no longer fail to be received after restoring a lost internet connection

    Artist Chat

    Artist Chat is updated continuously between Pro Tools releases. Here are just some of the fixes released in Artist Chat since Pro Tools 12.5.0 shipped:

    Fixed a case that caused Projects that were deleted from the Dashboard to remain in Artist Chat

    Messages sent and received between users in different regions of the world no longer require reloading Artist Chat to successfully be delivered

    Fixed an issue that caused chat history to disappear

    All icons now have Retina versions

    The pop up menu to remove a contact no longer appears truncated

    The context menu click zone for user names in the chat participants list are now easier to click on retina displays

    The New Chat menu no longer appears awkwardly at the top of the window away from the click zone

    Added additional translations of text strings

    Correct Japanese fonts are now used in the Artist Chat window on all OS platforms
    mac Pro Tools v 12.5 30 mars 2016 MacOS X Intel
    Cloud Collaboration & Project Synchronization

    Avid Master Account connectivity in Pro Tools -- Sign on with your existing account details and access cloud features directly in Pro Tools
    Projects -- A new cloud-based document type. Synchronized to the cloud and cached locally, your work is directly accessible anywhere you can use the internet. Most importantly, Projects can be joined by other users for collaboration. Save Copy In from existing Sessions to Projects, or Import Session Data to Projects to share your existing Pro Tools Session documents.
    Artist Chat -- Search for and add your contacts from the directory of Avid users who have started using collaboration. Communicate and review changes in chat rooms associated with each Project that contain automatically generated collaboration transaction logs detailing specific contributions and changes.
    Track Collaboration tools - new track tools and features in the mix and edit window to facilitate the sharing of tracks and track data with your collaborators
    Shared and private tracks -- Click the track share button on any Audio, Instrument, Aux, MIDI, or Master track to share it with others for collaborative work.
    Send and receive track changes -- Choose when to post and receive modifications to shared tracks one at a time or for all available changes and optionally set automatic modes to receive or send all changes automatically. Clips and media, plug-ins and plug-in settings, sends, automation, playlists, and nearly all other track data as well as tempo, meter, key, and chord changes and memory locations can all be sent back and forth from system to system.
    Note: At this time the following session data are not shared in collaboration: Groups, VCA Tracks, Video Tracks and media, Windows Configurations, HEAT settings, and Mic PRE settings.
    Track ownership -- Indicators on each track show what user is actively making modifications so you can avoid conflicts. You can also make request directly in the edit window
    Share as frozen -- When enabled, changes to a track are posted to all collaborators as frozen but remain unfrozen on your system allowing you to easily share a flattenend stem to others while your mix stays live, or send important tracks to collaborators who may not have all of the same plug-ins as you.
    Transfer Management - View all uploads and downloads in the existing Task Manager window

    Avid Video Engine

    The Avid Video Engine in Pro Tools has been updated resolving a variety of legacy issues listed below in the Bug Fixes section
    Export Timecode with QuickTime Bounce


    Pro Tools can now Send to Playback XDCAM HD Sequences with Airspeed

    Bug Fixes
    OS X UI Sluggishness

    Fixed a set of severe UI sluggishness cases when using OS X El Capitan

    Audio Bursts

    Fixed a noise burst that was reproduced and solved through steps provided by users from the Avid Pro Audio Community that could occur when playing back automation on non-HDX playback engines.

    Video Engine

    Improved some cases with delayed start of playback with AJA Kona card
    Video frame movements no longer occur when stopping playback with Insertion Follows Playback enabled
    Fixed a case where the video engine takes a long time to load on certain systems
    It is now possible to import MXF OP1a created by Adobe Premiere
    Fixed cases where imported DV Video started 3 frames earlier than the same video opened in QuickTime Player
    Fixed several specific cases where Pro Tools would fail to import Apple ProRes files
    Project Type is no longer incorrectly picked for video from AAFs which do not include the first cunk of MXF media
    Optimized (sample mapped) video codecs such as DNxHD and AppleProRes will now show the appropriate checkbox on clips with 23.976 media.
    Fixed a case where video playback failed to stop with audio and then looped indefinitely
    Fixed a crash when cancelling an Online Bounce to QuickTime
    Playing a single frame selection of H.264 video no longer causes "The Avid Video Engine was unable to stop" error followed by a Pro Tools hang
    Audio MXFs created with AMIRA and F55 no longer import out of sync with video
    Fixed a crash when the user clicks "OK" or "Cancel" in the QuickTime Settings window of the Bounce to QuickTime dialog
    Pro Tools no longer throws errant "Some effects were ignored" messages when opening an AAF with rendered FX
    Pro Tools no longer fails with the error "Unable to create thumbnails" after switching active video track in large sessions while the video track is set to Frames view
    Importing a sequence from Interplay no longer fails for 720p59 and 1080p59 project types

    Track Freeze

    A Freeze operation no longer fails if the track selection contains a combination of tracks hosting a ReWire plug-in and other tracks
    Fixed a case where HEAT processing would be applied twice on frozen tracks after deactivating and reactivating HEAT globally
    The HEAT Bypass switch is no longer auto-enabled when freezing or unfreezing a track
    The "Coalesce VCA Master Automation" command can now be undone properly on frozen tracks
    Frozen tracks are no longer imported twice when using Import Session Data when the Tempo/Meter Map option is checked
    The "Coalesce VCA Master Automation" command no longer fails if all members of the group are frozen
    Fixed cases where the global settings of HEAT would not be applied correctly when any frozen tracks were present in the session
    MIDI Track Offsets are no longer editable for Instrument Tracks while they are frozen
    Nudging of automation that is not "frozen" on frozen tracks is no longer blocked
    The commands in the "Cut Special" and "Automation" sub-menus of the Edit menu are no longer blocked for selections on frozen tracks
    Fixed graphical issues that occurred while Freezing a track in Playlists track view
    Fixed a case where MIDI notes assigned to a ReWire instrument on an Aux track would all play at once when unfreezing the Aux

    Track Commit

    Fixed a case where clips created by using Track Commit to commit an Edit Selection were placed incorrectly
    Fixed a crash when enabling the Follow Main Pan option on a track created by a Track Commit operation
    Fixed a hang that occurred after committing a track with a DownMixer plug-in on it and then removing the DownMixer plug-in
    Fixed a hang that occurred after committing a track with a D-Verb plug-in on it and then removing the D-Verb plug-in
    Fixed cases where the names of clips on committed tracks would inherit names from clips on other tracks that contributed in any way to the signal chain of the audio path committed


    The Cut, Copy, and Paste Special sub-menus are no longer missing from the timeline context menu
    Moving clips with the Object Grabber no longer causes the next mouse click to be ignored
    Pro Tools counters no longer display "" when changing counter type on OS X 10.8.5
    Fixed a case where MIDI Output was not properly assigned when using Import Session Data with the Match Tracks setting for MIDI or Instrument tracks
    The "Select Unused Ignores Parent Clip" option from the clip list is now checked by default
    "Save Copy In.." no longer fails to include clips that are not on the timeline
    VCA solo functionality is no longer deactivated after changing the group's attributes to "Mix Only"
    The Shift+R shortcut to record enable tracks no longer fails to record all tracks in a group
    Fixed an error that caused the Copy to Send command to no longer be undoable
    Fixed errors that prevented the Export Session Info command from capturing the format, stems and number of instances columns for plug-in details in the exported file
    Fixed cases where width-changing plug-ins were over-allocated to DSP slots on HDX cards and caused processing errors
    Fixed a crash when dragging and dropping audio files from the workspace while in Spot mode
    Fixed a case where an audio file's Date Modified attribute was not properly updated after destructive processing when stored on ISIS
    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash when closing
    The "Coalesce VCA Master Automation" command no longer fails if the group is deactivated

    Control Surfaces

    Plug-in windows no longer fail to open when pressing the Dyn, EQ, or Insert buttons on the S6 CPM while the "Open Plug-Ins on Workstation When Editing" setting is enabled
    Selecting a track in Pro Tools no longer auto-scrolls to the top when selecting past the bank limits of the attached EUCON control surface
    windows Pro Tools v 12.4 23 déc. 2015 MacOS X Intel

    Track Freeze

    Offline Bounce post Plug-in audio from selected Instrument, Aux Input, or Audio Tracks directly in-place on the source track and deactivate plug-ins to reduce system usage
    Freeze up to any point within the plug-in processing chain, rendering audio through one or more Inserts in while leaving those after it active for further mix adjustment
    Continue to automate and mix on frozen tracks - all track parameters like volume, mute, and send settings remain editable while tracks are Frozen, along with the parameters and automation for any plug-ins that remain unfrozen
    By default tracks are frozen up to the last used insert; no need to unfreeze a track before adding new Plug-ins to refine your mix
    Easily Freeze all used outputs of a multi-out virtual instrument with intelligent detection of all tracks receiving plug-in output stems from a track that is to be frozen
    Waveforms appear on Frozen Aux and Instrument Tracks; Instrument Tracks continue to show MIDI note source material beneath the waveform
    Regenerate missing rendered frozen files: if all required plug-ins and source audio files are found when opening a session, you may choose to automatically regenerate all missing Frozen audio.

    Fade Workflows

    Added Keyboard Shortcuts for Crossfade In and Crossfade Out settings in the Batch Fade Dialog
    Crossfade In
    Option-Left/Right = Crossfade Menu Options (Alt + Left/Right on Windows)
    Option-Up/Down = Shape (Alt + Up/Down on Windows)
    Crossfade Out
    Shift + Option-Left/Right = Crossfade Menu Options (Shift + Alt + Left/Right on Windows)
    Shift + Option-Up/Down = Shape (Shift + Alt + Left/Right on Windows)
    Simplified Keyboard Shortcuts for Fade to Start and Fade to End, removing redundant commands
    Fade to Start = Ctrl + D (Win + D on Windows)
    Fade to End = Ctrl + G (Win + G on Windows)
    Removed support for the redundant Option/Alt+D and Option/Alt+G instances of these key commands

    Bug Fixes


    Fixed a case where QuickTime movies bounced from Pro Tools display a different first frame when opened in other video applications
    Timeline selections that would round up to the next frame are now rounded down to the beginning of the currently shown frame when Bouncing to QuickTime, fixing certain cases where the frame after the frame shown was used as the first bounced frame in the resulting file
    Fixed a case where Apple ProRes 422 (Proxy) video could not be played back
    Importing a sequence referring to chunked MXF media no longer fails to reference chunks past #1 or link to media as expected
    Fixed a case where using multiple bounce sources during a Bounce to QuickTime operation would create multiple QuickTime files instead of a single multichannel QuickTime file


    Fixed cases where MIDI track parameter and MIDI CC automation lane layouts were forgotten in the MIDI Editor Window
    The last used MIDI Import Options settings are remembered between sessions
    Fixed a case where the wrong MIDI node is indicated as in-use in the track MIDI Output menu if there is a multi-port MIDI node in the session
    Playback starts correctly from the Play Start Marker after using the grabber tool to move the timeline selection in Dynamic Transport mode


    Dashboard is now correctly bypassed when all Pro Tools import settings are set in Interplay Administrator, and a sequence is imported from Interplay Access

    Control Surfaces

    Switching from Playlists to Waveform track view while waveforms are displayed on an S6 no longer causes graphical artifacts in Pro Tools
    Layouts saved into the Pro Tools session are no longer erased if the session is saved while the EUCON surface is detached from the workstation

    I/O Setup

    Fixed a case where signal sent directly to the LFE subpath of a surround bus could reach the L and R channels of the bus
    When creating sessions from saved I/O Settings files, Output paths that are wider than the current hardware output channel count will no longer fail to be created
    Fixed a case where newly created sub-paths for Busses are named and routed incorrectly
    Pressing the "R" key in the I/O setup window with "Apply to all tabs" enabled correctly runs the Restore From Session command for all tabs
    Restore From Session can no longer be triggered repeatedly by pressing the "R" key when the button is greyed out


    Fades are now correctly applied across multiple tracks using fade key commands
    Fade curve setting no longer reverts to a previous fade curve selection when applying fades
    Command Focus fade shortcut "f" no longer fails to follow the saved millisecond value in the Fades dialog
    Default fade type settings have been changed back to the original values of Standard shape and Equal Gain slope
    Clicking and Dragging in the waveform preview area of the Fade-In dialog no longer resets the fade shape


    Fixed offsets in the HEAT Drive and Tone knob that caused a different processing value than that displayed in the UI.
    Fixed a case where toggling a plug-in's processing type from Native to DSP when inserted on an Aux Input track could cause gaps at the end of a Destructive Punch pass if the signal being recorded was passing through that plug-in
    Fixed cases where standard Bounce to Disk would render an extra minute of unneeded audio if no Timeline Selection was made
    Fixed a case where playback intermittently failed to start after holding down FF or RW in Center Playhead scrolling mode
    Track selection is no longer lost after performing an Export Selected Tracks as New Session
    Audition Meter in the Import Audio and Workspace Browser windows no longer displays signal while not passing audio
    Insert position for plug-in auxiliary output stem sources are now properly displayed in the track Input Path selector when the host plug-in is inserted on Insert F-J
    Separating a looped clip that contains a sync point no longer causes an unwanted trim on each looped segment
    The Metadata Inspector window's scrollbar is no longer displayed as inactive when closing and re-opening the window
    Zoom setting correctly blinks when Cmd+ or Ctrl+ clicking to set zoom memory

    Crashes and Errors - Please continue submitting crash logs!

    Fixed a crash on launch affecting certain Active Directory configurations when logged into Windows as a Domain User
    Fixed a hang that could occur when creating multiple new tracks of different types
    Fixed a case where importing certain clip groups could crash Pro Tools
    Fixed a crash that could occur instantiating many plug-ins simultaneously in 192 kHz sessions
    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash when deleting busses in the I/O Setup window
    "Commit Up to This Insert" operations that cause the maximum track count to be exceeded are stopped with a dialog box instead of crashing Pro Tools

    Clip Transparency

    Fixed a problem drawing the left channel of a stereo file when promoting clips to alternate playlists
    Fixed cases where Warp Markers may not be drawn while moving clips
    Moving clip groups between tracks with different Time Base settings no longer causes an assertion error
    Appearance of MIDI clips and notes are now more consistent at different zoom levels
    The clip gain line is no longer revealed when moving clips on tracks set to micro or mini track height
    Clip transparency now works correctly when trimming in both directions using the bi-directional trimmer (holding Cmd or Ctrl and trimming overlapped clips)
    Color inversion is more consistent when starting to move or release a clip
    Fixed clip gain line inconsistencies when trimming clips at the sample zoom level
    Crossfades of different lengths are no longer improperly aligned while dragging with the object grabber
    Fixed visual glitching of MIDI clips when trimming clip boundaries
    Clip UI generated by Beat Detective no longer remains in timeline areas that are revealed by trimming
    MIDI clips are no longer duplicated unnecessarily when moved between tracks of different Time Base
    Fades no longer resize unexpectedly when letting go of the mouse after moving across a tempo change
    Fade shape is no longer incorrectly displayed when moving across a tempo change
    Creating a fade during playback no longer causes the playhead to disappear from the edit screen
    Fixed cases where clip gain line failed to appear correctly when trimming clips at certain zoom levels
    MIDI notes displayed in adjacent clips no longer appear to be incorrectly affected by trimming looped MIDI clips
    Waveforms are no longer incorrectly updated when creating fades across grouped tracks
    Fixed cases where clip boundaries would be drawn incorrectly when sliding fades
    Waveforms within Fade-Ins are no longer hidden when dragging across a tempo change
    Purple borders indicating the edit selection shown when dragging a clip are no longer distorted when moving a fade across a tempo change


    The "Transparency" option in the Clip menu is now localized
    Fixed alignment of translated strings for the Default Format and Path Order elements in I/O Setup
    Fixed clipping of localized strings in the Metadata Inspector window when shrunk to narrowest width
    macintosh Pro Tools v 12.3.1 25 nov. 2015 MacOS X Intel
    Bug Fixes


    "Commit Up to This Insert" no longer fails to trigger the Auxiliary Output Stems dialog. Using this feature on a track hosting an assigned multi-output plug-in will now cause all dependent tracks to be committed up to the same insert

    A commit operation that would cause the maximum track count to be exceeded no longer crashes Pro Tools - instead the operation is prevented


    Using Pro Tools to change a clip and file name of audio media stored on ISIS and managed by Interplay no longer causes Media Offline in Media Composer

    Video Engine

    Video Engine output of all Satellite systems properly return to the play start point when playing a timeline selection from start to end with Insertion Follows Playback disabled

    Fixed a case where play start is delayed when the Video Engine is enabled (HD Native)

    Eliminated some instances of erroneous missing codec errors when importing video files

    Sync points added to video clips are no longer invisible

    Audio Engine / Bounce

    Fixed a case where restarting playback while the transport was already running could cause a noise burst

    Fixed a case where solos are ignored after running an offline bounce

    Fixed a case where signal could bypass a master fader after an offline bounce

    Fixed cases where Bounce to Disk of surround outputs would not create an audio file

    Miscellaneous Fixes

    Transport Record lock no longer fails to keep the transport record enabled in Destructive Punch record mode

    Copy to Send menu is no longer missing in Pro Tools Standard

    Memory Locations window no longer fails to show ticks when displaying marker Bar|Beat timeline locations

    MIDI offsets entered in the Global MIDI Playback Offset dialog no longer fail to offset MIDI

    Custom Disk Allocation settings are now saved with session templates

    Mix Groups can be deselected in the Edit Window

    Group display options are now saved with the session

    When using the "new track…" option to route track output path to a new track, custom names are not overwritten when changing track type

    Session names typed into the Create page of the Dashboard will no longer be overwritten when checking "Create From Template"

    The "Quantize Clip to Grid" command (Cmd+0, Ctrl+0) no longer fails to be executed when using the numeric keypad "0"

    Elastic Audio

    Elastic Audio analysis markers are no longer locked in place in Analysis track view

    Grid lines are now shown on tracks set to warp or analysis track views

    Crashes and Errors - Please continue submitting crash logs!

    Browsing the Project Audio Files folder in the Workspace no longer causes Pro Tools to hang in sessions with many audio files

    Fixed a case where Insert Silence would cause Pro Tools to hang

    Fixed a case where using the Match Tracks and "Overlay…" playlists options in the Import Session Data window could cause Pro Tools to crash

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash when closing a session

    Fixed a case where moving a virtual instrument insert with assigned auxiliary output stems could cause Pro Tools to crash

    Attempting to move video clips from a locked Video Track with the Object Selector no longer crashes Pro Tools


    Fixed alignment issues of the Save Session Copy dialog that affected most languages

    Improved translations for Import Video dialog, "Preview" processing tooltip, and Plug-in Preset save-as warnings
    pc Pro Tools v 12.3 7 nov. 2015 MacOS X Intel
  • Committracks

  • Bounce tracks

  • Fadepresets

  • Enhancedbatchfades

  • DefaultFormatsettinginI/OSetup

  • PathOrdersettinginI/OSetup(ProToolsHD only)

  • ImportMIDItoInstrumentorMIDItracks • Audio and MIDI clip graphic overlay

  • “SelectUnused”IgnoresParentClipoption

  • GlidePanAutomationOnlycommand (Pro Tools HD only)

  • PitchShiftLegacyPlug-in
  • Pro Tools v 12.2.1 29 sept. 2015 MacOS X Intel
    Bug Fixes
    VCAs in Pro Tools (non-HD)

    VCA levels are no longer incorrectly coalesced to the mix group when opening a session with VCAs in Pro Tools
    Session Notes no longer displays "This version of PT does not support VCA masters" when opening a session with VCAs in Pro Tools


    MIDI Output path selector menus now display track name in addition to the MIDI node (i.e. the name and index of the Virtual Instrument). In the case of a track with multiple MIDI nodes, typical for workflows with VE Pro, track names have a sub-menu to display all MIDI nodes.
    Fixed scenarios where audio from multi-output Virtual Instruments was not rendered during offline bounce
    Automatic assignment of the MIDI Output of an Instrument track now reverts to none when removing the currently assigned Virtual Instrument from the track. Previously, Pro Tools would deactivate the route but leave it assigned and other inconsistent behavior would occur moving VIs around Instrument Tracks. Now, the only automatic assignments are to assign automatically to the first MIDI node of the first instrument added to the track, and to automatically set to none when the routed instrument is removed from the track.
    Velocity and Transpose Real Time Properties correctly filter incoming MIDI data
    MIDI Output path is remembered when moving a Virtual Instrument to another insert slot on an Instrument Track
    Playback starts correctly from the Play Start Marker after using the grabber tool to move the timeline selection in Dynamic Transport mode
    Fixed AAE error -9013 loading East West Play


    Pro Tools Import Settings in Interplay Administrator are reflected in the Pro Tools Dashboard and Import Session Data dialogs
    Renaming clip and file name before exporting to AAF or Interplay will no longer result in offline in Media Composer.
    Fixed all localized strings for the Interplay error "It is already checked out by Administrator on..."


    Special-cased automation write to warnings to alleviate accidental overwriting of automation on all or most of the timeline:
    When users start playback without a timeline selection, make an edit selection during playback in hopes of writing automation to the new selection, then use Write to Start, Write to Selected, or Write to End, we will always end the pass with the respective automation warnings even if the preference to suppress warnings is enabled.
    The do-to-selected modifier for changing track view to an automated parameter now applies to Plug-ins. For tracks within a track selection that have the same insert in the same slot with the same parameter automated, Shift+Ctrl+Opt+Cmd+Click (Mac) or Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Win+Click (Win) on that parameter in a plug-in GUI will set those track’s views to the clicked parameter.
    Changes made to tracks in Auto Read when all automation is suspended no longer reset to previous values when turning off suspend


    Clips moved on to the tops or tails of other clips are properly overlaid
    Corrected the "remove" language to the proper "delete" language in the dialog that follows attempting to Delete a file by using the Clear command from the clips list
    Clips can no longer be moved beyond the session length using Spot
    The Clear command in the Clip List allows deleting of whole files from disk that have no sub clips in use in the session

    Crashes and Errors - Please continue submitting crash logs!

    Fixed a crash using Destructive Punch with too much system delay
    Fixed a crash when trying to import .pio or session file into a Mic Preamps pane of I/O Setup
    Fixed a crash after intermittent failure to select text with cursor in the metadata window (Mac only)
    Fixed a PACE error and failure to launch Pro Tools when the username includes non-ASCII characters
    Fixed a crash when closing session while doing a Field Recorder "Select Areas to Search"
    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would hang on "Initializing Audio Engine" during launch
    Fixed a hang when calculating Elastic Analysis on network shares such as ISIS
    Fixed a case where an assertion error is thrown when using Import Session Data
    Fixed "PACE License Support Not Up to Date" error on first launch

    Workspace and File Management

    Automatic Relinking of missing files no longer automatically relinks to files that match by name but have an empty UID
    Manual relink no longer fails to find audio files if the session contains both missing video and audio files
    Whole File Clips that are not used on a track but are referred to by the sub clips used on that track are now correctly imported when using Import Session Data
    Attempting to delete an audio file from "Project Browser" now properly checks if sub-clips are used in the session
    File sizes in Workspace browser are now calculated correctly
    Using the arrow keys to navigate up and down in the workspace no longer cycles from bottom to top or top to bottom


    ModDelay 3 properly reads ModDelay 2 presets when running a Core Audio (Mac) or ASIO/WASAPI (Win) playback engine, fixing the new ModDelay 2 to ModDelay 3 compatibility introduced in Pro Tools 12.0 for all users
    Fixed cases where plug-ins in Pro Tools 12.2 would load slowly on first instantiation after install
    Native plug-in submenu appears correctly when all voiced tracks already have a DSP plug-in inserted
    Plug-ins activate when dragged from inactive tracks to active tracks as long as the plug-in is not explicitly deactivated first
    Known issue:
    Users with a large number of installed AAX plug-ins may experience a hang on the first launch of Pro Tools after upgrading. If Pro Tools hangs indefinitely quit and launch again.


