Melody Assistant

Categorie Education et composition / Arrangeurs
Version 7.6.3f
Format App
Compatibilité Melody AssistantMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $20  /  20€
Mis à jour le 1 août 2013
Téléchargements 2 598
Télécharg. Mac 2 068
Categorie Education et composition / Arrangeurs
Version 7.6.3f
Format App
Compatibilité Melody AssistantWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $20  /  20€
Mis à jour le 1 août 2013
Téléchargements 2 598
Télécharg. PC 530

Ecriture et Composition Musicale

Melody Assistant est destiné à l'écriture et la composition musicale. Facile à utiliser, il offre une interface conviviale et des outils puissants. C'est en fait une version allégée de Harmony Assistant.
Melody Assistant Melody Assistant v 7.6.3f 1 août 2013 MacOS X UB

Fixed a crash in MIDI import
Problem to grab margin control handles after the first page
Myriad Software Melody Assistant Melody Assistant v 7.6.3e 27 juil. 2013 MacOS X UB

When moving an object related to a staff, a visual spot shows the target staff.
Now possible to grab objects related to a staff but located outside its area
MIDI Import: microtonal pitch shift that are constant for a staff are now taken into account in the frequency parameter curve
Kooplet search: Web sites that do not want direct download are now managed
Better management of dot when displaying double-stem dotted eighths


Fixed a crash when editing MUSL space, when there are only folders (no file)
Fixed an offset problem when copying/pasting regular drum staves
Fixed possible crash when using headless notes
Fixed note color when inserting a slur, using the hammer, etc.
Fixed dashes display between syllables at end of bar
Effect processors located on the left of the first note in a staff weren't considered
Adjustment of some graphical elements in guitar tablatures
Fixed palette magnetism.
Harmony Assistant: Grid drum staves now follow engraver mode positionning
Myriad Software Melody Assistant v 7.6.3d 4 juil. 2013 MacOS X UB

When importing an MusicXML file, when several lines of lyrics are present and the number of repeats is not specified, the additional lines are not deleted anymore
Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: a new method enables to find automatically the appropriate language for lyrics on a staff. This method is now used in file import: Finale, Encore, etc.


A serious source of instability has been fixed on Windows. It could generate crashes, especially when opening various windows.
About 400 small irregularities, that could cause more or less important instabilities, have been fixed in the program source code
A problem in parameter curves management made them be applied by default to the whole score
Harmony Assistant: Possible crash when moving cursor outside any staff area in page mode
Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: improvement of item info display in the script editor (clipping problem)
Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: source code was duplicated when editing dialogs and floating windows
assistant Melody Assistant v 7.6.3 29 juin 2013 MacOS X UB

To insert very low or high pitched notes outside the staff area, you can press the Shift key while inserting the note.
In multi-voice staves or in a staff group, it's now possible to insert notes that continue the melody that has been written on the above or below staff (continuous input). It becomes easy to write a melody that switches between staves without having to fill with rests.
An option shows the rests in continuous input
New accidental notation: Old accidental cancellation
When importing a Karaoke MIDI file or a MusicXML file with lyrics, the algorithm for deciding on what language to use (for Virtual Singer) has been completely rethought. It is now much more accurate.
When inserting points in parameter curves, the Shift key enables to insert a "end of curve" point, that is detached from the following point. This enables to create discontinuous segments, or even isolated points.
New optional way to display flagged notes : flags are displayed as unconnected horizontal beams (Flamenco notation)
New ornaments : golpe (guitar body hit for flamenco), strumming up, strumming down
In the complete mixer, it's now possible to adjust volume or panning of all the select staves at once, by pressing the Alt key while a value is changed.
Now possible to hear the hovered notes on score
New kind of tablature for Kuntigui, a single-stringed African instrument
Pictures related to staves are now exported and imported in MusicXML
Harmony Assistant: A new "Voice meter" script lets you hear the beats and fractions of beats, counted by a human voice (German Auszählen)
Harmony Assistant: Two piano learning scripts enable to view and fix performer mistakes when playing a complete score, or to view the note names to be played step-by-step
Harmony Assistant: A "MIDI-Digital Sync" script helps computing very finely the audio output latency, and doing so synchronize Digital output with MIDI output
Harmony Assistant: When the compressed MusicXML format is used (.mxl), pictures that are embedded in the document are processed according to the mxl guidelines and recognised as such by music programs that manage pictures
Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: New powerful graphical functions ("Surface" object) enables to work on picture, and import or export them in various formats.
Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Quick help on the selected word in the script editor
Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Auto-completion of keywords, variable and function names in the script editor


Changing a measure width through the ruler handle now changes the next measure with in order not to alter the total width of the system. The previous way or managing measure width is still available by pressing the Ctrl (Windows/Linux) or Command (Macintosh) key while moving the handle.
In the French version, the term for "beaming" has been changed from "accroche" to "ligature"
Possible to beam eighth notes by groups of 4 in 4/4 time signature
When working on a note, the area on which beams are recomputed has been shrinked in order to impact as few notes as possible
The "end of printing after this bar" mark is now shifted when set to the end of tune and a new measure is inserted there.
Now possible to insert vertical lines objects with bracket ends
When while editing break symbols, a jump to a missing measure was set, an alert box could appear endlessly, making difficult to apply any change.
Better accuracy when clicking on a text with the dedicated mouse pointer
On the virtual keyboard, played note display is smoother and more in sync with audio. No note is forgotten, even when the audio output latency is high.
Play cursor can now switch smoothly between bars.
Notes outside pitch range (Edit > Search) are now located while taking transposing instruments into account. To make this search run properly with some instruments (e.g. clarinet), transposition has then to be set as expected.
Some items of the interface slightly overlapped.
Play cursor width can now be adjusted
Improvement in the appearance of drum grid staves. The various line widths can now be adjusted in the score appearance box
Improvement in the appearance of crescendo / decrescendo symbols when they cross over an end of line.
Rotation in degree of graphical objects related to the document, a staff or a symbol
When the mouse hovers an ornament, the ornament area as well as its owning note are shown.
Key signature changes are now aligned when a clef is invisible
When asking for loop playing and a play start mark is set, music restarts from the mark.
While editing, the Alt key switches temporarily in selection (lasso) mode
On scores that contained tempo changes and at least one not with an important negative delay, play could go off-sync
Key change at the first bar of a piece doesn't inster a double barline at the beginning anymore
Removed the inopportune alert box when cancelling export of a digital track area
Mouse wheel handling has been implemented in mixers and on the document itself: titles, text related to a staff, staff name, etc. Using the mouse wheel on a scroll bar, a slider or a knob will increase or decrease its value.
Text alignment mode can now be selected in manual chord line settings
When the user adjusts manually a slur symbol control handle, the "automatic adjust" setting is deactivated for this slur.
Dynamics now apply to all the staves in a multi-voice staff, even if the staff became multi-voice after the dynamics has been inserted
When some palettes were moved outside the screen bounds, they jumped back too far to the center of the screen
Virtual Singer palette has been redesigned. Icon positioning now occurs in perspective on the stage
When targets were present on an empty line, the staff was displayed even if "do not print empty staves" was turned on. Now, the staff isn't displayed anymore, but the target mark is
New tuplet display and editing. This can slightly change the appearance of existing scores.
Improvement in dynamics insertion accuracy
Now possible to insert dynamics and solme other kinds of objects in velocity edit mode
New default area for dynamics and tempi, that avoid areas that can't be accessed by the mouse
In page mode with small zoom, staff lines can go over the last barline on the right. We reduced this unwanted effect
MIDI playing and export of scores that contain panning curves made some instruments to be heard completely to the left
A more explict message is now displayed when trying to adjust the digital input an no audio input device has been selected
Removing th ebackground picture of the document windows doesn't affect the "complete mixer" and "user" palette backgrounds
All document templates have been changed in order to remove the play start mark
Space or carriage return characters are now allowed in the played bar list
Improvement of beam management over an invisible rest
Improvement of the Karaoke window, with cautionary clef and selection of staff display size
Gregorian notation: horizontal episemes are now managed (ancestor of the tenuto)
Default page header and footer of "Configuration > Global Setup> Print" are now used when importing an external file (e.g. MIDI file)
When processing stem direction, the reversible ornaments (e.g fermata) didn't always move to the right side of complex chords, and were losing the user adjustments
ABC Import: missing parenthesis in the imported text could freeze the program
MusicXML Import: staves with a different time signature are now automatically converted
MusicXML Import/Export: better calculation of the distance between a note and its ornaments
MusicXML Import/Export: general settings for score appearance are processed: stem width, staff line width, grace note size, etc.
Default tempo value when importing MusicXML has been changed from 120 to 80
MusicXML import and export have been improved, especially for the graphic position of pedal, dynamics, ottava, chord diagrams, text objects.
Above this, tempo change objects are now properly imported and exported
Improvement of automatic edit area positionning in scroll mode
Line width of inverted triangles in harmonica tablature wasn't properly managed
MusicXML import: break symbol text, ending bracket, beam, slur and tie widths now follow the staff scale
MusicXML import: ottava symbols could make note stems be abnormally long
MusicXML import: Better management of orphan ties
Harmony Assistant / MusicXML Export: Beams and clef change in the middle of a bar have been improved
Harmony Assistant / MusicXML Export: Management of staves that are not printed (for instance, when empty)
Harmony Assistant / MusicXML Export: Switched to MusicXML 2.0 format
Harmony Assistant / MusicXML Export: Better export of grace note accidentals
Harmony Assistant: street organ card printing didn't manage note delay. This could lead in wrong punch position when, for instance, the score had been made from a MIDI import
Harmony Assistant: lyrics can now be printed on street organ cards
Harmony Assistant: for each file collection in the jukebox, a delay between pieces can be specified
Harmony Assistant: Now possible to grab a staff that has been moved out of the screen bounds
Harmony Assistant: Better management of resizing and moving of free objects: now possible to work outsitde the page area
Harmony Assistant: When there is no staff in the document, the "Views" menu is inactive
Harmony Assistant / MyrScript : update of split text windows when stopping debugging has been improved.
Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: now possible to access the character set related to a staff
Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: The "Tablature for Wind Instrument" scripts has been amended to properly manage grace notes.
Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Improvement of Encore/MusicTime/Rhapsody/Compositeur import script
Windows: resizing of all the palettes have been rewritten, in order to manage the click & drag on any of the 4 palette edges.
Windows: the Enter key confirms alert boxes
Windows: In some window that enable to edit a multi-line text and that own a default button (e.g. document title edit) the Return key of the main keyboard inserts a line break in the text, while the Enter key of the keypad validates the box
Windows: general improvement in application stability
Linux: order of templated in the "new staff" box was random. They are now sorted in order to make the most frequently used staves appear first.
Linux: improvement of graphical accuracy when printing.


