
Categorie Utilitaires Matériel / Drivers et Pilotes
Version 1.4.1
Format App
Compatibilité OriginMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 24 janv. 2013
Téléchargements 3 687
Télécharg. Mac 2 004
Categorie Utilitaires Matériel / Drivers et Pilotes
Version 1.4.1
Format App
Compatibilité OriginWindows
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 24 janv. 2013
Téléchargements 3 687
Télécharg. PC 1 683


Firmware pour le premier synthé hardware signé Arturia : l'Origin.
Origin Origin v 1.4.1 24 janv. 2013 MacOS X UB
Bugs Fixed in version 1.4.1

Fix a crash at start-up of Origin Connection that occurs when the number of Audio- Midi devices is too high.
Fix the “low level volume” bug that occurs when Origin starts up (on a machine with the global setting “Knob Mode” set to “HOOK”.
3- Fix the overwriting of the sound-designer name when a preset is loaded.
4- Fix the bug that prevented to open a JoyMixer parameter view when used in a new preset.
5- Fix a bug in the IO driver (LINUX) that was causing frequent errors when trying to load sound banks, or reloading a preset backup into Origin.
6- Fix a second driver bug that was affecting messages sent by Origin to the a Host on a computer and which could cause transmission errors
7- Fix various bugs in Origin Connection that could freeze or time-out a backup or sound bank reload.
Arturia Origin Origin v 1.4.0 27 juin 2012 MacOS X UB
New Oberheim SEM Filter module.
New Voice Modulator module inspired by the classic Oberheim 8-Voice.
Multi FX Mode introducing a new FX routing with 2 Inserts per channel, 2 Auxiliaries, and 2 Master Bus.
New Tonewheel percussion parameter.
Trig inputs now accept any modulation.
Arturia Origin v 1.3.23 4 févr. 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Jupiter 8 template:

  • The Origin 1.3 firmware embeds the new Jupiter 8 template which recreates the unique voice architecture and design of this legendary analog synthesizer.
    Carefully selected preset sounds will allow you to put the powerful and inspiring sounds of the Jupiter 8 right at your fingertips.
    Synthesists will also be able to create their own Jupiter 8 patches thanks to the easy and intuitive programming via front panel sliders, knobs and buttons, just like the original. The classic features like cross-mod, oscillator sync, arpeggiator are also on-board.

  • New play modes:

  • * POLY_UNISON: emulates the Jupiter8 "UNISON" mode, that shares up to 8 voices between the currently active notes. (Currently not available for MULTI presets.)
    * UNISON parameter for MONO programs: allows the user to set the number of voices that will play simultaneously for the MONO program. UNISON "polyphony" can be set to a value between 2 and 8 in SINGLE mode, and is limited to 2 in MULTI mode.

  • Sequencer switches automation:

  • Actions on the Sequencer "LOOP" and "PATTERNS" switches can be recorded as MIDI CONTROL CHANGES messages and replayed.

  • Portamento glide time:

  • Adding of a second way to manage the portamento glide time: the user can now choose between a constant time for the whole glide, or a constant time per semitone.

  • Switch pedal:

  • It is now possible to configure the switch pedal action in the 'Performance' page.

  • Compressor module:

  • The Origin sounds can now be processed through a brand new compressor FX module. The compressor will allow you to add relief to your sound, from smooth attacks to huge pumping effects, making sure you always get the desirable presence in your mix.

  • Sample & Hold module:

  • Derived from the ARP S&H. Takes any modulation (LFO, Env…) signal at its inputs and provides a sampled and hold modulation signal at its outputs.

