REplay PLAYer
    Generative sound file shredder. REplay PLAYer is a computer program based on the paradigms of granular synthesis. The program de-constructs a given sound file and re-composes it by using...
    Visual programming environment. OpenMusic (OM) is a visual programming environment for creating computer aided composition applications on the Macintosh. OM offers the user a number of...
    Real time audio synthesis programming language. SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis. You can write programs to generate or process sound in real time or non...
    Real-Time Granular Synthesizer. RTGS-X is a Real-Time Granular Synthesizer that can be used to generate brand new sounds or to manipulate and distort existing sounds. It is very useful in...
    Graphical programming environment. Max gives you the parts to create unique sounds, stunning visuals, and engaging interactive media. These parts are called 'objects' – visual boxes that contain...
    Virtual Modular Studio. Bidule is a realtime modular creation studio aimed mainly at artists seeking a new creative environment to experiment with. With Bidule, you create your own live...
    Argeiphontes Lyre
    A set of audio, video and text filters and generators. Audio: Faltung In Zeit, The Lobster Quadrille, Time Domain Mutation, Eviscerator Reanimator, Morphological Disintegration, Dynamic State Veryabyll, Time...
    Ambient soundscape generator. FLOW is an audio computer program running on Apple Macintosh machines. It generates an ever-changing and never repeating soundscape in real time that fills the...
    Voice of the GoatCactus
    Create your own music with the click of a button. Voice of the GoatCactus is an application that lets you create original music with the click of a button, even if you have no musical training. You can use the...
    Random chords generator. MacBard is a fun little toy for musicians of all skill levels. It helps writing songs by suggesting random chord changes and how to arrange them. Simply choose a...
    Visual sound design environment. Kyma is a visual sound design environment that runs on your Macintosh. It's a graphical language for creating, modifying, and combining sounds. Kyma is an...
    Square One
    An Interactive Song. The Square One is not a piece of music software. It is an interface that will allow you to interact with our song, Dreamtime Dub. This stand alone application...
    Synthesis by physical modelisation. Modalys and its version with a graphical interface, Modalys-ER, is used for creating virtual instruments based on simple physical objects such as strings, metal...
    Sonic morphing. Diphone Studio is used for sonic morphing. After an analysis phase, which breaks up the sound into chunks (called diphones), the chunks are placed in a...
    Manipulate Audio Pitch & Time in Real-time. Slycer is a standalone, mac-only application that can randomly alter the playback speed and length of audio files for studio work and live performance. Granular...
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