Cycling '74

Developer and distributor of interactive audio and composition software including MSP, which lets you construct your own synthesizers and effects processors out of simple audio objects.

Software by Cycling '74

Granular, spectral, and filter/delay-based plug-ins. Hipno is a hell-raising horde of audio plug-ins and virtual instruments for Audio Unit, RTAS, and VST host applications. The Hipno collection, designed by...
Video programming environment. Jitter is a set of 135 brilliant new video, matrix, and 3D graphics objects for the Max graphical programming environment. The Jitter objects extend the...
Interactive composing and performing system. M is an interactive composing and performing system that takes notes and chords that you specify and manipulates them, under your control, to create musical...
Graphical programming environment. Max gives you the parts to create unique sounds, stunning visuals, and engaging interactive media. These parts are called 'objects' – visual boxes that contain...
Max for Live
Max/MSP integrated into Ableton Live. Max for Live puts the power and potential of Max/MSP inside Live. Create all the instruments, effects and extensions you've ever wanted. Go beyond the common and...
Max runtime
For Max-based applications. Max runtime makes it possible to use Max-based audio applications. Installing the Pluggo Runtime is not necessary if you have already installed the full version...
Bundle of plug-ins. The MODE plug-ins set, built using Pluggo technology, includes five primary plugins: POLY (polyphonic synthesizer), MONO (synth with a dual 2-op FM engine), BANG...
Surround mastering. Octirama is the first full-featured dynamics processor for 5.1 surround mastering for the Digidesign TDM environment. Octirama incorporates sophisticated four-...
Collection of Plug ins. Pluggo is a collection of more than seventy-four audio plug-ins that work with Mac OS sequencers and audio applications. Effects categories include delays,...
Pluggo runtime
For Max/MSP-based plug-ins. The Pluggo Runtime Installer makes it possible to use Max/MSP-based audio plug-ins within VST, Audio Unit, and RTAS host applications. It does not install any...
Loop-based performance software. RadiaL is a loop-based performance software with an unique interface thoughtfully optimized for playing live or composing and designing in the moment. RadiaL...
Inter-application virtual audio bus. This is yet another core-audio plug-in which will let you get inter-application audio routing possible. It has been reported that it is easier to configure than...
Stereo to 5.1 Immersive Audio Conversion Tools. UpMix has been developed and tested by a team of surround sound professionals and utilizes proprietary algorithms to convert stereo audio into an immersive...
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