Fixed crash when clicking in the tempo staff margin in scroll mode, then selecting an option in the menu
Fixed problem when dragging objects from a discontinuous selection (Alt-click) to the next staff
Slider for selecting scale of graphics related to an ornament has been fixed in the note settings selection box
Fixed problems in list update
Fixed numbered parts display problems when the score starts by a text staff.
Fixed crash in break symbols edit box
Fixed display of octave change when clef is hidden
Fixed number of repeats display, at the end of a line
Flags of 128th notes didn't display when stem is downwards
Fixed change in staff area height, when moving the bar number line down
Fixed calculation of bar start symbols according to the score display settings.
Fixed behaviour of embedded text edior when moving the cursor while a selection is present.
Fixed brace display position on staff groups of one staff
Some MIDI Karaoke file export could crash or hang when some very long lyrics are present
When adding a staff to an empty score, the "Edit", "Delete" and "Duplicate" buttons were active. The "Delete" button crashed.
When defining a rule, it was difficult to enter "Do" (Latin notation) as a criterion for rule matching
Fixed problem in NoteWorthy import.
Fixed problem in editing grid drum staves
Fixed small graphical glitch in .ogg export box
Fixed a crash in MIDI export on files containing several hours of music
Fixed copy/paste problem on notes with double-stem
Fixed problem in slur digital adjustment
Better management of dynamics and multi-rests
Fixed problem in brace and bracket display when music is stopped
Display problem on frame and line between an ornament and its note when hovered
It was not possible to define a staff group (brace or bracket) that joins a regular staff and its tablature
The tuplet direction onversion didn't work on quarters and unbeamed eighths
Management of dynamics on volatile staves
Fixed display problem on document number of pages when ueing start page number offset
Fixed calculation of number of pages when reserved pages are present
Fixed minor problems in MIDI import, while processing illegal meta-events
Minor fixes in lists and some floating windows
Crash in Edit > Appearance > Colorise.
Possible crash in tablature calculation, when the user forced a cell number for the last note of the staff
Play start mark could be misplaced when creating a document that starts with an upbeat, or when inserting bars at the beginning of the document
Crash when a (de)crescendo symbol was overlapping the last barline of the score
Buffer overflow in Virtual Singer when the whole lyrics were written without any space or separator
Crash when closing the score appearance box
Fixed note stem display on harmonica tablatures
Fixed display of some notehead when staff scale is different from 1.
Search for note outside pitch range didn't work anymore
MusicXML import: several instances of buffer overflow could lead to unstable memory or crashes
MusicXML import: chord names in italian notation if the option is activated
Harmony Assistant: Wrong processing of line breaks when computing lyrics syllables width in engraver mode.
Harmony Assistant: Undoing an operation of printing scale change (page mode) didn't work properly
Harmony Assistant: Fixed a defect in vertical scroll bar manageùent when deleting lines in the script editor
Harmony Assistant: Fixed "Virtual Singer > Show lyrics phonetics" script
Harmony Assistant: Several scripts have been fixed in order to avoid unwanted program termination in rare cases
Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Fixed string sunstitution problem that could make the Tabledit import crash
Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Fixed text block indent in text editor
Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Fixed font problem in log window
Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Fixed window resizing problem
Windows: Problem when printing graphical object with alpha (transparency) layer
Windows: Fixed memory loss when managing low-latency MIDI echo
Linux: Crash when using some windows. The overall program stability has been improved.
Linux: Management of text including music symbols from another font than Stoccata has been fixed
Linux: Wrong management of fonts without gap between lines like "My Figured Bass"
Linux: A type of notehead disappeared when printing
Macintosh: Problem in rendering of some instruments from sound bases. This made some notes of the GMSE sound base sound out of tune, for instance E5 of the French accordion.
Macintosh: Fixed MIDI input init if the device is off when application is started
Macintosh / Harmony Assistant: Fixed display of picture free objects
Macintosh / Harmony Assistant: Fixed icons printing problem
Macintosh / Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Fixed problem in GetPixel
musicale Melody Assistant v 7.6.2m 30 mai 2012 MacOS X UB
  • The "syringe" tool actions on rests have been extended. It's now possible to inject a dot or an ornament to a rest.

  • Positioning of line between notehead and text in "rule text" ornament has been improved

  • MusicXML Import: chord tags are now processed as staff-related chord line..

  • Parameter curve editing: better display of curves usage status in the pop-up menu

  • Better display of the target when inserting tempo changes: rests are now taken into account.

  • New replacement patterns have been added in header and footer edit

  • Fixes
  • Possible crash when a note that is involved in a slur or a special beam was replaced by a new note.

  • Problem with accented characters in document template names.

  • When editing lyrics text with a non-100% scale, some graphic updates were not properly performed

  • In some scores that included complex tempo changes and a note with a negative delay, playing could go out of sync.

  • Fixed parameter curve editing on a staff other than the first one.

  • Harmony Assistant: Closing a split area of the score window while playing could produce a crash.

  • Fixed display of some shape-note heads when scale is not 100%

  • Minor fix in ABC export.

  • Windows / Harmony Assistant: problem with the "Test" button in the hardware settings window that opens when the application is started for the first time.

  • Windows: when quitting the program, clicking "Cancel" in the warning box that asks for saving the document exited anyway (without saving).

  • MacOS: fixed access to alternate palette icons

  • Linux: The "standard" font, used for displaying dialog boxes, could be wrongly detected, resulting in unreadable items
  • composition Melody Assistant v 7.6.2k 16 mai 2012 MacOS X UB
    Now possible to extract and export pictures that are used in free objects

    Better sorting of fonts names in the text style palette.
    MusicXML import : management of multiple styles in Title/Composer/Remarks
    MusicXML import/export : better page settings, better positioning of text objects
    Windows : when selecting a font through a pop-up menu, they are sorted alphabetically
    Windows : MP3 export : Exported lyrics didn't show in Windows Media Player

    Possible crash when making a change to the score while setting a special beam or a slur.
    In a score sung by Virtual Singer, when the music starting point was set to bar #1, the program ignored the selected repeat number.
    Fixed chord display in harmonica tablatures
    Small glitches in ABC import/export
    Merged staff curve edit in page mode : only the first and last staff could be edited
    Fixed accented user name in page footer
    Harmony Assistant : fixed MP3 export of drum staves with a lyrics line
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript : changing chord line font or size didn't update graphically
    Windows: the digital output "Test" button in the hardware setup box didn't work.
    Mac OS : Fixed printing of very big embedded pictures
    Mac OS / Harmony Assistant / MyrScript : Fixed Graph.GetPixel.
    telecharger Melody Assistant v 7.6.2i 20 avril 2012 MacOS X UB

    Transparency management (alpha channel) for picture objects in GIF, PNG ... format
    New harmonica tablature display: hole number on two rows (draw/blow)
    Now possible to define Lydian tuning for diatonic harmonicas


    New calculation of tempo object default size
    Better positioning of break symbol text at end of bar (DS, DC...)
    Better management of merged staves with priority tablature
    MP3 export: when several staves with lyrics are present, now possible to select which one to use
    MP3 export: Better compatibility of ID3 tags with Windows Media Player
    ABC import now manages ISO 8859 (Windows) and UTF-8 character encoding
    ABC export can be set up to generate either of these formats


    Fixed control handle display when moving a dynamic in page mode
    Fixed cursor trail when inserting a tempo object
    Possible crashes when editing / loading tablatures
    Possible problems when using ornaments related to a clef
    Possible crashes when editing and adding picture objects
    Positioning and music duration problem when no break symbol is present and the list of played bars is fixed.
    Virtual Singer: problem in the singer language default value when not recognized
    Linux: impossible to print twice in a row from the preview window
    Harmony Assistant : possible crashes in Band In A Box file import
    mac Melody Assistant v 7.6.2h 30 mars 2012 MacOS X UB

    MP3 Export: lyrics can be exported in the MP3 file, as a full text or as synchronized lyrics
    MP3 import: synchronized lyrics or full text les paroles en texte complet ou syllabes synchronisées sont importées.
    Windows: now embedding a low latency software synthesizer, in order to provide echo for master MIDI keyboard input (Hardware configuration, "MIDI Echo" section)


    A "patch" for "Grand Piano 1" and "Grand Piano 1 Soft" sounds of the GOLD 2 sound base has been included. Fix is therefore automatic.
    Detection of new versions of the program has been improved
    A graphic mark enables to locate the first note to which a dynamic applies.
    When inserting and moving (de)crescendo, ottava or smooth tempo change, notes that match the beginning and the end of the action are marked
    "Real-time" MIDI input: Midi echo device is set to the instrument of the selected staff
    Change in the order of the phonemes to be recorded in RealSinger to create a new voice
    MP3 export: Now possible to select the tag format:: old format, ID3 ISO 8859 or ID3 Unicode.
    When pasting notes with automatic beaming deactivated, original stem directions an beaming are preserved
    Some text operations have been sped up
    Accuracy improvement when inserting dynamics
    Improvement in tablature calculation on merged (multi-voice) staves
    When moving a text object in the staff margin that follows a multi-rest bar doesn't "break" the rest anymore.
    MusicXML Import/Export: processing of slurs used as ties.
    Harmony Assistant, MusicXML Export: change in the multi-rest bar export, in order to improve compatibility with other programs
    Harmony Assistant: When running the application, script browsing has been sped up.
    Harmony Assistant: Better display of script names in the keyboard shortcut map.
    Harmony Assistant: Improvement of the NoteWorthy import script
    Harmony Assistant: Improvement of the Finale import script (beaming and triplet problems).
    Harmony Assistant: Improvement and fixes in the "About scripts" summary
    Harmony Assistant: Now possible to change column width in the MyrScript variables window
    Windows/Linux: Double echo when inserting a note in step-by-step MIDI input has been removed


