Plug ins for Pro tools.

Software by DUY

Deep Analog EQ
EQ. DUY's Deep Analog EQ plug-in is an extremely special equalizer, which can be used just like any other standard EQ, but with an exclusive Active Circuit Synthesis...
Creating Sounds and FX. DUY's DSPider is a modular processing software for the Digidesign TDM Bus. It consists of 40 separate modules that can be linked by the user in countless...
DUY SIlence
Noise reduction. DUY Silence is a noise reduction plug-in. With DUY Silence you'll be able to collect information about your noise using an analysis method, by capturing the...
Buncle of 5 plug-ins. DUY Shape: an adjustable 3-band waveshaper that will become the only tool you will ever want to use for high-precision sound definition. You can modify the...
Global Bundle
6 TDM plug-ins. ReDSPider is the read-only version of DSPider that allows you to use all the presets of DSPider. DaD Tape simulates the sound of analog tapes for digital...
Magic Spectrum
Mastering tools. DUY Magic Spectrum is a high-quality mastering tool, based on adaptative equalization. Available for RTAS, Audio Units, VST and MAS/MOTU, DUY Magic Spectrum...
Magic Spectrum Pro
Mastering tools. DUY Magic Spectrum Pro is a high-quality mastering tool, based on adaptative equalization. Available for TDM,, DUY Magic Spectrum Pro allows you, on one hand, to...
Automatic mastering EQ. MagicEQ is a mastering tool, based on a new equalization concept that can be resumed in 4 words: Statistically-Adaptative Automatic Equalization. To use DUY...
Modular synthesizer. SynthSpider is the first modular synth software for TDM. By linking the 40 modules, you can create your own user-defined sounds and sequences. The high quality...
Reverberation. DUY Z-Room is a natural sounding reverb, featuring: Main features • High quality density and diffusion. • Total control over parameters which had never been...
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