    Increased performance of waveform overview calculation during session load, decreasing load time
    Arrow keys can be used to navigate in-app menus
    Ctrl+W and Cmd+W properly close windows by type in Pro Tools
    Users are warned if there is too much system delay to perform Destructive Punch
    Fixed a failure to save Pro Tools sessions referencing an AAF or Embedded OMF with 'Save Copy In' unless 250+ GB are available on destination drive.
    Fixed sluggish joystick response with MC Pro which caused automation to be written incorrectly
    Clips are properly created in the timeline and clips list if Pro Tools is taken offline during record with "Transport Record Lock" preference enabled
    The default setting of the “Edit Insertion Follows Scrub/Shuttle” preference has been changed from Off to On
    Alt + Enter (return) key confirms on screen dialogs (Windows)
    User-specified path is remembered after saving a session using the "Prompt for location" radio button.
    SYNC indicator lights are properly hidden when expanding and contracting the Synchronization section of the Session Setup window
    Collapsible sections in the Session Setup window only collapse by clicking the header or disclosure element
    Toggling active state of a mix group no longer causes solos to link when using "shift-S"

    Control Surfaces

    Solo Mode (SIP, AFL, PFL) and Solo Latch Mode (Latch, X-OR, Momentary) are now available as EUCON soft keys

    I/O Setup

    Fixed a case where sub paths of surround outputs would import incorrectly under main paths of smaller widths
    Corrected the warning message that appears when trying to delete an output path which has multiple bus assignments and one of the busses is used in session
    Fixed a case where the Make Active option appears for track output that is already shown as active

    Metadata Inspector

    User-entered hints list in the labels list are now bold
    Label hints list now uses a scroll bar if there are many hints


    Fixed all localized strings for the "Share with button" in the "Export Selected" dialog window
    Fixed French, German, and Japanese localized strings in Preferences > Operation > User Library section
    Fixed the display of German localized string in the firmware update dialog for HDX cards
    Corrected French translation of "Prompt for location" in the dashboard


    The Window Configurations window is now fully accessible by VoiceOver
    Notes & Octaves are properly announced by VoiceOver in the Event Operations window
    VoiceOver properly announces "minus" in the Event Operations window in text entry fields.
    VoiceOver properly announces the Meter Click value in the Time Operations window
    Focus remains on AudioSuite plug-in window after Processing, Analyzing, or Rendering
    With VoiceOver enabled, adjusting MIDI Volume Indicator in Instrument section of an Instrument track no longer incorrectly adjusts the track volume
    The Volume, Peak, and Delay indicators in the I/O section of the Edit Window are now accessible
    Pro Tools v 12.2 3 sept. 2015 MacOS X Intel
    The following features that were formerly only available with Pro Tools HD Software are now available with Pro Tools Software 12.2:
  • VCA Master tracks

  • FixedRAMDiskCacheallocationoptions

  • Advanced Metering, including Gain Reduction Meters
  • Pro Tools v 12.1 1 juil. 2015 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools v 12.0 23 mars 2015 MacOS X Intel
    Much of what's new in Pro Tools 12 is under the hood/behind the scenes which includes improvements to the Activation process as well as Upgrade/Notifications. Though additional features (upgrades) will be rolling out soon, the initial (.0) release of Pro Tools 12 includes the following:

    Expanded Licensing Options

  • Subscription—Access Pro Tools only when needed through a low-cost monthly or annual subscription. All subscriptions include access to an Avid upgrade plan, providing the latest Pro Tools features and upgrades, plus access to our Customer Care team for support. Subscription makes it easy for anyone to create with the industry’s most trusted and used audio tools at a lower cost of entry. (Please note that subscription is not available for Pro Tools | HD software at this time.)

  • Pro Tools software perpetual license—Purchase and own standalone Pro Tools software or upgrade/crossgrade to the latest version. All full software, upgrade, and crossgrade purchases now come with a one-year Avid annual upgrade plan, providing the latest Pro Tools features and upgrades, including Cloud Collaboration and other upcoming features mentioned below, plus access to our Customer Care team for support. Plans must be renewed annually to keep the software current.

  • Pro Tools system perpetual license—Get Pro Tools software bundled with professional Avid audio hardware by purchasing a complete Pro Tools system such as Pro Tools | HD Native, Pro Tools | HDX, Pro Tools | Duet, Pro Tools | Eleven Rack, or Pro Tools | Mbox Pro. Some systems, such as Pro Tools | Duet and Quartet, include a one-year Avid annual upgrade plan, but others do not. For systems that do not, customers can get access to the latest features and upgrades by purchasing a separate Avid annual upgrade plan.

  • In-app Marketplace

    Search, browse, purchase, and/or rent plug-ins directly from within Pro Tools, without having to quit, install, and restart any software to start using them

    I/O Setup

  • Changes to the Output and Bus pages

  • Virtually unlimited Bus paths

  • Subpaths for Output paths

  • Automatic downmix and upmix of Output busses to Outputs paths of different channel widths

  • New Monitor Path setting

  • Session Interchange and I/O Mapping improvements

  • New keyboard modifiers for enabling and assigning Output busses

  • Audition path improvements

  • AFL/PFL path improvements (HD)

  • Ability to restore the I/O Setup from the session

  • I/O Settings files automatically created and recalled for different Playback Engines

  • New Organize Track I/O Menus By preference

  • Ability to import IO Settings from session files

  • Access to the I/O Setup in the Session Notes dialog

  • Session Metadata

    The new Metadata Inspector window lets you view and edit metadata for sessions


    The new Dashboard window lets you create or open sessions (replacing the Quick Start window)

    Obtaining the Software

    Customers that Activate starting 3/23/2015 will see installers for Pro Tools 12.0 in their Avid accounts.
    We are in the process of converting accounts for Pro Tools Software and Systems that are entitled to Pro Tools 12 and for Upgrade Plan owners.
    Pro Tools v 11.3.1 10 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools v 10.3.10 6 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel
    When saving a session with Universal Audio plug-ins, these plug-ins would show up as missing when opening that session on a Windows system and visa versa. When you subsequently access the Insert menu the plug-in would be available. (PTSW- 192635)
    Input Monitoring works intermittently in Pro Tools 10.3.9. (PTSW-194388, PTSW-194508)
    In certain track orders, no warning dialog is posted for clip group deletion when cycling thru a track's playlist view. (PTSW- 194017)
    Pro Tools records MIDI notes played during Count Off. All MIDI notes and events played during count off are clustered on the first beat of the recording pass. (PTSW-184254)
    When Field Recorder match Criteria are set to default, the Expand to new tracks command results in Pro Tools quiting unexpectedly. (PTSW-192725)
    When a Pro Tools client is running on ISIS there is no option to switch between renaming clip name and clip name and file name. (PTSW-150520)
    When one or more tracks of a soloed group are inactive and solo mode is X-OR, the Shift+S key command does not work as expected. (PTSW-178219)
    When importing MXF files from Pro Tools into Media Composer, incorrect files maybe linked due to matching tape name, timecode, or matching sourceID. (PTSW-194005)
    In certain cases when using Tab To Transient, Pro Tools becomes unresponsive. (PTSW-195188)
    With AudioSuite plug-ins, if the Selection Reference option is set to Clip List, the Use in Playlist button should automatically be disabled to ensure that you do not accidentally replace every occurrence of the clip in a session. (PTSW-178658)
    After importing AAF from Media Composer, some audio does not match the video. (PTSW-194124)
    Bypassed and inactive multi-mono plug-ins become partially bypassed after you reopen a session and activate the insert. (PTSW-190848)
    After recording, there is a gap between the end of the file that was just recorded and where the insertion point is located on the timeline. (PTSW-194538)
    Automation lags when delay is induced by plug-ins further in the signal chain. (PTSW-196906)
    Pro Tools v 11.3 20 déc. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    This release adds support for Mac OS X 10.10 & 10.10.1 (Yosemite) and 10.9.5 (Mavericks), and includes bug fixes as documented in the Read Me file.
    Pro Tools v 11.2.2 21 nov. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools 11.2.2 Read Me

    Note: This release includes many important bug fixes and is available to all Pro Tools 11 owners, but it does not include OS X 10.10 Yosemite support which is still in progress.
    Pro Tools v 11.2.1 15 août 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools | Software 11.2.1

  • When using the Import Session Data command, Pro Tools no longer incorrectly copies audio files when “Clips and Media” is not selected in the “Track Data to Import” menu. (PTSW-194293)

  • You can now enter a new time position in the Transport Counter during playback. (PTSW-195388)

  • Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when creating sessions from templates or importing or rendering audio from an ISIS workspace. (PTSW-195338)

  • You can now nudge MIDI notes after they have been marquee-selected using the Grabber tool. (PTSW-195626)

  • Pro Tools no longer stops working when you play back a session, and then reactivate an inactive track that contains a send. (PTSW-195172)

  • 3Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly after selecting “Expand Channels to New Tracks (by match Criteria).” (PTSW-192725)

  • Plug-in delay compensation now works correctly. (PTSW-195299)

  • When routing multiple outputs from a virtual instrument on an Instrument track to multiple Auxiliary Input tracks, the destination Aux tracks are now correctly delay-compensated and remain time-aligned. (PTSW-188341, PTSW-190873)

  • It is now possible to view automation lanes of plug-in parameter whose names contain more than 31 characters. (PTSW-195113)

  • Audio waveforms are now correctly updated when waveform view is fully zoomed out. (PTSW-195086)

  • The "Trim Clip to File Boundaries" command now affects only selected clips. (PTSW-193874)

  • Parameter values in AAX plug-ins are now displaying correctly on control surfaces. (PTSW-195073)

  • Master Fader track metering on HDX systems now works correctly. (PTSW-194044)

  • If “Plug-in Controls Default to Auto-Enabled” is selected, recalling settings of a multi-mono plug-in now consistently recalls the playlist values for those controls. (PTSW-194043)
  • Pro Tools v 11.2 2 juil. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools Software 11.2


  • Avid DX Driver 5.9 released, compatible with Media Composer® | Software version 7.0.4 (or higher). Run DX Driver Installer if you use Avid DX video hardware.

  • Improved Video Engine performance during fast forward, rewind, and cursor drags.

  • Importing video files during playback will no longer cause Pro Tools to stop responding. To improve stability, importing video files to the Clip List via drag-and-drop is disabled during playback. (PTSW-190546)

  • Video Engine no longer momentarily displays an incorrect frame when returning to zero with Insertion Follows Playback enabled. (PTSW-193879)

  • HD video reference rates are now selectable when the Clock Source is set to Word Clock or AES. (PTSW-174246)

  • Scrubbing from a Satellite-linked system with Video Engine disabled will no longer cause dropped frames on a connected system that has Video Engine enabled. (PTSW-190200)

  • Scrubbing on a linked Satellite system no longer prevents playback on an unlinked Satellite system. (PTSW-194066, PTSW- 194204)

  • Single-frame nudges performed in Pro Tools are now correctly followed by Media Composer when connected with Video Satellite. (PTSW-194041)

  • Plug-ins

  • The “Plug-in Controls Default to Auto-Enabled” preference no longer interferes with settings recall in multi-mono plug-ins. (PTSW-194043)

  • MasterMeter no longer causes CPU usage spikes. (PTSW-193401) Improved audio stability when using the Preview function of AudioSuite plug-ins. (PTSW-186253)

  • Fixed an issue that could incorrectly change the automation-enabled status of some plug-in parameters to disabled. (PTSW- 194237)

  • Miscellaneous

  • You will notice some changes in our latest Pro Tools release regarding Gobbler support. For the time being, we have chosen to remove Gobbler functionality in Pro Tools 11.2. As you know, we are working to transform the industry with Avid Everywhere and our new MediaCentral Platform. We are working with all of our partners to take advantage of Avid Everywhere and enhance our customers’ workflows with our platform. We will work with Gobbler and all partners in our industry to ensure that our customers have the very best seamless workflow experience with Avid products.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause Pro Tools to stop responding after using Bounce to Disk with a physical output as the Bounce Source. (PTSW-194437, PTSW-194441)

  • Clip Gain settings now remain intact after healing separations. (PTSW-194434)

  • Pro Tools no longer displays linked files on mounted volumes as offline when opening sessions saved with the volume un- mounted. (PTSW-194034)

  • Pro Tools no longer incorrectly truncates or removes volume names in file paths when saving a session. (PTSW-193752, PTSW- 192676)

  • Fixed an issue that could corrupt audio files extracted from CD. (PTSW-194006)

  • Virtual instruments no longer continue sustain after the transport has been stopped. (PTSW-192827)

  • Fixed a case where using Import Session Data with Elastic Audio-enabled tracks could cause Pro Tools to quit unexpectedly. (PTSW-191314)

  • Imported tracks are now ordered correctly when using Import Session Data. (PTSW-194382)

  • Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when healing Clip Group separations. (PTSW-194222)

  • Fixed a case where Pro Tools would quit unexpectedly when performing Elastic Audio analysis while automatically re-linking files. (PTSW-194002)
  • Pro Tools v 11.1.3 2 mai 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 11.1.3


    Fixed several issues that could cause play/pause loop and missing codec errors with the Avid Video Engine. (PTSW-192437, UME-1037)
    MXF AVC-Intra video can now be imported into Pro Tools. (PTSW-191562)
    Fixed a case where the Video Engine was unable to create thumbnails for the video track. (UME-1038)
    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would not engage in playback when video track is online. (PTSW-191953)
    Video engine errors no longer occur if you are looping audio where there is no video file. (PTSW-190278)
    Fixed an issue that could cause "There was a problem stopping Pro Tools" error. (UME-1011)
    Switching users on OSX without a reboot no longer causes the video engine to fail to launch. (UME-1012, UME-996)
    Pro Tools now selects the proper video format when opening legacy (pre- Pro Tools 11) sessions. (PTSW-191299)
    Play Start Latency settings are now saved with the session. (PTSW-182391)
    Fixed an issue where video clips with low frame-rates would play improperly when looping selections. (PTSW-190361)
    Fixed an issue where Pro Tools would quit unexpectedly when looping video, if the in-point was not on a frame boundary. (PTSW-190579)
    To prevent instability, the option to Disable Video Hardware is no longer available while the Pro Tools transport is active. (PTSW-183703)
    Avid Video Engine no longer displays an error when playing a short loop where there is no video on the timeline. (PTSW-190278)
    Fixed an issue that could lead to a dialog warning the user of missing thumbnails, preventing the session from playing back. (UME-1014)
    Loading a video file from NFS-formatted volumes no longer results in offline media. (UME-1015)
    Fixed an issue that could lead to a dialog warning the user of a missing codec. (PTSW-187153)


    Gain reduction meter no longer improperly shows 5dB reduction on Master Tracks when a session is opened. (PTSW-187240)
    Improved reliability of plug-in bypass. (PTSW-191334)
    Plug-in automation no longer breaks linked parameters when set to Touch. (PTSW-191139)
    Fixed a rare case in which some plug-ins could not be inserted. (PTSW-189279)
    Fixed unexpected behavior for plug-in auxiliary output channels > 128. (PTSW-190719)
    Fixed a rare case where loading certain plug-in presets would cause Pro Tools to quit unexpectedly. (PTSW-192071, PTSW- 186197)
    Click II no longer changes timbre randomly. (PTSW-190101)
    Master bypass automation data for some third-party plug-ins no longer becomes corrupted when copied between tracks. (PTSW-192282)


    OpenSSL updated to 1.0.1g. (SoundCloud and Gobbler integration)
    Track Punch no longer occasionally deletes clips off the timeline. (PTSW-186681)
    Fixed an issue where Beat Detective's processes were slow when its window was in the foreground. (PTSW-184608)
    Performing a Bounce to Disk with six or more bounce sources in a session on ISIS no longer crashes Pro Tools. (PTSW-191594)
    Groove clipboard now properly propagates to the Event Operations Window. (PTSW-190367)
    Fixed a case where the Volume Trim automation lane improperly reverts to Volume lane automation display after reopening a session. (PTSW-191760)
    Attempting to Automate Pan Right on stereo tracks using the MC Pro joysticks in Touch automation no longer stops automation from writing. (PTSW-191983)
    (Pro Tools|HD only) C|24 scribble strip automation features are now displayed properly when HD software is running without HD hardware. (PTSW-190882)
    Fixed an issue that would cause Pro Tools to incorrectly display a looping playhead when online in Remote Mode. (PTSW- 191125)
    Soundmaster timecode no longer quickly jumps somewhere else before locking to start location. (PTSW-190112)
    Pro Tools no longer displays an error when importing audio from mounted ISIS volumes using Interplay Access. (PTSW- 191143)
    Fixed an issue that would cause Pro Tools to display error messages in the I/O Setup for HD|MADI devices. (PTSW-190580) Embedded OMF files will now relink properly. (PTSW-189884)
    Fixed an issue that caused Session Data Exported as Text to sort improperly in other applications. (PTSW-189277)
    Editing clip gain during playback no longer results in unpredictable level changes. (PTSW-192551, PTSW-192575)
    Fast surround pans now play back smoothly. (PTSW-192146)
    Steep level automation no longer plays back incorrectly on the first play pass after session open and on first play pass after writing automation (HDX only). (PTSW-192502, PTSW-192316)
    Fixed a case where stopping the transport while recording would create a gap at the end of a recording pass. (PTSW-192652) Pro Tools no longer prevents scrolling of background windows when certain windows, like I/O setup, are open. (PTSW-187314)
    Copy/Paste now works properly in counter fields, such as the Main Counter and Spot dialog. (PTSW-190682, PTSW-189258, PTSW-191012)
    HEAT no longer silences when a native plug-in is instantiated in Insert J. (PTSW-186948) Audio level is no longer unpredictable when editing clip gain with a mouse during playback. (PTSW-192551, PTSW-192575)
    Steep volume automation no longer plays back incorrectly on first play pass after session open and on first play pass after writing automation (HDX only). (PTSW-192502, PTSW-192316)
    Fixed a rare case in which overwriting the I/O Setup could cause an error when saving a project. (PTSW-192632)
    Fixed a rare case in which Pro Tools would quit unexpectedly after stopping a Destructive Punch record pass. (PTSW-192573)
    Trim automation no longer removes some downstream breakpoints. (PTSW-193101)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when indexing volumes with bad UTF8 characters. (PTSW-193211)
    Fixed a rare case where an invalid fade could be created adjacent to a crossfade, resulting in the clip being dropped from the timeline. (PTSW-185345)
    Trim automation no longer delays the underlying written automation. (PTSW-186367)
    Fixed a case where Clip Groups could be removed from the timeline when using key commands to cycle through the automation playlist view. (PTSW-146101)
    Fixed an issue that would result in audio being erroneously played through the AFL/PFL path after an offline bounce. (PTSW- 193306)
    Fixed a case where pan automation would be removed when switching send channel counts with FMP enabled. (PTSW-193320) Pro Tools HDX systems no longer display inaccurate metering on buses that pass more than 100 voices. (PTSW-192672)
    Pro Tools v 10.3.9 2 mai 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 10.3.9

  • OpenSSL updated to 1.0.1g. (SoundCloud and Gobbler integration)

  • C24 HD-specific features are now available when using Pro Tools HD with non-HD hardware, including Aggregate I/O. (PTSW- 190882)

  • Fixed an issue that could cause TrackPunch to remove clips from the Timeline. (PTSW-186681)

  • Pro Tools now correctly informs the user when attempting to load plug-ins that are unavailable at the current sample rate. (PTSW-189580)

  • MIDI performances no longer fail to record in cases where the track is armed for record after playback has started. (PTSW- 189524)

  • Loop playback with MIDI Merge enabled no longer improperly captures notes that were played prior to pressing record. (PTSW- 189139)

  • Preserve Fades when Editing now functions properly when moving clips with crossfades to other tracks. (PTSW-173175)

  • HEAT no longer silences when a native plug-in is instantiated in Insert J. (PTSW-186948)

  • A visual delay no longer occurs when trimming MIDI clips in sessions with large MIDI track counts. (PTSW-190335)

  • Fixed a case where 9-pin input monitoring commands from the Colin Broad PD-1 sent to Pro Tools HDX and HD Native systems took longer to execute in proportion to the number of tracks receiving commands. (PTSW-191859)

  • Fixed a case that would prevent some plug-ins from saving their current state. (PTSW-190722)

  • Automation thinning no longer occurs improperly to breakpoints outside the most recent pass. (PTSW-165583)

  • Groove clipboard now properly propagates to the Event Operations Window. (PTSW-190367)

  • Soundmaster timecode no longer quickly jumps somewhere else before locking to start location. (PTSW-190112)

  • Fixed an issue that would cause Pro Tools to incorrectly display a looping playhead when online in Remote Mode. (PTSW- 191125)

  • Fixed a case where Pro Tools would not properly import embedded AAF files that contain media with mixed frame rates. (PTSW- 191841)

  • Fixed a case where AAF files imported into Pro Tools would result in gaps of one sample in length inserted between clips. (PTSW-191846)

  • When toggling Playlist view on tracks that contain Clip Groups, Pro Tools now shows a dialog warning the user that the clips cannot be re-grouped with the Undo command. (PTSW-191625)

  • Fixed a case where Clip Groups could be removed from the timeline when using key commands to cycle through the automation playlist view. (PTSW-146101)
  • Pro Tools v 11.1.2 21 janv. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 11.1.2

    Fixed a case where some plug-ins could not be switched out of bypassed state. (PTSW-191334)

    Automation now properly interacts with linked plug-in parameters. (PTSW-191139)

    C|24 HD-specific features are now available when using Pro Tools HD with non-HD hardware, including Aggregate I/O. (PTSW-190882)

    Automation thinning no longer occurs improperly to breakpoints outside the most recent pass. (PTSW-165583)

    Pro Tools now correctly extracts audio from imported AAF files. (PTSW-182235)

    When there are missing files in an open session, mounting a volume no longer causes the Relink dialog to open. (PTSW-191127)

    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly on launch with networked home folders via OS X Open Directory. (PTSW-191277)

    Pro Tools now recognizes Finder folders that contain a forward slash "/" in their name. (PTSW-191175, PTSW-190625)
    Pro Tools v 11.1.1 7 janv. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    When vertically dragging a clip that shares a crossfade with an adjacent clip, the crossfade will now be converted to separate fades that preserve the sound of the original crossfade. (PTSW-173175)

    Pro Tools now successfully imports AAF files originally exported from Steinberg Nuendo. (PTSW-190498)
    Pro Tools v 10.3.8 24 déc. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 10.3.8

  • When vertically dragging a clip that shares a crossfade with an adjacent clip, the crossfade will now be converted to separate fades that preserve the sound of the original crossfade. (PTSW-173175)

  • Automation now obeys Automation Follows Edit preference when performing a shuffle edit in front of a "Time Locked" clip. (PTSW-187603)

  • Improvements to MIDI Groove Quantize. (PTSW-184329)

  • Assigning the track selector to “None” in send windows no longer causes Pro Tools to quit unexpectedly. (PTSW-170481)

  • Pan Window Soft Key on Artist Control now functions properly with multichannel tracks. (PTSW-189422)

  • When toggling Pro Tools 11 satellite compatibility to Pro Tools 10 compatibility mode, the satellite name is retained. (PTSW- 185781, PTSW-188394)

  • Pro Tools 10.3.8 defaults the Pro Tools satellite compatibility mode to Pro Tools 10 when first installed, when Pro Tools preferences are reset, or when a Satellite Link iLok authorization is not found. (PTSW-189969, PTSW-189972)

  • Quitting Pro Tools 11.0.0 Administrator while a 10.3.8 Satellite is connected no longer causes dialog error. (PTSW-185593)

  • 9-pin Locate commands no longer result in an incorrect Locate position, when sent to a Satellite Linked Pro Tools system during playback with Insertion Follows Playback enabled. (PTSW-188075

  • Eucon pan controls no longer disappear from S5 after layout recall. (PTSW-188687)

  • The AUX knob on Eucon control surfaces no longer becomes unresponsive after being pressed. (EUCON-2261)

  • Automation breakpoints on clip boundaries are no longer deleted when dragging clip with Automation Follows Edit enabled. (PTSW-173920)

  • Automation is now written correctly within a selection when there is a large amount of delay compensation. (PTSW-156621)

  • MIDI port naming improved when there are multiple instances of the same plug-in. (PTSW-186138)

  • Installing Pro Tools Instrument Expansion Pack before Pro Tools no longer results in a blank plug-ins list. (PTSW-186733)

  • Exporting a sequence from Pro Tools to Interplay using the "Match Timecode" option no longer results in empty audio tracks. (PTSW-187273)

  • DigiTest now works properly with 3-card HDX systems. (PTSW-178630)
  • Pro Tools v 11.1 23 déc. 2013 MacOS X Intel

    PTSW-184656: AudioSuite window now includes Plug-In name.
    PTSW-180095: Added Applescript support for the "Save Session Copy" command.
    PTSW-180085: Improved support for Nudge values with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX.
    PTSW-180084: Improved support for memory locations with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX.
    PTSW-180083: Improved support for the Click II plug-in with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX.
    PTSW-180082: Improved support for Memory Locations with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX.
    PTSW-180080: Improved support for window configurations with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX.
    PTSW-189731: Improved support for track selector, preset selection, and automation controls from within plug-in windows with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX.
    PTSW-180081: Improved support for Delete Unused Playlist dialogs with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX.
    PTSW-180078: Improved support for Beat Detective with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX


    PTSW-187111: Fixed an issue that delayed automation mode switching on VCA tracks.
    PTSW-187110: Fixed an issue that prevented engaging playback within several seconds of completing an automation pass.
    PTSW-185374: Fixed an issue that prevented pasting volume automation under certain circumstances.