    Possible crash when deleting bars that contains slurs or special beams
    Trills and some other ornaments could not play the right notes when last bar repeat symbols are present on the staff
    Possible crash in multi-voice tablature management
    Fixed position of break symbols (D.C, D.S) over multi-rest bars
    When deleting or inserting bars, some lyrics text styles could be altered.
    Fixed a problem in automatic dot positioning within a chord
    Crashes when moving a dynamic, text, line, graphic from a staff to another in scroll mode when displaying distances
    Fixed lyrics line count when unmasking lyric cells
    Fixed problem in masked lyric cells when loading a file
    Unmasking lyric cells could make an extra bar appear at the end of the piece
    Possible problems when displaying lyrics at the end of the score in page mode
    Fixed problem in Italian resources.
    Fixed a problem in default templates.
    Fixed ABC import module (custom key signatures)
    Fixed resizing problems in symbol-related picture object
    Fixed a problem with the hammer tool
    Cosmetic problem of stem end over the beams
    Graphics color could be incorrect on printed page
    Fixed MusicXML import problems
    Fixed mouse pointer display when inserting some dynamics
    Fixed "Da segno", "Da coda" display when inserting.
    Possible file corruption when using digital tracks
    Several errors have been fixed in display and edit of styled text (containing font, size, color... changes)
    Some trills didn't play well when the staff contains previous bar repeat symbols.
    Possible crash when deleting bars if there were slurs or special beams over a barline
    Adjusting slurs on a priority tablature moved the slurs too far away from notes
    Harmony Assistant: MusicXML Export, null and could confuse some other programs.
    Harmony Assistant: Problems in keyboard note input when a document is split into several areas
    Harmony Assistant: Fixed display/edit of line number in the MyrScript manual
    Harmony Assistant: Fixed some interactive samples in the MyrScript manual
    Harmony Assistant: Fixed SAMPA extraction in MyrScript when there are language changes in the lyrics.
    Windows: problems in standard mouse pointer management (window resizing arrows)
    Mac OS X: Fixed MIDI output
    Linux: Fixed GetCapability
    Linux: Fixed filehandle overload
    windows Melody Assistant v 7.6.2g 16 févr. 2012 MacOS X UB

    Improvement of accidental automatic positioning
    Improvement of automatic language recognition in Virtual Singer
    Enlargement of the area on the left of the staff, that makes the score scroll when expanding the selection range with the mouse
    When syntax errors are present in multi-piece ABC files, the alert now appears only once.
    MIDI Import: improvement in GOLD base sound / MIDI program change matching.
    When inserting a dynamics, the Shift key deactivates the automatic magnetism to the previous dynamics line
    Internal management of file access paths have been sped up
    Windows: Mouse cursor zooming is now available in any display depth, in all Windows versions.


    An extra measure could be added at the end when masking lyrics lines
    Editing lyrics (Staff > Edit lyrics) deleted the text styles
    Fixed lyrics position after some operations that change the score structure
    Possible problems when undoing the last command (Edit > Undo) when music is playing
    Fixed possible crashes when playing digital tracks or Virtual Singer
    Fixed possible crash when playing a Virtual Singer staff that contains characters impossible to sing
    Possible crash when forcing the default note stem direction of a staff
    Graphical fix: Ghost plots when moving a free object
    Graphical fix: Plots when inserting a crescendo
    Graphical fix: Missing parts when editing a styled text
    Fixed minor memory leaks
    Fixed a palette positioning problem in "magnetic" mode
    Fixed activity of staff-related chord line play mode when creating it
    Harmony Assistant, ETF import: fixed accented characters management, unbreakable spaces and rest triplets
    Harmony Assistant, Macintosh: fixed background of imported pictures
    Harmony Assistant: Possible crash when exporting a score that contains rules to MusicXML format
    MyrScript: Inserting pieces of text in a styled text could erase some following styles
    Macintosh: Fixed fretted instrument tuning file saving
    Linux: some document templates were missing
    macintosh Melody Assistant v 7.6.2f 8 févr. 2012 MacOS X UB

    Now possible to insert the document creator's name in any new document default header or footer ( tag)
    Harmony Assistant: the NoteWorthy import now manages shape notes (Fasola)
    Harmony Assistant: the NoteWorthy import now manages staff grouping symbols (brackets and braces in the margin)
    In special text, a new separator, "/", enables to unbeam notes within a tuplet group.


    Fixed an error in tablature calculation
    Fixed a problem in the display of the new $Q anf $Y commands from version 9.6.2d/7.6.2d
    Changing a tempo object value by right-clicking it might not work properly.
    When deleting bars, the lyrics following the delete point might be deleted
    Problem in handling and moving text ornaments when written using the Stoccata music font
    Background of lyrics text that is never played appeared in gray on printed page
    Offset between the stem and the notehead when using a symbol scale other than 100%
    Windows: problem when editing text in Stoccata music font
    pc Melody Assistant v 7.6.2 30 déc. 2011 MacOS X UB

    Graphic objects (effects, free objects, graphics related to a staff, background) can now be in JPG, PNG, GIF or TIFF format
    Ornaments of type "Graphics" can now be related to notes
    Ornaments (or graphics) can be related to Clef objects
    Staves in a system can be joined by a vertical line on right side
    In the management of curves related to staves, the current curve can now be deleted quickly.
    Tablature computation on multi-voices staves.
    TAB export of multi-voices staves.
    New mode for applying staff appearance settings: "to all merged staves"
    New commands in the multi-voice staff management contextual menu
    Braces, ties and slurs are now drawn and printed as actual curves.
    Slur "tension" can be adjusted in order to make them more flat and their ends hooked.
    Fine management of lyrics positioning and masking: for each bar, it's now possible to insert or mask any line by right-clicking a cell.
    Windows & Linux : mouse pointer size can be adjusted.


    A new setting in the staff appearance enables to tell whether the grace note stems are aligned on the staff center line
    Improvement in time signature and upbeat bar selection when creating a new document from a template.
    Better error management while opening files for writing.
    "Edit" menu items now follow selected object kind.
    Changing ghosts rests into rests now splits them according to beat
    Now possible to mask, on each staff, each kind of object (lyrics, text, graphics, dynamics...)
    Triplets made of notes with different slur directions are now properly grouped. This can change the appearance of previous scores.
    Better management of objects, notes an lyrics position when inserting or deleting bars, or when changing the time signature.
    New keyboard shortcuts: fast forward and rewind. This can be especially useful to those who rehearse a score using a footswitch.
    New management for the default document file name.
    The area-driven discontinuous selection now only applies to the selected parts in merged (multivoice) staves.
    MusicXML import/export: better management of ottava (8va,8vb, etc)
    Virtual Singer: management of note slurs and bend effects
    Harmony Assistant: In engraver mode, note position calculation has been sped up.
    Harmony Assistant: When forcing the number of bars per line, the automatic computation of bar width in engraver mode is deactivated.
    Harmony Assistant in page mode: improvement of document window maximize/minimize/restore management
    Linux version: Compatibility with Ubuntu 10.04 - 11.10, KUbuntu, XUbuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Mint 12, Fedora 15, Mandriva One 2011, OpenSuse 2.1, Debian 6.0.3.


    Virtual Singer : SAMPA Q in English.
    Audi sync problems could occur when the score contains both notes with negative delay and tempo changes
    Jump & target display on text staves.
    CMF export.
    Graphical objects dialog box: file import.
    Text formating while writing an email.
    Palette duplication while hide all /show all.
    Score file loading, as well as some editing operations, didn't work on very heavy staves (more than 32,000 symbols)
    Fixed appearance of curve over triplets
    Fixed ckef change problem on merged (multi-voice) staves
    Fixed vu-meter display on staff with lyrics when output is MIDI.
    Possible to deactivate the cautionary key signature display at end of line once activated
    In some cases, some objects were graphically misplaced when viewing the staff in the Karaoke window
    Multi-voice staves couldn't be properly duplicated
    Fixed digital track contextual menu.
    Fixed page setup problem when "score" object were used within a score.
    Harmony Assistant: Fixed MyrScript problems on staff merging
    Harmony Assistant: in engraver mode, display of tied notes connected by a special beam
    Macintosh, Linux: Fixed palette handling problem on multi-screens
    Windows: in some tutorials, squares appeared in text.
    Melody Assistant v 7.6 2 mars 2011 MacOS X UB
    1. Intégration du moteur de recherche Kooplet (nouvelle icône dans la palette "Outils Edition")
    2. Afin de simplifier la gestion des codes d'enregistrement de nos produits, apparition de l'option de menu "Gérer mes licences". Sur Windows, cette option est disponible dans le menu "?" et sur Macintosh dans le menu de l'application.
    3. Harmony Assistant: Configuration et impression de tablatures pour cithare.
    4. Nouveaux raccourcis claviers possibles:
    - Activation de l'outil tempo
    - Activation de l'outil de changement de clef
    - Activation de l'outil de changement de métrique
    - Activation de l'outil de changement de tonalité
    5. Possibilité de fixer une durée de découpage de la note supérieure à sa durée. Permet de faire apparaître une note de durée supérieure à la durée réelle.
    6. Possibilité de choisir l'aspect du soupir: aspect 'moderne' tel qu'il était dans les versions précédentes, et aspect 'ancien' où le soupir ressemble à un demi-soupir inversé
    7. Nouvelles polices de symboles, pouvant être utilisées dans les textes
    8. Harmony Assistant: Nouvelles polices musicales, nouvelle organisation de la liste des polices pour une utilisation plus facile. Possibilité de fixer la police utilisée lors de la création d'un nouveau document.

