
Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 9.7.3b1
Format App
Compatibilité LiveMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $499  /  499€
4.6 / 5 , 16 votes
Mis à jour le 13 mai 2017
Téléchargements 2 795
Télécharg. Mac 1 494
Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 9.7.3b1
Format App
Compatibilité LiveWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $499  /  499€
4.6 / 5 , 16 votes
Mis à jour le 13 mai 2017
Téléchargements 2 795
Télécharg. PC 1 301

Séquenceur Orienté Live

Séquenceur de boucles audio orienté pour le direct, permettant d'ajuster le tempo et la hauteur de ces boucles en temps réel.
Il est pilotable par MIDI pour déclencher les différentes boucles.
Il bénéficie d'une automation complète des volumes, panoramiques et autres paramètres d'effets.
Il est livré avec des Plug-ins d'effets au format propriétaire et est compatible avec le format Plug-in VST et Rewire.
Mac OS X 10.7 or later
Windows 7 or Windows 8
Live Live v 9.7.3b1 13 mai 2017 MacOS X Intel

Previously, copying or duplicating an Arrangement clip created unwanted automation for some third-party AU plug-in parameters, if they were not yet automated.
Fixed a crash that would occur after creating a MIDI feedback loop with a VST plug-in.
Previously, the global launch quantization setting would not be recalled correctly after performing an undo/redo, or after a crash occurred.
In case no audio driver is selected (OSX) or no ASIO driver is available (Windows), the "Show Link Toggle" button is disabled in Live's Preferences.
Ableton Live Live v 9.7.2b4 1 avril 2017 MacOS X Intel
9.7.2b4 Release Notes

Fixed a rare crash which might occur at startup, under certain circumstances.

9.7.2b3 Release Notes

Fixed a bug which prevented auto updates from working on Windows 10.

9.7.2b2 Release Notes
Improvements and feature changes:

Added support for the Arturia MiniLab MkII control surface. In order for the script to function correctly, it is recommended to update the Minilab MkII Firmware to the latest version available.
Ableton Live v 9.7.2b1 19 févr. 2017 MacOS X Intel
9.7.2b1 Release Notes

If a dropdown or context menu was open in Live, pressing CMD+Shift+- on a Mac OS would cause Live to crash.
The GUI would appear laggy when zooming in audio tracks and moving the zooming hotspot on Windows if the files were being streamed from a hard drive.
Fixed a bug that caused Live to crash when opening a context menu in a device chain containing no instruments.
Fixed a bug which prevented changing the text color in Drum Rack return chains to white when the chain's color was dark.
Fixed a graphical glitch that occurred when hovering over automation segments drawn on top of a waveform. The glitch was visible in Detail View (in both the Arrangement and Session View), and would only appear in automation segments not covering the full track height.
Disabled audio and MIDI meters were not correctly shown as grayed out in the routing choosers
When Live's authorization was not successful, the dialog box could erroneously confirm it as successful.
boucles Live v 9.7.1b1 23 oct. 2016 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Improved sound and timing of Complex and Complex Pro warp modes.
Added Control Surface support for M-Audio Code and CTRL49.


Fixed a bug where unavailable routings were not grayed out.
Live would crash when performing 'Undo' after grouping chains in a Rack.
Fixed a bug that prevented certain units (e.g "ms") from being displayed in an Audio Unit's parameter value text.
Fixed an error in the software text for the Spanish language.
Launching playback in Live right after enabling Link would force all other apps to adjust their tempo.
format Live v 9.7b9 2 oct. 2016 MacOS X Intel

Fixed a crash which might occur when deleting a Simpler device or an audio Clip during playback.
Fixed an error in a text dialog for the Japanese language.
Some audio clips from the Core Library would open in the wrong tempo.
The Scale device preset "Phrygian Mode" contained one incorrect note.
d'effets Live v 9.7b6 3 sept. 2016 MacOS X Intel

Loading certain Max for Live devices could cause the Live GUI to malfunction.
Live might crash when instantiating the Outer Spaces Max for Live device.
Fixed a crash that could occur when using the 'x2', ':2', or "Warp As" controls in Simpler, if there was no sample present.
Slices would not update correctly on the Simpler GUI when the user performed a ':2' or 'x2' action, if Slice by Beats was selected.
When converting Simpler to Sampler, the Sample Start marker would be visually misplaced.
The signal of send for grouped tracks would be doubled (+6dB), if the track's output was routed to Master and the respective Return track ‘Pre/Post’ toggle was set to Pre.
When dragging unwarped Clips over the section of a song where the tempo was automated from a low value to a higher one, Clips stored in the clipboard would appear after the dragged Clip.
Using 3 APC 40 units in ‘Combination Mode’ would cause LEDs on the APCs to flash erratically.
quenceur Live v 9.6.2b5 25 juin 2016 MacOS X Intel

When running as a ReWire slave, Live would not stream audio to the ReWire master anymore.
orient Live v 9.6.2b4 15 juin 2016 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Updated the Live manual and a number of lessons and info texts.


Restored the correct MIDI mapping for the Launchpad User mode 2.
When triggering a recording with count-in enabled, Simpler could start playing back Warped samples from the wrong position.
telecharger Live v 9.6.2b2 19 mai 2016 MacOS X Intel

When duplicating a track, Clip modulation would not play back for the newly created track.
Operator's 'Shaper Drive' and 'Shaper Dry/Wet' would expose the wrong parameter name when mapped to Macros.
Fixed a rare crash which could occur when using Complex or Pro Warp modes.
mac Live v 9.6.2b1 5 mai 2016 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

The ‘Link’ icon in Live's main UI now behaves like a button, toggling the Link feature on and off. This button only appears if Link is enabled in the Preferences.
The ‘EXT’ button is no longer hidden when the Link button is shown.
Enabling Link disables EXT and vice versa. Loading a new Set disables Link.
Improved the responsiveness of the Tuner device.


The Session Ring would be displayed when selecting certain Control Surfaces, even if no valid input and output MIDI ports were enabled in the respective Control Surfaces menus.
If the End Marker of a Clip preceded the Loop End Marker and Clip Loop was on, recording this Clip in arrangement could lead to a wrong result.
Fixed a bug which caused Live to hang when loading certain Live Sets.
Fixed a bug in Max for Live which prevented 'fold_state' and devices in Drum Rack Chains from being declared.
The APC 40 Session Ring would reset to the top left of Live's Session View when adding or removing another Control Surface.
The Launchpad Pro User mode would not send MIDI notes into tracks anymore.
The Launchpad User mode 2 would not send MIDI notes into tracks anymore.
windows Live v 9.6.1 16 avril 2016 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Reduced CPU peak loads when launching, stopping or scrubbing clips, when clicking the "Back to Arrangement" button, when editing a running clip.
Improved CPU spikes caused by external MIDI inputs on OSX.
Improved the reliability and priority of the audio thread when using ASIO drivers. This contributes a noticeable performance improvement and fixes a few cases where Live would drop out when using certain audio interfaces.
Improved the performance of Ableton Devices on Windows.


Live could crash when exporting audio or freezing, if Simpler contained a very long audio file.
Live would crash when performing 'Undo' after dragging a sample onto Simpler's breakout view.
Occasionally, the grid lines for certain devices (e.g the Frequency Display in EQ Eight, the Bandpass Display in Overdrive) would not be drawn under the 64-bit version on Windows
Reversing an audio Clip twice before the sample analysis completed caused the sample to be greyed out.
Certain Audio Unit parameters would show the wrong value in the Device View after instantiation.
With audio buffer sizes larger than 512 Samples, values sent by the APC40 and APC40 Mk2 encoders would cause the mapped Live parameters to behave erratically.
Device selection would stop working when using Control Surfaces based on User Remote Scripts.
Touching the Mod Wheel would stop transport when using the Arturia Keylab Control Surfaces.
Under certain circumstances, the Launchpad Pro might not initialize correctly.
Fixed a bug which prevented Max for Live devices from grabbing the Launchpad Pro matrix in the available User modes.
Fixed a bug which prevented Max for Live devices from grabbing the Launchpad matrix in the available User modes.
macintosh Live v 9.6.1b6 26 mars 2016 MacOS X Intel

Device selection would stop working when using Control Surfaces based on User Remote Scripts.
Live could crash if Simpler contained a very long audio file.
Occasionally, the grid lines for certain devices (e.g the Frequency Display in EQ Eight, the Bandpass Display in Overdrive) would not be drawn under the 64-bit version on Windows.
The Complex and Complex Pro Warp algorithms that were updated and optimized in 9.6.1b1 have been rolled back to the previous version, as the new algorithms could produce audio artefacts under some circumstances.
pc Live v 9.6.1b4 26 févr. 2016 MacOS X Intel

Live would crash when performing 'Undo' after dragging a sample onto Simpler's breakout view.
Improved the performance of Ableton Devices on Windows.
Reversing an audio Clip twice before the sample analysis completed caused the sample to be greyed out.
Live v 9.6.1b2 18 févr. 2016 MacOS X Intel

Under certain circumstances Live could crash on OSX when importing an audio file, if this was associated to a pre existing '.asd' file. This bugfix also further improves timing errors when using Complex and Pro Warp modes.
With audio buffer sizes larger than 512 Samples, values sent by the APC40 and APC40 Mk2 encoders would cause the mapped Live parameters to behave erratically.
Fixed a bug which prevented Max for Live devices from grabbing the Launchpad Pro matrix in the available User modes.
Live v 9.6.1 12 févr. 2016 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Complex and Pro Warp algorithms have been updated and optimized in order to reduce CPU spikes following the start of a Clip or Simpler voice, especially when transposing or stretching a lot. The update also fixes a number of scenarios where timing issues or artefacts could have taken place.
Reduced CPU peak loads when launching, stopping or scrubbing clips, when clicking the "back to arrangement" button, when editing a running clip.
Improved CPU spikes caused by external MIDI input on OSX.
Improved the reliability and priority of the audio thread when using ASIO drivers. This contributes a noticeable performance improvement and fixes a few cases where Live would drop out when using certain audio interfaces.