    Bounce to Disk

    PTSW-189468: Improved bounce functionality when using multiple buses in series.
    PTSW-185058: Improved MIDI handling during realtime bounce.
    PTSW-185425: Inserting plug-ins on unvoiced tracks no longer interferes with offline bounce.


    PTSW-186213: Fixed a case where importing multichannel interleaved audio files would arrange channels out of order.
    PTSW-182253: **made a point to mention audio only, since OMF files containing video are not supported. "Fixed an issue that would prevent Pro Tools from importing some audio-only OMF files."
    PTSW-167656: Improved handling of AAF files that contain source material of mixed frame rates.
    PTSW-190308: Fixed a case where creating a send would cause Pro Tools to display an "Access violation occurred, unable to read the location. 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" error on HDX systems.
    PTSW-186590: Fixed an issue that would prevent Pro Tools from properly closing sessions with ReWire inserts.
    PTSW-185903: Pro Tools will now properly detect the AVB64 playback engine for use with System 3 Live consoles.
    PTSW-185111: Fixed an issue where Pro Tools would close unexpectedly while re-linking files.
    PTSW-189414: Fixed an issue that would prevent sessions on read-only drives from opening in Pro Tools.
    PTSW-185844: The Pro Tools installer will now replace older instances of REX Shared Library.
    PTSW-185429: Accessing files on network drives will no longer cause undesirable Core Audio behavior when quitting Pro Tools.
    PTSW-190398: Fixed some instances of Error -9155 in sessions with heavy automation on HDX systems.
    PTSW-185399: Fixed an issue where dense automation on surround tracks would cause Pro Tools to close unexpectedly.
    UME-854: Fixed a case where the Avid Video Engine would fail to load on a non-administrator account in OSX.

    Control Surface

    PTSW-183654: Disconnecting from the System 3 Live engine will no longer cause Pro Tools to display an error message.
    PTSW-178204: Pro Tools session templates now include EuControl layouts.


    PTSW-188794: Improved TCE tool stability.
    PTSW-186234: Fixed editing behavior with the Object Grabber.
    PTSW-177550: Fixed an issue where Pro Tools would show undesirable behavior, after recording to the end of a prepared DPE track while in Destructive Punch.
    PTSW-184329: Fixed an issue that caused incorrect Groove Quantize results in some sessions.


    PTSW-186541: Fixed an issue where some notes could become stuck while auditioning from the MIDI Editor window on some PC systems.
    PTSW-186373: Fixed an issue where changing a clip's user time stamp would result in an error.
    PTSW-189563: Pro Tools now captures MIDI notes that intersect with a punch point.
    PTSW-190083: Fixed an issue that would cause a delay before initiating playback.
    PTSW-189870: Fixed an issue that would prevent recalculation of waveform overviews from the Clips List.
    PTSW-173794: PDF functions now work properly in the Score Editor's Print menu.
    PTSW-183907: Fixed an issue that would cause Pro Tools to close unexpedtedly when quitting, if several Workspace windows are open.


    PTSW-187122: Uninstalling Pro Tools 11 no longer removes the 32 bit AAX plug-ins that are used by Pro Tools 10.
    PTSW-178630: Pro Tools now installs a new version of the DigiTest diagnostics utility.
    PTSW-187069: "Fixed an issue that prevented Pro Tools installations from properly updating system plug-ins, which could cause fatal errors." Related to Elastic Audio Plug-In


    PTSW-189655: Fixed an issue that prevented Pro Tools from routing MIDI through ReWire with certain Japanese characters in the device name.
    PTSW-189326: Improved Automatic Delay Compensation stability when toggling track record states.
    PTSW-185410: Fixed an issue where "Load Rig from Computer" would fail in sessions that had been modified by Pro Tools 11.1.
    PTSW-185813: Fixed an issue that prevented some instances of HD plug-ins from being reinstantiated properly on Native systems.
    PTSW-181711: The "Bypass EQ" command (Shift+E) now works properly with Channel Strip.
    PTSW-187057: Fixed an issue that would prevent X-Form from following changes to project tempo.


    PTSW-188337: Improvements to MIDI Timecode stability in Pro Tools 11.1.


    PTSW-185070: Video no longer flickers when playback is stopped by the user.
    PTSW-184691: Video track options no longer appear "greyed out" or unavailable when reopening Pro Tools sessions.
    PTSW-188266: Fixed an issue where Pro Tools would display first frame of the video when stopping or starting the transport while looping.
    PTSW-184563: Fixed an issue that would prevent video from playing without toggling the video track's online state, after disabling and then enabling Avid Video Engine.
    PTSW-184445: The Video window will no longer relocate when changing size or aspect ratio on systems with multiple displays.
    PTSW-184134: Pro Tools will no longer automatically open a blank Video window if there is no video in the current project.
    PTSW-183074: When re-opening a project with a fullscreen Video window, Pro Tools will now position the Video window correctly.
    PTSW-182566: Pro Tools no longer displays an incorrect frame when trimming video clips.
    UME-912: Improved video nudge performance.
    UME-874: Improved display handling of video files with non-standard aspect ratios.
    UME-856: "Enable video hardware during scrub" now behaves as desired with Black Magic and AJA video peripherals.
    UME-867: Pro Tools systems with Black Magic hardware will now position the playhead properly upon stop when Insertion Follows Playback is disabled.
    UME-327: Increased Avid Video Engine (AVE) performance.
    UME-852: Pro Tools no longer displays an error on some configurations when resizing the video window during playback.
    UME-786: The Video window will now update immediately to reflect user aspect ratio settings.

    PTSW-185803: Improvements to Copy and Relink function in Workspace.
    PTSW-185442: Pro Tools will audition audio files properly from the Workspace with Conform to Session Tempo enabled.
    PTSW-188227: Fixed an issue where dragging and dropping files within the workspace would result in duplicate files.
    PTSW-186544: Searching by tempo in the workspace will now retrieve the correct results.
    PTSW-185946: Files in the Workspace that begin with the same letter as the parent folder can now be selected by typing the first letter.
    PTSW-185747: The Workspace command "Calculate Waveforms" now works properly with MP3 and REX files.
    PTSW-184508: "Select Parent in Workspace" command now functions properly without requiring user to close workspace windows.
    PTSW-183098: Quotation marks are no longer treated as text when searching the Workspace.
    PTSW-182212: Improvements to Workspace window configuration handling.
    PTSW-181789: Fixed issue that would cause selections to be displayed improperly in the Workspace browser.
    PTSW-176649: Fixed an issue that would prevent some files from being relinked in the Catalog browser.
    PTSW-180037: Sorting by name in the Workspace browser no longer alphabetizes files and folders separately.
    PTSW-185452: Fixed an issue that would prevent the Wokspace from properly indexing some SDII files.
    Pro Tools v 11.0.3 13 nov. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools 11.0.3 adds compatibility for Mac OS X 10.9.x (“Mavericks”).
    Pro Tools v 11.0.2 17 sept. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 11.0.2

    User-Reported Issues
    If Pro Tools 11 quits unexpectedly, it automatically creates a Crash Log report that you can submit to Avid. By submitting the report, you can help us identify and address the issue. In the Comments section of the dialog that appears, describe the nature of the session you were working on and the action or command that you were carrying out just before the issue occurred, then click “Send to Avid.” The issues below were identified and addressed using these reports.

    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when trying to modify the ALL Group. (PTSW-184989)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when a VCA window is open and Preferences dialog is opened and closed. (PTSW-185798)
    Eleven Rack rigs can now be loaded from Pro Tools. (PTSW-185410, PTSW-184975, PTSW-184982)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly while AudioSuite previewing with the Shift parameter adjusted to edge values. (PTSW-185758)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when playing a surround track with dense automation. (PTSW-185399)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly during offline bounce when a plug-in exists on an unvoiced track. (PTSW-185425)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly during offline bounce when signal routes back through the same mixer. (PTSW-185482)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when indexing particular SDII files. (PTSW-185452)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly while re-linking missing audio files. (PTSW-185111)
    Fixed infinite loop of error dialog “IO channel count for current playback device has changed. Please restart Pro Tools” when RME HDSPe MADI FX is the declared Playback Engine. (PTSW-185010)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly while searching in Help after connecting to SoundCloud. (PTSW-185014)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly on exit when running on an Open Directory Local Network user account in certain configurations. (PTSW-185886)

    Audio recorded to tracks to the right of playback tracks is properly placed on the timeline. (PTSW-185778)
    Destructive Punch records properly when the previous record pass extended past the end of the prepared audio. (PTSW-177550)
    Destructive Punch recording can be stopped in all situations. (PTSW-185339)
    When recording to a track with an output assigned to a sub-stem of a main stem and with no tracks are assigned to the main stem, Delay Compensation errors no longer occur. (PTSW-186092)

    Performance is improved when using the Automation “Write to End” command across many tracks. (PTSW-186229)
    When the Session Start Time is not 00:00:00:00, spotting a file to a new track after an offline bounce now works properly. (PTSW-185380)
    User Time Stamp values are now entered correctly in the Clip List. (PTSW-186373)

    On Pro Tools|HDX systems, post-fader sends following a Native plug-in no longer consume an extra voice. (PTSW-184939) Sends now work correctly with Preview mode. (PTSW-186227)

    The Time Compression/Expansion AAX plug-in is included with Pro Tools 11.0.2. D-Verb DSP AAX controls have been fixed. (PTSW-186175)

    Correct frames are now pasted to a track when the copied movie's true frame rate is less than the Video Project Type. (PTSW-184987)
    Enabling and disabling video hardware during scrub now work properly with third-party video hardware. (UME-856)
    Black Magic hardware now locates correctly after stop if Insertion Follows Playback is disabled. (UME-867)
    Video track settings are now available after reopening a session with video. (PTSW-184691)
    The Avid Video Engine no longer encounters video synchronization errors when playing beyond the 12-hour mark on the timeline. (UME-906)
    Video playback in Pro Tools no longer shows color deviation from playback in QuickTime player. (UME-823)

    The Workspace “Copy & Relink” function now works correctly. (PTSW-185803) In the Workspace, Option-revealing a folder exposes or hides all nested subfolders. (PTSW-182561) The “T” label (for Transfer volumes) now appears correctly when changing permissions in the Workspace. (PTSW-185355) Pro Tools no longer stops working when dragging files from the Workspace with Tempo Match enabled. (PTSW-185442)

    Bounce to Disk
    MIDI events now play in order during an offline bounce. (PTSW-185058)
    Offline bounce with automation is now phase-accurate when compared to a bussed re-record. (PTSW-179224)
    Pro Tools v 10.3.7 11 août 2013 MacOS X Intel
    The Pro Tools application icon has been modified to allow easier identification of Pro Tools 10.3.7 in a co-install configuration.

    Pro Tools 10 now has a Satellite protocol option that allows forward compatibility with Pro Tools 11.
    To allow you to connect Pro Tools 10 and Pro Tools 11 systems in a satellite configuration, an option has been added in the Satellite pane of the Peripherals dialog that allows you to select which version of the Satellite protocol you want to use (either Pro Tools 10 or Pro Tools 11). NOTE: All systems in a Satellite configuration must use the same version of the Satellite protocol. The admin system must be a Pro Tools 11 system.

    Avid Audio Engine performance has been improved for HDX, HD Native and HD Native Thunderbolt. (Mac OS X 10.8.4 or higher required).

    Session save times have been improved. (PTSW-185060) Destructive Punch now records properly after recording to the end of file. (PTSW-177550)

    Crashes associated with the use of RME HDSPe MADI, HDSP PCIe and UAD Apollo interfaces have been resolved. (PTSW-164626, PTSW-182520, PTSW-182588)

    Scroll wheel functions properly for a variety of numeric entry fields in Pro Tools: Video Offset, Preferences, Click/Countoff Options, Event Operations (PTSW-134626, PTSW-134632, PTSW-134634, PTSW-134636.)

    In the Bounce dialog, “Enforce Avid Compatibility’ has been changed to “Enforce Media Composer Compatibility” to better reflect the intended use of this option. (PTSW-181436)
    Pro Tools v 11.0.1 30 juin 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 11.0.1:
  • The ReVibe II plug-in is now available with support for Pro Tools 11.0.1 (and higher) and Pro Tools 10.3.6 (PTSW-184681, PTSW-183157)

  • Certain third-party plug-ins no longer cause your computer to hang when quitting Pro Tools (PTSW-185005)
  • Pro Tools v 11.0 22 juin 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • nouveau moteur audio Avid

  • Le nouveau moteur audio AAE (Avid Audio Engine) est entièrement optimisé pour fournir plusieurs fois la puissance de traitement de Pro Tools 10 sur une même configuration matérielle. Oubliez toutes les contraintes et exploitez un nombre colossal d'instruments virtuels et d'effets pour créer des mix au son bien plus riche et complexe, et découvrez les performances inédites de la station de travail audio la plus puissante à ce jour.

  • 64 bits

  • Passez au niveau de performance et de créativité supérieur, avec une quantité de RAM accessible bien plus importante pour vos productions musique et audio. Mixez des sessions de plus grande taille, avec des milliers de clips. Exploitez des échantillons d'instrument virtuel de plus grande taille pour des sons encore plus réalistes. Bénéficiez de plus de marge de sécurité pour repousser les limites de votre système, sans jamais les atteindre.

  • bounce offline

  • Ne perdez plus de temps... Accélérez la sortie de vos stems ou de votre mix final avec un bounce offline jusqu'à 150 fois plus rapide qu'en temps réel. Le timestamping de l'automation garantit des résultats d'une qualité que seul Pro Tools peut vous offrir. Si vous mixez et livrez des émissions de radio ou d'autres programmes long format, cette fonctionnalité à elle seule vous fera gagner des heures entières au quotidien.

  • mémoire tampon d'entrée dédiée pour une latence ultra faible

  • Des mémoires tampon d'entrée à faible latence et de lecture dédiées assurent une latence ultra faible pour le monitoring des entrées en enregistrement sur des systèmes natifs, sans sacrifier les performances des plug-ins. Bénéficiez de la réactivité dont vous avez besoin pour enregistrer dans les meilleures conditions, même avec les sessions de grande taille comportant de nombreux plug-ins.

  • options étendues de mesure des niveaux (Pro Tools HD 11 uniquement)

  • Plus besoin d'investir dans des plug-ins supplémentaires pour exploiter les standards professionnels de mesure des niveaux, K-system, VU et autres. Vous disposez désormais de 17 formats de mesure des niveaux, directement intégrés à l'interface. Optimisez vos mix tout en respectant les normes audio broadcast de chaque pays. De plus, un indicateur de réduction de gain peut être affiché sur chaque canal pour le contrôle de la dynamique.

  • nouveau moteur vidéo Avid

  • Le moteur vidéo Avid intégré, identique au moteur principal de Media Composer, permet d'importer, de monter et de lire une large gamme de formats vidéo HD (QuickTime, XDCAM, etc.) et des séquences Avid DNxHD directement dans la timeline de Pro Tools, sans transcodage. Utilisez une interface vidéo Avid, AJA ou Blackmagic Design pour le monitoring vidéo.

  • Accélérez et simplifiez les recherches de fichiers audio avec un explorateur d'espace de travail optimisé

  • Automatisez des pistes en cours d'enregistrement (idéal pour les workflows live et Dolby ATMOS)

  • Optimisez le nombre de plug-ins utilisables avec un traitement hôte dynamique qui réalloue les ressources en fonction des besoins

  • Contrôlez le niveau des départs de plug-in (PT et PTHD) et la réduction de gain (PTHD uniquement) sur les nouveaux mini indicateurs des canaux

  • Mixez plus précisément et réglez vos traitements au millimètre grâce au timestamping de l'automation de plug-in

  • Pilotez plusieurs systèmes Pro Tools|HD à partir d'un seul avec la fonctionnalité Satellite Link, désormais incluse (PTHD uniquement)

  • Travaillez plus rapidement et avec un meilleur retour visuel grâce à de nouveaux raccourcis de workflow et des améliorations de la fenêtre Mix

  • Visualisez votre session dans toute sa splendeur avec une prise en charge intégrale des écrans Apple Retina
  • Pro Tools v 10.3.6 22 juin 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 10.3.6

    In sessions at high sample rates on HDX systems, automation ramps now track accurately. (PTSW-170306, PTSW-181981)

    When importing audio into a session by drag and drop, if two files have different names and the same unique ID, a “Stamp New Unique ID” message appears only if the modification dates of the two files are different. (PTSW-179183)

    Certain non-Avid AAX DSP plug-ins could cause Pro Tools to quit unexpectedly with previous versions of Pro Tools 10.3. This has been resolved in Pro Tools. (PTSW-182881, PTSW-182883)

    If, on first launch, Pro Tools detects that it is close to running out of memory due to a very large number of installed plug-ins (AAX/TDM/RTAS), it saves the current plug-in cache and then requires you to quit and relaunch Pro Tools. This is a workaround for temporary memory limits that exist only after a fresh Pro Tools install. (PTSW-180029)

    AudioSuite processing from the Clip List using Overwrite Files mode no longer incorrectly adds AudioSuite handles. (PTSW-178956)

    You can now adjust pop-up volume and pan sliders in the Edit Window with fine resolution (using standard Pro Tools key commands) in the same way as in the Mix Window. (PTSW-176942)

    The Default button in the Input tab of I/O Setups no longer disables the “Compensate for Input Delays after Record Pass” option. (PTSW-172852)

    With Pro Tools 10.3.6 and higher, Sound Designer II (.SD2) files are no longer supported. If you open a session containing SD2 files, they are converted to the session audio file format.

    Avid AAX plug-ins no longer cause Pro Tools to quit unexpectedly when switching channel views of a multi-mono plug-in. This problem only occurred on MacOS X 10.8. (PTSW-180912)

    Channel Strip (Native) uses much less CPU capacity for shelving filters. (PTSW-170126)

    Channel Strip, Pro Compressor, Pro Expander gain reduction now works correctly in Internal-All and Front/Rear channel linking modes. (PTSW-178201)

    ReVibe II now supports saving of the collapsed tab state. (PTSW-174598)
    Pro Tools v 10.3.5 27 avril 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Punch recording modes now work at all timeline locations. (PTSW-172752, PTSW-176726)

    Certain types of plug-ins now properly receive keystrokes when focused without causing unwanted behavior in Pro Tools (such as spacebar controlling the Transport). Note that some plug-ins do not accept certain keystrokes and those keystrokes will control Pro Tools. (PTSW-165586, PTSW-172156, PTSW-172540)

    Multiple automation breakpoints in the same location are now cleaned up when using the Import Session Data command. (PTSW-179121)

    When there is no other automation on a track except for an initial breakpoint, extra breakpoints are no longer created when trimming or nudging a clip from the beginning of a session. (PTSW-179170)

    Unwanted automation ramps are no longer created after trimming a clip in Shuffle mode. (PTSW-178118)

    Clips are no longer missing from the timeline after AAF import of a mixed frame rate sequence. (PTSW-167656)

    During import, if a file’s Unique Identifier (UID) is identical to one already in the session, and the Name and Mod Date of the files are also identical, the existing file in the session is automatically used. However, if two files have the same UID but different Mod Dates, Pro Tools lets you choose between using the existing file or stamping a new UID into the file being imported. This resolves potential problems when audio files are processed outside of Pro Tools and re-imported. (PTSW-179183)

    The calculation of waveform overviews has been optimized.
    Pro Tools v 10.3.4 12 mars 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools v 10.3.3 21 déc. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools v 10.3.2 16 oct. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools v 10.3.1 3 oct. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools v 10.3 13 sept. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools v 10.2 22 mai 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools v 10.1.3 27 avril 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 10.1.3
  • HDX systems no longer produce unwanted noise bursts in certain configurations and after prolonged usage. (PTSW-159883, PTSW-159680)

  • On HDX systems, tracks with a plug-in no longer produce a burst of noise at the end of playback when an automation event occurs at the exact sample location where playback stops. (PTSW-158582)

  • Serial time code now loops when playback loops. (PTSW-146199)

  • Satellite systems properly scroll in FF (fast forward) and REW (rewind) mode. (Jog/Shuttle is still a local machine update only.) (PTSW-156532)
  • When Transport=Machine, if a video track in Pro Tools was triggered to record by incoming time code, all simultaneously recording audio and video regions would not be saved to disk when the transport was stopped. This issue has been fixed. (PTSW-3104)
  • Pro Tools v 10.1.2 12 avril 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 10.1.2
  • 32 bit AIFF files now play back without distortion. (PTSW-160803)

  • When the Record button in the Pro Tools Transport is enabled with Satellites linked, serial (9-pin) rewind commands are no longer ignored by Satellites when the Admin system is playing back. (PTSW-154380)

  • The Write to Current automation command no longer creates an extra breakpoint at the end of a selection. (PTSW-160630)

  • Dyn III Plug-In parameters now map correctly after conversion from DPM format to AAX format. (PTSW-159885)

  • Toggling a Send from Pre-Fader to Post-Fader to no longer disables audio throughput on a track. (PTSW-157131)

  • Performance of Transport and Locate commands for Satellite systems has been improved. (PTSW-136909, PTSW-159440)
  • Pro Tools v 10.1.1 13 mars 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools v 10.0.1 29 janv. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools v 10.1 23 déc. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools HD 10.1 is an update that supports Pro Tools|HDX. It is a free update for Pro Tools HD 10 owners. This version also requires updates for the plug-ins listed below.