    1. Le crescendo/decrescendo posé est maintenant identique à celui montré sur le curseur de la souris.
    2. Dans la boîte de changement de durée de note, la valeur par défaut est maintenant celle sélectionnée dans la palette.
    3. Afin d'éviter les confusions, la forme de tête de note sélectionnée dans la palette "Outils aspect note" n'est plus mémorisé lorsqu'on quitte et relance le logiciel. Il revient maintenant à la valeur par défaut (tête ovale et pleine).
    4. Pour les utilisateurs de souris à un seul bouton, Ctrl + clic peut être utilisé en lieu et place du clic droit prolongé.
    5. Lors de son ouverture, la taille de la fenêtre du JukeBox s'adapte à la résolution courante de l'écran
    6. Lors du changement de taille des caractères dans l'aspect graphique de la portée, la position des nuances et des textes libres est adaptée pour suivre la nouvelle hauteur de la portée.
    7. Jukebox: remplacement du classement purement alphabétique par un classement alphanumérique
    8. Amélioration de la prise en compte de notes pointées par l'algorithme de quantification
    9. L'appui sur la touche "Majuscules" pendant l'ouverture d'un document sauvegardé avec une ancienne version repositionne les nuances et les changements de tempo à leur emplacement d'origine
    10. Import MusicXML: meilleure gestion des paroles vides (répétition de la ligne précédente)
    11. Import MusicXML: Nouvelle gestion des accroches sur tuplet.
    12. Lors de l'import de fichiers multi-partitions au format ABC, il est maintenant possible d'écouter les musiques dans la liste avant de sélectionner celle que l'on veut charger.
    13. Virtual Singer: possibilité d'appliquer un décalage en demi-ton aux voix Virtual Singer.
    14. Harmony Assistant, Import Tabledit: traitement des tablatures pour Dulcimer

    1. L'édition d'un symbole pouvait "casser" la mise en page
    2. Correction d'un problème de saisie des poignées des coulés.
    3. Correction d'un problème de déplacement de coulé.
    4. Correction de l'édition du style des ornements textuels lorsqu'ils étaient à la valeur par défaut.
    5. Correction d'un problème de taille de tige en tablature guitare.
    6. Correction de l'affichage de l'accroche en tablature guitare quand un écart était demandé entre la tige et la note.
    7. La recherche dans l'interface ne traitait pas la gestion des Espaces Utilisateurs
    8. Correction d'un problème de rafraîchissement des listes.
    9. Correction de l'ouverture des palettes filles depuis la palette maître.
    10. Correction de l'affichage du raccourci sur les touches dans le clavier virtuel
    11. Correction de la taille des fenêtre utilisateur zoomées au chargement.
    12. Correction d'un problème mineur de copier/coller.
    13. Correction d'un problème de jeu de musique dans l'album.
    14. Correction d'un problème d'affichage de la ligne d'accord.
    15. Correction d'un problème d'affichage des barrés sur certains diagrammes d'accord.
    16. Correction d'un problème d'annulation
    17. Correction d'un crash en import S3M (débordement d'index)
    18. Correction d'un problème d'export de fichier ABC multi portées.
    19. Correction d'un problème de durée de note en import ABC.
    20. Correction d'un débordement à l'import MIDI de certains fichiers très particuliers.
    21. Correction de "dupliquer note avec tige inverse" quand plusieurs notes étaient sélectionnées.
    22. Correction de l'aspect du curseur lors du posé des nuances crescendo/decrescendo.
    23. Correction de crash lors du forçage de la liste des mesures jouées à une liste vide, lorsque la partition contient des pistes numériques
    24. Correction de problèmes d'affichage des altérations sur les appoggiatures
    25. Correction d'un problème d'affichage de l'armure lorsque la clé est masquée
    26. Correction de la sauvegarde des raccourcis clavier utilisateurs.
    27. Harmony Assistant: Correction d'un problème de marge en import GuitarPro
    28. Harmony Assistant: Correction de l'import NoteWorthy (problème sur les nuances)
    29. Harmony Assistant: Correction de l'importateur Tabledit.
    30. Harmony Assistant:Correction de l'importateur Finale.
    31. Harmony Assistant, Import MusicXML: la localisation des silences remplissant la mesure était défectueuse ce qui pouvait engendrer des silences de durée illégale dans les mesures non vides
    32. Harmony Assistant: Correction d'un problème de calcul de tablature pour accordéon sur les appoggiatures.
    33. Harmony Assistant: Correction d'un problème sur la gestion de l'espace Musl.
    34. Harmony Assistant: Correction du script de génération de groupe d'instruments numérique.
    35. Harmony Assistant: Correction sur le script de forçage de la police des textes des paroles
    36. Macintosh: Correction d'un problème de glisser/déposer
    37. Macintosh: Correction d'un problème mineur (cosmétique) sur l'installateur
    38. Macintosh: Correction d'un problème de rotation de texte
    39. Macintosh: Correction de l'association des extensions de fichiers à nos programmes
    Melody Assistant v 7.5.1 9 juin 2010 MacOS X UB
    1. Direct access to MUSL from the application
    2. New MyrScript version. See MyrScript manual for all changes
    3. Fretted tab palette improvement. New display modes are provided. When the select cursor is on the score, the note is shown in the palette.
    4. Improvements on all import scripts.
    5. New script to hide all dynamics
    6. Palette sizes can be changed: Shift+Click on the title.
    7. In the "Virtual Keyboard", when the select cursor is on the score, the note is shown in the palette.
    8. Chord diagrams can be displayed in relative or absolute colors (Global Setup > Appearance)
    A new section in the manual explains this color notation.
    9. Real time MIDI input improvement
    10. MIDI file format improvement
    11. Stem direction computation improvement
    12. Note contexual menu: change note or group of notes to rest.
    13. Scroll mode: invisible rests are displayed in grey
    14. Free texts and free texts objects, tag $W provides a clickable URL
    15. Staff display mode : lyrics size can be adjusted to staff scale.
    16. Jukebox : total time spent on a document can be displayed
    17. Better display of chords names in chord grid.
    18. When staff scale is changed, dynamics position is adapted
    19. Alternate position in harmonica tab.
    20. In harmonica setup you can define extra holes.

    1. Picture fine position
    2. Accordion tablatures
    3. Chord manual beaming
    4. Ties display
    5. Alternate position on tabs
    6. Ornaments display
    7. Selected note moving
    8. Metronome in digital export
    9. "Repeat previous bar" display
    10. Paper size is not displayed when control handles are hidden
    11. Windows position at start up
    12. TimeCode script
    Melody Assistant v 7.5.0d 5 mai 2010 MacOS X UB
    1. Direct access to MUSL from the application
    2. New MyrScript version. See MyrScript manual for all changes
    3. Fretted tab palette improvement. New display modes are provided. When the select cursor is on the score, the note is shown in the palette.
    4. Improvements on all import scripts.
    5. New script to hide all dynamics
    6. Palette sizes can be changed: Shift+Click on the title.
    7. In the "Virtual Keyboard", when the select cursor is on the score, the note is shown in the palette.
    8. Chord diagrams can be displayed in relative or absolute colors (Global Setup > Appearance)
    A new section in the manual explains this color notation.
    9. Real time MIDI input improvement
    10. MIDI file format improvement
    11. Stem direction computation improvement
    12. Note contexual menu: change note or group of notes to rest.
    13. Scroll mode: invisible rests are displayed in grey
    14. Free texts and free texts objects, tag $W provides a clickable URL
    15. Staff display mode : lyrics size can be adjusted to staff scale.
    16. Jukebox : total time spent on a document can be displayed
    17. Better display of chords names in chord grid.
    18. When staff scale is changed, dynamics position is adapted
    19. Alternate position in harmonica tab.
    20. In harmonica setup you can define extra holes.

    1. Picture fine position
    2. Accordion tablatures
    3. Chord manual beaming
    4. Ties display
    5. Alternate position on tabs
    6. Ornaments display
    7. Selected note moving
    8. Metronome in digital export
    9. "Repeat previous bar" display
    10. Paper size is not displayed when control handles are hidden
    11. Windows position at start up
    12. TimeCode script
    Melody Assistant v 7.5.0c 20 avril 2010 MacOS X UB
    1. Fixed extra rests that appeared while playing the score
    2. Fixed crash when using the virtual keyboard palette
    3. The "Use .myr extension instead of .mus" check box hadn't any effect (always considered as active)
    4. Two options weren't translated in Spanish in the "Internet" menu
    5. Fixed a problem of OMeR registration code management in Melody/Harmony
    6. Portuguese version of the interface has been completed (Thanks to Zeca)
    7. Text of the program interface in English have veen proofread and amended
    8. User sound selection problems have been fixed
    9. Harmony Assistant: Possible crash when pressing the backspace key on an empty password when accessing the MUSL space management
    10. Harmony Assistant: FIxed "Guitar & color" script
    11. Harmony Assistant: Changing a script text can now be undone through the "Actions" palette
    12. Harmony Assistant: Improvement of the "Input along pattern" script
    13. On Windows, important alert messages didn't appear in a box anymore, but on the MyrScript log window
    14. Windows: keyboard shortcut filenames couldn't include accented characters
    15. Windows 95,98,ME: it was impossible to run the program when the Unicode library (unicows) is installed
    Melody Assistant v 7.5.0 12 avril 2010 MacOS X UB
    1. Direct access to MUSL from the application
    2. New MyrScript version. See MyrScript manual for all changes
    3. Fretted tab palette improvement. New display modes are provided. When the select cursor is on the score, the note is shown in the palette.
    4. Improvements on all import scripts.
    5. New script to hide all dynamics
    6. Palette sizes can be changed: Shift+Click on the title.
    7. In the "Virtual Keyboard", when the select cursor is on the score, the note is shown in the palette.
    8. Chord diagrams can be displayed in relative or absolute colors (Global Setup > Appearance)
    A new section in the manual explains this color notation.
    9. Real time MIDI input improvement
    10. MIDI file format improvement
    11. Stem direction computation improvement
    12. Note contexual menu: change note or group of notes to rest.
    13. Scroll mode: invisible rests are displayed in grey
    14. Free texts and free texts objects, tag $W provides a clickable URL
    15. Staff display mode : lyrics size can be adjusted to staff scale.
    16. Jukebox : total time spent on a document can be displayed
    17. Better display of chords names in chord grid.
    18. When staff scale is changed, dynamics position is adapted
    19. Alternate position in harmonica tab.
    20. In harmonica setup you can define extra holes.