Certain Audio Unit parameters would show the wrong value in the Device View after instantiation.
Touching the Mod Wheel would stop transport when using the Arturia Keylab Control Surfaces.
Under certain circumstances, the Launchpad Pro might not initialize correctly.
Fixed a bug which prevented to grab the Launchpad matrix in the available User modes from Max for Live devices.
Live v 9.6 7 févr. 2016 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Introduced Link, a technology which keeps devices in sync when connected to the same network. A 'Link' section has been added to the Link/MIDI preferences tab.
Link and The Bridge prevent each other from starting once switched on. Moreover, Link and The Bridge both switch off External sync when activated.
Link, The Bridge and External Sync are not available when Live runs as a ReWire slave.
The Python framework has been updated to support Python 2.7.
Added control surface support for the Arturia KeyLab series, Arturia BeatStep and Arturia MiniLab.
Added Control Surface support for the Alesis VX series.
When tweaking Warp mode specific parameters in Simpler (i.e. grain size, flux), these are now updated in real time. Previously, these would be only updated on a per-note basis.
Improved the time required to slice an audio sample to a Drum Rack.
Slicing visualization improvements and other minor cosmetic tweaks for Simpler and Sampler.
While samples are offline or still decoding, Slice to Drum Rack and Slice to new Midi Track from Simpler are disabled.
Add a preference to re-enable random clip colors.
Updated fonts and added a number of special characters.
The Live 8 Legacy Mode in Operator has been renamed to something more meaningful.
Performance improvements in waveform rendering.


Recovering Live sets after a crash would not succeed under certain circumstances.
Live could hang at launch while displaying the splash screen on Windows 10.
Live would crash on OSX 10.11 when a user closed the second window while it was shown in fullscreen mode.
Tracks created by dragging and dropping a Rack or Rack preset will now correctly be assigned with a new track color.
Live might become unresponsive on OSX if no Max application could be found. Furthermore, Live would not find Max 7 on its own on Windows.
Live could hang when loading sets referencing Max devices, if these were saved with Max 6.1.7 or earlier.
Audio files would not retain the color saved in the respective .asd file when dropped into a track.
Replaced one redundant color in the Live color sequence.
Simpler would cause an unusual high memory usage if the user had set 'Complex' as the default mode for Warping.
Live would crash when converting a sliced Simpler to a Drum Rack from within an Instrument Rack.
Live would crash when cropping samples in Sampler.
A crash could take place when playing back sliced samples in Simpler, if 'Snap' had previously been activated in Classic or One-Shot mode.
A crash could occur when dragging the Start Marker to the very end of a file in Simpler and playing back a warped, looped sample with 'Snap' active.
Live could crash when playing back warped samples in Simpler. The crash would occur when a new note began playing at the exact same time that another playing note was ending, if that also choked or retriggered the previous note.
When slicing an audio Clip to a Sampler based slicing preset, all slices would be assigned to the same root note.
Simpler's playhead could jump unexpectedly when starting the transport while playing back warped samples.
Dragging a selection of an arrangement clip into Simpler now sets the start and end flags according to the selection.
Snap is automatically disabled when slicing a Simpler to a Drum Rack. This ensures that the sound of playback does not change after slicing a Simpler to a Drum Rack.
Changing Simpler's playback mode via the keyboard would not be undoable.
When dragging the Simpler start flag towards the end of the sample, this would overlap with the End flag, which then could not be clicked nor dragged anymore. The same behavior occurred the other way around (the End flag might have covered the Start flag).
The text in the Simpler 'Warp As' button would not be displayed properly when running Live in a language other than English.
Fixes a crash which might happen in conjunction with Complex / Pro modes.
Improved the CPU performance of Complex and Pro when playing back short loops. Note that while Clip loops are limited to at least 1/16 note in length, simpler loops can be as small as 50 samples.
Reduced audible artifacts and improved timing for samples warped with Complex and Complex Pro.
The OSR filter might produce unwanted artefacts when used with high frequency and resonance settings.
The modulation destinations for the new legacy filters in Simpler and Operator are now hidden and updated correctly when upgrading a device.
The spread pitch control is now disabled if Simpler is using Re-Pitch as warping mode.
Live v 9.6b2 28 janv. 2016 MacOS X Intel
9.6b2 Release Notes
Changes for Push:

Under certain circumstances the record button on Push 2 would not pulse while Arrangement Record was active.

9.6b1 Release Notes

When dragging the Simpler start flag towards the end of the sample, this would overlap with the End flag, which then could not be clicked nor dragged anymore. The same behavior occurred the other way around (the End flag might have covered the Start flag).
Live could crash when playing back audio files with sample rate below 44.100Hz, if these were warped with Complex or Pro.
Live v 9.5.1b6 23 déc. 2015 MacOS X Intel

A crash could occur when dragging the Start Marker to the very end of a file in Simpler and playing back a warped, looped sample with 'Snap' active.
Changing Simpler's playback mode via the keyboard would not be undoable.
Live could hang when loading Live Sets with large numbers of multisample parts.
Live would crash on OSX 10.11 when a user closed the second window while it was shown in fullscreen mode.
Live v 9.5.1b5 17 déc. 2015 MacOS X Intel

Recovering Live sets after a crash would not succeed under certain circumstances.
Dragging a selection of an arrangement clip into Simpler now sets the start and end flags according to the selection.
Snap is automatically disabled when slicing a Simpler to a Drum Rack. This ensures that the sound of playback does not change after slicing a Simpler to a Drum Rack.
Live could crash when playing back warped samples in Simpler. The crash would occur when a new note began playing at the exact same time that another playing note was ending, if that also choked or retriggered the previous note.
Reduced audible artifacts and improved timing for samples warped with Complex and Complex Pro.
When using Link, the Driver Error Compensation value was previously used to adjust the latency compensation for the sync, whenever an audio driver did not report its latency correctly. This is not the case anymore and the Master track delay can be used instead.
Live v 9.5.1b3 5 déc. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Added control surface support for the Arturia KeyLab series, Arturia BeatStep and Arturia MiniLab.
When tweaking Warp mode specific parameters in Simpler (i.e. grain size, flux), these are now updated in real time. Previously, these would be only updated on a per-note basis.
Add a preference to re-enable random clip colors.
When joined a Link session, dropping a sample or clip into a blank/default live set will not change the set tempo.
Updated various info texts.


The OSR filter might produce unwanted artefacts when used with high frequency and resonance settings.
Audio files would not retain the color saved in the respective .asd file when dropped into a track.
Simpler's playhead could jump unexpectedly when starting the transport while playing back warped samples.
Fixed an issue which might cause incorrect timing for samples warped with Complex.
A crash could take place when playing back sliced samples in Simpler, if 'Snap' had previously been activated in Classic or One-Shot mode.
Live v 9.5.1b2 20 nov. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Introduced Link, a technology which keeps devices in sync when connected to the same network.
A 'Link' section has been added to the Link/MIDI preferences tab.
Link and The Bridge prevent each other from starting once switched on.
Link and The Bridge both switch off External sync when activated.
Link, The Bridge and External Sync are not available when Live runs as a ReWire slave.


The spread pitch control is now disabled if Simpler is using Re-Pitch as warping mode.
Live would crash when converting a sliced Simpler to a Drum Rack from within an Instrument Rack.
When slicing an audio Clip to a Sampler based slicing preset, all slices would be assigned to the same root note.
The text in the Simpler 'Warp As' button would not be displayed properly when running Live in a language other than English.
Simpler would cause an unusual high memory usage if the user had set 'Complex' as the default mode for Warping.
Live v 9.5.1b1 10 nov. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

The Python framework has been updated to support Python 2.7.
Improved the time required to slice an audio sample to a Drum Rack.
Updated fonts and added a number of special characters.
The Live 8 Legacy Mode in Operator has been renamed to something more meaningful.
Performance improvements in waveform rendering.
Slicing visualization improvements and other minor cosmetic tweaks for Simpler and Sampler.
While samples are offline or still decoding, Slice to Drum Rack and Slice to new Midi Track from Simpler are disabled.


Live might become unresponsive on OSX if no Max application can be found. Furthermore, Live would not find Max 7 on its own on Windows.
Live could hang when loading sets referencing Max devices, if these were saved with Max 6.1.7 or earlier.
Tracks created by dragging and dropping a Rack or Rack preset will now correctly be assigned with a new track color.
Fixes a crash which might happen in conjunction with Complex / Pro modes.
Live could hang at launch while displaying the splash screen on Windows 10.
The modulation destinations for the new legacy filters in Simpler and Operator are now hidden and updated correctly when upgrading a device.
Improved the CPU performance of Complex and Pro when playing back short loops. Note that while Clip loops are limited to at least 1/16 note in length, simpler loops can be as small as 50 samples.
Live would crash when cropping samples in Sampler.
Live v 9.5 5 nov. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Improved Waveforms: these now look smooth during zoom operations as well as during recording.
Improved meters: the track volume meters now show both peak and RMS levels.
Improved colouring: tracks are now automatically coloured, and new Clips take their track’s color.
The ‘Auto assign Clip Color’ preference is replaced by ‘Auto assign Track Color’, which determines if a newly created track gets a color from the song's color sequence assigned or a fixed color chosen by the user.
Simpler has been completely overhauled with a new interface, Warping, slicing, and new analog modelled filters build in conjunction with Cytomic.
New analog-modeled filters based on classic vintage hardware models capable of self resonating, feedback and distortion are added to Simpler/Sampler, Auto Filter and Operator.
The Core Library has been updated with new Drum Kits and new presets for Simpler, Operator, Analog, Auto Filter and Audio Effect Racks.
Audio Effect Racks now load with devices hidden.
Sets created with 9.5 will not be openable in pre-9.5 versions of Live. When trying to Save a set created with a previous version in 9.5, a dialog will appear and it will only be possible to Save under a different name.
Added the option "Preserve Warped Timing" in the Slice to new MIDI track dialog.
A breakout view is added for Simpler. The breakout view can only be displayed when Simpler has a valid sample
The Warped waveform is displayed accordingly in Simpler.
Added a button in the Simpler breakout which warps the region between the sample's start and end markers as a certain number of bars.
Added 1/2 and x2 warped length buttons in Simpler.
Added One Shot mode in Simpler.
Slicing mode has been added to Simpler. When active, all transients between start and end flags will be used for generating the slices
It is now possible to normalize a sample via a context menu option by right clicking on Simpler's waveform.
Added the possibility to slicing to a Drum Rack from Simpler.
A sample volume control (Gain) is now added to Simpler.
When loading a Simpler, Auto Filter or Operator preset created with a previous Live version, the devices will work in legacy mode, in order to preserve the original sound. An “Upgrade button” will activate the new filters. The filters will be automatically upgraded if these were not active in the preset.
Drum pads inherit Warp on/off when slicing a Simpler to Drum Rack.
If Simpler in Slicing mode is set to one voice only of if its playback mode is set to “mono”, choke is activated once converted to a Drum Rack.
Added Trigger or Gate mode for Samples in One Shot/Slice Modes
It is now possible to reverse a sample in Simpler via a context menu option.
Creating a multi selection for a number of chains in a Drum Rack enables setting the choke group for all chains at once.
When instantiating a plug-in, up to 64 parameters get configured automatically now.
A parameter configuration can now be saved as a default per AU or VST plug-in. This is done via a new context menu entry available in Live's plug-in device. The default configurations are stored in a "Plug-In Configurations" folder under "User Library/Defaults".
Improved performance when drawing waveforms for large sets with many clips.
Introduced a limitation to how many time a sample can be sped up or slowed down via ":2" or "x2" respectively, in order to save CPU power.
Improved the automation smoothing for the new filters in Simpler, Operator and Auto Filter.
Removed the limitation to the amount of transposition affecting samples when using Complex or Complex Pro.
The error dialog Live throws when users try to save a Default Device / Track while no User Library is available has been improved.