    Note: Pro Tools HD 10.1 has not been quailified for use on Pro Tools HD or HD Native hardware.
    Pro Tools v 9.0.6 30 nov. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools v 10.0 21 oct. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Accélérez les opérations d'édition et de mixage grâce à la fonction de gain du clip, ajustez et faites correspondre les niveaux de gain pré-mixeur
    Utilisez plusieurs formats audio au sein d'une même session, dont le format entrelacé, sans duplication de fichier
    Enregistrez en résolution supérieure et avec plus de marge de sécurité au format 32 bits virgule flottante
    Optimisez le temps de réponse des disques durs les plus lents grâce à un cache disque amélioré
    Enregistrez avec des interfaces audio tierces en mode faible latence avec monitoring direct
    Bénéficiez du son des EQ et des traitements dynamiques de la console System 5 grâce au plug-in Avid Channel Strip
    Accédez à plus de 500 commandes Pro Tools supplémentaires avec les surfaces de contrôle EUCON
    Travaillez plus simplement avec les clips AudioSuite rendus grâce au traitement inversé, aux poignées, et plus encore
    Créez des projets au format extra long pour le versioning séquentiel sur une timeline étendue de 24 heures
    Ouvrez plus rapidement les sessions comportant un nombre élevé de fondus et bénéficiez d'une meilleure réactivité pour les fondus en temps réel
    Réduisez vos mix surround 5.1 en stéréo grâce au plug-in Down Mixer
    Exportez vos mix directement vers SoundCloud pour partager et promouvoir votre musique avec des internautes du monde entier
    Naviguez dans le Marketplace et achetez des plug-ins d'instrument virtuel, d'effet et de traitement audio
    Et bien plus encore !
    Pro Tools v 9.0.5 17 août 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Lion support.
    Issues Resolved.
    Pro Tools 9.0.5 read me
    Pro Tools v 9.0.3 26 mai 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools v 9.0.2 10 mars 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Pro Tools v 9.0.1 6 janv. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 9.0.1

    On Windows, the Pro Tools 9.0 Update installer removed previously installed Pro Tools Creative Collection (PTCC) content files. (PTSW-134971)
    * The Pro Tools 9.0.1 Update installer for Windows leaves any previously installed PTCC content untouched.
    * If you already installed Pro Tools 9.0 with the updater, you will need to reinstall PTCC content.

    On Windows, with VocALign LE installed, Pro Tools 9.0 would crash on launch. (PTSW-134925)
    * An updated version of VocALign LE (version 2.9.5) is now available for Windows. [ Download Page ]
    * Note: VocALign LE (version 2.9.6) for Mac does not need to be updated, fixed in next item.

    VocALign plug-ins cannot process audio in Pro Tools 9.0, and generated DAE error -7450 or displayed a warning dialog. (PTSW-133260)
    * In Pro Tools 9.0.1, VocALign plug-ins (VocALign Pro, VocALign Project, VocALign LE) can process audio.

    On Mac OS X, EUCON-capable controllers using EUCON 2.5.6 did not record when in QuickPunch mode in Pro Tools 9.0. (PTSW-134916)
    * In Pro Tools 9.0.1 for Mac OS X, QuickPunch works with EUCON-capable controllers.

    Pro Tools 9.0 was unable to update the firmware for any Avid/Digidesign Ethernet-based controllers, such as C|24, D Command, and D-Control, but not EUCON-based controllers. (PTSW-134903)
    * In Pro Tools 9.0.1, firmware can be updated on Avid/Digidesign Ethernet controllers.

    The Pro Tools 9.0 installer replaced a previously installed Structure Full plug-in with Structure Free and deleted the Structure library. (PTSW-134827, 134887)
    * The Pro Tools 9.0.1 installer leaves any previously installed Structure Full plug-in untouched and does not replace it with Structure Free.
    * If you already installed Pro Tools 9.0, you will need to reinstall Structure Full to replace Structure Free.

    Pro Tools 8.0.4 and higher sessions would present an incorrect "Missing Files..." or "Some Regions had Invalid Bounds..." warning when you undo certain commands that remove audio files, save the session, and then open the session again. (PTSW-129321, PTSW-131342)
    * In Pro Tools 9.0.1, saved sessions no longer retain references to removed files. (Note: This may not fix sessions created with versions lower than Pro Tools 9.0.1 that present similar warnings.)

    The cooling fan of the HD OMNI interface would produce excessive noise after a few minutes under certain conditions. (PTSW-130263)
    * The DigiTest 9.0.1 firmware update for HD OMNI (v.2.10) includes a new cooling algorithm that improves some user's experience of fan noise without sacrificing cooling performance.
    * To update HD OMNI firmware, run the DigiTest 9.0.1 application with HD OMNI connected to your system.

    When attempting to preview an audio file too large to be opened by Pro Tools (4 GB or larger) in the Pro Tools Workspace browser, the audio file was truncated. (PTSW-128581)
    * In Pro Tools 9.0.1, audio files larger than 4 GB are not recognized by the Workspace browser (appearing as "Unknown" in the "Kind" column), so they cannot be inadvertently truncated.
    Pro Tools Pro Tools v 12.8.1 25 août 2017 Windows
    Avid Pro Tools Pro Tools v 12.8 29 juin 2017 Windows
    Avid Pro Tools v 12.7.1 26 févr. 2017 Windows
    Bug Fixes


    Deleting automation on a frozen track no longer deletes underlying clips as well (PT-224661)

    Clearing a time selection that begins before a fade out within a clip and ends outside of the clip, after the fade, no longer fails to clear the fade out as a part of operation (PT-223910)

    UI stuttering in the edit window no longer occurs when adjusting clip gain (PT-224370)

    Fixed a case where the new playlist created by an overlap made while a track is in Waveform track view would be created in the wrong playlist order (PT-222733)

    Restored the behavior of Insertion Follows Playback during Pre-Roll that existed prior to Pro Tools 12.6. The insertion point is once again placed where the play head stops during the pre-roll (PT-220982)

    Fixed a case where multi-channel clip groups would break if they were dragged over an Aux, Master, or VCA track (PT-224183)

    Clip Effects

    Fixed a case where applying cursor focus to the Clip Effects view could lock out keyboard input (PT-224379)

    Fixed a case where focus was not correctly restored to the Clip Effects view after switching between Pro Tools and another app (PT-223549)

    Using the keyboard shortcut to access the Clip Effects view no longer incorrectly focuses a field in a text entry state (PT-224091)


    Fixed a case where automation could be deleted without warning when changing the width of a track's main output (PT-224495)

    Fixed a case where MIDI CC automation would not be played back correctly until reaching a new break point (PT-224233)

    Unexpected automation ramps no longer occur intermittently when using the Punch Preview command after the Back and Play command (PT-211468)

    Fixed cases where -9155 Automation Too Dense Errors would be thrown by sawtooth-like automation within a very small number of samples (PT-223818)

    Fixed a case where track volume settings (volume levels without written automation) between +6db and +12db would be received as +6db by collaborators in a collaboration (PT-224848)

    Soundbase and Workspace

    Files auditioned in the workspace while the conform to session tempo setting is enabled are now correctly delay compensated according to the current system delay (PT-202849)

    Relinking and indexing of files that are more than 6 or 7 folders deep no longer fails (PT-220471)

    Copy and Relink performance for operations containing more than 2000 files is significantly improved (PT-223544)

    The Tags pane in soundbase no longer fails to update dynamically when removing and returning a folder with audio to the Sound Libraries location (PT-223825)

    Fixed a case where the contents of the Sound Libraries location may not be indexed properly after being renamed and then renamed again to "Sound Libraries" (PT-223964)

    Fixed a case where the clip outline drawn to show placement of a file dragged from the Workspace browser would appear on the wrong track if there are hidden tracks in the document (PT-224050)

    Fixed a specific UI glitch that could occur when dragging and dropping audio files to the Edit Window while using a Windows OS (PT-224104)

    Fixed several tagging issues in Soundbase that could occur while using non-English language characters

    Fixed several minor UI and selection issues within the Workspace browser

    Crashes and Errors

    Fixed a crash that could occur when starting playback shortly after any use of the audition path, particularly following an AudioSuite audition and render (PT-223588)

    Fixed a crash that could occur when playing a stereo clip that had been created by combining two mono clips if one of the mono clips had a crossfade (PT-225461)

    Fixed a crash that could occur when pasting a clip group of six mono clips with individual edits into a 5.1 track (PT-225367)

    Fixed a crash that occur during session open if the video engine needed to be enabled and then the session open operation was cancelled (PT-224339)


    Fixed an issue where projects created in previous versions of Pro Tools may not download in newer versions of Pro Tools (PT-224695)

    The Hardware Setup window is no longer launched unexpectedly after updating the HD Driver without first uninstalling the previous HD Driver version (PT-224011)
    Fixed a momentary parameter value ramp up that would occur in the Channel Strip plug-in on C, Lss, Rss, Lsr, Rsr and LFE channels of surround instances immediately after any offline processing task completed (AAX-1437)
    tools Pro Tools v 12.7 24 déc. 2016 Windows
    l'industrie Pro Tools v 12.6.1 2 déc. 2016 Windows
    Bug Fixes

    MIDI Delay Compensation

    MIDI notes are no longer recorded late by the delay compensation value (PT-220861)

    Breakpoint Editing

    Grid Toggle is disabled when adjusting automation, MIDI, or Clip Gain breakpoint controls in Slip Mode to avoid conflict with fine-control editing (PT-221294)

    Pressing the Command key (Mac) or Control key (Windows) while editing automation and MIDI breakpoints now suppresses Grid mode and enables fine-control editing. This is now consistent with breakpoint editing behavior for Clip Gain. Fine-control editing can be disengaged during mouse-down by releasing the Command key (Mac) or Control key (Windows), and then re-engaged by pressing the Command key (Mac) or Control key (Windows) again (PT-221952)

    Using the Smart Tool to add a breakpoint on a Clip Gain line no longer incorrectly constrains the breakpoint to the nearest grid line (PT-221919)

    Fixed multiple automation breakpoint editing inconsistencies with Grabber Tool (PT-221862)


    The Tandem Trimming option (introduced in Pro Tools 12.6) has been removed from the Options menu. Tandem Trimming is only available using key modifiers: Command-Control-click (Mac) or Control-Start-click (windows) with the Trim tool. Note that TCE and Elastic trim do not support Tandem Trimming.

    Fade length settings from the batch fades dialog are now used when pressing the single-key "f" command to create fades (PT-218064)

    Fixed a case where clip groups from created before 12.6 were broken when opening the session (PT-221888)

    Audiosuite rendering with Clip by Clip and Create Individual Files settings no longer alters clip lengths unexpectedly (PT-216026)

    With a selection across Audio and Instrument tracks, nudge no longer fails to move audio clips within the selection (PT-221115)

    The Heal Separation command no longer includes adjacent clips that are not selected in some cases while using Layered Editing (PT-221928)

    The nudge command no longer fails to move selected MIDI notes while using Layered Editing (PT-221116)

    Deleting a fade out that is also an overlap of another clip no longer deletes the underlapping clip (PT-221271)

    Edit/Timeline Selection is no longer lost when copying a selection within a clip to a new playlist (PT-221270)

    Moving a fade on one clip that overlaps another no longer trims the underlapping clip (PT-221450)

    While using the respective "Send Fully Overlapped Clips..." preference for editing, clips that are fully overlapped by nudging another clip over it no longer fail to be sent to a new playlist (PT-221274)

    Fixed a case where Analysis markers would not be displayed on part of an underlapped clip when switching to Warp track view (PT-221672)

    Automation and Mixing

    Fixed a case where soloing and unsoloing tracks could cause AAE error -9155 "Automation is too dense." (PT-220691)

    Previously written front-to-back pan automation now plays back correctly while previewing front left/right automation moves (PT-221130)

    Engaing a VCA solo no longer fails to change the state of solos on tracks in the underlying group (PT-222010)

    Emphasis has been added to the dialog warning users about writing automation to the entire timeline (PT-221890)

    Fixed a case where newly created VCAs could not be record enabled on the S6 Master Post Module (PT-221664)

    Crashes and Errors (Please continue to submit crash logs!)

    Fixed cases where certain sessions created before 12.6 would throw an assertion error when opening or crash when attempting to Import Session Data (PT-221127)

    Fixed a case where entering track comments could cause a crash on Windows 8 and Windows 10 only (PT-218721)

    Fixed a case where deleting a VCA track with a D-Control connected to Pro Tools could cause a crash (PT-221285)

    Fixed a case where deleting complex multi-selections of clips and clip groups across multiple tracks could cause a crash (PT-221288)

    Fixed a case where dragging and dropping a MIDI file to a MIDI Instrument track caused a crash (PT-222247)

    Fixed a case where unchecking "Ignore Errors" in the playback engine could cause a crash with some 3rd party audio interfaces (PT-209601)

    Fixed a case where undoing immediately or sometime after using the keyboard shortcut to switch playlists would cause a crash (PT-221780)


    Fixed a case where frames would be dropped at the beginning of playback with newer BlackMagic video cards (PT-221056)


    Workspace searches of mapped network volumes no longer fail to find files as expected (PT-211720)


    When recording to Avid ISIS or NEXIS storage, an intermittent delay of several seconds no longer occurs when starting a record pass (PT-216388)

    Fixed relinking behaviors for copied WAV and AIFF media when importing data from an AAF (PT-209751)

    Recalling Memory Locations that show all tracks in large sessions is now faster (PT-221011)

    Window positions are now correctly restored when using two displays on Mac OS X El Capitan (PT-221010)

    Fixed a UI clipping issue for the Copy Selection to New Playlist command in the Edit menu (PT-221883)

    MIDI continues to play on deactivated instrument track (PT-221284)

    The Cancel Recording command no longer fails to delete and remove MIDI clips from the timeline when canceling a record using one of the punch record modes (PT-220488)

    Collaboration and Project Sync

    Fixed an assertion error that could occur after undoing a track download that could prevent further downloads on affected tracks (PT-220148)

    Projects created by the Save Copy In... command are no longer forced to multi-mono audio file type (PT-217280)

    When going offline and back online, collaboration features no longer fail to reactivate (PT-221749)
    musique Pro Tools v 12.6 2 oct. 2016 Windows

  • Clip Effects (HD Software Only)

  • Provides clip-based effects that let you apply non-destructive EQ, filtering, and dynamics processing to any whole audio clip on any audio track.

    Lets you modify the sound of any single whole clip or a selection of whole clips on one or more tracks without having to use rendered AudioSuite processing or having to process entire tracks using plug-in inserts.

    Settings always stay with the clip, which means you can move, and Cut or Copy and Paste clips along with their corresponding clip effects settings

    Fully supported with Pro Tools HD software. Pro Tools software can open and playback sessions and projects with clip effects as well as Bypass, Clear, and Render clip effects if present, but cannot edit clip effects.

    Uses the host processor (Native processing) on all systems.

  • Layered Editing

  • New editing option which prevents loss of partially overlapped clips while editing. For example, deleting a small clip placed on top of a larger clip reveals the intact underlying clip, not silence. Option is enabled with new button near Edit Tools and Options menu.

    “Overlap Shadows” now indicate overlapping clips. This replaces previous “Overlap” option for dog-ear indicators. Option is enabled in View>Clip menu.

    “Overwrite Indicators” inform the user if an offscreen clip will be fully overlapped and cleared. Option is enabled in View>Clip menu.

  • Playlist Workflows

  • When a track contains more than one playlist, the Playlist selector now turns blue.

    New “Send to…” commands allow selections to be more freely copied or moved between playlists. Visual indicators are provided to inform the user of the playlist destination. These commands are available when right-clicking on a clip and in Edit menu.

    “Send Fully Overlapped Clips to Available Playlist…” preferences allow fully overlapped clips while editing and/or recording to be sent to an available playlist as opposed to being cleared from the timeline. These preferences are available in Preferences>Editing.

  • Additional Editing Improvements

  • In Grid mode, use the Command (Mac) or Control (Windows) key to toggle off (or “clutch” out of) Grid mode and edit in Slip mode. When in Slip mode, use the Command (Mac) or Control (Windows) key to toggle off (or “clutch” out of) Slip mode and edit in Grid mode. This makes editing much more fluid as the Slip or Grid edit mode can be “parked” in a default position and using only the key command to toggle to the other mode from the one currently selected.

    Tandem Trimming is now available in Options menu and is no longer enabled with Command (Mac) or Control (Windows) key.

    Fine breakpoint adjustment now requires Shift+Command (Mac) or Shift+Control (Windows) keys and adjustment is constrained vertically.

  • Real Time Fade Manipulation and Fades Context Menu

  • Manipulate fade curves in real time with waveform updates using the Smart Tool or Selector Tool.

    When using the Smart Tool, hovering the mouse over the center third of a fade of any kind will show the Fade icon. Clicking and dragging on the fade while this icon is shown will allow the real time adjustment of the fade curve.

    When using the Selector Tool, hovering the mouse over a fade of any kind and holding the Command key (Mac) or the Control key (Win) will clutch the selector tool into the fade manipulation tool. Click and drag on the fade to adjust the curve.

    A new Fades sub menu is added to the edit window right click menu while fades are selected that allows changing of primary fade shape setting, equal power or gain setting, and access to the Fades dialog.

  • Single System Re-recording Workflows (HDX Only)

  • Delay Compensation enhancements have been made to support Film/TV re-recording workflows within a single system using cascaded audio tracks.

    Set cascaded audio tracks used to re-record to “Auto-Low Latency Off,” enabling seamless input monitor switching and Destructive Punch in and out.

  • Workspace Simple Search Boolean Enhancements

  • Classic Boolean search operators are now available when using Simple Search in the Workspace. Simple Search performs a search of all “free text” fields within the Workspace’s current index of volumes and catalogs chosen for searching. The following operators now affect a search string:

    Exact matching; by enclosing search terms in quotations, e.g. “search string”, the workspace will return only files with exact matches to the enclosed string

    AND operator; by separating search terms with AND, e.g. search AND string, the workspace will return only files with matches to both terms. AND is the default operator used when separating search terms by a single space.

    OR operator; by separating search terms with OR, e.g. search OR string, the workspace will return files that match both terms in any combination

    NOT operator; by using the - symbol immediately before a search term, e.g. -“search string”, the workspace will return only items that do not contain the given term

    Parenthetical operations; by enclosing search terms in parens, e.g. (search AND string), the workspace will first perform the searches within parens and then permute the displayed results by the operators and terms used outside of the parens

  • Edit Window Status Icon Enhancements (Relink Offline, Task Manager, and Freeze)

  • Clicking the “Session Data Online Status” indicator when it is red because there are Offline Files in the current session or project will now initiate the “Relink Offline” command

    A new “Task Manager Status” indicator is displayed that will show whether any tasks are in progress as well as whether any tasks have failed. Clicking the Task Manager Status indicator will open, close, or focus the Task Manager window depending on the Task Manager window’s current state

    A new “Freeze Status” indicator is displayed that will show whether any of the currently shown tracks in a Pro Tools document are Frozen. Right clicking on the Freeze Status indicator will allow you to freeze or unfreeze all tracks, or selectively include track types in subsequent freeze or unfreeze all commands. Option(Mac) or Alt(PC) + clicking the Freeze Status indicator will Freeze All no matter what settings are used in the context menu, and Command(Mac) or (Control) + clicking the Freeze Status indicator will freeze any remaining unfrozen tracks of the chosen tracks types if one or more shown tracks in the document are already frozen

  • Collaboration and Project Sync Updates

  • Pending Invitations can now be revoked from Artist Chat

    Tracks with conflicting upload and download state are now shown in the Collaboration Issues workflow

    Ownership requests can now be rejected by Command+Clicking (Mac) or Control+Clicking (PC) the ownership button when another user has asked to take ownership of a track

    Cloud Client Services v2.0 - supports future enhancements to the Collaboration and Project Synchronization feature set and increases transfer reliability for current versions of Pro Tools

  • ------------

  • Bug Fixes

  • Performance

  • Fixed a class of performance issues that were associated with viewing core plug-in windows during playback such as a case of -9173 with the Click II plug-in

  • Editing

  • Fixed graphical issues that could occur when moving tracks or clips vertically within the edit window

    The commit operation no longer creates both a whole file clip and an identical sub clip. Only a whole file clip is created

    Using "Create Individual" and "Clip by Clip" settings for Audiosuite processing no longer modifies clip boundaries unexpectedly

    Tracks created by a committing an Elastic Audio enabled tick-based track no longer fail to respond to tempo changes

    Track Bounce no longer creates a file with an incorrect original timecode value

  • Import Session Data and Import Audio

  • Imported audio files with names containing 2-byte language characters or certain non-English language characters no longer fail to be found when searching the Clips List

    Fixed an Import Session Data issue that could delete plug-in automation without warning when matching to tracks in the current session with plug-in instances that were not automation enabled before import

    Fixed an issue with Import Session Data that would fail to import tracks that did not have any whole file audio clips on the active playlist

    Fixed a case where groups that are active in a source session are imported as inactive after Import Session Data

    The "Consolidate" option in Import Session Data no longer copies the full file for clips that should be consolidated instead

  • Automation

  • The Channel Strip Low Pass Filter Frequency parameter responds to automation more accurately

    A warning is now presented while attempting to remove plug-ins that have been automated from tracks that are inactive

    Fixed a case where Master Fader tracks would switch automation mode to Auto Latch after a Bounce to Disk

    The duplicate command no longer fails to operate on automation on frozen tracks

    Fixed a case where some 3rd party plug-in automation written in previous Pro Tools versions would not play back in 12.5-12.5.2

  • Crashes and Errors (Please continue to submit crash logs!)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when resizing a video track

    Fixed a crash that could occur inserting the Downmixer plug-in on a track during playback

    Fixed a crash caused by cancelling the Rename dialog while using Strip Silence

    Fixed a crash that could occur separating clips containing certain combinations of fades

    Fixed a crash caused by moving inMusic VIP between inserts

    Fixed a crash that could occur when nudging clips

    Fixed a crash that could occur when downloading track changes that included a new version of an existing audio file

    Fixed a crash that could occur after using Destructive Punch and turning delay compensation on and off

    Fixed a crash that could occur while using S6 and closing a session while a track is in playlist view and the edit selection is placed on that track's main playlist

    Fixed a crash that could occur when re-calculating waveform overviews for a file that was moved or renamed

    Fixed a hang that could occur undoing nudge commands by clicking in the Undo History window

    Fixed a hang that could occur when using the trim scrub tool on certain clips

    Fixed Access Violation errors that could occur using Clip Gain and Audiosuite in some cases on Windows 10

  • Video

  • The Video Engine no longer fails to initialize on a non-Administrator account if Pro Tools hadn't previously been launched by an Administrator account on the same OS install (Mac OS only)

    Using Bounce to Quicktime no longer fails to bounce audio in sessions created from an AAF with a project type other than 1080p24

    Playback of one half frame timeline selections no longer cause a video engine error

    Creating a new session from a template containing a video track and one or more video clips no longer asks to import the video file

  • Workspace

  • Filenames containing 2-byte language or special characters no longer fail to be found while searching in Workspace

    Fixed a bug that prevented selection of multiple "TC Rate" values in Workspace advanced search

    Workspace no longer fails to display all channels for a multichannel file after renaming

    Workspace window position no longer fails to save when closing and reopening

  • Miscellaneous

  • Fixed an issue that prevented and Instrument Track MIDI Fader volume change from adjusting a virtual instrument's volume during performance or playback

    Fixed an issue that could cause noise to appear in clips with fades when consolidating

    Fixed a slow memory leak that could occur while Pro Tools was left running for many hours

    Fixed an issue that could cause track solos to be ignored during the countoff

    Disabling "Link Mix/Edit Group Enable" no longer fails to unlink mix and edit groups when changing active state

    Fixed an issue that could cause Aux tracks to erroneously switch to Frames track view

    Copy to send no longer generates unexpected send volume levels on frozen tracks

    Inactive tracks no longer fail to be made active if the track selection also contains tracks that are already active

    Fixed an issue that could cause artifacts to be recorded when stopping a destructive punch record pass if system delay is greater than 5000 samples

    MIDI Tracks in the "Single Note" track view restore correctly when reopening sessions

    While using S6 and controlling multiple machines in a satellite network, soloing a track in X-OR no longer fails across machines

    Fixed an issue that would disable Elastic Audio without updating the Elastic Audio algorithm selector UI when using the do-to-all modifier to choose an algorithm if some tracks already have an algorithm setting

    Fixed an installation issue that could prevent ICON and C|24 from working on Windows 10

    Increased the click zone size for black squares in the Fades dialog used to adjust fade in and out start points for crossfades with unlinked fade ins and fade outs

    The state and position of the floating Transport window no longer fails to be stored and recalled with window configurations

    Fixed a case where the timeline insertion point may roll backward slightly after stopping a Destructive Punch record pass

    Fixed a case where installation of a new plug-in would not be detected when launching Pro Tools

    Fixed an issue that could cause installation of Pro Tools to fail if a prior installation of Media Composer 8.5.2 had taken place

    Improved translations throughout the application

  • Artist Chat

  • Fixed cases where Project chat rooms did not display a name in Artist Chat

    Fixed a case where it was possible to leave "Display Name" empty before beginning to collaborate

    Fixed an issue that could cause Artist Chat to only update once after signing in

    Fixed various issues with sending a contact request to an e-mail address

    Fixed various issues with sending and receiving project invitations

  • Collaboration and Project Sync

  • Fixed a case where the save command could take 30 seconds to execute for a Project using many thousands of audio files

    Fixed an issue that could prevent some users from deleting projects or creating new ones

    If there are track changes and tempo ruler changes in a download queue, the queue is sequenced so that tick based tracks are not modified out of sync with tempo changes

    Fixed many issues with Project functionality that could occur after network connectivity is interrupted

    Upload all new changes command no longer fails to operate on hidden tracks

    Fixed a case where unshared tracks could display deactivated collaboration UI elements

    Unfreezing a shared Aux or Instrument track no longer fails to register a track change

    Fixed a case where the global upload button may not clear after sharing a track change that included a Commit operation

    Fixed a case where uploads of some files could stall while uploading a single track that contained hundreds of audio file

    Fixed a case where files could be missing after using Save Copy In to convert a session to a project

    While using Shared as Frozen, parameter changes that would not affect the rendered audio no longer require re-freezing

    Audio files that were uploaded as part of a project synchronization before being shared for collaboration are not re-uploaded if the track becomes shared

    Drawing a tempo change no longer causes all shared tracks to register a track change
    logiciel Pro Tools v 12.5.2 31 juil. 2016 Windows
    Pro Tools | S6 Master Post Module support
    Enhanced EUCON support for track arming and punching in Pro Tools. Read more about the Master Post Module at the Build Your Own S6 page.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed an intermittent issue affecting HDX systems which would cause a crackling sound after making changes to the HDX mixer
    Shuffling DSP no longer fails to restore audio when signal from a bus or output is lost - to shuffle DSP hold Shift+Option+Command on Mac or Shift+Ctrl+Alt on Windows and click on a DSP plasma meter in the System Usage window


    MIDI and Instrument tracks no longer fail to arm when included in a do to all or do to selected command using the “option” modifier
    Fixed a case where punching in and out and then banking an S6 control surface would crash Pro Tools
    Fixed a case where Pro Tools could crash after switching focus to another EUCON-ized application
    telecharger Pro Tools v 12.5.1 15 juin 2016 Windows

    Pro Tools | Dock Support

    The EUCON AppSet for Pro Tools | Dock is installed automatically with Pro Tools 12.5.1. This AppSet is required for proper Dock button functionality. Refer to the “Optimizing EuControl After a Pro Tools Update” section of the Pro Tools | Dock guide or visit Pro Tools | Dock Support for setup instructions. Learn more about Pro Tools | Dock here.