    1. Picture fine position
    2. Accordion tablatures
    3. Chord manual beaming
    4. Ties display
    5. Alternate position on tabs
    6. Ornaments display
    7. Selected note moving
    8. Metronome in digital export
    9. "Repeat previous bar" display
    10. Paper size is not displayed when control handles are hidden
    11. Windows position at start up
    12. TimeCode script
    Melody Assistant v 7.4.7 22 avril 2009 MacOS X UB
    New features
    1. A new mode, available in global setup, "Ornaments" section, enables to display an effect only once per chord, when the chord is built or changed.
    2. Harmony Assistant: New script: Notation > Colors > Colorize accidented notes
    3. New commands in text, page header and page footer: $A, document creation date, $U, document last change date
    4. In "score" free objects, the displayed view can now be defined. The matching values have been added to MyrScript

    1. The program now loads faster
    2. Smaller delay before music starts to play
    3. Chord line/grid transposition, when chords are frozen, i.e. entered manually by the user:
    Better management of enhatmonucs, and management of the bass note (chords wih "/")
    4. Improvement of grace note detection while quantizing
    5. Improvement of slur positionning on priority tablatures
    6. Better vertical positionning of slurs on non-priority guitar tablatures
    7. In scroll mode, page starts are now shown by a thicker line than line starts
    8. Shape notes: square notehead appearance has been changed
    9. MIDI Export: MIDI time base has been optimized
    10. MIDI Import: Improvement of the graphical appearance of the result score
    11. MIDI Import: Automatic minimal quantize is applied only when necessary
    12. ABC Import: instruments are better managed
    13. "Mask palettes" and "Unmask palettes" keyboard shortcuts are now merged into "Mask/Unmask palettes"
    14. Default starting values of crescendi/decrescendi are now set according to the previous dynamics. Ending value is +/- 20% of the starting value.
    15. Default width of crescendi/decrescendi has been divided by two.
    16. Automatic computation of slur direction when building chords
    17. Improvement of display and positionning of Marcato.
    18. Improvement of ornament position when placed above or below the staff: noteheads are now avoided
    19. Homogeneisation of lyrics control handle between scroll mode and page mode.
    20. In scroll mode, ornaments related to the note and set to "invisible" are now shown in light gray (as in page mode)
    21. Protection against deleted folders when running the application
    22. Improvement of arrow ending lines display
    23. In the quick selection of chords in chord line, octaves and inversion are taken into account
    24. Better default position for fingering ornaments
    25. Minor graphic fix when moving free objects
    26. When a free object is locked, the mouse pointer shows a padlock.
    27. Virtual Singer: new management of words written uppercase: they are spelled only if each letter is followed by a dot. For instance, G.P.S. and NATO
    28. MusicXML import: drum staves that use the "unpitched" tag are now properly managed
    29. Harmony Assistant: Palette scripts included in user palettes close when clicking again on thier icon
    30. Harmony Assistant: Improvement of the Noteworthy import module
    31. Harmony Assistant: In some cases, it could be diffucult to edit the lyrics line by clicking on it.
    32. Windows: the MIDI input test is now more responsive
    33. Windows: Better keyboard management for characters available through Ctrl + Alt

    1. Fixed a problem of Japanese staff names in the merged staves contextual menu
    2. Fixed lyrics text display and preview in the staff selector in Japanese
    3. When changing orchestra in the new score box, some names could be improperly translated
    4. Fixed problem of "Num Lock" key management. In some dialog boxes, pressing this key or using an external keypad could make the box close.
    5. Some score files containing digital tracks or RealSinger voices couldn't be loaded. This is fixed.
    6. Fixed Tempo objects selection.
    7. Fixed some sounds of the GMSE sound base
    8. Fixed problem in music scrolling when asking for playing music from the cursor
    9. Fixed possible crash with some staff templates
    10. Fixed keyboard shortcut for resetting palettes
    11. Fixed problem of copy/paste/add on digital tracks
    12. Fixed display problems on bar numbers
    13. Fixed note insertion on standard staff in priority tablature mode
    14. Fixed note insertion on tablature in non priority tablature mode
    15. BMP files drawn from top to bottom are now properly managed
    16. Text in MIDI export: an extra character was added at the end. It could confuse some MIDI/Karaoke players
    17. Fixed problem when erasing fine positions
    18. Fixed problem on target caption background
    19. Fixed problem in reverberation curve management
    20. Fixed miscellaneous problems when working in scroll mode on a bar located after the end of the score
    21. Fixed accidental color display problem in chords
    22. Hiding the bar on the left of the systems when staves are merged is now correct on screen
    23. ABC Export: fixed problem when title is styled
    24. ABC Export: fixed crash when some pieces of text were too long.
    25. ABC Import: fixed pronmem when the "/" character was part of a chord name. The default alignment of chords will be "left".
    26. Accented chord line names in mixer palettes
    27. Crash when searching a text for a word
    28. Fixed file name extension problem with .bak files
    29. Dutch interface has been amended
    30. Crash when pressing the Esc key while clicking the "new document" icon*
    31. Wrong paper size settings from "Preview > Options > Paper size"
    32. Problems when trying a note on the MIDI output from "Note Options" window.
    33. Possible crash when editing a rule that uses the default instrument
    34. Crash when editing an instrument related to a staff with rules, when the music stopped playing.
    35. Target icon could disappear in the ruler when the score contains views.
    36. When adjusting slurs placed on tied notes, an infinite loop (program frozen) could occur
    37. Dots on chords located out of the display area could still appear, aligned on the left edge of the document window
    38. When inserting a free object on an empty score, a crash could occur (more frequently on Windows)
    39. A crash could occur while editing the lyrics line, especially after a MusicXML import.
    40. Virtual Singer: the singer could be out of tune when singing some chords
    41. Melody Assistant: Fixed problem when play tools palette was rotated
    42. Melody Assistant: possible crash when using an accordion score template
    43. Harmony Assistant: Wrong scale bounding and possible crash when resizing the document window
    44. Harmony Assistant: Possible crash when adding a script to a user palette
    45. Harmony Assistant: Problems in Japanese script name translation
    46. Harmony Assistant: Fixed octave offset in chord grid contextual menu
    47. Harmony Assistant: preferences loading: the value for the delay in milliseconds of the 11th MIDI output wasn't properly read
    48. Harmony Assistant: Fixed pop-up menu in accordion tablatures
    49. Harmony Assistant: Fixed problem when editing rhythm matrix by right-click
    50. Harmony Assistant: Notepad 2000 file import is now functional
    51. Harmony Assistant: Fixed "Note names" script on merged staves
    52. Harmony Assistant: Fixed "Ossias" script. Selected bars were improperly managed
    53. Harmony Assistant: When editing views, the "Printing options" button was active even when no view is selected. Clicking this button could then make the program crash
    54. Harmony Assistant: Fixed a problem on the merged staves contextual menu when the staff name begins with "-"
    55. Windows: the printing task lost its name the second time "Print page" is clicked
    56. Windows: Workaround for a problem related to the Nuance PaperPort 11 PDF printer driver. A malfunction in this driver made the application quit with the message "Can't find resource file 'Toccata.rsr'". The application now work around this problem, the device driver designer apparently not willing to fix it.
    57. Windows: possible crash when printing scores that embed black & white pictures
    Melody Assistant v 7.4.6e 22 oct. 2008 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed transposition problem when adding/changing a clef.

  • Fixed crash when using the complete mixer that is opened through the master palerre

  • Crash when clicking with the hammer on the last pixel of a lyrics or chord line located at the bottom of a staff area.

  • Fixed minor graphic glitch in the placard when music is scrolling (page mode off)

  • Harmony Assistant: Improvement of slur management in Finale import.

  • Harmony Assistant: Noteworthy import, improvement of dashes and melismas

  • Harmony Assistant: MyrScript: fixed problem of FirstSelectedSymbol when adding a staff.

  • Harmony Assistant: MyrScript: added TitleColor value for dynamics.

  • Harmony Assistant: Fixed GetStringStyle (was varying according to the display scale)
  • Melody Assistant v 7.4.6d 15 oct. 2008 MacOS X UB
  • MusicXML import: "Nested slurs" errors could display an alert that was difficult to get rid of.

  • For several years, time signature change are not displayed on tablatures. This new version will display them when the related standard staff is hidden.

  • In some cases, ghosts rests could be printed. It has been fixed.

  • The "Voice" menu was available on "Text" staves, and the "Add voice" option crashed.

  • Fixed a very long delay when applying settings to the global note appearance.

  • Infinite loop when applying an action to the selection range on a staff with lyrics.

  • Wrong calculation of rule related to fundamental when the fundamental doesn't start at the same time as the note.

  • Wrong placement when moving notes from discontinuous selection

  • Line shift for notes with inverted head.

  • It was possible to override the numerator capacity in time signature while loading a MusicXML file.

  • Crash when creating an empty (staffless) document, then adding a staff and clicking OK immediately.

  • Crash when loading a RealSinger voice that contains an empty fragment.

  • When creating a new document, name of the staves that have been added in "Change orchestra" and changed by the user are now preserved.

  • Possible crash when editing a special beam

  • When changing clef/key, the affected area now runs up to the next clef/key, even if it is a cautionary or recall marker

  • Beam display problem in reversed special beams

  • Virtual Singer: it wasn't possible to force the phonetics of a syllable that was not pronounced in the original language.

  • Fixed GUI problems in dynamics/tempo object resizing

  • Fixed melisma display problems when commands were included in the lyrics text.

  • Improvement of TAB file import

  • Infinite loop after editing a note when sung voice are played

  • Harmony Assistant: New MyrScript method: Dialog.IsFrontFloatingWindow

  • Harmony Assistant: MyrScript: Fixed stack overflow when event vector were called (e.g. MouseWheel)

  • Harmony Assistant: New MyrScript value: Score.CurrentDisplayDpi to change score display scale.

  • Harmony Assistant: New MyrScript methods: Score.EditComments, Staff.EditBarNumbering, Staff.EditLyrics, Staff.EditTablature.

  • Harmony Assistant: MusicXML Export: crash when the score ended with non-printed bars, and a note overlaps these bars.

  • Harmony Assistant: MyrScript: Score.Preserve() didn't preserve the views

  • Harmony Assistant: it was impossible to create a view without staves.

  • Harmony Assistant : Fixed crash in MyrScript: floating palettes were incompatible with adding a staff manually

  • Harmony Assistant: Possible crash in engraver mode, when a tuplet was cut by a barline.

  • Harmony Assistant: Minor fixes in the NoteWorthy import.

  • Fixed contextual menu behaviour in accordion tablatures

  • Windows: Better name extension added to the file name when exporting or saving as.

  • Windows: Better management of copy/paste from/to third party applications
  • Melody Assistant v 7.4.6c 3 sept. 2008 MacOS X UB
  • Improvement in antialiased curve drawing. The drawing is now mathematically accurate.

  • The "Voice" menu was available on staved of type "Text". The "Add voice" option generated a crash

  • Very long delay when applying settings to the general display of selected notes

  • Infinite loop when applying an action to the selection range on a staff with rules.