It is not possible to inadvertently save a Live Set to the Trash anymore.
The 'Warp as x bars' feature is improved so to provide more musical and predictable values.
Light blue color tones have changed to avoid being confused with the selection color when using the default Live skin.
Artifacts might be introduced when transposing samples warped with Complex / Pro.
Specific plug-ins would have triggered Live to configure non-functional parameters after a preset change.
Live v 9.2.2b3 18 août 2015 MacOS X Intel

Under certain circumstances Live 64 bit could crash while scanning VST plugins, after changing the input audio device or when opening a VST plugin window, especially when working with large Live Sets or if the program had been running for a very long time.
Live v 9.2.2b1 5 août 2015 MacOS X Intel

Replaced the icon for Current Project in the browser sidebar.
Live would crash when dragging a Clip in the Groove Pool.
Audio Units would stop passing audio after changing the sample rate.
Live v 9.2b12 12 juin 2015 MacOS X Intel

Fixed a problem which might introduce differences in timing in Clips warped with Complex or Pro with previous Live versions.
Live v 9.2b11 6 juin 2015 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

The feature “Warp as 'x' bars" has been adjusted to provide more musical values.
New 606 & 808 Impulse presets have been added to the Core Library.
Core Library Audio Clips now load with HiQ enabled and Fade disabled.


Automation was not compensated for the Chain Selector and the Device Activator in Instrument and Effect Racks.
Track meters Peak Levels would not be updated if the tracks were hidden.
Peak Levels in External Instrument and External Audio Effect devices would only be updated if these were displayed in Device View.
Track meters would flicker when resizing tracks in Session View.
A number of parameters in Sampler and Operator would not be correctly compensated if “Reduced Latency when Monitoring” was active.
Notes at the beginning of Clips would not be triggered when rendering or freezing tracks containing Max for Live devices or third party plugins.
Live v 9.1.9 4 juin 2015 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Added control surface support for Novation Launchkey MK2
Live v 9.2b10 23 mai 2015 MacOS X Intel

The Push touch strip could send pitch bend MIDI data also in Session mode.
Impulse "Time" parameter would affect the global pitch instead of the global time.
Live v 9.2b9 13 mai 2015 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Automation latency compensation is now also implemented for Simpler, Sampler and Impulse.


Remote mappings via a Max for Live device would not work for toggle parameters anymore.
Minor adjustments to the translations of Clip context menus.
Live v 9.2b8 28 avril 2015 MacOS X Intel
9.2b8 Release Notes

When warping a sample with Complex or Complex Pro, phase differences between left and right channel would be introduced whenever a portion of the sample would be played back at a different speed.
Overdrive would report a wrong latency value, thus would not correctly be compensated.
Saturator and Dynamic Tube would report a wrong latency value when operating in High Quality / Oversampling mode, thus would not correctly be compensated.
Redux would report a wrong latency value when in Soft mode, thus would not correctly be compensated.

9.2b7 Release Notes

Under certain circumstances, the output of an audio Clip would be slightly delayed when warped with Complex or Complex Pro.
A number of device toggles (e.g. Tuner's Target/Strobe and Hz/ct) would not correctly display the respective labels when certain Live skins were in use.
Live v 9.2b6 21 avril 2015 MacOS X Intel

A Live Set might become corrupt when saved after a crash recovery, if the original Live Set had meanwhile been modified by a different Live instance.
Live v 9.1.8 17 avril 2015 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Added control surface support for Alesis V and VI keyboards.
Live will not auto-update to versions above 9.1.8 when installed on legacy OS versions. Affected operating systems are: Windows XP, Windows Vista, OSX 10.5 and OSX 10.6.
Live v 9.2b5 8 avril 2015 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Most presets in “Sounds” and all presets in Operator have been updated to react to Aftertouch and/or Modwheel data.
Updated 808 and 909 Kits with better sounding Kicks and Snares
Updated lessons and info texts.


Phasing issues would occur when playing back the beginning of an audio Clip, if this was being warped with Complex.
The option "Reduced Latency When Monitoring" would not work anymore if used in tracks which contained Instrument or Effect Racks, or a Spectrum device.
Live v 9.2b4 12 mars 2015 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Added support for the Roland A-PRO keyboard series


Improved Warp tempo detection and downbeat detection
Latencies in MIDI tracks or instrument chains without instruments are now shown correctly. Furthermore, the latency of a device's sidechain input is not included anymore in the shown latency.
Minor GUI bugfixes for high resolution displays.
Minor improvements to the Tuner GUI.
Live v 9.2b3 5 mars 2015 MacOS X Intel

The preferences settings "Start Transport with Record” and "Start Transport with Tap Tempo" have been changed to "Start Playback with Record" and “Start Playback with Tap Tempo"
Fixed a bug which could cause graphics glitches and crashes on OSX when using high resolution displays.
Updated lessons and info texts.
Live v 9.2b2 28 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Added the Tuner Device to the Live audio effects.
Added a "Start Transport with Tap Tempo" preference to determine if Tap Tempo is going to activate playback.
Improved tempo detection for warped audio files where the tempo appears to be constant.
Improved the sound of Complex and Complex Pro Warp modes.
Added the option "Warp Selection as x-Bar Loop" in the context menu when right clicking on a time selection inside an audio clip.
Live Sets that contain Max for Live devices or third-party plug-ins now have lower latency.
Automation and Modulation are now fully latency compensated.
Modifying the Arrangement loop brace with mouse or keys will not affect the current track selection, while previously all tracks were selected as soon as the braces where adjusted with the mouse.
Dropped compatibility for Windows XP and Vista, OS X 10.5 and 10.6.


When switching between Note and Scene mode with the APC20, the Pad LEDs would occasionally not update correctly.
The Session Ring would not be entirely displayed on screen anymore when navigating through tracks if the Live Set contained folded Group tracks.
Fixed a bug in the Axiom Air 25, 49 and 61 Control Surface remote script, where the Send mix mode controlled the available Sends for the currently selected channel, instead of controlling Send A for the first 8 channels.
Fixed a bug in the MPK Control Surface remote script, where the Record Arm button had to be pressed twice to be toggled, and Exclusive Arm would not work.
Fixed a bug in the Vestax VCM600 Control Surface remote script, where the Punch In and Punch Out controls would work only as momentary toggles.
Fixed a bug which caused artefacts in the waveform visualisation when increasing the Gain on low amplitude audio clips.
Live would not display bluetooth audio devices in the Input and Output device menu under Preferences-->Audio
When controlling a number of mixer or device parameters via Aftertouch, crackles could be noticed in the audio stream.
The Live browser "All Results" label would not remember the settings for the optional second column.
Fixed a rare crash which might happen on OS X with certain input sources.
Fixed a crash which might occur when deleting several Max for Live devices from a Live Set at once.
Live would crash when quitting the application while renaming a Groove in the Groove Pool.
Live v 9.2b1 25 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Added the Tuner Device to the Live audio effects.
Added a "Start Transport with Tap Tempo" preference to determine if Tap Tempo is going to activate playback.
Improved tempo detection for warped audio files where the tempo appears to be constant.
Improved the sound of Complex and Complex Pro Warp modes.
Added the option "Warp Selection as x-Bar Loop" in the context menu when right clicking on a time selection inside an audio clip.
Live Sets that contain Max for Live devices or third-party plug-ins now have lower latency.
Automation and Modulation are now fully latency compensated.
Modifying the Arrangement loop brace with mouse or keys will not affect the current track selection, while previously all tracks were selected as soon as the braces where adjusted with the mouse.
Dropped compatibility for Windows XP and Vista, OS X 10.5 and 10.6.


When switching between Note and Scene mode with the APC20, the Pad LEDs would occasionally not update correctly.
The Session Ring would not be entirely displayed on screen anymore when navigating through tracks if the Live Set contained folded Group tracks.
Fixed a bug in the Axiom Air 25, 49 and 61 Control Surface remote script, where the Send mix mode controlled the available Sends for the currently selected channel, instead of controlling Send A for the first 8 channels.
Fixed a bug in the MPK Control Surface remote script, where the Record Arm button had to be pressed twice to be toggled, and Exclusive Arm would not work.
Fixed a bug in the Vestax VCM600 Control Surface remote script, where the Punch In and Punch Out controls would work only as momentary toggles.
Fixed a bug which caused artefacts in the waveform visualisation when increasing the Gain on low amplitude audio clips.
Live would not display bluetooth audio devices in the Input and Output device menu under Preferences-->Audio
When controlling a number of mixer or device parameters via Aftertouch, crackles could be noticed in the audio stream.
The Live browser "All Results" label would not remember the settings for the optional second column.
Fixed a rare crash which might happen on OS X with certain input sources.
Fixed a crash which might occur when deleting several Max for Live devices from a Live Set at once.
Live would crash when quitting the application while renaming a Groove in the Groove Pool.
Live v 9.1.8b1 15 janv. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Added control surface support for Alesis V and VI keyboards.
Live v 9.1.7 7 janv. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Added control surface support for M-Audio Oxygen 4th generation controllers.