    Artist Chat

    Double-clicking on a Project in the projects list will open the Project in Pro Tools

    Bug Fixes

    Thanks to Avid’s Pro Audio Community

    Many thanks to the users who notified us and provided reproducible cases of bugs, helping us provide the following fixes:

    Fixed an unexpected volume change that intermittently occurred when using non-HDX playback engines and starting playback from directly on top of a mute automation event

    Fixed a crash that occurred when a Commit command was cleared from the undo queue

    Write to All enabled no longer fails to work when using the numeric keypad shortcut on non-English keyboard layouts


    The scrub playhead is no longer out of sync with audio when using delay compensation and high system delay

    The "Restore Previously Shown Tracks" command no longer fails

    All channels of automation for unlinked multi-mono plug-ins on Aux or Master Faders can now be copied and pasted successfully

    Fade in, Crossfade, and Fade out no longer fail to follow the edit preferences when using command focus keyboard shortcuts on edit selection

    Automation breakpoints no longer snap to the center of a fade while dragging fades around clips

    Fixed an error that would occur trying to modify the Start, End, and Length fields in Insert Time and Cut Time event operation windows by clicking and dragging the mouse or typing a value

    TCE Trim of clips on an Instrument Track no longer deletes underlying automation

    Yellow rectangle outline of clip groups is no longer drawn incorrectly

    Yellow rectangle outline of clip is no longer drawn incorrectly when editing in Shuffle mode

    Sync points in MIDI clips are no longer displayed incorrectly during clip drag

    Clip boundaries of video clips selected and dragged with the object grabber are no longer drawn improperly

    MIDI clip outlines and note data no longer distort unexpectedly while being dragged across tempo changes and between tracks of different time-base


    The Auto Backups preference no longer resets to 2 after creating a Project

    Fixed a launch slow down that would occur when opening Pro Tools on a system connected to a closed network with no internet connection

    Click II plug-in no longer causes UI freezes when open

    Pressing "=" while “Hide Ticks & Milliseconds” is enabled in the Big Counter no longer causes the edit selection to jump to the beginning of the timeline

    Disabling the "Audio Track Record Lock" preference no longer fails to take tracks out of record enable when stopping a record pass

    Folders created by the installed Avid Codecs are no longer left behind when uninstalling Pro Tools on Windows

    Fixed a case where MIDI Channel assignment is lost after import session data to existing Instrument Tracks

    A bug in Pro Tools was fixed that caused V-Mon AAX DSP instances to be allocated to multiple DSP chips

    Fixed the placement of localized text in the Bounce to Quicktime dialog

    The Audio I/O Firmware page of Avid DigiTest now warns against power cycling audio hardware while a firmware update is in process. Please, always allow a firmware update to complete even if it seems to be taking longer than expected.

    Crashes and Errors (Please continue submitting crash reports!)

    Fixed a crash caused by creating a track while recording

    Pro Tools no longer crashes when searching the workspace for certain non-English characters

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools could crash after importing session data and coalescing VCA automation

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash when using the Polyphonic Elastic Audio plug-in

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash during offline Bounce, Freeze, or Commit, when using certain plug-ins

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash when undoing an Expand to new tracks operation on a Field Recorder Guide Track

    Pro Tools no longer hangs when using memory locations to Show/Hide tracks in large sessions

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools could crash when importing frozen Instrument tracks

    Fixed a crash caused by using "Thin All" command on an edit selection containing automation on a VCA Master and a MIDI track

    Fixed a crash that could occur while attempting to commit by drag and drop from a MIDI to an Audio Track while Clip Transparency is enabled

    Fixed a crash during real-time bounce caused by a high volume of MIDI data being input to Pro Tools during the bounce pass

    Fixed a case where removing a Key Signature symbol could crash Pro Tools

    Fixed a crash caused by using "Do To All" and removing a key signature marker

    Fixed a crash that could occur while using the Cut Time event operation

    Fixed a crash when revealing the workspace for a selection in the clip list containing both audio and MIDI clips

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash after renaming a track or bus during playback

    Fixed a case where the New Tracks dialog becomes unresponsive causing Pro Tools to hang

    Fixed a case where opening sessions from the dashboard could crash Pro Tools

    Fixed a case where saving fade settings in the Fades window caused Pro Tools to hang

    Fixed a case that prevented sessions from opening if they linked to multiple video files that had timecode rates different than the session setting

    Fixed a case where creating overlapping output paths could cause Pro Tools to hang indefinitely

    Quickly changing Fade Presets no longer intermittently crashes Pro Tools

    Control Surfaces

    EUCON layout assignments are no longer lost when saving sessions in Pro Tools 12.5

    Fixed a case where writing automation in an extremely large session could crash the S6 MTMApp and lock up the S6 surface

    Cloud Collaboration Bug Fixes

    Track/Project Data Changes and Ownership

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools could crash after taking track changes to a shared track that included changing a track from non-elastic to elastic enabled

    Global upload and download buttons no longer illuminate incorrectly when there is a new shared track available to download

    Making adjustments to adjustments to plug-in graphs such as EQ curves directly in the graph now register as track changes

    Changes to Waves plug-ins are now registered as track changes

    Deleting automation on a frozen Aux or Instrument track, or on a Master Fader, is now registered as a track change

    Deleting a playlist is now registered as a track change

    Muting a MIDI or Instrument Track from the MIDI Editor is now registered as a track change

    Key input changes are now registered as track changes

    Playing back previously written automation on shared Aux, Instrument, or Master tracks no longer flags the track as changed

    The missing plug-in dialog no longer appears every time change are received on a track with a missing plug-in. The warning only occurs when first receiving the change containing the missing plug-in

    "Custom Allocation Options" in Disk Allocation for tracks are no longer transmitted to other users' systems, preventing missing media

    Fixed several cases where track changes were ignored when using Automatic Upload mode

    Using "Do To All" to unmute tracks will only cause tracks that changed state to be flagged for upload

    Using Shared as Frozen no longer sets recipient systems to share as frozen if they make and upload changes

    Entries in the Metadata Inspector window are now shared in Projects

    Undoing "Rename Clip" command no longer fails to clear the upload button on a shared track

    Fixed multiple cases that could cause the global download button to fail

    Fixed a case where removing a clip from the clip list could cause the global upload button to fail

    Solo Safe is no longer cleared on a track when abandoning track changes

    Ownership no longer gets stuck after download the version of a track on the server to resolve a conflict

    Ownership requests no longer fail to appear on ruler tracks

    Tracks that are receiving input from multi-output plug-ins are no longer received with the input path deactivated

    Receiving newly shared tracks no longer modifies track selection while auto downloading newly shared tracks is enabled

    Project Synchronization

    Fixed a case where cloud storage was not reclaimed immediately after deleting a Project

    Fixed a case where a project that failed to upload on its first synchronization with the cloud, could not be downloaded again even after a subsequent successful upload

    Fixed a case where personal cloud storage indication differed between the dashboard and the storage meter in the collaboration tools cluster within a Project

    Downloads no longer fail to complete after a separate upload fails because the file exceeds available cloud storage

    The save dialog properly indicates if there are tracks with changes not downloaded when closing a project

    Media no longer fails to download after removing a volume that had been used in a Project's Disk Allocation

    Fixed a case where two users collaborating simultaneously on the same shared track could get out of sync without entering a conflict state

    Clarified all dialogs about unfinished transfers or pending changes when closing a project

    Project Synchronization transfers no longer fail to populate Task Manager if a preceding transfer of shared track data failed

    The Task Manager progress bar for Project Synchronization tasks is now more responsive

    Fixed cases where the same project could be open to the same user on multiple systems

    Using "Remove Local Cache" for a project in the Projects tab of the dashboard no longer fails to remove the project from the Recent tab

  • Save Copy In…” and Import Session Data between Sessions and Projects

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a session created from a Project by using “Save Copy In…”

    Memory locations no longer fail to share when imported from sessions

    Fixed a case where some memory locations were not copied from a session to a project when using "Save Copy In.."

    Fixed a case where "Save Copy In…" may not copy all audio files when saving a session as a project

    Fixed a case where collaboration track tools were greyed out after saving a copy of a project as a new project

    The global collaboration tools cluster is now shown by default in the edit window when creating a Project from an earlier template

    Removed a misleading menu option for "Save Copy In…" that allowed an attempted conversion from a session to a project without an internet connection

    Bounced Files folder is now properly located in the session folder hierarchy when bouncing in a session that was created by Save Copy In from a Project

    The Task Manager progress bar for a project upload triggered by saving a copy of a session as a project is now more responsive

    The Edit Window is no longer hidden by default when saving a copy of a session as a Project


    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash when signing in and out and back in

    It is no longer necessary to sign in and out to see a change in Project quota in the Dashboard after changing Project Subscription plans

    Fixed a case where tracks that are hidden by showing only tracks with an ownership request stay hidden after restoring previously shown tracks

    Corrected the size of the context menu click zone for Projects in the Dashboard

    Fixed the dimensions of the password recovery window when loaded from within the Sign On screen in

    The accept icon in a dashboard project invitation no longer appears awry

    Offline mode and Network Loss

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash when saving a change to a Project while offline

    Fixed cases where a user may not stay signed in to their account while disconnected from the internet

    New uploads no longer fail after restoring a lost internet connection

    Ownership no longer gets stuck after restoring a lost internet connection when connection was lost after an ownership request was made

    Fixed a case where track order of incoming tracks could be scrambled after losing and restoring network connection

    The upload light in the global collaboration tools no longer fails to illuminate when making track changes after restoring a lost internet connection

    Ownership buttons on shared tracks no longer fail to update correctly after restoring a lost internet connection

    Fixed an error -20006 that could occur when attempting to open a Project from the Recent tab of the dashboard while offline

    The "Open" button in the dashboard is no longer greyed out for locally cached projects while signed in offline

    Notifications that a project has been deleted by another user no longer fail to be received after restoring a lost internet connection

    Artist Chat

    Artist Chat is updated continuously between Pro Tools releases. Here are just some of the fixes released in Artist Chat since Pro Tools 12.5.0 shipped:

    Fixed a case that caused Projects that were deleted from the Dashboard to remain in Artist Chat

    Messages sent and received between users in different regions of the world no longer require reloading Artist Chat to successfully be delivered

    Fixed an issue that caused chat history to disappear

    All icons now have Retina versions

    The pop up menu to remove a contact no longer appears truncated

    The context menu click zone for user names in the chat participants list are now easier to click on retina displays

    The New Chat menu no longer appears awkwardly at the top of the window away from the click zone

    Added additional translations of text strings

    Correct Japanese fonts are now used in the Artist Chat window on all OS platforms
    mac Pro Tools v 12.5 30 mars 2016 Windows
    Cloud Collaboration & Project Synchronization

    Avid Master Account connectivity in Pro Tools -- Sign on with your existing account details and access cloud features directly in Pro Tools
    Projects -- A new cloud-based document type. Synchronized to the cloud and cached locally, your work is directly accessible anywhere you can use the internet. Most importantly, Projects can be joined by other users for collaboration. Save Copy In from existing Sessions to Projects, or Import Session Data to Projects to share your existing Pro Tools Session documents.
    Artist Chat -- Search for and add your contacts from the directory of Avid users who have started using collaboration. Communicate and review changes in chat rooms associated with each Project that contain automatically generated collaboration transaction logs detailing specific contributions and changes.
    Track Collaboration tools - new track tools and features in the mix and edit window to facilitate the sharing of tracks and track data with your collaborators
    Shared and private tracks -- Click the track share button on any Audio, Instrument, Aux, MIDI, or Master track to share it with others for collaborative work.
    Send and receive track changes -- Choose when to post and receive modifications to shared tracks one at a time or for all available changes and optionally set automatic modes to receive or send all changes automatically. Clips and media, plug-ins and plug-in settings, sends, automation, playlists, and nearly all other track data as well as tempo, meter, key, and chord changes and memory locations can all be sent back and forth from system to system.
    Note: At this time the following session data are not shared in collaboration: Groups, VCA Tracks, Video Tracks and media, Windows Configurations, HEAT settings, and Mic PRE settings.
    Track ownership -- Indicators on each track show what user is actively making modifications so you can avoid conflicts. You can also make request directly in the edit window
    Share as frozen -- When enabled, changes to a track are posted to all collaborators as frozen but remain unfrozen on your system allowing you to easily share a flattenend stem to others while your mix stays live, or send important tracks to collaborators who may not have all of the same plug-ins as you.
    Transfer Management - View all uploads and downloads in the existing Task Manager window

    Avid Video Engine

    The Avid Video Engine in Pro Tools has been updated resolving a variety of legacy issues listed below in the Bug Fixes section
    Export Timecode with QuickTime Bounce


    Pro Tools can now Send to Playback XDCAM HD Sequences with Airspeed

    Bug Fixes
    OS X UI Sluggishness

    Fixed a set of severe UI sluggishness cases when using OS X El Capitan

    Audio Bursts

    Fixed a noise burst that was reproduced and solved through steps provided by users from the Avid Pro Audio Community that could occur when playing back automation on non-HDX playback engines.

    Video Engine

    Improved some cases with delayed start of playback with AJA Kona card
    Video frame movements no longer occur when stopping playback with Insertion Follows Playback enabled
    Fixed a case where the video engine takes a long time to load on certain systems
    It is now possible to import MXF OP1a created by Adobe Premiere
    Fixed cases where imported DV Video started 3 frames earlier than the same video opened in QuickTime Player
    Fixed several specific cases where Pro Tools would fail to import Apple ProRes files
    Project Type is no longer incorrectly picked for video from AAFs which do not include the first cunk of MXF media
    Optimized (sample mapped) video codecs such as DNxHD and AppleProRes will now show the appropriate checkbox on clips with 23.976 media.
    Fixed a case where video playback failed to stop with audio and then looped indefinitely
    Fixed a crash when cancelling an Online Bounce to QuickTime
    Playing a single frame selection of H.264 video no longer causes "The Avid Video Engine was unable to stop" error followed by a Pro Tools hang
    Audio MXFs created with AMIRA and F55 no longer import out of sync with video
    Fixed a crash when the user clicks "OK" or "Cancel" in the QuickTime Settings window of the Bounce to QuickTime dialog
    Pro Tools no longer throws errant "Some effects were ignored" messages when opening an AAF with rendered FX
    Pro Tools no longer fails with the error "Unable to create thumbnails" after switching active video track in large sessions while the video track is set to Frames view
    Importing a sequence from Interplay no longer fails for 720p59 and 1080p59 project types

    Track Freeze

    A Freeze operation no longer fails if the track selection contains a combination of tracks hosting a ReWire plug-in and other tracks
    Fixed a case where HEAT processing would be applied twice on frozen tracks after deactivating and reactivating HEAT globally
    The HEAT Bypass switch is no longer auto-enabled when freezing or unfreezing a track
    The "Coalesce VCA Master Automation" command can now be undone properly on frozen tracks
    Frozen tracks are no longer imported twice when using Import Session Data when the Tempo/Meter Map option is checked
    The "Coalesce VCA Master Automation" command no longer fails if all members of the group are frozen
    Fixed cases where the global settings of HEAT would not be applied correctly when any frozen tracks were present in the session
    MIDI Track Offsets are no longer editable for Instrument Tracks while they are frozen
    Nudging of automation that is not "frozen" on frozen tracks is no longer blocked
    The commands in the "Cut Special" and "Automation" sub-menus of the Edit menu are no longer blocked for selections on frozen tracks
    Fixed graphical issues that occurred while Freezing a track in Playlists track view
    Fixed a case where MIDI notes assigned to a ReWire instrument on an Aux track would all play at once when unfreezing the Aux

    Track Commit

    Fixed a case where clips created by using Track Commit to commit an Edit Selection were placed incorrectly
    Fixed a crash when enabling the Follow Main Pan option on a track created by a Track Commit operation
    Fixed a hang that occurred after committing a track with a DownMixer plug-in on it and then removing the DownMixer plug-in
    Fixed a hang that occurred after committing a track with a D-Verb plug-in on it and then removing the D-Verb plug-in
    Fixed cases where the names of clips on committed tracks would inherit names from clips on other tracks that contributed in any way to the signal chain of the audio path committed


    The Cut, Copy, and Paste Special sub-menus are no longer missing from the timeline context menu
    Moving clips with the Object Grabber no longer causes the next mouse click to be ignored
    Pro Tools counters no longer display "" when changing counter type on OS X 10.8.5
    Fixed a case where MIDI Output was not properly assigned when using Import Session Data with the Match Tracks setting for MIDI or Instrument tracks
    The "Select Unused Ignores Parent Clip" option from the clip list is now checked by default
    "Save Copy In.." no longer fails to include clips that are not on the timeline
    VCA solo functionality is no longer deactivated after changing the group's attributes to "Mix Only"
    The Shift+R shortcut to record enable tracks no longer fails to record all tracks in a group
    Fixed an error that caused the Copy to Send command to no longer be undoable
    Fixed errors that prevented the Export Session Info command from capturing the format, stems and number of instances columns for plug-in details in the exported file
    Fixed cases where width-changing plug-ins were over-allocated to DSP slots on HDX cards and caused processing errors
    Fixed a crash when dragging and dropping audio files from the workspace while in Spot mode
    Fixed a case where an audio file's Date Modified attribute was not properly updated after destructive processing when stored on ISIS
    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash when closing
    The "Coalesce VCA Master Automation" command no longer fails if the group is deactivated

    Control Surfaces

    Plug-in windows no longer fail to open when pressing the Dyn, EQ, or Insert buttons on the S6 CPM while the "Open Plug-Ins on Workstation When Editing" setting is enabled
    Selecting a track in Pro Tools no longer auto-scrolls to the top when selecting past the bank limits of the attached EUCON control surface
    windows Pro Tools v 12.4 23 déc. 2015 Windows

    Track Freeze

    Offline Bounce post Plug-in audio from selected Instrument, Aux Input, or Audio Tracks directly in-place on the source track and deactivate plug-ins to reduce system usage
    Freeze up to any point within the plug-in processing chain, rendering audio through one or more Inserts in while leaving those after it active for further mix adjustment
    Continue to automate and mix on frozen tracks - all track parameters like volume, mute, and send settings remain editable while tracks are Frozen, along with the parameters and automation for any plug-ins that remain unfrozen
    By default tracks are frozen up to the last used insert; no need to unfreeze a track before adding new Plug-ins to refine your mix
    Easily Freeze all used outputs of a multi-out virtual instrument with intelligent detection of all tracks receiving plug-in output stems from a track that is to be frozen
    Waveforms appear on Frozen Aux and Instrument Tracks; Instrument Tracks continue to show MIDI note source material beneath the waveform
    Regenerate missing rendered frozen files: if all required plug-ins and source audio files are found when opening a session, you may choose to automatically regenerate all missing Frozen audio.

    Fade Workflows

    Added Keyboard Shortcuts for Crossfade In and Crossfade Out settings in the Batch Fade Dialog
    Crossfade In
    Option-Left/Right = Crossfade Menu Options (Alt + Left/Right on Windows)
    Option-Up/Down = Shape (Alt + Up/Down on Windows)
    Crossfade Out
    Shift + Option-Left/Right = Crossfade Menu Options (Shift + Alt + Left/Right on Windows)
    Shift + Option-Up/Down = Shape (Shift + Alt + Left/Right on Windows)
    Simplified Keyboard Shortcuts for Fade to Start and Fade to End, removing redundant commands
    Fade to Start = Ctrl + D (Win + D on Windows)
    Fade to End = Ctrl + G (Win + G on Windows)
    Removed support for the redundant Option/Alt+D and Option/Alt+G instances of these key commands

    Bug Fixes


    Fixed a case where QuickTime movies bounced from Pro Tools display a different first frame when opened in other video applications
    Timeline selections that would round up to the next frame are now rounded down to the beginning of the currently shown frame when Bouncing to QuickTime, fixing certain cases where the frame after the frame shown was used as the first bounced frame in the resulting file
    Fixed a case where Apple ProRes 422 (Proxy) video could not be played back
    Importing a sequence referring to chunked MXF media no longer fails to reference chunks past #1 or link to media as expected
    Fixed a case where using multiple bounce sources during a Bounce to QuickTime operation would create multiple QuickTime files instead of a single multichannel QuickTime file


    Fixed cases where MIDI track parameter and MIDI CC automation lane layouts were forgotten in the MIDI Editor Window
    The last used MIDI Import Options settings are remembered between sessions
    Fixed a case where the wrong MIDI node is indicated as in-use in the track MIDI Output menu if there is a multi-port MIDI node in the session
    Playback starts correctly from the Play Start Marker after using the grabber tool to move the timeline selection in Dynamic Transport mode


    Dashboard is now correctly bypassed when all Pro Tools import settings are set in Interplay Administrator, and a sequence is imported from Interplay Access

    Control Surfaces

    Switching from Playlists to Waveform track view while waveforms are displayed on an S6 no longer causes graphical artifacts in Pro Tools
    Layouts saved into the Pro Tools session are no longer erased if the session is saved while the EUCON surface is detached from the workstation

    I/O Setup

    Fixed a case where signal sent directly to the LFE subpath of a surround bus could reach the L and R channels of the bus
    When creating sessions from saved I/O Settings files, Output paths that are wider than the current hardware output channel count will no longer fail to be created
    Fixed a case where newly created sub-paths for Busses are named and routed incorrectly
    Pressing the "R" key in the I/O setup window with "Apply to all tabs" enabled correctly runs the Restore From Session command for all tabs
    Restore From Session can no longer be triggered repeatedly by pressing the "R" key when the button is greyed out


    Fades are now correctly applied across multiple tracks using fade key commands
    Fade curve setting no longer reverts to a previous fade curve selection when applying fades
    Command Focus fade shortcut "f" no longer fails to follow the saved millisecond value in the Fades dialog
    Default fade type settings have been changed back to the original values of Standard shape and Equal Gain slope
    Clicking and Dragging in the waveform preview area of the Fade-In dialog no longer resets the fade shape


    Fixed offsets in the HEAT Drive and Tone knob that caused a different processing value than that displayed in the UI.
    Fixed a case where toggling a plug-in's processing type from Native to DSP when inserted on an Aux Input track could cause gaps at the end of a Destructive Punch pass if the signal being recorded was passing through that plug-in
    Fixed cases where standard Bounce to Disk would render an extra minute of unneeded audio if no Timeline Selection was made
    Fixed a case where playback intermittently failed to start after holding down FF or RW in Center Playhead scrolling mode
    Track selection is no longer lost after performing an Export Selected Tracks as New Session
    Audition Meter in the Import Audio and Workspace Browser windows no longer displays signal while not passing audio
    Insert position for plug-in auxiliary output stem sources are now properly displayed in the track Input Path selector when the host plug-in is inserted on Insert F-J
    Separating a looped clip that contains a sync point no longer causes an unwanted trim on each looped segment
    The Metadata Inspector window's scrollbar is no longer displayed as inactive when closing and re-opening the window
    Zoom setting correctly blinks when Cmd+ or Ctrl+ clicking to set zoom memory

    Crashes and Errors - Please continue submitting crash logs!

