drool string ukelele
    Algorithmic randomized sequencer. Drool string ukelele is a randomized algorithmic sequencer/looper application. It consists of 8 sampler/sequencer modules which sequence randomized data located...
    Audio manipulation + synth. Amoeba adds to the sineqube library yet another set of methods for audio manipulation. This time, the trick of the day is amoeba's unique 'swirling' technique....
    Granular synthesis. Amber-X is a granular synthesis application, based upon Amber by Matt McCabe and Jennifer Bernard. Granular synthesis is a process by which sounds are broken...
    Symbolic Composer
    Music Molecular Language. Symbolic Composer is one of the most advanced and largest music composition language available with over 1000 music algorithms, suitable for modern, dance,...
    Generative sound environment. SEELEWASCHEN was composed by Karlheinz Essl for an outdoor light installation by the German artist Rainer Gottemeier. Using the sound of one single bell stroke...
    Max for Live
    Max/MSP integrated into Ableton Live. Max for Live puts the power and potential of Max/MSP inside Live. Create all the instruments, effects and extensions you've ever wanted. Go beyond the common and...
    Sound synthesis. ARGO is made of more than 100 real-time sound synthesis "modules". A module is a Max/MSP patch. - Granular synthesis - FFT - Filter - Reverberation -...
    Real time audio synthesis programming language. SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis. You can write programs to generate or process sound in real time or non...
    Programming environment for composers, sound artists, VJ's and graphic artists. Impromptu is an OSX programming environment for composers, sound artists, VJ's and graphic artists with an interest in live or interactive programming. Impromptu...
    3D music application. In SONASPHERE, functional units, such as sound samples, effects and mixers, are represented as small spherical 'Objects' floating within 3D Space. Users can...
    A visual programming environment for interactive real-time music applications.. JMax is a new implementation of the MAX software written originally by Miller Puckette at Ircam. The name MAX is an homage to Max Matthews, one of the fathers of...
    Stochastic event generator based on Xenakis's algorithms. Stochos is a realtime stochastic event generator system for computer music and sound design. It's core is based on the Achorripsis model of Iannis Xenakis....
    Synfire Pro
    Music Prototyping. Put new ideas to life in virtually no time, supported by groundbreaking new technology with incredible editing capabilities: Synfire can understand and...
    Wind Machine
    Generative Sound Software. Generative music software which simulates wind sounds and cries using a MU128 midi based synth,, creating a beautiful but dark and erie collage of different wind...
    Universal Music Machine
    Algorithmic composition utility. UMM is an algorithmic composition utility that creates independent sequences of pitches, rhythms, and dynamic markings, and then splices these sequences together...
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