When choosing “All Individual Tracks” in the Export Audio/Video dialog, tracks using the External Instrument device would not be exported correctly.
Fixed a bug which caused modulations for arrangement clips to disappear when undoing and redoing after duplicating a track.
Improved fonts for Retina displays (Mac OS X only).
Improved graphics for the Track Status Display and the Plug-in browser icon on Retina displays (Mac OS X only).
Fixed a graphics problem which could occur on OS X 10.10 Yosemite when a Max for Live device was instantiated directly at application launch, e.g. by double-clicking an .als file or by having a template set containing a Max for Live device.
Fixed a graphics problem which could occur on OS X 10.10 Yosemite when opening the "Export Audio/Video" dialogue and having the "Zoom Display" preference set to a value higher than 100%.
The Simpler instrument could lose certain macro mappings after converting a Sampler to Simpler and then enabling Simpler's Pitch Envelope.
Fixed the spacing of the "Hz" icon on Simpler's LFO Rate switch on Retina displays
Under certain conditions, the Tension instrument could produce unwanted noise bursts after loading a preset and then playing the first note.
Live could crash when undoing and redoing after importing a clip or a track containing automation from the browser. Live would also keep crashing when recovering the Live Set from the undo file.
Fixed a crash which could occur with the iZotope "Trash 2" VST plug-in on Windows.
Fixed a crash which might occur on Windows while Live scans or loads certain UAD plugins.
Live v 9.1.7b4 16 déc. 2014 MacOS X Intel

Fixed a crash which might occur on Windows while Live scans or loads certain UAD plugins.
When choosing “Selected Tracks Only” in the Export Audio/Video dialog, tracks using the External Instrument device would not be exported.
Live v 9.1.7b3 4 déc. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Added control surface support for M-Audio Oxygen 4th generation controllers.


Fixed a bug which caused modulations for arrangement clips to disappear when undoing and redoing after duplicating a track.
Live could crash when undoing and redoing after importing a clip or a track containing automation from the browser. Live would also keep crashing when recovering the Live Set from the undo file.
Live v 9.1.7b2 14 nov. 2014 MacOS X Intel

Improved fonts for Retina displays (Mac OS X only).
Improved graphics for the Track Status Display and the Plug-in browser icon on Retina displays (Mac OS X only).
Fixed a graphics problem which could occur on OS X 10.10 Yosemite when a Max for Live device was instantiated directly at application launch, e.g. by double-clicking an .als file or by having a template set containing a Max for Live device.
Fixed a graphics problem which could occur on OS X 10.10 Yosemite when opening the "Export Audio/Video" dialogue and having the "Zoom Display" preference set to a value higher than 100%.
Live v 9.1.7b1 11 nov. 2014 MacOS X Intel

Under certain conditions, the Tension instrument could produce unwanted noise bursts after loading a preset and then playing the first note.
Fixed a crash which could occur with the iZotope "Trash 2" VST plug-in on Windows.
The Simpler instrument could lose certain macro mappings after converting a Sampler to Simpler and then enabling Simpler's Pitch Envelope.
Fixed the spacing of the "Hz" icon on Simpler's LFO Rate switch on Retina displays
Live v 9.1.6 31 oct. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Improved graphics for Retina displays. Note that this requires a Mac with OS X 10.7.4 “Lion” or higher.
Added native full screen support for Mac OS X. Note that this requires 10.9 Mavericks or higher and having the option "Displays have separate Spaces" enabled in OS X' Mission Control system preferences (this is the system's default). The keyboard shortcut for toggling full-screen mode has been changed accordingly to CTRL+CMD+F, which is the operating system’s default. Users with older OS X versions and Windows users are not affected by this change.
It’s now possible to export selected tracks by choosing ‘Selected Tracks Only’ in the ‘Export Audio / Video’ dialogue box. The option ‘Individual Tracks’ is still available as well, but has been renamed to ‘All Individual Tracks’.
Improved Max application chooser in Live’s ‘File Folder' preferences pane to be compatible with the folder structure of Max 7 application bundles.
Updated info texts and manuals.


Fixed a bug that could cause memory leaks and an unusually high CPU load when running Live as a ReWire slave on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
Some chooser controls would clip the right side of an active entry when closed, e.g. the Auto Filter’s ‘Shape’ chooser would cut off the rightmost line of the square or saw icon.
Clicking on a certain area at the bottom of a track volume slider in Live’s mixer would sometimes cause the slider to move to an unwanted position.
Changing the screen resolution while running Live in full-screen mode would not reset Live’s window to the correct size and still show the window’s title bar. This is now fixed.
Fixed a crash that could occur under certain conditions when loading Live sets containing a large amount of VST plug-ins and Max for Live devices.
Fixed a crash that could occur when hovering over an automation breakpoint or segment on the first automation lane of an Arrangement track and then forcing another automation to be shown on the same lane, e.g. by tweaking a different parameter using a MIDI controller.
Max for Live devices would not pass an “All Notes Off” message to the subsequent devices in a device chain when the Max for Live device was turned off.
VST plug-ins that have a MIDI output would not be able to output a CC 123 MIDI message ("All Notes Off").
Max for Live MIDI effect devices would not be correctly latency-compensated when the device was turned off and the device had an additional latency defined in its patcher inspector.
The “Session Zoom” feature, which allows to move Live’s Session ring by multiple tracks / scenes at once with certain MIDI control surfaces would stop working under certain conditions.
Live v 9.1.6b4 24 oct. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Improved Max application chooser in Live’s ‘File Folder' preferences pane to be compatible with the folder structure of Max 7 application bundles.
Live v 9.1.6b3 17 oct. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Updated info texts and manuals.
(Mac only) OS X native full screen support now requires to have the option "Displays have separate Spaces" enabled in OS X' Mission Control system preferences. When disabled, Live will switch back to the old full screen behavior as known from Live 9.1.5 or older. This fixes a problem where the Live window could become entirely black when entering full screen mode.


VST plug-ins that have a MIDI output would not be able to output a CC 123 MIDI message ("All Notes Off").
Live v 9.1.6b2 4 oct. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Several icons have been improved for Retina displays on Mac OS X.
Live v 9.1.6b1 23 sept. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Improved graphics for Retina displays. Note that this requires a Mac with OS X 10.7.4 “Lion” or higher.
Added native full screen support for users of Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks or higher. The keyboard shortcut for toggling full-screen mode has been changed accordingly to CTRL+CMD+F, which is the operating system’s default. Users with older OS X versions and Windows users are not affected by this change.
It’s now possible to export selected tracks by choosing ‘Selected Tracks Only’ in the ‘Export Audio / Video’ dialogue box. The option ‘Individual Tracks’ is still available as well, but has been renamed to ‘All Individual Tracks’.


Fixed a bug that could cause memory leaks and an unusually high CPU load when running Live as a ReWire slave on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
Indexing folders in Live’s browser would sometimes not work on OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
Some chooser controls would clip the right side of an active entry when closed, e.g. the Auto Filter’s ‘Shape’ chooser would cut off the rightmost line of the square or saw icon.
Clicking on a certain area at the bottom of a track volume slider in Live’s mixer would sometimes cause the slider to move to an unwanted position.
Changing the screen resolution while running Live in full-screen mode would not reset Live’s window to the correct size and still show the window’s title bar. This is now fixed.
Fixed a crash that could occur under certain conditions when loading Live sets containing a large amount of VST plug-ins and Max for Live devices.
Fixed a crash that could occur when hovering over an automation breakpoint or segment on the first automation lane of an Arrangement track and then forcing another automation to be shown on the same lane, e.g. by tweaking a different parameter using a MIDI controller.
Max for Live devices would not pass an “All Notes Off” message to the subsequent devices in a device chain when the Max for Live device was turned off.
Max for Live MIDI effect devices would not be correctly latency-compensated when the device was turned off and the device had an additional latency defined in its patcher inspector.
The “Session Zoom” feature, which allows to move Live’s Session ring by multiple tracks / scenes at once with certain MIDI control surfaces would stop working under certain conditions.
Live v 9.1.5 20 sept. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and feature changes:

Minor improvement to ensure compatibility with Mac OS X’ Gatekeeper for the forthcoming OS X updates 10.9.5 and 10.10.
Improved the threshold for inverting text colour of clip names, chains, macros, etc., depending on the background color, for better readability.


The [live.thisdevice] Max for Live object would no longer send a bang message out its first outlet when adding/removing control surface scripts in the Live preferences.
Under certain conditions, the MIDI level indicator would not show any activity inside the routing chooser of a MIDI track.
The Send button on the APC40 MKII would not work when pressed for the first time.
The Launchpad's Mixer mode would stop working after using the Launchpad's Session Zoom feature in Live sets containing more that 8 tracks.

Changes for Push:

When using a low audio buffer size or high sample rate, Push's buttons would not be backlit after launching Live (Windows only).
When entering Scales mode on Push, the Selection and State Control buttons would not light up until one of them is pressed once.
Push's Duplicate button would not work anymore for clips, tracks and scenes if Clip workflow is selected.
Live Live v 9.7.3b1 13 mai 2017 Windows

Previously, copying or duplicating an Arrangement clip created unwanted automation for some third-party AU plug-in parameters, if they were not yet automated.
Fixed a crash that would occur after creating a MIDI feedback loop with a VST plug-in.
Previously, the global launch quantization setting would not be recalled correctly after performing an undo/redo, or after a crash occurred.
In case no audio driver is selected (OSX) or no ASIO driver is available (Windows), the "Show Link Toggle" button is disabled in Live's Preferences.
Ableton Live Live v 9.7.2b4 1 avril 2017 Windows
9.7.2b4 Release Notes

Fixed a rare crash which might occur at startup, under certain circumstances.

9.7.2b3 Release Notes

Fixed a bug which prevented auto updates from working on Windows 10.