    Fixed a crash on launch affecting certain Active Directory configurations when logged into Windows as a Domain User
    Fixed a hang that could occur when creating multiple new tracks of different types
    Fixed a case where importing certain clip groups could crash Pro Tools
    Fixed a crash that could occur instantiating many plug-ins simultaneously in 192 kHz sessions
    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash when deleting busses in the I/O Setup window
    "Commit Up to This Insert" operations that cause the maximum track count to be exceeded are stopped with a dialog box instead of crashing Pro Tools

    Clip Transparency

    Fixed a problem drawing the left channel of a stereo file when promoting clips to alternate playlists
    Fixed cases where Warp Markers may not be drawn while moving clips
    Moving clip groups between tracks with different Time Base settings no longer causes an assertion error
    Appearance of MIDI clips and notes are now more consistent at different zoom levels
    The clip gain line is no longer revealed when moving clips on tracks set to micro or mini track height
    Clip transparency now works correctly when trimming in both directions using the bi-directional trimmer (holding Cmd or Ctrl and trimming overlapped clips)
    Color inversion is more consistent when starting to move or release a clip
    Fixed clip gain line inconsistencies when trimming clips at the sample zoom level
    Crossfades of different lengths are no longer improperly aligned while dragging with the object grabber
    Fixed visual glitching of MIDI clips when trimming clip boundaries
    Clip UI generated by Beat Detective no longer remains in timeline areas that are revealed by trimming
    MIDI clips are no longer duplicated unnecessarily when moved between tracks of different Time Base
    Fades no longer resize unexpectedly when letting go of the mouse after moving across a tempo change
    Fade shape is no longer incorrectly displayed when moving across a tempo change
    Creating a fade during playback no longer causes the playhead to disappear from the edit screen
    Fixed cases where clip gain line failed to appear correctly when trimming clips at certain zoom levels
    MIDI notes displayed in adjacent clips no longer appear to be incorrectly affected by trimming looped MIDI clips
    Waveforms are no longer incorrectly updated when creating fades across grouped tracks
    Fixed cases where clip boundaries would be drawn incorrectly when sliding fades
    Waveforms within Fade-Ins are no longer hidden when dragging across a tempo change
    Purple borders indicating the edit selection shown when dragging a clip are no longer distorted when moving a fade across a tempo change


    The "Transparency" option in the Clip menu is now localized
    Fixed alignment of translated strings for the Default Format and Path Order elements in I/O Setup
    Fixed clipping of localized strings in the Metadata Inspector window when shrunk to narrowest width
    macintosh Pro Tools v 12.3.1 25 nov. 2015 Windows
    Bug Fixes


    "Commit Up to This Insert" no longer fails to trigger the Auxiliary Output Stems dialog. Using this feature on a track hosting an assigned multi-output plug-in will now cause all dependent tracks to be committed up to the same insert

    A commit operation that would cause the maximum track count to be exceeded no longer crashes Pro Tools - instead the operation is prevented


    Using Pro Tools to change a clip and file name of audio media stored on ISIS and managed by Interplay no longer causes Media Offline in Media Composer

    Video Engine

    Video Engine output of all Satellite systems properly return to the play start point when playing a timeline selection from start to end with Insertion Follows Playback disabled

    Fixed a case where play start is delayed when the Video Engine is enabled (HD Native)

    Eliminated some instances of erroneous missing codec errors when importing video files

    Sync points added to video clips are no longer invisible

    Audio Engine / Bounce

    Fixed a case where restarting playback while the transport was already running could cause a noise burst

    Fixed a case where solos are ignored after running an offline bounce

    Fixed a case where signal could bypass a master fader after an offline bounce

    Fixed cases where Bounce to Disk of surround outputs would not create an audio file

    Miscellaneous Fixes

    Transport Record lock no longer fails to keep the transport record enabled in Destructive Punch record mode

    Copy to Send menu is no longer missing in Pro Tools Standard

    Memory Locations window no longer fails to show ticks when displaying marker Bar|Beat timeline locations

    MIDI offsets entered in the Global MIDI Playback Offset dialog no longer fail to offset MIDI

    Custom Disk Allocation settings are now saved with session templates

    Mix Groups can be deselected in the Edit Window

    Group display options are now saved with the session

    When using the "new track…" option to route track output path to a new track, custom names are not overwritten when changing track type

    Session names typed into the Create page of the Dashboard will no longer be overwritten when checking "Create From Template"

    The "Quantize Clip to Grid" command (Cmd+0, Ctrl+0) no longer fails to be executed when using the numeric keypad "0"

    Elastic Audio

    Elastic Audio analysis markers are no longer locked in place in Analysis track view

    Grid lines are now shown on tracks set to warp or analysis track views

    Crashes and Errors - Please continue submitting crash logs!

    Browsing the Project Audio Files folder in the Workspace no longer causes Pro Tools to hang in sessions with many audio files

    Fixed a case where Insert Silence would cause Pro Tools to hang

    Fixed a case where using the Match Tracks and "Overlay…" playlists options in the Import Session Data window could cause Pro Tools to crash

    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would crash when closing a session

    Fixed a case where moving a virtual instrument insert with assigned auxiliary output stems could cause Pro Tools to crash

    Attempting to move video clips from a locked Video Track with the Object Selector no longer crashes Pro Tools


    Fixed alignment issues of the Save Session Copy dialog that affected most languages

    Improved translations for Import Video dialog, "Preview" processing tooltip, and Plug-in Preset save-as warnings
    pc Pro Tools v 12.3 7 nov. 2015 Windows
  • Committracks

  • Bounce tracks

  • Fadepresets

  • Enhancedbatchfades

  • DefaultFormatsettinginI/OSetup

  • PathOrdersettinginI/OSetup(ProToolsHD only)

  • ImportMIDItoInstrumentorMIDItracks • Audio and MIDI clip graphic overlay

  • “SelectUnused”IgnoresParentClipoption

  • GlidePanAutomationOnlycommand

  • (Pro Tools HD only)
  • PitchShiftLegacyPlug-in
  • Pro Tools v 12.2.1 29 sept. 2015 Windows
    Bug Fixes
    VCAs in Pro Tools (non-HD)

    VCA levels are no longer incorrectly coalesced to the mix group when opening a session with VCAs in Pro Tools
    Session Notes no longer displays "This version of PT does not support VCA masters" when opening a session with VCAs in Pro Tools


    MIDI Output path selector menus now display track name in addition to the MIDI node (i.e. the name and index of the Virtual Instrument). In the case of a track with multiple MIDI nodes, typical for workflows with VE Pro, track names have a sub-menu to display all MIDI nodes.
    Fixed scenarios where audio from multi-output Virtual Instruments was not rendered during offline bounce
    Automatic assignment of the MIDI Output of an Instrument track now reverts to none when removing the currently assigned Virtual Instrument from the track. Previously, Pro Tools would deactivate the route but leave it assigned and other inconsistent behavior would occur moving VIs around Instrument Tracks. Now, the only automatic assignments are to assign automatically to the first MIDI node of the first instrument added to the track, and to automatically set to none when the routed instrument is removed from the track.
    Velocity and Transpose Real Time Properties correctly filter incoming MIDI data
    MIDI Output path is remembered when moving a Virtual Instrument to another insert slot on an Instrument Track
    Playback starts correctly from the Play Start Marker after using the grabber tool to move the timeline selection in Dynamic Transport mode
    Fixed AAE error -9013 loading East West Play


    Pro Tools Import Settings in Interplay Administrator are reflected in the Pro Tools Dashboard and Import Session Data dialogs
    Renaming clip and file name before exporting to AAF or Interplay will no longer result in offline in Media Composer.
    Fixed all localized strings for the Interplay error "It is already checked out by Administrator on..."


    Special-cased automation write to warnings to alleviate accidental overwriting of automation on all or most of the timeline:
    When users start playback without a timeline selection, make an edit selection during playback in hopes of writing automation to the new selection, then use Write to Start, Write to Selected, or Write to End, we will always end the pass with the respective automation warnings even if the preference to suppress warnings is enabled.
    The do-to-selected modifier for changing track view to an automated parameter now applies to Plug-ins. For tracks within a track selection that have the same insert in the same slot with the same parameter automated, Shift+Ctrl+Opt+Cmd+Click (Mac) or Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Win+Click (Win) on that parameter in a plug-in GUI will set those track’s views to the clicked parameter.
    Changes made to tracks in Auto Read when all automation is suspended no longer reset to previous values when turning off suspend


    Clips moved on to the tops or tails of other clips are properly overlaid
    Corrected the "remove" language to the proper "delete" language in the dialog that follows attempting to Delete a file by using the Clear command from the clips list
    Clips can no longer be moved beyond the session length using Spot
    The Clear command in the Clip List allows deleting of whole files from disk that have no sub clips in use in the session

    Crashes and Errors - Please continue submitting crash logs!

    Fixed a crash using Destructive Punch with too much system delay
    Fixed a crash when trying to import .pio or session file into a Mic Preamps pane of I/O Setup
    Fixed a crash after intermittent failure to select text with cursor in the metadata window (Mac only)
    Fixed a PACE error and failure to launch Pro Tools when the username includes non-ASCII characters
    Fixed a crash when closing session while doing a Field Recorder "Select Areas to Search"
    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would hang on "Initializing Audio Engine" during launch
    Fixed a hang when calculating Elastic Analysis on network shares such as ISIS
    Fixed a case where an assertion error is thrown when using Import Session Data
    Fixed "PACE License Support Not Up to Date" error on first launch

    Workspace and File Management

    Automatic Relinking of missing files no longer automatically relinks to files that match by name but have an empty UID
    Manual relink no longer fails to find audio files if the session contains both missing video and audio files
    Whole File Clips that are not used on a track but are referred to by the sub clips used on that track are now correctly imported when using Import Session Data
    Attempting to delete an audio file from "Project Browser" now properly checks if sub-clips are used in the session
    File sizes in Workspace browser are now calculated correctly
    Using the arrow keys to navigate up and down in the workspace no longer cycles from bottom to top or top to bottom


    ModDelay 3 properly reads ModDelay 2 presets when running a Core Audio (Mac) or ASIO/WASAPI (Win) playback engine, fixing the new ModDelay 2 to ModDelay 3 compatibility introduced in Pro Tools 12.0 for all users
    Fixed cases where plug-ins in Pro Tools 12.2 would load slowly on first instantiation after install
    Native plug-in submenu appears correctly when all voiced tracks already have a DSP plug-in inserted
    Plug-ins activate when dragged from inactive tracks to active tracks as long as the plug-in is not explicitly deactivated first
    Known issue:
    Users with a large number of installed AAX plug-ins may experience a hang on the first launch of Pro Tools after upgrading. If Pro Tools hangs indefinitely quit and launch again.


    Increased performance of waveform overview calculation during session load, decreasing load time
    Arrow keys can be used to navigate in-app menus
    Ctrl+W and Cmd+W properly close windows by type in Pro Tools
    Users are warned if there is too much system delay to perform Destructive Punch
    Fixed a failure to save Pro Tools sessions referencing an AAF or Embedded OMF with 'Save Copy In' unless 250+ GB are available on destination drive.
    Fixed sluggish joystick response with MC Pro which caused automation to be written incorrectly
    Clips are properly created in the timeline and clips list if Pro Tools is taken offline during record with "Transport Record Lock" preference enabled
    The default setting of the “Edit Insertion Follows Scrub/Shuttle” preference has been changed from Off to On
    Alt + Enter (return) key confirms on screen dialogs (Windows)
    User-specified path is remembered after saving a session using the "Prompt for location" radio button.
    SYNC indicator lights are properly hidden when expanding and contracting the Synchronization section of the Session Setup window
    Collapsible sections in the Session Setup window only collapse by clicking the header or disclosure element
    Toggling active state of a mix group no longer causes solos to link when using "shift-S"

    Control Surfaces

    Solo Mode (SIP, AFL, PFL) and Solo Latch Mode (Latch, X-OR, Momentary) are now available as EUCON soft keys

    I/O Setup

    Fixed a case where sub paths of surround outputs would import incorrectly under main paths of smaller widths
    Corrected the warning message that appears when trying to delete an output path which has multiple bus assignments and one of the busses is used in session
    Fixed a case where the Make Active option appears for track output that is already shown as active

    Metadata Inspector

    User-entered hints list in the labels list are now bold
    Label hints list now uses a scroll bar if there are many hints


    Fixed all localized strings for the "Share with button" in the "Export Selected" dialog window
    Fixed French, German, and Japanese localized strings in Preferences > Operation > User Library section
    Fixed the display of German localized string in the firmware update dialog for HDX cards
    Corrected French translation of "Prompt for location" in the dashboard


    The Window Configurations window is now fully accessible by VoiceOver
    Notes & Octaves are properly announced by VoiceOver in the Event Operations window
    VoiceOver properly announces "minus" in the Event Operations window in text entry fields.
    VoiceOver properly announces the Meter Click value in the Time Operations window
    Focus remains on AudioSuite plug-in window after Processing, Analyzing, or Rendering
    With VoiceOver enabled, adjusting MIDI Volume Indicator in Instrument section of an Instrument track no longer incorrectly adjusts the track volume
    The Volume, Peak, and Delay indicators in the I/O section of the Edit Window are now accessible
    Pro Tools v 12.2 3 sept. 2015 Windows
    The following features that were formerly only available with Pro Tools HD Software are now available with Pro Tools Software 12.2:
  • VCA Master tracks

  • FixedRAMDiskCacheallocationoptions

  • Advanced Metering, including Gain Reduction Meters
  • Pro Tools v 12.1 1 juil. 2015 Windows
    Pro Tools v 12.0 23 mars 2015 Windows
    Much of what's new in Pro Tools 12 is under the hood/behind the scenes which includes improvements to the Activation process as well as Upgrade/Notifications. Though additional features (upgrades) will be rolling out soon, the initial (.0) release of Pro Tools 12 includes the following:

    Expanded Licensing Options

  • Subscription—Access Pro Tools only when needed through a low-cost monthly or annual subscription. All subscriptions include access to an Avid upgrade plan, providing the latest Pro Tools features and upgrades, plus access to our Customer Care team for support. Subscription makes it easy for anyone to create with the industry’s most trusted and used audio tools at a lower cost of entry. (Please note that subscription is not available for Pro Tools | HD software at this time.)

  • Pro Tools software perpetual license—Purchase and own standalone Pro Tools software or upgrade/crossgrade to the latest version. All full software, upgrade, and crossgrade purchases now come with a one-year Avid annual upgrade plan, providing the latest Pro Tools features and upgrades, including Cloud Collaboration and other upcoming features mentioned below, plus access to our Customer Care team for support. Plans must be renewed annually to keep the software current.

  • Pro Tools system perpetual license—Get Pro Tools software bundled with professional Avid audio hardware by purchasing a complete Pro Tools system such as Pro Tools | HD Native, Pro Tools | HDX, Pro Tools | Duet, Pro Tools | Eleven Rack, or Pro Tools | Mbox Pro. Some systems, such as Pro Tools | Duet and Quartet, include a one-year Avid annual upgrade plan, but others do not. For systems that do not, customers can get access to the latest features and upgrades by purchasing a separate Avid annual upgrade plan.

  • In-app Marketplace

    Search, browse, purchase, and/or rent plug-ins directly from within Pro Tools, without having to quit, install, and restart any software to start using them

    I/O Setup

  • Changes to the Output and Bus pages

  • Virtually unlimited Bus paths

  • Subpaths for Output paths

  • Automatic downmix and upmix of Output busses to Outputs paths of different channel widths

  • New Monitor Path setting

  • Session Interchange and I/O Mapping improvements

  • New keyboard modifiers for enabling and assigning Output busses

  • Audition path improvements

  • AFL/PFL path improvements (HD)

  • Ability to restore the I/O Setup from the session

  • I/O Settings files automatically created and recalled for different Playback Engines

  • New Organize Track I/O Menus By preference

  • Ability to import IO Settings from session files

  • Access to the I/O Setup in the Session Notes dialog

  • Session Metadata

    The new Metadata Inspector window lets you view and edit metadata for sessions


    The new Dashboard window lets you create or open sessions (replacing the Quick Start window)

    Obtaining the Software

    Customers that Activate starting 3/23/2015 will see installers for Pro Tools 12.0 in their Avid accounts.
    We are in the process of converting accounts for Pro Tools Software and Systems that are entitled to Pro Tools 12 and for Upgrade Plan owners.
    Pro Tools v 11.3.1 10 févr. 2015 Windows
    Pro Tools v 10.3.10 6 févr. 2015 Windows
    When saving a session with Universal Audio plug-ins, these plug-ins would show up as missing when opening that session on a Windows system and visa versa. When you subsequently access the Insert menu the plug-in would be available. (PTSW- 192635)
    Input Monitoring works intermittently in Pro Tools 10.3.9. (PTSW-194388, PTSW-194508)
    In certain track orders, no warning dialog is posted for clip group deletion when cycling thru a track's playlist view. (PTSW- 194017)
    Pro Tools records MIDI notes played during Count Off. All MIDI notes and events played during count off are clustered on the first beat of the recording pass. (PTSW-184254)
    When Field Recorder match Criteria are set to default, the Expand to new tracks command results in Pro Tools quiting unexpectedly. (PTSW-192725)
    When a Pro Tools client is running on ISIS there is no option to switch between renaming clip name and clip name and file name. (PTSW-150520)
    When one or more tracks of a soloed group are inactive and solo mode is X-OR, the Shift+S key command does not work as expected. (PTSW-178219)
    When importing MXF files from Pro Tools into Media Composer, incorrect files maybe linked due to matching tape name, timecode, or matching sourceID. (PTSW-194005)
    In certain cases when using Tab To Transient, Pro Tools becomes unresponsive. (PTSW-195188)
    With AudioSuite plug-ins, if the Selection Reference option is set to Clip List, the Use in Playlist button should automatically be disabled to ensure that you do not accidentally replace every occurrence of the clip in a session. (PTSW-178658)
    After importing AAF from Media Composer, some audio does not match the video. (PTSW-194124)
    Bypassed and inactive multi-mono plug-ins become partially bypassed after you reopen a session and activate the insert. (PTSW-190848)
    After recording, there is a gap between the end of the file that was just recorded and where the insertion point is located on the timeline. (PTSW-194538)
    Automation lags when delay is induced by plug-ins further in the signal chain. (PTSW-196906)
    Pro Tools v 11.3 20 déc. 2014 Windows
    Pro Tools v 11.2.2 21 nov. 2014 Windows
    Pro Tools v 11.2.1 15 août 2014 Windows
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools | Software 11.2.1

  • When using the Import Session Data command, Pro Tools no longer incorrectly copies audio files when “Clips and Media” is not selected in the “Track Data to Import” menu. (PTSW-194293)

  • You can now enter a new time position in the Transport Counter during playback. (PTSW-195388)

  • Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when creating sessions from templates or importing or rendering audio from an ISIS workspace. (PTSW-195338)

  • You can now nudge MIDI notes after they have been marquee-selected using the Grabber tool. (PTSW-195626)

  • Pro Tools no longer stops working when you play back a session, and then reactivate an inactive track that contains a send. (PTSW-195172)

  • Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly after selecting “Expand Channels to New Tracks (by match Criteria).” (PTSW-192725)

  • Plug-in delay compensation now works correctly. (PTSW-195299)

  • When routing multiple outputs from a virtual instrument on an Instrument track to multiple Auxiliary Input tracks, the destination Aux tracks are now correctly delay-compensated and remain time-aligned. (PTSW-188341, PTSW-190873)

  • It is now possible to view automation lanes of plug-in parameters whose names contain more than 31 characters. (PTSW-195113)

  • Audio waveforms are now correctly updated when waveform view is fully zoomed out. (PTSW-195086) The "Trim Clip to File Boundaries" command now affects only selected clips. (PTSW-193874)

  • Parameter values in AAX plug-ins are now displaying correctly on control surfaces. (PTSW-195073)

  • Master Fader track metering on HDX systems now works correctly. (PTSW-194044)

  • If “Plug-in Controls Default to Auto-Enabled” is selected, recalling settings of a multi-mono plug-in now consistently recalls the playlist values for those controls. (PTSW-194043)
  • Pro Tools v 11.2 2 juil. 2014 Windows
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools Software 11.2


  • Avid DX Driver 5.9 released, compatible with Media Composer® | Software version 7.0.4 (or higher). Run DX Driver Installer if you use Avid DX video hardware.

  • Improved Video Engine performance during fast forward, rewind, and cursor drags.

  • Importing video files during playback will no longer cause Pro Tools to stop responding. To improve stability, importing video files to the Clip List via drag-and-drop is disabled during playback. (PTSW-190546)

  • Video Engine no longer momentarily displays an incorrect frame when returning to zero with Insertion Follows Playback enabled. (PTSW-193879)

  • HD video reference rates are now selectable when the Clock Source is set to Word Clock or AES. (PTSW-174246)

  • Scrubbing from a Satellite-linked system with Video Engine disabled will no longer cause dropped frames on a connected system that has Video Engine enabled. (PTSW-190200)

  • Scrubbing on a linked Satellite system no longer prevents playback on an unlinked Satellite system. (PTSW-194066, PTSW- 194204)

  • Single-frame nudges performed in Pro Tools are now correctly followed by Media Composer® | Software when connected with Video Satellite. (PTSW-194041)

  • Plug-ins

  • The “Plug-in Controls Default to Auto-Enabled” preference no longer interferes with settings recall in multi-mono plug-ins. (PTSW-194043)

  • MasterMeter no longer causes CPU usage spikes. (PTSW-193401)

  • Improved audio stability when using the Preview function of AudioSuite plug-ins. (PTSW-186253)

  • Fixed an issue that could incorrectly change the automation-enabled status of some plug-in parameters to disabled. (PTSW- 194237)

  • Miscellaneous

  • You will notice some changes in our latest Pro Tools release regarding Gobbler support. For the time being, we have chosen to remove Gobbler functionality in Pro Tools 11.2. As you know, we are working to transform the industry with Avid Everywhere and our new MediaCentral Platform. We are working with all of our partners to take advantage of Avid Everywhere and enhance our customers’ workflows with our platform. We will work with Gobbler and all partners in our industry to ensure that our customers have the very best seamless workflow experience with Avid products.