  • Wrong calculation on rules related to the fundamental when the latter didn't start at the same time as the note.

  • Wrong positioning when moving notes in discontinuous selection

  • Notes with inverted heads appeared shifted on staff lines

  • Fixed slur appearance between two consecutive notes (insertion and automatic adjustment)

  • Harmony Assistant: MusicXML Import: nested slur errors could display an alert. They are now silent.

  • Harmony Assistant: MusicXML Import: Possible overload of the time signature numerator

  • Harmony Assistant: Fixed NoteWorthy import script
  • Melody Assistant v 7.4.6 25 août 2008 MacOS X UB
  • When trying a digital effect processor, now plays from the first written note after the beginning of the selection range

  • When importing a stereo digital audio track switched to mono: panning of the digital track is now centered.

  • MIDI Export: when some notes had negative delays (sound before the written time), the export generated a score that had a small delay at the beginning.

  • MIDI Export/Play: the way of sending bank number has been changed (MSB then LSB) to comply to the MIDI guidelines

  • Harmony Assistant: when creating a new drum pattern, if no drum instrument is present in the file, open a pattern from "Drum Bank/DefaultDrumPattern" instead of opening an empty score.

  • New function for displaying and printing curves (braces, ties, slurs)

  • FASOLA: Solmization with accidentals: management of key signatures and implied accidentals

  • Fixed a memory problem when displaying a digital track in engraver mode

  • The automatic update didn't manage alphabetical sub-versions (e.g : 9.4.5c)

  • Crash when printing a "two previous bars" repeat symbol, when it hadn't been displayed before

  • Crash in the voice overflow when the "play tools" palette was opened from the master palette

  • Fixed guitar tablatures for some rare cases

  • Up/Down by one degree: problem in the management of implied accidentals.

  • Problem in management of the first note in the selection range, when it had a negative graphic offset

  • Crashes when creating, editing or deleting targets on a score without staves.

  • Digitall effect processor edit: crash when defining a flat LFO curve, when direction is reversed.

  • Moving notes selected individually (discontinuous selection) didn't work well outside the first staff.

  • Crash when restarting music through the "Pause" button after having deleted staves

  • Possible crash when changing velocities into dynamics.

  • MusicXML 2.0 import: Management of "volume", "pan", "blank-page" and the "page" attribute in "credits"

  • MusicXML Import/Export: Tablatures are now written and read properly

  • MIDI Import: Problem when loading bank number MSB/LSB

  • Fixed problem in NoteWorthy import.

  • Harmony Assistant: when creating a drum pattern, drum instruments added automatically could be in "user" mode.

  • Harmony Assistant: adjustments on the Finale import script

  • Harmony Assistant: MyrScript : Fixed GetLyricsAtBar(), that deleted text style information.

  • Harmony Assistant: Trying an accompaniment from its selection box while music is playing could erase the first staff of the score.

  • Harmony Assistant: Fixed problem in all the MyrScript floating palette, when a note was edited individually on the score (double-click on the notehead with the "lasso" tool)

  • Harmony Assistant: MyrScript: The MIDI.RawPacket method didn't send the right data
  • Melody Assistant v 7.3 2 avril 2007 MacOS X Intel
    Voir ici
    Melody Assistant v 7.2.1 24 mai 2006 MacOS X Intel
    The following items have been improved or fixed :
    Change in templates for joining barlines of staves included in a brace.
    Improvement of clef, key and time signature. The three items now behave independently from each other.
    Less antialiasing on horizontal lines.
    Text object related to the staff are justified again within their frame.
    When pasting a dynamics, the cursor doesn't jump anymore to the beginning of the score.
    Improvement of manual beaming, that affected the note just before the selection range.
    New version of the Germand manual.
    In non-antialiased mode, better positionning of staff lines.
    Text wrapping in the karaoke window area in order to avoid right overlapping.
    Better triplet group display in special text.
    Harmony Assistant: fixed accented character management in accompaniment and rhythm names. Names with accented characters that have been created using version 9.2.0 may not appear properly in the grid.
    Fixed problem in MIDI playing when forcing MIDI output at file load/import.
    Fixed: "display multi-repeat bars" doesn't activate "display multi-rest bars" anymore
    Fixed crash when stopping .msf file playing in automatic start mode.
    Fixed language change management in Virtual Singer
    Fixed problem in new document wizard
    MMPlug: chord diagram display when related to the chord line.
    MMPlug: title display when non-latin characters are used.
    Windows: fixed problem in MIDI device selection
    Windows: Japanese version of the file extension selector
    Windows 95,98,ME: fixed problems with some printer drivers
    MacTel: Fixed communication problems between Melody/Harmony and OMeR.
    Mac OS X: Fixed MIDI input deactivation.
    Melody Assistant Melody Assistant v 7.6.3f 1 août 2013 Windows

    Fixed a crash in MIDI import
    Problem to grab margin control handles after the first page
    Myriad Software Melody Assistant Melody Assistant v 7.6.3e 27 juil. 2013 Windows

    When moving an object related to a staff, a visual spot shows the target staff.
    Now possible to grab objects related to a staff but located outside its area
    MIDI Import: microtonal pitch shift that are constant for a staff are now taken into account in the frequency parameter curve
    Kooplet search: Web sites that do not want direct download are now managed
    Better management of dot when displaying double-stem dotted eighths


    Fixed a crash when editing MUSL space, when there are only folders (no file)
    Fixed an offset problem when copying/pasting regular drum staves
    Fixed possible crash when using headless notes
    Fixed note color when inserting a slur, using the hammer, etc.
    Fixed dashes display between syllables at end of bar
    Effect processors located on the left of the first note in a staff weren't considered
    Adjustment of some graphical elements in guitar tablatures
    Fixed palette magnetism.
    Harmony Assistant: Grid drum staves now follow engraver mode positionning
    Myriad Software Melody Assistant v 7.6.3d 4 juil. 2013 Windows

    When importing an MusicXML file, when several lines of lyrics are present and the number of repeats is not specified, the additional lines are not deleted anymore
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: a new method enables to find automatically the appropriate language for lyrics on a staff. This method is now used in file import: Finale, Encore, etc.


    A serious source of instability has been fixed on Windows. It could generate crashes, especially when opening various windows.
    About 400 small irregularities, that could cause more or less important instabilities, have been fixed in the program source code
    A problem in parameter curves management made them be applied by default to the whole score
    Harmony Assistant: Possible crash when moving cursor outside any staff area in page mode
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: improvement of item info display in the script editor (clipping problem)
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: source code was duplicated when editing dialogs and floating windows
    assistant Melody Assistant v 7.6.3 29 juin 2013 Windows

    To insert very low or high pitched notes outside the staff area, you can press the Shift key while inserting the note.
    In multi-voice staves or in a staff group, it's now possible to insert notes that continue the melody that has been written on the above or below staff (continuous input). It becomes easy to write a melody that switches between staves without having to fill with rests.
    An option shows the rests in continuous input
    New accidental notation: Old accidental cancellation
    When importing a Karaoke MIDI file or a MusicXML file with lyrics, the algorithm for deciding on what language to use (for Virtual Singer) has been completely rethought. It is now much more accurate.
    When inserting points in parameter curves, the Shift key enables to insert a "end of curve" point, that is detached from the following point. This enables to create discontinuous segments, or even isolated points.
    New optional way to display flagged notes : flags are displayed as unconnected horizontal beams (Flamenco notation)
    New ornaments : golpe (guitar body hit for flamenco), strumming up, strumming down
    In the complete mixer, it's now possible to adjust volume or panning of all the select staves at once, by pressing the Alt key while a value is changed.
    Now possible to hear the hovered notes on score
    New kind of tablature for Kuntigui, a single-stringed African instrument
    Pictures related to staves are now exported and imported in MusicXML
    Harmony Assistant: A new "Voice meter" script lets you hear the beats and fractions of beats, counted by a human voice (German Auszählen)
    Harmony Assistant: Two piano learning scripts enable to view and fix performer mistakes when playing a complete score, or to view the note names to be played step-by-step
    Harmony Assistant: A "MIDI-Digital Sync" script helps computing very finely the audio output latency, and doing so synchronize Digital output with MIDI output
    Harmony Assistant: When the compressed MusicXML format is used (.mxl), pictures that are embedded in the document are processed according to the mxl guidelines and recognised as such by music programs that manage pictures
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: New powerful graphical functions ("Surface" object) enables to work on picture, and import or export them in various formats.
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Quick help on the selected word in the script editor
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Auto-completion of keywords, variable and function names in the script editor