9.7.2b2 Release Notes
Improvements and feature changes:

Added support for the Arturia MiniLab MkII control surface. In order for the script to function correctly, it is recommended to update the Minilab MkII Firmware to the latest version available.
Ableton Live v 9.7.2b1 19 févr. 2017 Windows
9.7.2b1 Release Notes

If a dropdown or context menu was open in Live, pressing CMD+Shift+- on a Mac OS would cause Live to crash.
The GUI would appear laggy when zooming in audio tracks and moving the zooming hotspot on Windows if the files were being streamed from a hard drive.
Fixed a bug that caused Live to crash when opening a context menu in a device chain containing no instruments.
Fixed a bug which prevented changing the text color in Drum Rack return chains to white when the chain's color was dark.
Fixed a graphical glitch that occurred when hovering over automation segments drawn on top of a waveform. The glitch was visible in Detail View (in both the Arrangement and Session View), and would only appear in automation segments not covering the full track height.
Disabled audio and MIDI meters were not correctly shown as grayed out in the routing choosers
When Live's authorization was not successful, the dialog box could erroneously confirm it as successful.
boucles Live v 9.7.1b1 23 oct. 2016 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Improved sound and timing of Complex and Complex Pro warp modes.
Added Control Surface support for M-Audio Code and CTRL49.


Fixed a bug where unavailable routings were not grayed out.
Live would crash when performing 'Undo' after grouping chains in a Rack.
Fixed a bug that prevented certain units (e.g "ms") from being displayed in an Audio Unit's parameter value text.
Fixed an error in the software text for the Spanish language.
Launching playback in Live right after enabling Link would force all other apps to adjust their tempo.
format Live v 9.7b9 2 oct. 2016 Windows

Fixed a crash which might occur when deleting a Simpler device or an audio Clip during playback.
Fixed an error in a text dialog for the Japanese language.
Some audio clips from the Core Library would open in the wrong tempo.
The Scale device preset "Phrygian Mode" contained one incorrect note.
d'effets Live v 9.7b6 3 sept. 2016 Windows

Loading certain Max for Live devices could cause the Live GUI to malfunction.
Live might crash when instantiating the Outer Spaces Max for Live device.
Fixed a crash that could occur when using the 'x2', ':2', or "Warp As" controls in Simpler, if there was no sample present.
Slices would not update correctly on the Simpler GUI when the user performed a ':2' or 'x2' action, if Slice by Beats was selected.
When converting Simpler to Sampler, the Sample Start marker would be visually misplaced.
The signal of send for grouped tracks would be doubled (+6dB), if the track's output was routed to Master and the respective Return track ‘Pre/Post’ toggle was set to Pre.
When dragging unwarped Clips over the section of a song where the tempo was automated from a low value to a higher one, Clips stored in the clipboard would appear after the dragged Clip.
Using 3 APC 40 units in ‘Combination Mode’ would cause LEDs on the APCs to flash erratically.
quenceur Live v 9.6.2b5 25 juin 2016 Windows

When running as a ReWire slave, Live would not stream audio to the ReWire master anymore.
orient Live v 9.6.2b4 15 juin 2016 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Updated the Live manual and a number of lessons and info texts.


Restored the correct MIDI mapping for the Launchpad User mode 2.
When triggering a recording with count-in enabled, Simpler could start playing back Warped samples from the wrong position.
telecharger Live v 9.6.2b2 19 mai 2016 Windows

When duplicating a track, Clip modulation would not play back for the newly created track.
Operator's 'Shaper Drive' and 'Shaper Dry/Wet' would expose the wrong parameter name when mapped to Macros.
Fixed a rare crash which could occur when using Complex or Pro Warp modes.
mac Live v 9.6.2b1 5 mai 2016 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

The ‘Link’ icon in Live's main UI now behaves like a button, toggling the Link feature on and off. This button only appears if Link is enabled in the Preferences.
The ‘EXT’ button is no longer hidden when the Link button is shown.
Enabling Link disables EXT and vice versa. Loading a new Set disables Link.
Improved the responsiveness of the Tuner device.


The Session Ring would be displayed when selecting certain Control Surfaces, even if no valid input and output MIDI ports were enabled in the respective Control Surfaces menus.
If the End Marker of a Clip preceded the Loop End Marker and Clip Loop was on, recording this Clip in arrangement could lead to a wrong result.
Fixed a bug which caused Live to hang when loading certain Live Sets.
Fixed a bug in Max for Live which prevented 'fold_state' and devices in Drum Rack Chains from being declared.
The APC 40 Session Ring would reset to the top left of Live's Session View when adding or removing another Control Surface.
The Launchpad Pro User mode would not send MIDI notes into tracks anymore.
The Launchpad User mode 2 would not send MIDI notes into tracks anymore.
windows Live v 9.6.1 16 avril 2016 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Reduced CPU peak loads when launching, stopping or scrubbing clips, when clicking the "Back to Arrangement" button, when editing a running clip.
Improved CPU spikes caused by external MIDI inputs on OSX.
Improved the reliability and priority of the audio thread when using ASIO drivers. This contributes a noticeable performance improvement and fixes a few cases where Live would drop out when using certain audio interfaces.
Improved the performance of Ableton Devices on Windows.


Live could crash when exporting audio or freezing, if Simpler contained a very long audio file.
Live would crash when performing 'Undo' after dragging a sample onto Simpler's breakout view.
Occasionally, the grid lines for certain devices (e.g the Frequency Display in EQ Eight, the Bandpass Display in Overdrive) would not be drawn under the 64-bit version on Windows
Reversing an audio Clip twice before the sample analysis completed caused the sample to be greyed out.
Certain Audio Unit parameters would show the wrong value in the Device View after instantiation.
With audio buffer sizes larger than 512 Samples, values sent by the APC40 and APC40 Mk2 encoders would cause the mapped Live parameters to behave erratically.
Device selection would stop working when using Control Surfaces based on User Remote Scripts.
Touching the Mod Wheel would stop transport when using the Arturia Keylab Control Surfaces.
Under certain circumstances, the Launchpad Pro might not initialize correctly.
Fixed a bug which prevented Max for Live devices from grabbing the Launchpad Pro matrix in the available User modes.
Fixed a bug which prevented Max for Live devices from grabbing the Launchpad matrix in the available User modes.
macintosh Live v 9.6.1b6 26 mars 2016 Windows

Device selection would stop working when using Control Surfaces based on User Remote Scripts.
Live could crash if Simpler contained a very long audio file.
Occasionally, the grid lines for certain devices (e.g the Frequency Display in EQ Eight, the Bandpass Display in Overdrive) would not be drawn under the 64-bit version on Windows.
The Complex and Complex Pro Warp algorithms that were updated and optimized in 9.6.1b1 have been rolled back to the previous version, as the new algorithms could produce audio artefacts under some circumstances.
pc Live v 9.6.1b4 26 févr. 2016 Windows

Live would crash when performing 'Undo' after dragging a sample onto Simpler's breakout view.
Improved the performance of Ableton Devices on Windows.
Reversing an audio Clip twice before the sample analysis completed caused the sample to be greyed out.
Live v 9.6.1b2 18 févr. 2016 Windows

Under certain circumstances Live could crash on OSX when importing an audio file, if this was associated to a pre existing '.asd' file. This bugfix also further improves timing errors when using Complex and Pro Warp modes.
With audio buffer sizes larger than 512 Samples, values sent by the APC40 and APC40 Mk2 encoders would cause the mapped Live parameters to behave erratically.
Fixed a bug which prevented Max for Live devices from grabbing the Launchpad Pro matrix in the available User modes.
Live v 9.6.1 12 févr. 2016 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Complex and Pro Warp algorithms have been updated and optimized in order to reduce CPU spikes following the start of a Clip or Simpler voice, especially when transposing or stretching a lot. The update also fixes a number of scenarios where timing issues or artefacts could have taken place.
Reduced CPU peak loads when launching, stopping or scrubbing clips, when clicking the "back to arrangement" button, when editing a running clip.
Improved CPU spikes caused by external MIDI input on OSX.
Improved the reliability and priority of the audio thread when using ASIO drivers. This contributes a noticeable performance improvement and fixes a few cases where Live would drop out when using certain audio interfaces.


Certain Audio Unit parameters would show the wrong value in the Device View after instantiation.
Touching the Mod Wheel would stop transport when using the Arturia Keylab Control Surfaces.
Under certain circumstances, the Launchpad Pro might not initialize correctly.
Fixed a bug which prevented to grab the Launchpad matrix in the available User modes from Max for Live devices.
Live v 9.6 7 févr. 2016 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Introduced Link, a technology which keeps devices in sync when connected to the same network. A 'Link' section has been added to the Link/MIDI preferences tab.
Link and The Bridge prevent each other from starting once switched on. Moreover, Link and The Bridge both switch off External sync when activated.
Link, The Bridge and External Sync are not available when Live runs as a ReWire slave.
The Python framework has been updated to support Python 2.7.
Added control surface support for the Arturia KeyLab series, Arturia BeatStep and Arturia MiniLab.
Added Control Surface support for the Alesis VX series.
When tweaking Warp mode specific parameters in Simpler (i.e. grain size, flux), these are now updated in real time. Previously, these would be only updated on a per-note basis.
Improved the time required to slice an audio sample to a Drum Rack.
Slicing visualization improvements and other minor cosmetic tweaks for Simpler and Sampler.
While samples are offline or still decoding, Slice to Drum Rack and Slice to new Midi Track from Simpler are disabled.
Add a preference to re-enable random clip colors.
Updated fonts and added a number of special characters.
The Live 8 Legacy Mode in Operator has been renamed to something more meaningful.
Performance improvements in waveform rendering.