  • Clip Gain settings now remain intact after healing separations. (PTSW-194434)

  • Pro Tools no longer displays linked files on mounted volumes as offline when opening sessions saved with the volume un- mounted. (PTSW-194034)

  • Pro Tools no longer incorrectly truncates or removes volume names in file paths. (PTSW-193752, PTSW-192676)

  • Fixed an issue that could corrupt audio files extracted from CD. (PTSW-194006)

  • Virtual instruments no longer continue sustain after the transport has been stopped. (PTSW-192827)

  • Fixed a case where using Import Session Data with Elastic Audio-enabled tracks could cause Pro Tools to quit unexpectedly. (PTSW-191314)

  • Imported tracks are now ordered correctly when using Import Session Data. (PTSW-194382)

  • Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when healing Clip Group separations. (PTSW-194222)

  • Fixed a case where Pro Tools would quit unexpectedly when performing Elastic Audio analysis while automatically re-linking files. (PTSW-194002)
  • Pro Tools v 11.1.3 3 mai 2014 Windows
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 11.1.3


    Fixed several issues that could cause play/pause loop and missing codec errors with the Avid Video Engine. (PTSW-192437, UME-1037)
    MXF AVC-Intra video can now be imported into Pro Tools. (PTSW-191562)
    Fixed a case where the Video Engine was unable to create thumbnails for the video track. (UME-1038)
    Fixed a case where Pro Tools would not engage in playback when video track is online. (PTSW-191953)
    Video engine errors no longer occur if you are looping audio where there is no video file. (PTSW-190278)
    Fixed an issue that could cause "There was a problem stopping Pro Tools" error. (UME-1011)
    Pro Tools now selects the proper video format when opening legacy (pre- Pro Tools 11) sessions. (PTSW-191299)
    Play Start Latency settings are now saved with the session. (PTSW-182391)
    Fixed an issue where video clips with low frame-rates would play improperly when looping selections. (PTSW-190361)
    Fixed an issue where Pro Tools would quit unexpectedly when looping video, if the in-point was not on a frame boundary. (PTSW-190579)
    To prevent instability, the option to Disable Video Hardware is no longer available while the Pro Tools transport is active. (PTSW-183703)
    Avid Video Engine no longer displays an error when playing a short loop where there is no video on the timeline. (PTSW-190278)
    Fixed an issue that could lead to a dialog warning the user of missing thumbnails, preventing the session from playing back. (UME-1014)
    Fixed an issue that could lead to a dialog warning the user of a missing codec. (PTSW-187153)


    Gain reduction meter no longer improperly shows 5dB reduction on Master Tracks when a session is opened. (PTSW-187240)
    Improved reliability of plug-in bypass. (PTSW-191334)
    Plug-in automation no longer breaks linked parameters when set to Touch. (PTSW-191139)
    Fixed a rare case in which some plug-ins could not be inserted. (PTSW-189279)
    Fixed unexpected behavior for plug-in auxiliary output channels > 128. (PTSW-190719)
    Fixed a rare case where loading certain plug-in presets would cause Pro Tools to quit unexpectedly. (PTSW-192071, PTSW- 186197)
    Click II no longer changes timbre randomly. (PTSW-190101)
    Master bypass automation data for some third-party plug-ins no longer becomes corrupted when copied between tracks. (PTSW-192282)


    OpenSSL updated to 1.0.1g. (SoundCloud and Gobbler integration)
    Track Punch no longer occasionally deletes clips off the timeline. (PTSW-186681)
    Fixed an issue where Beat Detective's processes were slow when its window was in the foreground. (PTSW-184608)
    Performing a Bounce to Disk with six or more bounce sources in a session on ISIS no longer crashes Pro Tools. (PTSW-191594)
    Groove clipboard now properly propagates to the Event Operations Window. (PTSW-190367)
    Fixed a case where the Volume Trim automation lane improperly reverts to Volume lane automation display after reopening a session. (PTSW-191760)
    Attempting to Automate Pan Right on stereo tracks using the MC Pro joysticks in Touch automation no longer stops automation from writing. (PTSW-191983)
    (Pro Tools|HD only) C|24 scribble strip automation features are now displayed properly when HD software is running without HD hardware. (PTSW-190882)
    Fixed an issue that would cause Pro Tools to incorrectly display a looping playhead when online in Remote Mode. (PTSW- 191125)
    Soundmaster timecode no longer quickly jumps somewhere else before locking to start location. (PTSW-190112)
    Pro Tools no longer displays an error when importing audio from mounted ISIS volumes using Interplay Access. (PTSW- 191143)
    Fixed an issue that would cause Pro Tools to display error messages in the I/O Setup for HD|MADI devices. (PTSW-190580)
    Embedded OMF files will now relink properly. (PTSW-189884)
    Fixed an issue that caused Session Data Exported as Text to sort improperly in other applications. (PTSW-189277)
    Editing clip gain during playback no longer results in unpredictable level changes. (PTSW-192551, PTSW-192575)
    Fast surround pans now play back smoothly. (PTSW-192146)
    Steep level automation no longer plays back incorrectly on the first play pass after session open and on first play pass after writing automation (HDX only). (PTSW-192502, PTSW-192316)
    Fixed a case where stopping the transport while recording would create a gap at the end of a recording pass. (PTSW-192652)
    Pro Tools no longer prevents scrolling of background windows when certain windows, like I/O setup, are open. (PTSW-187314)
    Copy/Paste now works properly in counter fields, such as the Main Counter and Spot dialog. (PTSW-190682, PTSW-189258, PTSW-191012)
    HEAT no longer silences when a native plug-in is instantiated in Insert J. (PTSW-186948)
    Audio level is no longer unpredictable when editing clip gain with a mouse during playback. (PTSW-192551, PTSW-192575)
    Steep volume automation no longer plays back incorrectly on first play pass after session open and on first play pass after writing automation (HDX only). (PTSW-192502, PTSW-192316)
    Fixed a rare case in which overwriting the I/O Setup could cause an error when saving a project. (PTSW-192632) Fixed a rare case in which Pro Tools would quit unexpectedly after stopping a Destructive Punch record pass. (PTSW-192573)
    Fixed a case in which recording to an ISIS workspace would be delayed from 3-5 seconds. (PTSW-192333) Trim automation no longer removes some downstream breakpoints. (PTSW-193101)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when indexing volumes with bad UTF8 characters. (PTSW-193211)
    Fixed a rare case where an invalid fade could be created adjacent to a crossfade, resulting in the clip being dropped from the timeline. (PTSW-185345)
    Trim automation no longer delays the underlying written automation. (PTSW-186367)
    Fixed a case where Clip Groups could be removed from the timeline when using key commands to cycle through the automation playlist view. (PTSW-146101)
    Fixed an issue that would result in audio being erroneously played through the AFL/PFL path after an offline bounce. (PTSW- 193306)
    Fixed a case where pan automation would be removed when switching send channel counts with FMP enabled. (PTSW-193320)
    Pro Tools HDX systems no longer display inaccurate metering on buses that pass more than 100 voices. (PTSW-192672)
    Pro Tools v 10.3.9 2 mai 2014 Windows
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 10.3.9
  • OpenSSL updated to 1.0.1g. (SoundCloud and Gobbler integration)

  • C24 HD-specific features are now available when using Pro Tools HD with non-HD hardware, including Aggregate I/O. (PTSW- 190882)

  • Fixed an issue that could cause TrackPunch to remove clips from the Timeline. (PTSW-186681)

  • Pro Tools now correctly informs the user when attempting to load plug-ins that are unavailable at the current sample rate. (PTSW-189580)

  • MIDI performances no longer fail to record in cases where the track is armed for record after playback has started. (PTSW- 189524)

  • Loop playback with MIDI Merge enabled no longer improperly captures notes that were played prior to pressing record. (PTSW- 189139)

  • Preserve Fades when Editing now functions properly when moving clips with crossfades to other tracks. (PTSW-173175)

  • HEAT no longer silences when a native plug-in is instantiated in Insert J. (PTSW-186948)
  • A visual delay no longer occurs when trimming MIDI clips in sessions with large MIDI track counts. (PTSW-190335)

  • Fixed a case where 9-pin input monitoring commands from the Colin Broad PD-1 sent to Pro Tools HDX and HD Native systems took longer to execute in proportion to the number of tracks receiving commands. (PTSW-191859)

  • Fixed a case that would prevent some plug-ins from saving their current state. (PTSW-190722)

  • Automation thinning no longer occurs improperly to breakpoints outside the most recent pass. (PTSW-165583)

  • Groove clipboard now properly propagates to the Event Operations Window. (PTSW-190367)

  • Soundmaster timecode no longer quickly jumps somewhere else before locking to start location. (PTSW-190112)

  • Fixed an issue that would cause Pro Tools to incorrectly display a looping playhead when online in Remote Mode. (PTSW- 191125)

  • Fixed a case where Pro Tools would not properly import embedded AAF files that contain media with mixed frame rates. (PTSW- 191841)

  • Fixed a case where AAF files imported into Pro Tools would result in gaps of one sample in length inserted between clips. (PTSW-191846)

  • When toggling Playlist view on tracks that contain Clip Groups, Pro Tools now shows a dialog warning the user that the clips cannot be re-grouped with the Undo command. (PTSW-191625)

  • Fixed a case where Clip Groups could be removed from the timeline when using key commands to cycle through the automation playlist view. (PTSW-146101)
  • Pro Tools v 11.1.2 21 janv. 2014 Windows
    Fixed a case where some plug-ins could not be switched out of bypassed state. (PTSW-191334)

    Automation now properly interacts with linked plug-in parameters. (PTSW-191139)

    C|24 HD-specific features are now available when using Pro Tools HD with non-HD hardware. (PTSW-190882)

    Automation thinning no longer occurs improperly to breakpoints outside the most recent pass. (PTSW-165583)

    Pro Tools now correctly extracts audio from imported AAF files. (PTSW-182235)

    When there are missing files in an open session, mounting a volume no longer causes the Relink dialog to open. (PTSW-191127)
    Pro Tools v 11.1.1 7 janv. 2014 Windows
    When vertically dragging a clip that shares a crossfade with an adjacent clip, the crossfade will now be converted to separate fades that preserve the sound of the original crossfade. (PTSW-173175)

    Pro Tools now successfully imports AAF files originally exported from Steinberg Nuendo. (PTSW-190498)

    When using ASIO applications with the Avid ASIO Driver with HDX or HD Native hardware, audio will not distort. (PTSW-190468)
    Pro Tools v 10.3.8 24 déc. 2013 Windows
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 10.3.8

  • When vertically dragging a clip that shares a crossfade with an adjacent clip, the crossfade will now be converted to separate fades that preserve the sound of the original crossfade. (PTSW-173175)

  • Automation now obeys Automation Follows Edit preference when performing a shuffle edit in front of a "Time Locked" clip. (PTSW-187603)

  • Improvements to MIDI Groove Quantize. (PTSW-184329)

  • Assigning the track selector to “None” in send windows no longer causes Pro Tools to quit unexpectedly. (PTSW-170481)

  • Pan Window Soft Key on Artist Control now functions properly with multichannel tracks. (PTSW-189422)

  • When toggling Pro Tools 11 satellite compatibility to Pro Tools 10 compatibility mode, the satellite name is retained. (PTSW- 185781, PTSW-188394)

  • Pro Tools 10.3.8 defaults the Pro Tools satellite compatibility mode to Pro Tools 10 when first installed, when Pro Tools preferences are reset, or when a Satellite Link iLok authorization is not found. (PTSW-189969, PTSW-189972)

  • Quitting Pro Tools 11.0.0 Administrator while a 10.3.8 Satellite is connected no longer causes dialog error. (PTSW-185593)

  • 9-pin Locate commands no longer result in an incorrect Locate position, when sent to a Satellite Linked Pro Tools system during playback with Insertion Follows Playback enabled. (PTSW-188075

  • Eucon pan controls no longer disappear from S5 after layout recall. (PTSW-188687)

  • The AUX knob on Eucon control surfaces no longer becomes unresponsive after being pressed. (EUCON-2261)

  • Automation breakpoints on clip boundaries are no longer deleted when dragging clip with Automation Follows Edit enabled. (PTSW-173920)

  • Automation is now written correctly within a selection when there is a large amount of delay compensation. (PTSW-156621)

  • MIDI port naming improved when there are multiple instances of the same plug-in. (PTSW-186138)

  • Installing Pro Tools Instrument Expansion Pack before Pro Tools no longer results in a blank plug-ins list. (PTSW-186733)

  • Exporting a sequence from Pro Tools to Interplay using the "Match Timecode" option no longer results in empty audio tracks. (PTSW-187273)

  • DigiTest now works properly with 3-card HDX systems. (PTSW-178630)
  • Pro Tools v 11.1 23 déc. 2013 Windows

    PTSW-184656: AudioSuite window now includes Plug-In name.
    PTSW-180095: Added Applescript support for the "Save Session Copy" command.
    PTSW-180085: Improved support for Nudge values with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX.
    PTSW-180084: Improved support for memory locations with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX.
    PTSW-180083: Improved support for the Click II plug-in with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX.
    PTSW-180082: Improved support for Memory Locations with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX.
    PTSW-180080: Improved support for window configurations with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX.
    PTSW-189731: Improved support for track selector, preset selection, and automation controls from within plug-in windows with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX.
    PTSW-180081: Improved support for Delete Unused Playlist dialogs with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX.
    PTSW-180078: Improved support for Beat Detective with the VoiceOver accessibility option in OSX


    PTSW-187111: Fixed an issue that delayed automation mode switching on VCA tracks.
    PTSW-187110: Fixed an issue that prevented engaging playback within several seconds of completing an automation pass.
    PTSW-185374: Fixed an issue that prevented pasting volume automation under certain circumstances.

    Bounce to Disk

    PTSW-189468: Improved bounce functionality when using multiple buses in series.
    PTSW-185058: Improved MIDI handling during realtime bounce.
    PTSW-185425: Inserting plug-ins on unvoiced tracks no longer interferes with offline bounce.


    PTSW-186213: Fixed a case where importing multichannel interleaved audio files would arrange channels out of order.
    PTSW-182253: **made a point to mention audio only, since OMF files containing video are not supported. "Fixed an issue that would prevent Pro Tools from importing some audio-only OMF files."
    PTSW-167656: Improved handling of AAF files that contain source material of mixed frame rates.
    PTSW-190308: Fixed a case where creating a send would cause Pro Tools to display an "Access violation occurred, unable to read the location. 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" error on HDX systems.
    PTSW-186590: Fixed an issue that would prevent Pro Tools from properly closing sessions with ReWire inserts.
    PTSW-185903: Pro Tools will now properly detect the AVB64 playback engine for use with System 3 Live consoles.
    PTSW-185111: Fixed an issue where Pro Tools would close unexpectedly while re-linking files.
    PTSW-189414: Fixed an issue that would prevent sessions on read-only drives from opening in Pro Tools.
    PTSW-185844: The Pro Tools installer will now replace older instances of REX Shared Library.
    PTSW-185429: Accessing files on network drives will no longer cause undesirable Core Audio behavior when quitting Pro Tools.
    PTSW-190398: Fixed some instances of Error -9155 in sessions with heavy automation on HDX systems.
    PTSW-185399: Fixed an issue where dense automation on surround tracks would cause Pro Tools to close unexpectedly.
    UME-854: Fixed a case where the Avid Video Engine would fail to load on a non-administrator account in OSX.

    Control Surface

    PTSW-183654: Disconnecting from the System 3 Live engine will no longer cause Pro Tools to display an error message.
    PTSW-178204: Pro Tools session templates now include EuControl layouts.


    PTSW-188794: Improved TCE tool stability.
    PTSW-186234: Fixed editing behavior with the Object Grabber.
    PTSW-177550: Fixed an issue where Pro Tools would show undesirable behavior, after recording to the end of a prepared DPE track while in Destructive Punch.
    PTSW-184329: Fixed an issue that caused incorrect Groove Quantize results in some sessions.


    PTSW-186541: Fixed an issue where some notes could become stuck while auditioning from the MIDI Editor window on some PC systems.
    PTSW-186373: Fixed an issue where changing a clip's user time stamp would result in an error.
    PTSW-189563: Pro Tools now captures MIDI notes that intersect with a punch point.
    PTSW-190083: Fixed an issue that would cause a delay before initiating playback.
    PTSW-189870: Fixed an issue that would prevent recalculation of waveform overviews from the Clips List.
    PTSW-173794: PDF functions now work properly in the Score Editor's Print menu.
    PTSW-183907: Fixed an issue that would cause Pro Tools to close unexpedtedly when quitting, if several Workspace windows are open.


    PTSW-187122: Uninstalling Pro Tools 11 no longer removes the 32 bit AAX plug-ins that are used by Pro Tools 10.
    PTSW-178630: Pro Tools now installs a new version of the DigiTest diagnostics utility.
    PTSW-187069: "Fixed an issue that prevented Pro Tools installations from properly updating system plug-ins, which could cause fatal errors." Related to Elastic Audio Plug-In


    PTSW-189655: Fixed an issue that prevented Pro Tools from routing MIDI through ReWire with certain Japanese characters in the device name.
    PTSW-189326: Improved Automatic Delay Compensation stability when toggling track record states.
    PTSW-185410: Fixed an issue where "Load Rig from Computer" would fail in sessions that had been modified by Pro Tools 11.1.
    PTSW-185813: Fixed an issue that prevented some instances of HD plug-ins from being reinstantiated properly on Native systems.
    PTSW-181711: The "Bypass EQ" command (Shift+E) now works properly with Channel Strip.
    PTSW-187057: Fixed an issue that would prevent X-Form from following changes to project tempo.


    PTSW-188337: Improvements to MIDI Timecode stability in Pro Tools 11.1.


    PTSW-185070: Video no longer flickers when playback is stopped by the user.
    PTSW-184691: Video track options no longer appear "greyed out" or unavailable when reopening Pro Tools sessions.
    PTSW-188266: Fixed an issue where Pro Tools would display first frame of the video when stopping or starting the transport while looping.
    PTSW-184563: Fixed an issue that would prevent video from playing without toggling the video track's online state, after disabling and then enabling Avid Video Engine.
    PTSW-184445: The Video window will no longer relocate when changing size or aspect ratio on systems with multiple displays.
    PTSW-184134: Pro Tools will no longer automatically open a blank Video window if there is no video in the current project.
    PTSW-183074: When re-opening a project with a fullscreen Video window, Pro Tools will now position the Video window correctly.
    PTSW-182566: Pro Tools no longer displays an incorrect frame when trimming video clips.
    UME-912: Improved video nudge performance.
    UME-874: Improved display handling of video files with non-standard aspect ratios.
    UME-856: "Enable video hardware during scrub" now behaves as desired with Black Magic and AJA video peripherals.
    UME-867: Pro Tools systems with Black Magic hardware will now position the playhead properly upon stop when Insertion Follows Playback is disabled.
    UME-327: Increased Avid Video Engine (AVE) performance.
    UME-852: Pro Tools no longer displays an error on some configurations when resizing the video window during playback.
    UME-786: The Video window will now update immediately to reflect user aspect ratio settings.

    PTSW-185803: Improvements to Copy and Relink function in Workspace.
    PTSW-185442: Pro Tools will audition audio files properly from the Workspace with Conform to Session Tempo enabled.
    PTSW-188227: Fixed an issue where dragging and dropping files within the workspace would result in duplicate files.
    PTSW-186544: Searching by tempo in the workspace will now retrieve the correct results.
    PTSW-185946: Files in the Workspace that begin with the same letter as the parent folder can now be selected by typing the first letter.
    PTSW-185747: The Workspace command "Calculate Waveforms" now works properly with MP3 and REX files.
    PTSW-184508: "Select Parent in Workspace" command now functions properly without requiring user to close workspace windows.
    PTSW-183098: Quotation marks are no longer treated as text when searching the Workspace.
    PTSW-182212: Improvements to Workspace window configuration handling.
    PTSW-181789: Fixed issue that would cause selections to be displayed improperly in the Workspace browser.
    PTSW-176649: Fixed an issue that would prevent some files from being relinked in the Catalog browser.
    PTSW-180037: Sorting by name in the Workspace browser no longer alphabetizes files and folders separately.
    PTSW-185452: Fixed an issue that would prevent the Wokspace from properly indexing some SDII files.
    Pro Tools v 11.0.2 17 sept. 2013 Windows
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 11.0.2

    User-Reported Issues
    If Pro Tools 11 quits unexpectedly, it automatically creates a Crash Log report that you can submit to Avid. By submitting the report, you can help us identify and address the issue. In the Comments section of the dialog that appears, describe the nature of the session you were working on and the action or command that you were carrying out just before the issue occurred, then click “Send to Avid.” The issues below were identified and addressed using these reports.

    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when trying to modify the ALL Group. (PTSW-184989)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when a VCA window is open and Preferences dialog is opened and closed. (PTSW-185798)
    Eleven Rack rigs can now be loaded from Pro Tools. (PTSW-185410, PTSW-184975, PTSW-184982)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly while AudioSuite previewing with the Shift parameter adjusted to edge values. (PTSW-185758)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when playing a surround track with dense automation. (PTSW-185399)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly during offline bounce when a plug-in exists on an unvoiced track. (PTSW-185425)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly during offline bounce when signal routes back through the same mixer. (PTSW-185482)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when indexing particular SDII files. (PTSW-185452)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly while re-linking missing audio files. (PTSW-185111)
    Fixed infinite loop of error dialog “IO channel count for current playback device has changed. Please restart Pro Tools” when RME HDSPe MADI FX is the declared Playback Engine. (PTSW-185010)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly while searching in Help after connecting to SoundCloud. (PTSW-185014) Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when pressing Alt-Tab while Pro Tools is launching . (PTSW-185602)
    Pro Tools no longer quits unexpectedly when using the Shift key if a J.L. Cooper Surround Panner is declared in the Peripherals dialog. (PTSW-184844)

    Audio recorded to tracks to the right of playback tracks is properly placed on the timeline. (PTSW-185778)
    Destructive Punch records properly when the previous record pass extended past the end of the prepared audio. (PTSW-177550)
    Destructive Punch recording can be stopped in all situations. (PTSW-185339)
    When recording to a track with an output assigned to a sub-stem of a main stem and with no tracks are assigned to the main stem, Delay Compensation errors no longer occur. (PTSW-186092)
    The RME Fireface can now be used as an ASIO device. (PTSW-186528)

    Performance is improved when using the Automation “Write to End” command across many tracks. (PTSW-186229)
    When the Session Start Time is not 00:00:00:00, spotting a file to a new track after an offline bounce now works properly. (PTSW-185380)
    User Time Stamp values are now entered correctly in the Clip List. (PTSW-186373)

    On Pro Tools|HDX systems, post-fader sends following a Native plug-in no longer consume an extra voice. (PTSW-184939) Sends now work correctly with Preview mode. (PTSW-186227)

    The Time Compression/Expansion AAX plug-in is included with Pro Tools 11.0.2. D-Verb DSP AAX controls have been fixed. (PTSW-186175)

    Correct frames are now pasted to a track when the copied movie's true frame rate is less than the Video Project Type. (PTSW-184987)
    Enabling and disabling video hardware during scrub now work properly with third-party video hardware. (UME-856) Black Magic hardware now locates correctly after stop if Insertion Follows Playback is disabled. (UME-867) Video track settings are now available after reopening a session with video. (PTSW-184691) Videos no longer incorrectly play back at double speed. (UME-819)
    The Avid Video Engine no longer encounters video synchronization errors when playing beyond the 12-hour mark on the timeline. (UME-906)
    Video playback in Pro Tools no longer shows color deviation from playback in QuickTime player. (UME-823)

    The Workspace “Copy & Relink” function now works correctly. (PTSW-185803) In the Workspace, Alt -revealing a folder exposes or hides all nested subfolders. (PTSW-182561) The “T” label (for Transfer volumes) now appears correctly when changing permissions in the Workspace. (PTSW-185355) Pro Tools no longer stops working when dragging files from the Workspace with Tempo Match enabled. (PTSW-185442)

    Bounce to Disk
    MIDI events now play in order during an offline bounce. (PTSW-185058) Offline bounce with automation is now phase-accurate when compared to a bussed re-record. (PTSW-179224)
    Pro Tools v 10.3.7 11 août 2013 Windows
    Pro Tools 10 now has a Satellite protocol option that allows forward compatibility with Pro Tools 11.
    To allow you to connect Pro Tools 10 and Pro Tools 11 systems in a satellite configuration, an option has been added in the Satellite pane of the Peripherals dialog that allows you to select which version of the Satellite protocol you want to use (either Pro Tools 10 or Pro Tools 11). NOTE: All systems in a Satellite configuration must use the same version of the Satellite protocol. The admin system must be a Pro Tools 11 system.