    Changing a measure width through the ruler handle now changes the next measure with in order not to alter the total width of the system. The previous way or managing measure width is still available by pressing the Ctrl (Windows/Linux) or Command (Macintosh) key while moving the handle.
    In the French version, the term for "beaming" has been changed from "accroche" to "ligature"
    Possible to beam eighth notes by groups of 4 in 4/4 time signature
    When working on a note, the area on which beams are recomputed has been shrinked in order to impact as few notes as possible
    The "end of printing after this bar" mark is now shifted when set to the end of tune and a new measure is inserted there.
    Now possible to insert vertical lines objects with bracket ends
    When while editing break symbols, a jump to a missing measure was set, an alert box could appear endlessly, making difficult to apply any change.
    Better accuracy when clicking on a text with the dedicated mouse pointer
    On the virtual keyboard, played note display is smoother and more in sync with audio. No note is forgotten, even when the audio output latency is high.
    Play cursor can now switch smoothly between bars.
    Notes outside pitch range (Edit > Search) are now located while taking transposing instruments into account. To make this search run properly with some instruments (e.g. clarinet), transposition has then to be set as expected.
    Some items of the interface slightly overlapped.
    Play cursor width can now be adjusted
    Improvement in the appearance of drum grid staves. The various line widths can now be adjusted in the score appearance box
    Improvement in the appearance of crescendo / decrescendo symbols when they cross over an end of line.
    Rotation in degree of graphical objects related to the document, a staff or a symbol
    When the mouse hovers an ornament, the ornament area as well as its owning note are shown.
    Key signature changes are now aligned when a clef is invisible
    When asking for loop playing and a play start mark is set, music restarts from the mark.
    While editing, the Alt key switches temporarily in selection (lasso) mode
    On scores that contained tempo changes and at least one not with an important negative delay, play could go off-sync
    Key change at the first bar of a piece doesn't inster a double barline at the beginning anymore
    Removed the inopportune alert box when cancelling export of a digital track area
    Mouse wheel handling has been implemented in mixers and on the document itself: titles, text related to a staff, staff name, etc. Using the mouse wheel on a scroll bar, a slider or a knob will increase or decrease its value.
    Text alignment mode can now be selected in manual chord line settings
    When the user adjusts manually a slur symbol control handle, the "automatic adjust" setting is deactivated for this slur.
    Dynamics now apply to all the staves in a multi-voice staff, even if the staff became multi-voice after the dynamics has been inserted
    When some palettes were moved outside the screen bounds, they jumped back too far to the center of the screen
    Virtual Singer palette has been redesigned. Icon positioning now occurs in perspective on the stage
    When targets were present on an empty line, the staff was displayed even if "do not print empty staves" was turned on. Now, the staff isn't displayed anymore, but the target mark is
    New tuplet display and editing. This can slightly change the appearance of existing scores.
    Improvement in dynamics insertion accuracy
    Now possible to insert dynamics and solme other kinds of objects in velocity edit mode
    New default area for dynamics and tempi, that avoid areas that can't be accessed by the mouse
    In page mode with small zoom, staff lines can go over the last barline on the right. We reduced this unwanted effect
    MIDI playing and export of scores that contain panning curves made some instruments to be heard completely to the left
    A more explict message is now displayed when trying to adjust the digital input an no audio input device has been selected
    Removing th ebackground picture of the document windows doesn't affect the "complete mixer" and "user" palette backgrounds
    All document templates have been changed in order to remove the play start mark
    Space or carriage return characters are now allowed in the played bar list
    Improvement of beam management over an invisible rest
    Improvement of the Karaoke window, with cautionary clef and selection of staff display size
    Gregorian notation: horizontal episemes are now managed (ancestor of the tenuto)
    Default page header and footer of "Configuration > Global Setup> Print" are now used when importing an external file (e.g. MIDI file)
    When processing stem direction, the reversible ornaments (e.g fermata) didn't always move to the right side of complex chords, and were losing the user adjustments
    ABC Import: missing parenthesis in the imported text could freeze the program
    MusicXML Import: staves with a different time signature are now automatically converted
    MusicXML Import/Export: better calculation of the distance between a note and its ornaments
    MusicXML Import/Export: general settings for score appearance are processed: stem width, staff line width, grace note size, etc.
    Default tempo value when importing MusicXML has been changed from 120 to 80
    MusicXML import and export have been improved, especially for the graphic position of pedal, dynamics, ottava, chord diagrams, text objects.
    Above this, tempo change objects are now properly imported and exported
    Improvement of automatic edit area positionning in scroll mode
    Line width of inverted triangles in harmonica tablature wasn't properly managed
    MusicXML import: break symbol text, ending bracket, beam, slur and tie widths now follow the staff scale
    MusicXML import: ottava symbols could make note stems be abnormally long
    MusicXML import: Better management of orphan ties
    Harmony Assistant / MusicXML Export: Beams and clef change in the middle of a bar have been improved
    Harmony Assistant / MusicXML Export: Management of staves that are not printed (for instance, when empty)
    Harmony Assistant / MusicXML Export: Switched to MusicXML 2.0 format
    Harmony Assistant / MusicXML Export: Better export of grace note accidentals
    Harmony Assistant: street organ card printing didn't manage note delay. This could lead in wrong punch position when, for instance, the score had been made from a MIDI import
    Harmony Assistant: lyrics can now be printed on street organ cards
    Harmony Assistant: for each file collection in the jukebox, a delay between pieces can be specified
    Harmony Assistant: Now possible to grab a staff that has been moved out of the screen bounds
    Harmony Assistant: Better management of resizing and moving of free objects: now possible to work outsitde the page area
    Harmony Assistant: When there is no staff in the document, the "Views" menu is inactive
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript : update of split text windows when stopping debugging has been improved.
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: now possible to access the character set related to a staff
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: The "Tablature for Wind Instrument" scripts has been amended to properly manage grace notes.
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Improvement of Encore/MusicTime/Rhapsody/Compositeur import script
    Windows: resizing of all the palettes have been rewritten, in order to manage the click & drag on any of the 4 palette edges.
    Windows: the Enter key confirms alert boxes
    Windows: In some window that enable to edit a multi-line text and that own a default button (e.g. document title edit) the Return key of the main keyboard inserts a line break in the text, while the Enter key of the keypad validates the box
    Windows: general improvement in application stability
    Linux: order of templated in the "new staff" box was random. They are now sorted in order to make the most frequently used staves appear first.
    Linux: improvement of graphical accuracy when printing.


    Fixed crash when clicking in the tempo staff margin in scroll mode, then selecting an option in the menu
    Fixed problem when dragging objects from a discontinuous selection (Alt-click) to the next staff
    Slider for selecting scale of graphics related to an ornament has been fixed in the note settings selection box
    Fixed problems in list update
    Fixed numbered parts display problems when the score starts by a text staff.
    Fixed crash in break symbols edit box
    Fixed display of octave change when clef is hidden
    Fixed number of repeats display, at the end of a line
    Flags of 128th notes didn't display when stem is downwards
    Fixed change in staff area height, when moving the bar number line down
    Fixed calculation of bar start symbols according to the score display settings.
    Fixed behaviour of embedded text edior when moving the cursor while a selection is present.
    Fixed brace display position on staff groups of one staff
    Some MIDI Karaoke file export could crash or hang when some very long lyrics are present
    When adding a staff to an empty score, the "Edit", "Delete" and "Duplicate" buttons were active. The "Delete" button crashed.
    When defining a rule, it was difficult to enter "Do" (Latin notation) as a criterion for rule matching
    Fixed problem in NoteWorthy import.
    Fixed problem in editing grid drum staves
    Fixed small graphical glitch in .ogg export box
    Fixed a crash in MIDI export on files containing several hours of music
    Fixed copy/paste problem on notes with double-stem
    Fixed problem in slur digital adjustment
    Better management of dynamics and multi-rests
    Fixed problem in brace and bracket display when music is stopped
    Display problem on frame and line between an ornament and its note when hovered
    It was not possible to define a staff group (brace or bracket) that joins a regular staff and its tablature
    The tuplet direction onversion didn't work on quarters and unbeamed eighths
    Management of dynamics on volatile staves
    Fixed display problem on document number of pages when ueing start page number offset
    Fixed calculation of number of pages when reserved pages are present
    Fixed minor problems in MIDI import, while processing illegal meta-events
    Minor fixes in lists and some floating windows
    Crash in Edit > Appearance > Colorise.
    Possible crash in tablature calculation, when the user forced a cell number for the last note of the staff
    Play start mark could be misplaced when creating a document that starts with an upbeat, or when inserting bars at the beginning of the document
    Crash when a (de)crescendo symbol was overlapping the last barline of the score
    Buffer overflow in Virtual Singer when the whole lyrics were written without any space or separator
    Crash when closing the score appearance box
    Fixed note stem display on harmonica tablatures
    Fixed display of some notehead when staff scale is different from 1.
    Search for note outside pitch range didn't work anymore
    MusicXML import: several instances of buffer overflow could lead to unstable memory or crashes
    MusicXML import: chord names in italian notation if the option is activated
    Harmony Assistant: Wrong processing of line breaks when computing lyrics syllables width in engraver mode.
    Harmony Assistant: Undoing an operation of printing scale change (page mode) didn't work properly
    Harmony Assistant: Fixed a defect in vertical scroll bar manageùent when deleting lines in the script editor
    Harmony Assistant: Fixed "Virtual Singer > Show lyrics phonetics" script
    Harmony Assistant: Several scripts have been fixed in order to avoid unwanted program termination in rare cases
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Fixed string sunstitution problem that could make the Tabledit import crash
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Fixed text block indent in text editor
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Fixed font problem in log window
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Fixed window resizing problem
    Windows: Problem when printing graphical object with alpha (transparency) layer
    Windows: Fixed memory loss when managing low-latency MIDI echo
    Linux: Crash when using some windows. The overall program stability has been improved.
    Linux: Management of text including music symbols from another font than Stoccata has been fixed
    Linux: Wrong management of fonts without gap between lines like "My Figured Bass"
    Linux: A type of notehead disappeared when printing
    Macintosh: Problem in rendering of some instruments from sound bases. This made some notes of the GMSE sound base sound out of tune, for instance E5 of the French accordion.
    Macintosh: Fixed MIDI input init if the device is off when application is started
    Macintosh / Harmony Assistant: Fixed display of picture free objects
    Macintosh / Harmony Assistant: Fixed icons printing problem
    Macintosh / Harmony Assistant / MyrScript: Fixed problem in GetPixel
    musicale Melody Assistant v 7.6.2m 30 mai 2012 Windows
  • The "syringe" tool actions on rests have been extended. It's now possible to inject a dot or an ornament to a rest.

  • Positioning of line between notehead and text in "rule text" ornament has been improved

  • MusicXML Import: chord tags are now processed as staff-related chord line..

  • Parameter curve editing: better display of curves usage status in the pop-up menu

  • Better display of the target when inserting tempo changes: rests are now taken into account.

  • New replacement patterns have been added in header and footer edit

  • Fixes
  • Possible crash when a note that is involved in a slur or a special beam was replaced by a new note.

  • Problem with accented characters in document template names.

  • When editing lyrics text with a non-100% scale, some graphic updates were not properly performed

  • In some scores that included complex tempo changes and a note with a negative delay, playing could go out of sync.

  • Fixed parameter curve editing on a staff other than the first one.

  • Harmony Assistant: Closing a split area of the score window while playing could produce a crash.

  • Fixed display of some shape-note heads when scale is not 100%

  • Minor fix in ABC export.

  • Windows / Harmony Assistant: problem with the "Test" button in the hardware settings window that opens when the application is started for the first time.

  • Windows: when quitting the program, clicking "Cancel" in the warning box that asks for saving the document exited anyway (without saving).