Recovering Live sets after a crash would not succeed under certain circumstances.
Live could hang at launch while displaying the splash screen on Windows 10.
Live would crash on OSX 10.11 when a user closed the second window while it was shown in fullscreen mode.
Tracks created by dragging and dropping a Rack or Rack preset will now correctly be assigned with a new track color.
Live might become unresponsive on OSX if no Max application could be found. Furthermore, Live would not find Max 7 on its own on Windows.
Live could hang when loading sets referencing Max devices, if these were saved with Max 6.1.7 or earlier.
Audio files would not retain the color saved in the respective .asd file when dropped into a track.
Replaced one redundant color in the Live color sequence.
Simpler would cause an unusual high memory usage if the user had set 'Complex' as the default mode for Warping.
Live would crash when converting a sliced Simpler to a Drum Rack from within an Instrument Rack.
Live would crash when cropping samples in Sampler.
A crash could take place when playing back sliced samples in Simpler, if 'Snap' had previously been activated in Classic or One-Shot mode.
A crash could occur when dragging the Start Marker to the very end of a file in Simpler and playing back a warped, looped sample with 'Snap' active.
Live could crash when playing back warped samples in Simpler. The crash would occur when a new note began playing at the exact same time that another playing note was ending, if that also choked or retriggered the previous note.
When slicing an audio Clip to a Sampler based slicing preset, all slices would be assigned to the same root note.
Simpler's playhead could jump unexpectedly when starting the transport while playing back warped samples.
Dragging a selection of an arrangement clip into Simpler now sets the start and end flags according to the selection.
Snap is automatically disabled when slicing a Simpler to a Drum Rack. This ensures that the sound of playback does not change after slicing a Simpler to a Drum Rack.
Changing Simpler's playback mode via the keyboard would not be undoable.
When dragging the Simpler start flag towards the end of the sample, this would overlap with the End flag, which then could not be clicked nor dragged anymore. The same behavior occurred the other way around (the End flag might have covered the Start flag).
The text in the Simpler 'Warp As' button would not be displayed properly when running Live in a language other than English.
Fixes a crash which might happen in conjunction with Complex / Pro modes.
Improved the CPU performance of Complex and Pro when playing back short loops. Note that while Clip loops are limited to at least 1/16 note in length, simpler loops can be as small as 50 samples.
Reduced audible artifacts and improved timing for samples warped with Complex and Complex Pro.
The OSR filter might produce unwanted artefacts when used with high frequency and resonance settings.
The modulation destinations for the new legacy filters in Simpler and Operator are now hidden and updated correctly when upgrading a device.
The spread pitch control is now disabled if Simpler is using Re-Pitch as warping mode.
Live v 9.6b2 28 janv. 2016 Windows
9.6b2 Release Notes
Changes for Push:

Under certain circumstances the record button on Push 2 would not pulse while Arrangement Record was active.

9.6b1 Release Notes

When dragging the Simpler start flag towards the end of the sample, this would overlap with the End flag, which then could not be clicked nor dragged anymore. The same behavior occurred the other way around (the End flag might have covered the Start flag).
Live could crash when playing back audio files with sample rate below 44.100Hz, if these were warped with Complex or Pro.
Live v 9.5.1b6 23 déc. 2015 Windows

A crash could occur when dragging the Start Marker to the very end of a file in Simpler and playing back a warped, looped sample with 'Snap' active.
Changing Simpler's playback mode via the keyboard would not be undoable.
Live could hang when loading Live Sets with large numbers of multisample parts.
Live would crash on OSX 10.11 when a user closed the second window while it was shown in fullscreen mode.
Live v 9.5.1b5 17 déc. 2015 Windows

Recovering Live sets after a crash would not succeed under certain circumstances.
Dragging a selection of an arrangement clip into Simpler now sets the start and end flags according to the selection.
Snap is automatically disabled when slicing a Simpler to a Drum Rack. This ensures that the sound of playback does not change after slicing a Simpler to a Drum Rack.
Live could crash when playing back warped samples in Simpler. The crash would occur when a new note began playing at the exact same time that another playing note was ending, if that also choked or retriggered the previous note.
Reduced audible artifacts and improved timing for samples warped with Complex and Complex Pro.
When using Link, the Driver Error Compensation value was previously used to adjust the latency compensation for the sync, whenever an audio driver did not report its latency correctly. This is not the case anymore and the Master track delay can be used instead.
Live v 9.5.1b3 5 déc. 2015 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Added control surface support for the Arturia KeyLab series, Arturia BeatStep and Arturia MiniLab.
When tweaking Warp mode specific parameters in Simpler (i.e. grain size, flux), these are now updated in real time. Previously, these would be only updated on a per-note basis.
Add a preference to re-enable random clip colors.
When joined a Link session, dropping a sample or clip into a blank/default live set will not change the set tempo.
Updated various info texts.


The OSR filter might produce unwanted artefacts when used with high frequency and resonance settings.
Audio files would not retain the color saved in the respective .asd file when dropped into a track.
Simpler's playhead could jump unexpectedly when starting the transport while playing back warped samples.
Fixed an issue which might cause incorrect timing for samples warped with Complex.
A crash could take place when playing back sliced samples in Simpler, if 'Snap' had previously been activated in Classic or One-Shot mode.
Live v 9.5.1b2 20 nov. 2015 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Introduced Link, a technology which keeps devices in sync when connected to the same network.
A 'Link' section has been added to the Link/MIDI preferences tab.
Link and The Bridge prevent each other from starting once switched on.
Link and The Bridge both switch off External sync when activated.
Link, The Bridge and External Sync are not available when Live runs as a ReWire slave.


The spread pitch control is now disabled if Simpler is using Re-Pitch as warping mode.
Live would crash when converting a sliced Simpler to a Drum Rack from within an Instrument Rack.
When slicing an audio Clip to a Sampler based slicing preset, all slices would be assigned to the same root note.
The text in the Simpler 'Warp As' button would not be displayed properly when running Live in a language other than English.
Simpler would cause an unusual high memory usage if the user had set 'Complex' as the default mode for Warping.
Live v 9.5.1b1 10 nov. 2015 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

The Python framework has been updated to support Python 2.7.
Improved the time required to slice an audio sample to a Drum Rack.
Updated fonts and added a number of special characters.
The Live 8 Legacy Mode in Operator has been renamed to something more meaningful.
Performance improvements in waveform rendering.
Slicing visualization improvements and other minor cosmetic tweaks for Simpler and Sampler.
While samples are offline or still decoding, Slice to Drum Rack and Slice to new Midi Track from Simpler are disabled.


Live might become unresponsive on OSX if no Max application can be found. Furthermore, Live would not find Max 7 on its own on Windows.
Live could hang when loading sets referencing Max devices, if these were saved with Max 6.1.7 or earlier.
Tracks created by dragging and dropping a Rack or Rack preset will now correctly be assigned with a new track color.
Fixes a crash which might happen in conjunction with Complex / Pro modes.
Live could hang at launch while displaying the splash screen on Windows 10.
The modulation destinations for the new legacy filters in Simpler and Operator are now hidden and updated correctly when upgrading a device.
Improved the CPU performance of Complex and Pro when playing back short loops. Note that while Clip loops are limited to at least 1/16 note in length, simpler loops can be as small as 50 samples.
Live would crash when cropping samples in Sampler.
Live v 9.5 5 nov. 2015 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Improved Waveforms: these now look smooth during zoom operations as well as during recording.
Improved meters: the track volume meters now show both peak and RMS levels.
Improved colouring: tracks are now automatically coloured, and new Clips take their track’s color.
The ‘Auto assign Clip Color’ preference is replaced by ‘Auto assign Track Color’, which determines if a newly created track gets a color from the song's color sequence assigned or a fixed color chosen by the user.
Simpler has been completely overhauled with a new interface, Warping, slicing, and new analog modelled filters build in conjunction with Cytomic.
New analog-modeled filters based on classic vintage hardware models capable of self resonating, feedback and distortion are added to Simpler/Sampler, Auto Filter and Operator.
The Core Library has been updated with new Drum Kits and new presets for Simpler, Operator, Analog, Auto Filter and Audio Effect Racks.
Audio Effect Racks now load with devices hidden.
Sets created with 9.5 will not be openable in pre-9.5 versions of Live. When trying to Save a set created with a previous version in 9.5, a dialog will appear and it will only be possible to Save under a different name.
Added the option "Preserve Warped Timing" in the Slice to new MIDI track dialog.
A breakout view is added for Simpler. The breakout view can only be displayed when Simpler has a valid sample
The Warped waveform is displayed accordingly in Simpler.
Added a button in the Simpler breakout which warps the region between the sample's start and end markers as a certain number of bars.
Added 1/2 and x2 warped length buttons in Simpler.
Added One Shot mode in Simpler.
Slicing mode has been added to Simpler. When active, all transients between start and end flags will be used for generating the slices
It is now possible to normalize a sample via a context menu option by right clicking on Simpler's waveform.
Added the possibility to slicing to a Drum Rack from Simpler.
A sample volume control (Gain) is now added to Simpler.
When loading a Simpler, Auto Filter or Operator preset created with a previous Live version, the devices will work in legacy mode, in order to preserve the original sound. An “Upgrade button” will activate the new filters. The filters will be automatically upgraded if these were not active in the preset.
Drum pads inherit Warp on/off when slicing a Simpler to Drum Rack.
If Simpler in Slicing mode is set to one voice only of if its playback mode is set to “mono”, choke is activated once converted to a Drum Rack.
Added Trigger or Gate mode for Samples in One Shot/Slice Modes
It is now possible to reverse a sample in Simpler via a context menu option.
Creating a multi selection for a number of chains in a Drum Rack enables setting the choke group for all chains at once.
When instantiating a plug-in, up to 64 parameters get configured automatically now.
A parameter configuration can now be saved as a default per AU or VST plug-in. This is done via a new context menu entry available in Live's plug-in device. The default configurations are stored in a "Plug-In Configurations" folder under "User Library/Defaults".
Improved performance when drawing waveforms for large sets with many clips.
Introduced a limitation to how many time a sample can be sped up or slowed down via ":2" or "x2" respectively, in order to save CPU power.
Improved the automation smoothing for the new filters in Simpler, Operator and Auto Filter.
Removed the limitation to the amount of transposition affecting samples when using Complex or Complex Pro.
The error dialog Live throws when users try to save a Default Device / Track while no User Library is available has been improved.


It is not possible to inadvertently save a Live Set to the Trash anymore.
The 'Warp as x bars' feature is improved so to provide more musical and predictable values.
Light blue color tones have changed to avoid being confused with the selection color when using the default Live skin.
Artifacts might be introduced when transposing samples warped with Complex / Pro.
Specific plug-ins would have triggered Live to configure non-functional parameters after a preset change.
Live v 9.2.2b3 18 août 2015 Windows

Under certain circumstances Live 64 bit could crash while scanning VST plugins, after changing the input audio device or when opening a VST plugin window, especially when working with large Live Sets or if the program had been running for a very long time.
Live v 9.2.2b1 5 août 2015 Windows

Replaced the icon for Current Project in the browser sidebar.
Live would crash when dragging a Clip in the Groove Pool.
Audio Units would stop passing audio after changing the sample rate.
Live v 9.2b12 12 juin 2015 Windows

Fixed a problem which might introduce differences in timing in Clips warped with Complex or Pro with previous Live versions.
Live v 9.2b11 6 juin 2015 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

The feature “Warp as 'x' bars" has been adjusted to provide more musical values.
New 606 & 808 Impulse presets have been added to the Core Library.
Core Library Audio Clips now load with HiQ enabled and Fade disabled.