    Session save times have been improved. (PTSW-185060)

    Destructive Punch now records properly after recording to the end of file. (PTSW-177550)

    Crashes associated with the use of RME HDSPe MADI, HDSP PCIe and UAD Apollo interfaces have been resolved. (PTSW-164626, PTSW-182520, PTSW-182588)

    Scroll wheel functions properly for a variety of numeric entry fields in Pro Tools: Video Offset, Preferences, Click/Countoff Options, Event Operations (PTSW-134626, PTSW-134632, PTSW-134634, PTSW-134636.)

    In the Bounce dialog, “Enforce Avid Compatibility’ has been changed to “Enforce Media Composer Compatibility” to better reflect the intended use of this option. (PTSW-181436)
    Pro Tools v 11.0.1 30 juin 2013 Windows
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 11.0.1:
  • The ReVibe II plug-in is now available with support for Pro Tools 11.0.1 (and higher) and Pro Tools 10.3.6 (PTSW-184681, PTSW-183157)

  • Pro Tools now receives MIDI input on Windows 8 when logged in with a non-administrator account (PTSW-184618)

  • Touching a VCA Master while in automation write or latch no longer causes all members of the group to become audible (when volumes are set to –INF dB). Also, signal is no longer incorrectly sent to the VCA tracks’ corresponding sends (PTSW-184983)

  • When using ASIO applications with the Avid ASIO Driver with HDX or HD Native hardware, audio will not distort (PTSW-184721)

  • With the JL Cooper Surround Panner declared, Pro Tools will not quit unexpectedly when using the Shift Key for various commands (PTSW-184844)
  • Pro Tools v 11.0 22 juin 2013 Windows
  • nouveau moteur audio Avid

  • Le nouveau moteur audio AAE (Avid Audio Engine) est entièrement optimisé pour fournir plusieurs fois la puissance de traitement de Pro Tools 10 sur une même configuration matérielle. Oubliez toutes les contraintes et exploitez un nombre colossal d'instruments virtuels et d'effets pour créer des mix au son bien plus riche et complexe, et découvrez les performances inédites de la station de travail audio la plus puissante à ce jour.

  • 64 bits

  • Passez au niveau de performance et de créativité supérieur, avec une quantité de RAM accessible bien plus importante pour vos productions musique et audio. Mixez des sessions de plus grande taille, avec des milliers de clips. Exploitez des échantillons d'instrument virtuel de plus grande taille pour des sons encore plus réalistes. Bénéficiez de plus de marge de sécurité pour repousser les limites de votre système, sans jamais les atteindre.

  • bounce offline

  • Ne perdez plus de temps... Accélérez la sortie de vos stems ou de votre mix final avec un bounce offline jusqu'à 150 fois plus rapide qu'en temps réel. Le timestamping de l'automation garantit des résultats d'une qualité que seul Pro Tools peut vous offrir. Si vous mixez et livrez des émissions de radio ou d'autres programmes long format, cette fonctionnalité à elle seule vous fera gagner des heures entières au quotidien.

  • mémoire tampon d'entrée dédiée pour une latence ultra faible

  • Des mémoires tampon d'entrée à faible latence et de lecture dédiées assurent une latence ultra faible pour le monitoring des entrées en enregistrement sur des systèmes natifs, sans sacrifier les performances des plug-ins. Bénéficiez de la réactivité dont vous avez besoin pour enregistrer dans les meilleures conditions, même avec les sessions de grande taille comportant de nombreux plug-ins.

  • options étendues de mesure des niveaux (Pro Tools HD 11 uniquement)

  • Plus besoin d'investir dans des plug-ins supplémentaires pour exploiter les standards professionnels de mesure des niveaux, K-system, VU et autres. Vous disposez désormais de 17 formats de mesure des niveaux, directement intégrés à l'interface. Optimisez vos mix tout en respectant les normes audio broadcast de chaque pays. De plus, un indicateur de réduction de gain peut être affiché sur chaque canal pour le contrôle de la dynamique.

  • nouveau moteur vidéo Avid

  • Le moteur vidéo Avid intégré, identique au moteur principal de Media Composer, permet d'importer, de monter et de lire une large gamme de formats vidéo HD (QuickTime, XDCAM, etc.) et des séquences Avid DNxHD directement dans la timeline de Pro Tools, sans transcodage. Utilisez une interface vidéo Avid, AJA ou Blackmagic Design pour le monitoring vidéo.

  • Accélérez et simplifiez les recherches de fichiers audio avec un explorateur d'espace de travail optimisé

  • Automatisez des pistes en cours d'enregistrement (idéal pour les workflows live et Dolby ATMOS)

  • Optimisez le nombre de plug-ins utilisables avec un traitement hôte dynamique qui réalloue les ressources en fonction des besoins

  • Contrôlez le niveau des départs de plug-in (PT et PTHD) et la réduction de gain (PTHD uniquement) sur les nouveaux mini indicateurs des canaux

  • Mixez plus précisément et réglez vos traitements au millimètre grâce au timestamping de l'automation de plug-in

  • Pilotez plusieurs systèmes Pro Tools|HD à partir d'un seul avec la fonctionnalité Satellite Link, désormais incluse (PTHD uniquement)

  • Travaillez plus rapidement et avec un meilleur retour visuel grâce à de nouveaux raccourcis de workflow et des améliorations de la fenêtre Mix

  • Visualisez votre session dans toute sa splendeur avec une prise en charge intégrale des écrans Apple Retina
  • Pro Tools v 10.3.6 22 juin 2013 Windows
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 10.3.6

    In sessions at high sample rates on HDX systems, automation ramps now track accurately. (PTSW-170306, PTSW-181981)

    When importing audio into a session by drag and drop, if two files have different names and the same unique ID, a “Stamp New Unique ID” message appears only if the modification dates of the two files are different. (PTSW-179183)

    Certain non-Avid AAX DSP plug-ins could cause Pro Tools to quit unexpectedly with previous versions of Pro Tools 10.3. This has been resolved in Pro Tools. (PTSW-182881, PTSW-182883)

    If, on first launch, Pro Tools detects that it is close to running out of memory due to a very large number of installed plug-ins (AAX/TDM/RTAS), it saves the current plug-in cache and then requires you to quit and relaunch Pro Tools. This is a workaround for temporary memory limits that exist only after a fresh Pro Tools install. (PTSW-180029)

    AudioSuite processing from the Clip List using Overwrite Files mode no longer incorrectly adds AudioSuite handles. (PTSW-178956)

    You can now adjust pop-up volume and pan sliders in the Edit Window with fine resolution (using standard Pro Tools key commands) in the same way as in the Mix Window. (PTSW-176942)

    The Default button in the Input tab of I/O Setups no longer disables the “Compensate for Input Delays after Record Pass” option. (PTSW-172852)

    With Pro Tools 10.3.6 and higher, Sound Designer II (.SD2) files are no longer supported. If you open a session containing SD2 files, they are converted to the session audio file format.

    Avid AAX plug-ins no longer cause Pro Tools to quit unexpectedly when switching channel views of a multi-mono plug-in. This problem only occurred on MacOS X 10.8. (PTSW-180912)

    Channel Strip (Native) uses much less CPU capacity for shelving filters. (PTSW-170126)

    Channel Strip, Pro Compressor, Pro Expander gain reduction now works correctly in Internal-All and Front/Rear channel linking modes. (PTSW-178201)

    ReVibe II now supports saving of the collapsed tab state. (PTSW-174598)
    Pro Tools v 10.3.5 27 avril 2013 Windows
    Punch recording modes now work at all timeline locations. (PTSW-172752, PTSW-176726)

    Multiple automation breakpoints in the same location are now cleaned up when using the Import Session Data command. (PTSW-179121)

    When there is no other automation on a track except for an initial breakpoint, extra breakpoints are no longer created when trimming or nudging a clip from the beginning of a session. (PTSW-179170)

    Unwanted automation ramps are no longer created after trimming a clip in Shuffle mode. (PTSW-178118)

    Clips are no longer missing from the timeline after AAF import of a mixed frame rate sequence. (PTSW-167656)

    During import, if a file’s Unique Identifier (UID) is identical to one already in the session, and the Name and Mod Date of the files are also identical, the existing file in the session is automatically used. However, if two files have the same UID but different Mod Dates, Pro Tools lets you choose between using the existing file or stamping a new UID into the file being imported. This resolves potential problems when audio files are processed outside of Pro Tools and re-imported. (PTSW-179183)

    The Pro Tools preferences storage location has been changed.
    The folder that stores Pro Tools Preferences (Pro Tools Prefs.ptp) has been renamed to “Pro Tools 10.” Any scripts that rely on this pathname should be modified.

    The calculation of waveform overviews has been optimized.
    Pro Tools v 10.3.4 12 mars 2013 Windows
    Pro Tools v 10.3.3 21 déc. 2012 Windows
    Pro Tools v 10.3.2 16 oct. 2012 Windows
    Pro Tools v 10.3.1 3 oct. 2012 Windows
    Pro Tools v 10.3 13 sept. 2012 Windows
    Pro Tools v 10.2 22 mai 2012 Windows
    Pro Tools v 10.1.3 27 avril 2012 Windows
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 10.1.3
  • HDX systems no longer produce unwanted noise bursts in certain configurations and after prolonged usage. (PTSW-159883, PTSW-159680)

  • On HDX systems, tracks with a plug-in no longer produce a burst of noise at the end of playback when an automation event occurs at the exact sample location where playback stops. (PTSW-158582)

  • Serial time code now loops when playback loops. (PTSW-146199)

  • Satellite systems properly scroll in FF (fast forward) and REW (rewind) mode. (Jog/Shuttle is still a local machine update only.) (PTSW-156532)
  • When Transport=Machine, if a video track in Pro Tools was triggered to record by incoming time code, all simultaneously recording audio and video regions would not be saved to disk when the transport was stopped. This issue has been fixed. (PTSW-3104)
  • Pro Tools v 10.1.2 12 avril 2012 Windows
    Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 10.1.2
  • 32 bit AIFF files now play back without distortion. (PTSW-160803)

  • When the Record button in the Pro Tools Transport is enabled with Satellites linked, serial (9-pin) rewind commands are no longer ignored by Satellites when the Admin system is playing back. (PTSW-154380)

  • The Write to Current automation command no longer creates an extra breakpoint at the end of a selection. (PTSW-160630)

  • Dyn III Plug-In parameters now map correctly after conversion from DPM format to AAX format. (PTSW-159885)

  • Toggling a Send from Pre-Fader to Post-Fader to no longer disables audio throughput on a track. (PTSW-157131)

  • Performance of Transport and Locate commands for Satellite systems has been improved. (PTSW-136909, PTSW-159440)
  • Pro Tools v 10.0.1 29 janv. 2012 Windows
    Pro Tools v 9.0.6 30 nov. 2011 Windows
    Pro Tools v 10.0 21 oct. 2011 Windows
    Accélérez les opérations d'édition et de mixage grâce à la fonction de gain du clip, ajustez et faites correspondre les niveaux de gain pré-mixeur
    Utilisez plusieurs formats audio au sein d'une même session, dont le format entrelacé, sans duplication de fichier
    Enregistrez en résolution supérieure et avec plus de marge de sécurité au format 32 bits virgule flottante
    Optimisez le temps de réponse des disques durs les plus lents grâce à un cache disque amélioré
    Enregistrez avec des interfaces audio tierces en mode faible latence avec monitoring direct
    Bénéficiez du son des EQ et des traitements dynamiques de la console System 5 grâce au plug-in Avid Channel Strip
    Accédez à plus de 500 commandes Pro Tools supplémentaires avec les surfaces de contrôle EUCON
    Travaillez plus simplement avec les clips AudioSuite rendus grâce au traitement inversé, aux poignées, et plus encore
    Créez des projets au format extra long pour le versioning séquentiel sur une timeline étendue de 24 heures
    Ouvrez plus rapidement les sessions comportant un nombre élevé de fondus et bénéficiez d'une meilleure réactivité pour les fondus en temps réel
    Réduisez vos mix surround 5.1 en stéréo grâce au plug-in Down Mixer
    Exportez vos mix directement vers SoundCloud pour partager et promouvoir votre musique avec des internautes du monde entier
    Naviguez dans le Marketplace et achetez des plug-ins d'instrument virtuel, d'effet et de traitement audio
    Et bien plus encore !
    Pro Tools v 9.0.5 17 août 2011 Windows
    Pro Tools v 9.0.3 26 mai 2011 Windows
    Pro Tools v 9.0.2 10 mars 2011 Windows
    Acheter Pro Tools près de Columbus, United States chez:

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    june bug
    version 9.0.1, MacOS X Intel
    7 janv 2011: Attention la mise à jour en 9.0.1 cause un problème de MIDI sur 002 et 003. Avid a réalisé un correctif
    june bug
    version 9.0.1, MacOS X Intel
    January 7, 2011 Alert: MIDI issue on 003 and 002 with Pro Tools 9.0.1 on Mac OS X - This fix will reinstall the DigiDioMidiDriver.plug-in that was inadvertently deleted when performing a Pro Tools 9.0.1 install or upgrade. This plug-in is necessary for proper MIDI functionality on 002/003 interfaces.
    DigiDioMidiDriver.plugin Fix v9.0 (Mac) for 003 and 002 Family

    Autres Logiciels par Avid (48)

    Bomb Factory BF-3A
    Compresseur. Compresseur particulièrement adapté aux guitares, piano, voix et batterie. Plug-in au formats TDM, RTAS et Audiosuite.
    Bruno Reso
    Synthèse croisée. Bruno et Reso exploitent des techniques de synthèse croisée afin de synthétiser tout signal audio en temps réel, pour des résultats aussi uniques que...
    Classic Compressors Bundle
    Compresseurs. Les Classic Compressors Bomb Factory ressemblent aux vrais, sonnent comme les vrais, fonctionnent comme les vrais... - Bomb Factory BF-2A Le Bomb Factory BF-2A...
    Cosmonaut Voice
    Effet vocal spécial. Ce plug-in HTDM, RTAS et Audiosuite permet de créer des effets vocaux comme voix de téléphone, radio CB, voire transmissions interplanétaires...
    Effets rétro. D-Fi est une famille de quatre plug-ins TDM, RTAS et Audiosuite (Lo-Fi , Sci-Fi , Recti-Fi , et Vari-Fi) offrant des outils dédiés au design sonore. Alors que...
    Réverbération. D-Verb est un plug-in de réverbération pour Pro Tools. Il est inclus dans le bundle DigiRack depuis Pro Tools v6.0.
    Drawmer Dynamics
    Compresseur, limiteur, gate. 2 plug-ins TDM conçus d'après les unités analogiques Drawmer: -émulation du DS201: noise gate, gate, compresseur, limiteur -émulation du DL241(compresseur) et...
    Dynamics III
    Processeurs de dynamique. Suite de plug-ins conçus pour systèmes Pro Tools et systèmes Avid, comprenant un compresseur/limiteur, un expandeur/gate, un de-esser.
    Simulateur d'ampli guitare. Digidesign® Eleven est un ampli guitare virtuel en plug-in qui propose des émulations d'ampli guitare ultraréalistes, basées sur les amplis, les baffles et les...
    EQ III
    Eq. EQ III est un égaliseur haute-résolution avec double précision 48-bit. Il comporte 5 bandes entièrement paramétriques ainsi que de filtres LF et HF type shelving.
    Fairchild 660 and 670 Bundle
    Emulation de limiteurs à lampes. 2 plug-ins TDM, RTAS et Audiosuite simulant les limiteurs à lampes Fairchild.
    Focusrite d2 d3
    EQ multi-bandes et Compresseur Limiteur. Un bundle qui associe les plug-ins d'EQ et de compression d2 et d3 Focusrite. Focusrite d2: Offrant de multiples configurations modulaires, le d2 24 bits...
    Forte Suite
    Tranche de console en Plug-in. La Forte Suite est une tranche de console aux formats TDM et RTAS pour Protools HD et Protools LE, basée sur les légendaires consoles Focusrite Forte des années...
    Free Bomb Factory plug-ins
    Ensemble de sept plug-ins Bomb Factory. Contient: - Bomb Factory BF76 (compresseur/limiteur, anciennement Bomb Factory 1176), - Bomb Factory BF Essentials (Tuner, Clip Remover, Meter Bridge, Noise...
    émulation de chaleur et couleur analogique pour Pro Tools HD. Obtenez la chaleur et le caractère acoustique de l'analogique grâce à la technologie HEAT (Technologie algorithmique avec harmonie perfectionnée), un module...
    Compression sur bus de mixage. Ce compresseur est le premier plug-in TDM de Digidesign optimisé pour les cartes PCI HD Accel. C'est aussi le premier à apporter à Pro Tools une compression sur...
    Joemeek Bundle
    Compresseur et égaliseur. 2 plug-ins modélisés d'après le matériel analogique de Joe Meek - JOEMEEK SC2 Compressor : compresseur - JOEMEEK VC5 Meequalizer : égaliseur
    Limiteur Maximizer. Bien qu'adapté au master stéréo d'un mix, Maxim est suffisamment polyvalent pour être utilisé comme processeur de dynamique sur n'importe quel canal de...
    MDW Hi-Res Parametric EQ
    Egaliseur. Egaliseur paramétrique haute résolution pour systèmes Pro Tools, créé par George Massenburg. Il supporte une fréquence d'échantillonnage de 192kHz.
    Moogerfooger Bundle
    Simulations d'effets analogiques. 4 plug-ins TDM, RTAS et Audiosuite modélisant 4 effets analogiques par Bob Moog : - moogerfooger Ring Modulator : modulateur en anneau - moogerfooger Lowpass...
    Pro Compressor
    Compresseur. Pro Compressor est un compresseur basé sur la console Avid System 5 et le plug-in Channel Strip, auquel il ajoute de nombreuses fonctions et améliorations,...
    Pro Expander
    Expanseur de dynamique. Pro Expander est basé sur le plug-in Avid Channel Strip, auquel s'ajoute des fonctions et améliorations comme: - mode Look ahead jusqu'à 15 millisecondes - mode...
    Pro Limiter
    Limiteur. Pro Limiter offre une variété de fonctions au-delà des possibilités de la plupart des limiteurs, permmettant un contrôle détaillé et nuancé du volume sonore du...
    Pro Multiband Dynamics
    Traitement dynamique multibandes. - compression/expansion upward et downward sur quatre bandes de fréquences - activation, désactivation, solo, bypass de chaque bande individuellement - contrôle...
    Pro Subharmonic
    Générateur d'infra-basses. Pro Subharmonic permet de générer des fréquences graves une octave plus bas que le signal source: - accordage fin du contenu fréquentiel de l'effet synthétisé à...
    Pultec bundle
    Egaliseurs. Bundle de trois plug-ins TDM, RTAS et Audiosuite qui simulent trois égaliseurs analogiques Pultec: Pultec EQP-1A, Pultec EQH-2, et Pultec MEQ-5
    Reel Tape Suite
    Simulation de matériel à bandes. Avec Reel Tape Suite, Digidesign apporte dans le domaine audionumérique la couleur et le punch inimitable de la bande magnétique. Cette collection de trois...
    Reverb One
    Réverbération. Reverb One est un processeur de reverb fabriqué par Digidesign pour satisfaire les professionnels. Spécificités: -réglages indépendants de niveau, temps de...
    Réverbération. ReVibe est un plug-in TDM de modélisation d'espaces acoustiques qui utilise les capacités de traitements des cartes PCI HD Accel. ReVibe propose neuf algorithmes...
    SamsAmp PSA-1
    Simulation d'ampli à lampes. Plug-in reproduisant l'ampli à lampes SamsAmp PS1-A.
    Outils d'analyse et metering. SignalTools est une suite d'outils d'analyse et metering multicanaux incluse dans la collection de plug-in DigiRack. Compatible avec les systèmes Pro Tools et...
    Slightly Rude Compressor
    Compresseur. Le Slightly Rude Compressor a été le premier compresseur de Bomb Factory entièrement original. Dans un emploi standard, il est adapté aux voix, batteries,...
    Compresseur et Limiteur. Smack! de Digidesign est un nouveau compresseur/limiteur destiné principalement à des applications musicales, mais adaptable aussi à toutes sortes de matériau...
    Réverbération à convolution. Le plug-in Space pour Pro Tools est une réverbération pour la production musicale et la post-production. De la salle de concert la plus vaste à la réverbération...
    Affichage des niveaux surround. SurroundScope apporte un affichage graphique du niveau de signal de chaque canal audio du champ sonore multicanal d'un mix de Pro Tools. L'afficheur de phase...
    Outil de manipulation audio. Synchronic est un outil de manipulation audio sous forme de plugin RTAS. Synchronic permet de facilement créer des effets de modification de rythme et de tempo....
    Tel-Ray Variable Delay
    Delay analogique. Emulation logicielle du Tel-Ray Variable Delay.
    Time Shift
    Time stretching et pitch shifting. Time Shift est un plug-in DigiRack gratuit au format AudioSuite destiné à apporter des fonctions de compression/expansion temporelle et de transposition de haute...
    TL Aggro
    Compresseur. Aggro est un compresseur versatile pour ProTools. Avec des réglages modérés il est doux et transparent, parfait pour les voix et les instruments acoustiques. Il...
    TL AutoPan
    Effets de panoramique stéréo et surround. TL AutoPan propose de nombreux effets de panoramique basés sur les unités de panning analogiques classiques, du plus subtil au plus extrême. Il emprunte les...
    TL Drum Rehab
    Correction de pistes de batterie. TL Drum Rehab est un outil d'amélioration des pistes de batteries en temps réel qui vous permettra aussi bien de subtiles améliorations que des remplacements...
    TL Everyphase
    Phaser. TL Everyphase est un plug-in RTAS et TDM qui produit des effets classiques de phasing analogique.
    TL Intune
    Accordeur Professionnel. Tl InTune est un tuner professionnel qui fournit un accordage précis et rapide pour un large éventail d'instruments musicaux directement à l'intérieur d'une...
    TL MasterMeter
    Vu-mètre. TL MasterMeter est un vu-mètre à oversampling pour ProTools au format TDM conçu pour le mixage et la masterisation.
    TL Metro
    Métronome Professionnel. TL Metro est un métronome puissant pour être utilisé avec Pro Tool au format RTAS. Vous pouvez choisir parmi un intervalle de sons de métronome pré-établis , ou...
    Voce Bundle
    Rotation, chorus, vibrato. 2 plug-ins TDM, RTAS et Audiosuite : Voce® Spin : simulation de haut-parleurs rotatifs Voce® Chorus/Vibrato : 3 réglages de chorus et 3 réglages de vibrato...
    Time stretching et pitch-shifting. X-Form de Digidesign est un plug-in de compression-expansion temporelle ou "timestretching" et de transposition de hauteur ou "pitchshifting". Disponible pour...
    Workstation de création sonore. Premier produit signé du nouvel Advanced Instrument Research Group de Digidesign®, Xpand! est une workstation dédiée à la création sonore offrant...

    Autres Applications iOS par Avid (1)

    For full instructions please see: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS • Qualified Mac or Windows-based computer...
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