  • User Interface enhancements:

  • * In a number of dialogs you can now navigate between the controls and change their value without pre-selecting them.
    * Possibility to select the slot preset to load using the keypad + the edit switch. Previously it was necessary to use the browser to load a slot preset.
    * A new layout of the dialog makes easier the configuration of the "live" macros.
    * The user can now define a set of favorite presets and navigate thru them with the Preset Browser.
    * A clear feedback – using speaker icons - of the mute state of a Voice output on the FxMixer page, of the slot output on the Multi page and on the program icon in the preset bar
    * Possibility to set 2 or more MULTI slots in the hold state in a single action by keeping their "Edit" switches pressed when "Hold" is set ON (or OFF).
    firmware Origin v 1.2.5 3 août 2010 MacOS X UB
    This new version includes:
    * Duophonic aftertouch: This Arturia Innovation allows the aftertouch to only affect one note, which can be set to highest, lowest or last played. Origin keyboard only!
    * Multi-mode ribbon controller. Origin keyboard only!
    * Precise editing of velocity and aftertouch curves. Origin keyboard only!
    * More complete configuration of multi mode: now the keyboard can be split into a Zone (note range, channel, midi filters) and any multi can be associated with each zone.
    * Interacting with a DAW or sequencer much easier: Midi CCs are sent and received on a channel specific to the program. Notes, and pitch bend are sent on the defined zone channels.
    * Improved settings page
    * Added Performance page: Lets you easily set up all Origin's different live controllers (aftertouch, mod and pitch, joystick and ribbon on Origin Keyboard).
    * All key ranges can be edited using the keyboard keys.

    After updating, and before restarting Origin Connection, go to Home/Settings, select RESET, press ENTER and reboot Origin.
    telecharger Origin v 1.1.54 25 janv. 2010 MacOS X UB
    * New ToneWheel Oscillator
    * New Rotary Speaker
    * New CS-80 envelope
    * New Effects: Bit Crusher, Compressor, Equalizer, Ring Mod and Parametric EQ.
    * New MIDI possibilities:
    - Origin to be used as a MIDI controller
    - Origin to be automated via CC MIDI.
    * Sequencer improvements:
    - Better GUI
    - New performance mode.
    * Keyboard Module enhancements.
    * GUI Improvements: Parameter values are now fully displayed.
    mac Origin v 1.0.7 30 sept. 2009 MacOS X UB
    Fixed in 1.0.7:
  • Preview in multi mode are more stable.

  • Fixes conflicts between Origin Connection and Logic Pro
  • windows Origin v 1.0.6 2 janv. 2009 MacOS X UB
    Origin Origin v 1.4.1 24 janv. 2013 Windows
    Bugs Fixed in version 1.4.1

    Fix a crash at start-up of Origin Connection that occurs when the number of Audio- Midi devices is too high.
    Fix the “low level volume” bug that occurs when Origin starts up (on a machine with the global setting “Knob Mode” set to “HOOK”.
    3- Fix the overwriting of the sound-designer name when a preset is loaded.
    4- Fix the bug that prevented to open a JoyMixer parameter view when used in a new preset.
    5- Fix a bug in the IO driver (LINUX) that was causing frequent errors when trying to load sound banks, or reloading a preset backup into Origin.
    6- Fix a second driver bug that was affecting messages sent by Origin to the a Host on a computer and which could cause transmission errors
    7- Fix various bugs in Origin Connection that could freeze or time-out a backup or sound bank reload.
    Arturia Origin Origin v 1.4.0 27 juin 2012 Windows
    New Oberheim SEM Filter module.
    New Voice Modulator module inspired by the classic Oberheim 8-Voice.
    Multi FX Mode introducing a new FX routing with 2 Inserts per channel, 2 Auxiliaries, and 2 Master Bus.
    New Tonewheel percussion parameter.
    Trig inputs now accept any modulation.
    Arturia Origin v 1.3.23 4 févr. 2011 Windows
  • Jupiter 8 template:

  • The Origin 1.3 firmware embeds the new Jupiter 8 template which recreates the unique voice architecture and design of this legendary analog synthesizer.
    Carefully selected preset sounds will allow you to put the powerful and inspiring sounds of the Jupiter 8 right at your fingertips.
    Synthesists will also be able to create their own Jupiter 8 patches thanks to the easy and intuitive programming via front panel sliders, knobs and buttons, just like the original. The classic features like cross-mod, oscillator sync, arpeggiator are also on-board.