Automation was not compensated for the Chain Selector and the Device Activator in Instrument and Effect Racks.
Track meters Peak Levels would not be updated if the tracks were hidden.
Peak Levels in External Instrument and External Audio Effect devices would only be updated if these were displayed in Device View.
Track meters would flicker when resizing tracks in Session View.
A number of parameters in Sampler and Operator would not be correctly compensated if “Reduced Latency when Monitoring” was active.
Notes at the beginning of Clips would not be triggered when rendering or freezing tracks containing Max for Live devices or third party plugins.
Live v 9.1.9 4 juin 2015 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Added control surface support for Novation Launchkey MK2
Live v 9.2b10 23 mai 2015 Windows

The Push touch strip could send pitch bend MIDI data also in Session mode.
Impulse "Time" parameter would affect the global pitch instead of the global time.
Live v 9.2b9 13 mai 2015 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Automation latency compensation is now also implemented for Simpler, Sampler and Impulse.


Remote mappings via a Max for Live device would not work for toggle parameters anymore.
Minor adjustments to the translations of Clip context menus.
Live v 9.2b8 28 avril 2015 Windows
9.2b8 Release Notes

When warping a sample with Complex or Complex Pro, phase differences between left and right channel would be introduced whenever a portion of the sample would be played back at a different speed.
Overdrive would report a wrong latency value, thus would not correctly be compensated.
Saturator and Dynamic Tube would report a wrong latency value when operating in High Quality / Oversampling mode, thus would not correctly be compensated.
Redux would report a wrong latency value when in Soft mode, thus would not correctly be compensated.

9.2b7 Release Notes

Under certain circumstances, the output of an audio Clip would be slightly delayed when warped with Complex or Complex Pro.
A number of device toggles (e.g. Tuner's Target/Strobe and Hz/ct) would not correctly display the respective labels when certain Live skins were in use.
Live v 9.2b6 21 avril 2015 Windows

A Live Set might become corrupt when saved after a crash recovery, if the original Live Set had meanwhile been modified by a different Live instance.
Live v 9.1.8 17 avril 2015 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Added control surface support for Alesis V and VI keyboards.
Live will not auto-update to versions above 9.1.8 when installed on legacy OS versions. Affected operating systems are: Windows XP, Windows Vista, OSX 10.5 and OSX 10.6.
Live v 9.2b5 8 avril 2015 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Most presets in “Sounds” and all presets in Operator have been updated to react to Aftertouch and/or Modwheel data.
Updated 808 and 909 Kits with better sounding Kicks and Snares
Updated lessons and info texts.


Phasing issues would occur when playing back the beginning of an audio Clip, if this was being warped with Complex.
The option "Reduced Latency When Monitoring" would not work anymore if used in tracks which contained Instrument or Effect Racks, or a Spectrum device.
Live v 9.2b4 12 mars 2015 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Added support for the Roland A-PRO keyboard series


Improved Warp tempo detection and downbeat detection
Latencies in MIDI tracks or instrument chains without instruments are now shown correctly. Furthermore, the latency of a device's sidechain input is not included anymore in the shown latency.
Minor GUI bugfixes for high resolution displays.
Minor improvements to the Tuner GUI.
Live v 9.2b3 5 mars 2015 Windows

The preferences settings "Start Transport with Record” and "Start Transport with Tap Tempo" have been changed to "Start Playback with Record" and “Start Playback with Tap Tempo"
Fixed a bug which could cause graphics glitches and crashes on OSX when using high resolution displays.
Updated lessons and info texts.
Live v 9.2b2 28 févr. 2015 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

The latency introduced by a device is now displayed in the status bar, when hovering over the title bar with the mouse. No latencies are shown when latency compensation is turned off.
The Serato bridge is now compatible with Live 9.2


Fixed a crash which might occur when importing audio files with sample rates lower than 44.1KHz.
Automation and Modulation for Beat Repeat's mixer parameters (e.g Mix Type, Volume, Filter, Frequency, etc) and Device On are now compensated.
Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor would stay in stopwatch or beachball mode until the user physically moved the mouse. This would happen after loading devices, live sets, or anything else which would necessitate the use of the stopwatch cursor.
Updated the pixel font (used primarily in device LCDs like Operator) for retina displays. Also improved the aspect of envelope curves drawn in the device's LCD displays.
Fixed a glitch where the modulated value would become visible as an orange dot while dragging a slider, even if no modulation exists.
Live v 9.2b1 25 févr. 2015 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Added the Tuner Device to the Live audio effects.
Added a "Start Transport with Tap Tempo" preference to determine if Tap Tempo is going to activate playback.
Improved tempo detection for warped audio files where the tempo appears to be constant.
Improved the sound of Complex and Complex Pro Warp modes.
Added the option "Warp Selection as x-Bar Loop" in the context menu when right clicking on a time selection inside an audio clip.
Live Sets that contain Max for Live devices or third-party plug-ins now have lower latency.
Automation and Modulation are now fully latency compensated.
Modifying the Arrangement loop brace with mouse or keys will not affect the current track selection, while previously all tracks were selected as soon as the braces where adjusted with the mouse.
Dropped compatibility for Windows XP and Vista, OS X 10.5 and 10.6.


When switching between Note and Scene mode with the APC20, the Pad LEDs would occasionally not update correctly.
The Session Ring would not be entirely displayed on screen anymore when navigating through tracks if the Live Set contained folded Group tracks.
Fixed a bug in the Axiom Air 25, 49 and 61 Control Surface remote script, where the Send mix mode controlled the available Sends for the currently selected channel, instead of controlling Send A for the first 8 channels.
Fixed a bug in the MPK Control Surface remote script, where the Record Arm button had to be pressed twice to be toggled, and Exclusive Arm would not work.
Fixed a bug in the Vestax VCM600 Control Surface remote script, where the Punch In and Punch Out controls would work only as momentary toggles.
Fixed a bug which caused artefacts in the waveform visualisation when increasing the Gain on low amplitude audio clips.
Live would not display bluetooth audio devices in the Input and Output device menu under Preferences-->Audio
When controlling a number of mixer or device parameters via Aftertouch, crackles could be noticed in the audio stream.
The Live browser "All Results" label would not remember the settings for the optional second column.
Fixed a rare crash which might happen on OS X with certain input sources.
Fixed a crash which might occur when deleting several Max for Live devices from a Live Set at once.
Live would crash when quitting the application while renaming a Groove in the Groove Pool.
Live v 9.1.8b1 15 janv. 2015 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Added control surface support for Alesis V and VI keyboards.
Live v 9.1.7 7 janv. 2015 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Added control surface support for M-Audio Oxygen 4th generation controllers.


When choosing “All Individual Tracks” in the Export Audio/Video dialog, tracks using the External Instrument device would not be exported correctly.
Fixed a bug which caused modulations for arrangement clips to disappear when undoing and redoing after duplicating a track.
Improved fonts for Retina displays (Mac OS X only).
Improved graphics for the Track Status Display and the Plug-in browser icon on Retina displays (Mac OS X only).
Fixed a graphics problem which could occur on OS X 10.10 Yosemite when a Max for Live device was instantiated directly at application launch, e.g. by double-clicking an .als file or by having a template set containing a Max for Live device.
Fixed a graphics problem which could occur on OS X 10.10 Yosemite when opening the "Export Audio/Video" dialogue and having the "Zoom Display" preference set to a value higher than 100%.
The Simpler instrument could lose certain macro mappings after converting a Sampler to Simpler and then enabling Simpler's Pitch Envelope.
Fixed the spacing of the "Hz" icon on Simpler's LFO Rate switch on Retina displays
Under certain conditions, the Tension instrument could produce unwanted noise bursts after loading a preset and then playing the first note.
Live could crash when undoing and redoing after importing a clip or a track containing automation from the browser. Live would also keep crashing when recovering the Live Set from the undo file.
Fixed a crash which could occur with the iZotope "Trash 2" VST plug-in on Windows.
Fixed a crash which might occur on Windows while Live scans or loads certain UAD plugins.
Live v 9.1.7b4 16 déc. 2014 Windows

Fixed a crash which might occur on Windows while Live scans or loads certain UAD plugins.
When choosing “Selected Tracks Only” in the Export Audio/Video dialog, tracks using the External Instrument device would not be exported.
Live v 9.1.7b3 4 déc. 2014 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Added control surface support for M-Audio Oxygen 4th generation controllers.


Fixed a bug which caused modulations for arrangement clips to disappear when undoing and redoing after duplicating a track.
Live could crash when undoing and redoing after importing a clip or a track containing automation from the browser. Live would also keep crashing when recovering the Live Set from the undo file.
Live v 9.1.7b2 14 nov. 2014 Windows

Improved fonts for Retina displays (Mac OS X only).
Improved graphics for the Track Status Display and the Plug-in browser icon on Retina displays (Mac OS X only).
Fixed a graphics problem which could occur on OS X 10.10 Yosemite when a Max for Live device was instantiated directly at application launch, e.g. by double-clicking an .als file or by having a template set containing a Max for Live device.
Fixed a graphics problem which could occur on OS X 10.10 Yosemite when opening the "Export Audio/Video" dialogue and having the "Zoom Display" preference set to a value higher than 100%.
Live v 9.1.7b1 11 nov. 2014 Windows

Under certain conditions, the Tension instrument could produce unwanted noise bursts after loading a preset and then playing the first note.
Fixed a crash which could occur with the iZotope "Trash 2" VST plug-in on Windows.
The Simpler instrument could lose certain macro mappings after converting a Sampler to Simpler and then enabling Simpler's Pitch Envelope.
Fixed the spacing of the "Hz" icon on Simpler's LFO Rate switch on Retina displays
Live v 9.1.6 31 oct. 2014 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Improved graphics for Retina displays. Note that this requires a Mac with OS X 10.7.4 “Lion” or higher.
Added native full screen support for Mac OS X. Note that this requires 10.9 Mavericks or higher and having the option "Displays have separate Spaces" enabled in OS X' Mission Control system preferences (this is the system's default). The keyboard shortcut for toggling full-screen mode has been changed accordingly to CTRL+CMD+F, which is the operating system’s default. Users with older OS X versions and Windows users are not affected by this change.
It’s now possible to export selected tracks by choosing ‘Selected Tracks Only’ in the ‘Export Audio / Video’ dialogue box. The option ‘Individual Tracks’ is still available as well, but has been renamed to ‘All Individual Tracks’.
Improved Max application chooser in Live’s ‘File Folder' preferences pane to be compatible with the folder structure of Max 7 application bundles.
Updated info texts and manuals.


