Polyfractus (Dragan Petrovic) is a talented programmer offering most of his work as freeware. He's developed several amazing VST plug-ins.
Software by PolyFractus

A strange compressor/gate VST plug-in. Thanks to its special operation mode, this compressor/gate plug-in provides you strange compressions. Use it to dirty your samples, especially drum loops.

High quality reverb plug-in.. DR-Verb is a High quality Reverb plug-in which emulates any room from small rooms to "Hall" or "Church" large rooms. Thanks to its large number of controls and...

A special multi loop player. MMP is an original multi loop player. It allows to synchronize 4 sample loops (up to 5 seconds) and to control the drift between the loops.
It's inspired by...

Modulation Delay. "Model" is an OSX AU MOdulation DELay plugin. From classic echoes to strange modulations and musical patterns, you can Model your sound with unlimited random...

Converts audio to midi in real-time.. Pitch2Midi is the first and only shareware plug-in which convert any (monophonic) audio source to a MIDI signal, in real time.
It can be used for...

A loop editing tool.. R-Mix is a real-time loop editing tool with some other (remix) functions.
It loops sounds up to 20 seconds with triggering and phase cancelation.

Plug-in pack: LoopDelay, Reson & ReverbModeler.. A 3 VST plug-in pack for macintosh:
A multi-tap (up to five 5 taps) delay (up to 5 seconds), with a Loop function. Each delay (tap) is chained...

A real-time spectrum analyzer. Spectrogram is a real-time spectrum analyzer VST plug-in for Macintosh.
The spectrum may be shown in 4 different modes (see picture): "Spectrograph view" -...