  • New play modes:

  • * POLY_UNISON: emulates the Jupiter8 "UNISON" mode, that shares up to 8 voices between the currently active notes. (Currently not available for MULTI presets.)
    * UNISON parameter for MONO programs: allows the user to set the number of voices that will play simultaneously for the MONO program. UNISON "polyphony" can be set to a value between 2 and 8 in SINGLE mode, and is limited to 2 in MULTI mode.

  • Sequencer switches automation:

  • Actions on the Sequencer "LOOP" and "PATTERNS" switches can be recorded as MIDI CONTROL CHANGES messages and replayed.

  • Portamento glide time:

  • Adding of a second way to manage the portamento glide time: the user can now choose between a constant time for the whole glide, or a constant time per semitone.

  • Switch pedal:

  • It is now possible to configure the switch pedal action in the 'Performance' page.

  • Compressor module:

  • The Origin sounds can now be processed through a brand new compressor FX module. The compressor will allow you to add relief to your sound, from smooth attacks to huge pumping effects, making sure you always get the desirable presence in your mix.

  • Sample & Hold module:

  • Derived from the ARP S&H. Takes any modulation (LFO, Env…) signal at its inputs and provides a sampled and hold modulation signal at its outputs.

  • User Interface enhancements:

  • * In a number of dialogs you can now navigate between the controls and change their value without pre-selecting them.
    * Possibility to select the slot preset to load using the keypad + the edit switch. Previously it was necessary to use the browser to load a slot preset.
    * A new layout of the dialog makes easier the configuration of the "live" macros.
    * The user can now define a set of favorite presets and navigate thru them with the Preset Browser.
    * A clear feedback – using speaker icons - of the mute state of a Voice output on the FxMixer page, of the slot output on the Multi page and on the program icon in the preset bar
    * Possibility to set 2 or more MULTI slots in the hold state in a single action by keeping their "Edit" switches pressed when "Hold" is set ON (or OFF).
    firmware Origin v 1.2.5 3 août 2010 Windows
    This new version includes:
    * Duophonic aftertouch: This Arturia Innovation allows the aftertouch to only affect one note, which can be set to highest, lowest or last played. Origin keyboard only!
    * Multi-mode ribbon controller. Origin keyboard only!
    * Precise editing of velocity and aftertouch curves. Origin keyboard only!
    * More complete configuration of multi mode: now the keyboard can be split into a Zone (note range, channel, midi filters) and any multi can be associated with each zone.
    * Interacting with a DAW or sequencer much easier: Midi CCs are sent and received on a channel specific to the program. Notes, and pitch bend are sent on the defined zone channels.
    * Improved settings page
    * Added Performance page: Lets you easily set up all Origin's different live controllers (aftertouch, mod and pitch, joystick and ribbon on Origin Keyboard).
    * All key ranges can be edited using the keyboard keys.

    After updating, and before restarting Origin Connection, go to Home/Settings, select RESET, press ENTER and reboot Origin.
    telecharger Origin v 1.1.54 25 janv. 2010 Windows
    * New ToneWheel Oscillator
    * New Rotary Speaker
    * New CS-80 envelope
    * New Effects: Bit Crusher, Compressor, Equalizer, Ring Mod and Parametric EQ.
    * New MIDI possibilities:
    - Origin to be used as a MIDI controller
    - Origin to be automated via CC MIDI.
    * Sequencer improvements:
    - Better GUI
    - New performance mode.
    * Keyboard Module enhancements.
    * GUI Improvements: Parameter values are now fully displayed.
    mac Origin v 1.0.7 30 sept. 2009 Windows
    Fixed in 1.0.7:
  • Preview in multi mode are more stable.

  • Fixes conflicts between Origin Connection and Logic Pro
  • windows Origin v 1.0.6 2 janv. 2009 Windows

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