Fixed a bug that could cause memory leaks and an unusually high CPU load when running Live as a ReWire slave on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
Some chooser controls would clip the right side of an active entry when closed, e.g. the Auto Filter’s ‘Shape’ chooser would cut off the rightmost line of the square or saw icon.
Clicking on a certain area at the bottom of a track volume slider in Live’s mixer would sometimes cause the slider to move to an unwanted position.
Changing the screen resolution while running Live in full-screen mode would not reset Live’s window to the correct size and still show the window’s title bar. This is now fixed.
Fixed a crash that could occur under certain conditions when loading Live sets containing a large amount of VST plug-ins and Max for Live devices.
Fixed a crash that could occur when hovering over an automation breakpoint or segment on the first automation lane of an Arrangement track and then forcing another automation to be shown on the same lane, e.g. by tweaking a different parameter using a MIDI controller.
Max for Live devices would not pass an “All Notes Off” message to the subsequent devices in a device chain when the Max for Live device was turned off.
VST plug-ins that have a MIDI output would not be able to output a CC 123 MIDI message ("All Notes Off").
Max for Live MIDI effect devices would not be correctly latency-compensated when the device was turned off and the device had an additional latency defined in its patcher inspector.
The “Session Zoom” feature, which allows to move Live’s Session ring by multiple tracks / scenes at once with certain MIDI control surfaces would stop working under certain conditions.
Live v 9.1.6b4 24 oct. 2014 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Improved Max application chooser in Live’s ‘File Folder' preferences pane to be compatible with the folder structure of Max 7 application bundles.
Live v 9.1.6b3 17 oct. 2014 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Updated info texts and manuals.
(Mac only) OS X native full screen support now requires to have the option "Displays have separate Spaces" enabled in OS X' Mission Control system preferences. When disabled, Live will switch back to the old full screen behavior as known from Live 9.1.5 or older. This fixes a problem where the Live window could become entirely black when entering full screen mode.


VST plug-ins that have a MIDI output would not be able to output a CC 123 MIDI message ("All Notes Off").
Live v 9.1.6b2 4 oct. 2014 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Several icons have been improved for Retina displays on Mac OS X.
Live v 9.1.6b1 23 sept. 2014 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Improved graphics for Retina displays. Note that this requires a Mac with OS X 10.7.4 “Lion” or higher.
Added native full screen support for users of Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks or higher. The keyboard shortcut for toggling full-screen mode has been changed accordingly to CTRL+CMD+F, which is the operating system’s default. Users with older OS X versions and Windows users are not affected by this change.
It’s now possible to export selected tracks by choosing ‘Selected Tracks Only’ in the ‘Export Audio / Video’ dialogue box. The option ‘Individual Tracks’ is still available as well, but has been renamed to ‘All Individual Tracks’.


Fixed a bug that could cause memory leaks and an unusually high CPU load when running Live as a ReWire slave on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
Indexing folders in Live’s browser would sometimes not work on OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
Some chooser controls would clip the right side of an active entry when closed, e.g. the Auto Filter’s ‘Shape’ chooser would cut off the rightmost line of the square or saw icon.
Clicking on a certain area at the bottom of a track volume slider in Live’s mixer would sometimes cause the slider to move to an unwanted position.
Changing the screen resolution while running Live in full-screen mode would not reset Live’s window to the correct size and still show the window’s title bar. This is now fixed.
Fixed a crash that could occur under certain conditions when loading Live sets containing a large amount of VST plug-ins and Max for Live devices.
Fixed a crash that could occur when hovering over an automation breakpoint or segment on the first automation lane of an Arrangement track and then forcing another automation to be shown on the same lane, e.g. by tweaking a different parameter using a MIDI controller.
Max for Live devices would not pass an “All Notes Off” message to the subsequent devices in a device chain when the Max for Live device was turned off.
Max for Live MIDI effect devices would not be correctly latency-compensated when the device was turned off and the device had an additional latency defined in its patcher inspector.
The “Session Zoom” feature, which allows to move Live’s Session ring by multiple tracks / scenes at once with certain MIDI control surfaces would stop working under certain conditions.
Live v 9.1.5 20 sept. 2014 Windows
Improvements and feature changes:

Minor improvement to ensure compatibility with Mac OS X’ Gatekeeper for the forthcoming OS X updates 10.9.5 and 10.10.
Improved the threshold for inverting text colour of clip names, chains, macros, etc., depending on the background color, for better readability.


The [live.thisdevice] Max for Live object would no longer send a bang message out its first outlet when adding/removing control surface scripts in the Live preferences.
Under certain conditions, the MIDI level indicator would not show any activity inside the routing chooser of a MIDI track.
The Send button on the APC40 MKII would not work when pressed for the first time.
The Launchpad's Mixer mode would stop working after using the Launchpad's Session Zoom feature in Live sets containing more that 8 tracks.

Changes for Push:

When using a low audio buffer size or high sample rate, Push's buttons would not be backlit after launching Live (Windows only).
When entering Scales mode on Push, the Selection and State Control buttons would not light up until one of them is pressed once.
Push's Duplicate button would not work anymore for clips, tracks and scenes if Clip workflow is selected.
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White O
C'est aussi le soft qui m'a fait quitter logic ;)
C'est celui qui m'a fait quitter Logic :)
Je me sert de Live pour tout, il est vrai que les effets qu'il propose ne sont pas d'exelente qualité, je pense surtout au reverb, mais c'est un puissant outils que j'utilise pour la compo et pour le live, combiné à Reason, il devient monstrueux...Un log polyvalent et stable...
Et je rejoins Osmohz, le macbook sur scène, ça pique les yeux...
C'est maintenant devenu mon soft principal, je fait tous dedans, je compose, je mixe, je joue en live, je fait le DJ....Bref, pour les musiciens orientés electro comme moi, c'est le soft parfait.
Tout simplement de le balle, presque même pas besoin de carte son, le logiciel est suffisant pour l'enregistrement multi.
Enfin un soft pour musiciens(ultra stable) et pas seulement pour les ingés son
à utilisé pour la composition et , a mon avis en complement de cubase ou logic et autre proo tools.....
Live est un bon logiciel, très intéressant pour les prestations live justement, pour un musicien ne souhaitant pas sortir ses machines de sa chambre... néanmoins, la structure du logiciel reste un peu fermée, le traitement audio n'est pas parfait et son prix (depuis la version 4) me semble surévalué. Il reste tout de même un bon soft, très agréable à utiliser.
Enfin un soft stable et complet (depuis la version 4) qui trouve sa place comme un reel instrument de musique sur scene .
Je m en sert sur un Ibook G4 avec la carte son interne ou avec le M-audio OZONE !
Nickel !
Ce soft est ideal a la fois pour les musicien Live , pour le studio , en rewire et aussi pour les DJ ...
Bref ...téléchargez la demo et vous serez surpris ;-)
Tof (pour OSMOHZ)
Logiciel étonnant... pas seulement pour le Live...
The latest update of "Live 7".
Support for AKAI APC40. Thanx..
Almost perfect..
absolutely, it's the best!
I LOVE Ableton's Live, it's super software for musician! Inspiring, creative, powerful. Amazingly fast tech-support. Simply the best!
Guenter :'Bad: you only get two registration-numbers from ableton (in case of changing your computer that's pretty not much).'
-- If you contact Ableton by email or phone (Very helpful) and mention that you would like to register on other computers you will find them to be very accomodating.

Brilliant software!! Very easy to learn and with 3rd party plug-ins the possiblities and quality are up to the creator.
If you are a musician that this is simply the most amazing piece of software running on OS X. Fast, incredibly Powerful. Frequent updates, good support.
Very Good: Live 3.0 is truly the best looping sequencer for live-acts and for rapid results. Impressive it's effect section: therewith one can get brilliant results in real time. A most useful feature: You can run Live 3.0 in slave mode with nearly all other sequencers. Bad: you only get two registration-numbers from ableton (in case of changing your computer that's pretty not much). MIDI editing is not the a strong point of Live 3.0.
Truly the best Looping Sequencer for Mac or Windows. Live 1.0 was great, but 3.0 is amazing. Well worth the money!!!!

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Synthétiseur analogique virtuel pour Ableton Live. Analog est un synthétiseur analogique virtuel, créé en collaboration avec Applied Acoustics Systems. Avec cet instrument, nous n'avons pas tenté d'émuler un...
Percussions par modélisation physique pour Ableton Live. Collision est un synthétiseur qui simule les caractéristiques d'instruments de percussion à mailloches. Créé en collaboration avec Applied Acoustics Systems,...
Pianos électriques pour Ableton Live. Electric est un piano électrique virtuel basé sur des instruments classiques des années 70 et développé en collaboration avec Applied Acoustics Systems. Chaque...
Live Intro
Version allégée de Live. Ableton Live Intro vous donne l'essentiel d'Ableton Live à petit prix. Live Intro contient tout ce qu'il vous faut pour écrire des chansons, composer des...
Synthé hybride pour Ableton Live. L'Operator est un synthétiseur perfectionné et souple combinant le concept de modulation de fréquence (FM) avec la synthèse classique, soustractive et additive....
Echantillonneur pour Ableton Live. Sampler est un instrument de multiéchantillonnage élégant mais formidable, qui tire pleinement parti du moteur audio souple de Live. Il a dès le départ été conçu...
Cordes par modélisation physique pour Ableton Live. Le Tension est un synthétiseur dédié à l'émulation des instruments à cordes et développé en collaboration avec Applied Acoustics Systems. Il est entièrement basé...
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