This First Look Tutorial-Video will show you many of Cubase 6’s coolest new tools & abilities. App Features: • 43 minutes of video training • Super clear...
    Unleash your true singing potential with Sing Sharp - Your Personal Vocal Coach! This revolutionary app is designed to help you discover, develop, and perfect...
    The Music Drawing Notation by Virtual Sheet Music has been specifically designed to write music by putting notes on a music staff, the easiest way. Any musician...
    Apprenez à jouer du piano avec des milliers de leçons de piano animé pour votre musique préférée. OnlinePianist est super si vous voulez apprendre le piano par...
    The only sight reading app that can train all 88 keys with sharp, natural, flat in the context of all key signatures. Fantastic!! - "This is really helping me....
    Toutes les techniques avancées de Guitare - Méthode de guitare de niveau moyen à expert. -Les techniques : Legato, Tapping, Tapping à 2 mains, Tapping...
    • Apprenez à jouer vos lignes de basse préférées sur la guitare basse. • Apprenez échelles et confiture à un clic / playbacks. Sauvez les Riffs. • Apprenez des...
    La meilleure méthode pour apprendre la basse sans connaître le solfège. - Niveau : Débutant - Aucune connaissance musicale requise - 15 cours dans la version...
    Saxophone All-in-one All You need to know about Playing saxophone on your fingertips: - Membership - - - - - Why not join our monthly lowest prices' "...
    What they say about Guitar 3D App! "Guitar 3D is probably the best guitar teaching app I’ve ever come across in the App Store." - appPicker Watch the Video...
    Do you want to learn to sing or make better use of your voice? Vox Tools offers this and much more. App programmed directly by certified Speech Level Singing...
    La meilleure méthode pour apprendre la guitare sans connaître le solfège. - Plus d'1 million d'apprentis guitaristes utilisent cette méthode - Niveau : Débutant...
    La meilleure méthode pour apprendre le Slap à la basse. - Niveau : Intermédiaire - Avancé - 10 cours dans la version LITE - 30 Cours dans la version complète...
    One of the easiest ways to learn reading music and playing the Oud. Start with the practice screen and learn the names of the notes, their positions on the...
    John Mehegan (1916-1984) was a jazz pianist, critic, educator and author of many books on jazz. He came up with this unique style of roman numeral notation that...
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