  • MacOS: fixed access to alternate palette icons

  • Linux: The "standard" font, used for displaying dialog boxes, could be wrongly detected, resulting in unreadable items
  • composition Melody Assistant v 7.6.2k 16 mai 2012 Windows
    Now possible to extract and export pictures that are used in free objects

    Better sorting of fonts names in the text style palette.
    MusicXML import : management of multiple styles in Title/Composer/Remarks
    MusicXML import/export : better page settings, better positioning of text objects
    Windows : when selecting a font through a pop-up menu, they are sorted alphabetically
    Windows : MP3 export : Exported lyrics didn't show in Windows Media Player

    Possible crash when making a change to the score while setting a special beam or a slur.
    In a score sung by Virtual Singer, when the music starting point was set to bar #1, the program ignored the selected repeat number.
    Fixed chord display in harmonica tablatures
    Small glitches in ABC import/export
    Merged staff curve edit in page mode : only the first and last staff could be edited
    Fixed accented user name in page footer
    Harmony Assistant : fixed MP3 export of drum staves with a lyrics line
    Harmony Assistant / MyrScript : changing chord line font or size didn't update graphically
    Windows: the digital output "Test" button in the hardware setup box didn't work.
    Mac OS : Fixed printing of very big embedded pictures
    Mac OS / Harmony Assistant / MyrScript : Fixed Graph.GetPixel.
    telecharger Melody Assistant v 7.6.2i 20 avril 2012 Windows

    Transparency management (alpha channel) for picture objects in GIF, PNG ... format
    New harmonica tablature display: hole number on two rows (draw/blow)
    Now possible to define Lydian tuning for diatonic harmonicas


    New calculation of tempo object default size
    Better positioning of break symbol text at end of bar (DS, DC...)
    Better management of merged staves with priority tablature
    MP3 export: when several staves with lyrics are present, now possible to select which one to use
    MP3 export: Better compatibility of ID3 tags with Windows Media Player
    ABC import now manages ISO 8859 (Windows) and UTF-8 character encoding
    ABC export can be set up to generate either of these formats


    Fixed control handle display when moving a dynamic in page mode
    Fixed cursor trail when inserting a tempo object
    Possible crashes when editing / loading tablatures
    Possible problems when using ornaments related to a clef
    Possible crashes when editing and adding picture objects
    Positioning and music duration problem when no break symbol is present and the list of played bars is fixed.
    Virtual Singer: problem in the singer language default value when not recognized
    Linux: impossible to print twice in a row from the preview window
    Harmony Assistant : possible crashes in Band In A Box file import
    mac Melody Assistant v 7.6.2h 30 mars 2012 Windows

    MP3 Export: lyrics can be exported in the MP3 file, as a full text or as synchronized lyrics
    MP3 import: synchronized lyrics or full text les paroles en texte complet ou syllabes synchronisées sont importées.
    Windows: now embedding a low latency software synthesizer, in order to provide echo for master MIDI keyboard input (Hardware configuration, "MIDI Echo" section)


    A "patch" for "Grand Piano 1" and "Grand Piano 1 Soft" sounds of the GOLD 2 sound base has been included. Fix is therefore automatic.
    Detection of new versions of the program has been improved
    A graphic mark enables to locate the first note to which a dynamic applies.
    When inserting and moving (de)crescendo, ottava or smooth tempo change, notes that match the beginning and the end of the action are marked
    "Real-time" MIDI input: Midi echo device is set to the instrument of the selected staff
    Change in the order of the phonemes to be recorded in RealSinger to create a new voice
    MP3 export: Now possible to select the tag format:: old format, ID3 ISO 8859 or ID3 Unicode.
    When pasting notes with automatic beaming deactivated, original stem directions an beaming are preserved
    Some text operations have been sped up
    Accuracy improvement when inserting dynamics
    Improvement in tablature calculation on merged (multi-voice) staves
    When moving a text object in the staff margin that follows a multi-rest bar doesn't "break" the rest anymore.
    MusicXML Import/Export: processing of slurs used as ties.
    Harmony Assistant, MusicXML Export: change in the multi-rest bar export, in order to improve compatibility with other programs
    Harmony Assistant: When running the application, script browsing has been sped up.
    Harmony Assistant: Better display of script names in the keyboard shortcut map.
    Harmony Assistant: Improvement of the NoteWorthy import script
    Harmony Assistant: Improvement of the Finale import script (beaming and triplet problems).
    Harmony Assistant: Improvement and fixes in the "About scripts" summary
    Harmony Assistant: Now possible to change column width in the MyrScript variables window
    Windows/Linux: Double echo when inserting a note in step-by-step MIDI input has been removed


    Possible crash when deleting bars that contains slurs or special beams
    Trills and some other ornaments could not play the right notes when last bar repeat symbols are present on the staff
    Possible crash in multi-voice tablature management
    Fixed position of break symbols (D.C, D.S) over multi-rest bars
    When deleting or inserting bars, some lyrics text styles could be altered.
    Fixed a problem in automatic dot positioning within a chord
    Crashes when moving a dynamic, text, line, graphic from a staff to another in scroll mode when displaying distances
    Fixed lyrics line count when unmasking lyric cells
    Fixed problem in masked lyric cells when loading a file
    Unmasking lyric cells could make an extra bar appear at the end of the piece
    Possible problems when displaying lyrics at the end of the score in page mode
    Fixed problem in Italian resources.
    Fixed a problem in default templates.
    Fixed ABC import module (custom key signatures)
    Fixed resizing problems in symbol-related picture object
    Fixed a problem with the hammer tool
    Cosmetic problem of stem end over the beams
    Graphics color could be incorrect on printed page
    Fixed MusicXML import problems
    Fixed mouse pointer display when inserting some dynamics
    Fixed "Da segno", "Da coda" display when inserting.
    Possible file corruption when using digital tracks
    Several errors have been fixed in display and edit of styled text (containing font, size, color... changes)
    Some trills didn't play well when the staff contains previous bar repeat symbols.
    Possible crash when deleting bars if there were slurs or special beams over a barline
    Adjusting slurs on a priority tablature moved the slurs too far away from notes
    Harmony Assistant: MusicXML Export, null and could confuse some other programs.
    Harmony Assistant: Problems in keyboard note input when a document is split into several areas
    Harmony Assistant: Fixed display/edit of line number in the MyrScript manual
    Harmony Assistant: Fixed some interactive samples in the MyrScript manual
    Harmony Assistant: Fixed SAMPA extraction in MyrScript when there are language changes in the lyrics.
    Windows: problems in standard mouse pointer management (window resizing arrows)
    Mac OS X: Fixed MIDI output
    Linux: Fixed GetCapability
    Linux: Fixed filehandle overload
    windows Melody Assistant v 7.6.2g 16 févr. 2012 Windows

    Improvement of accidental automatic positioning
    Improvement of automatic language recognition in Virtual Singer
    Enlargement of the area on the left of the staff, that makes the score scroll when expanding the selection range with the mouse
    When syntax errors are present in multi-piece ABC files, the alert now appears only once.
    MIDI Import: improvement in GOLD base sound / MIDI program change matching.
    When inserting a dynamics, the Shift key deactivates the automatic magnetism to the previous dynamics line
    Internal management of file access paths have been sped up
    Windows: Mouse cursor zooming is now available in any display depth, in all Windows versions.


    An extra measure could be added at the end when masking lyrics lines
    Editing lyrics (Staff > Edit lyrics) deleted the text styles
    Fixed lyrics position after some operations that change the score structure
    Possible problems when undoing the last command (Edit > Undo) when music is playing
    Fixed possible crashes when playing digital tracks or Virtual Singer
    Fixed possible crash when playing a Virtual Singer staff that contains characters impossible to sing
    Possible crash when forcing the default note stem direction of a staff
    Graphical fix: Ghost plots when moving a free object
    Graphical fix: Plots when inserting a crescendo
    Graphical fix: Missing parts when editing a styled text
    Fixed minor memory leaks
    Fixed a palette positioning problem in "magnetic" mode
    Fixed activity of staff-related chord line play mode when creating it
    Harmony Assistant, ETF import: fixed accented characters management, unbreakable spaces and rest triplets
    Harmony Assistant, Macintosh: fixed background of imported pictures
    Harmony Assistant: Possible crash when exporting a score that contains rules to MusicXML format
    MyrScript: Inserting pieces of text in a styled text could erase some following styles
    Macintosh: Fixed fretted instrument tuning file saving
    Linux: some document templates were missing
    macintosh Melody Assistant v 7.6.2f 8 févr. 2012 Windows

    Now possible to insert the document creator's name in any new document default header or footer ( tag)
    Harmony Assistant: the NoteWorthy import now manages shape notes (Fasola)
    Harmony Assistant: the NoteWorthy import now manages staff grouping symbols (brackets and braces in the margin)
    In special text, a new separator, "/", enables to unbeam notes within a tuplet group.


    Fixed an error in tablature calculation
    Fixed a problem in the display of the new $Q anf $Y commands from version 9.6.2d/7.6.2d
    Changing a tempo object value by right-clicking it might not work properly.
    When deleting bars, the lyrics following the delete point might be deleted
    Problem in handling and moving text ornaments when written using the Stoccata music font
    Background of lyrics text that is never played appeared in gray on printed page
    Offset between the stem and the notehead when using a symbol scale other than 100%
    Windows: problem when editing text in Stoccata music font
    pc Melody Assistant v 7.6.2 30 déc. 2011 Windows

    Graphic objects (effects, free objects, graphics related to a staff, background) can now be in JPG, PNG, GIF or TIFF format
    Ornaments of type "Graphics" can now be related to notes
    Ornaments (or graphics) can be related to Clef objects
    Staves in a system can be joined by a vertical line on right side
    In the management of curves related to staves, the current curve can now be deleted quickly.
    Tablature computation on multi-voices staves.
    TAB export of multi-voices staves.
    New mode for applying staff appearance settings: "to all merged staves"
    New commands in the multi-voice staff management contextual menu
    Braces, ties and slurs are now drawn and printed as actual curves.
    Slur "tension" can be adjusted in order to make them more flat and their ends hooked.
    Fine management of lyrics positioning and masking: for each bar, it's now possible to insert or mask any line by right-clicking a cell.
    Windows & Linux : mouse pointer size can be adjusted.


    A new setting in the staff appearance enables to tell whether the grace note stems are aligned on the staff center line
    Improvement in time signature and upbeat bar selection when creating a new document from a template.
    Better error management while opening files for writing.
    "Edit" menu items now follow selected object kind.
    Changing ghosts rests into rests now splits them according to beat
    Now possible to mask, on each staff, each kind of object (lyrics, text, graphics, dynamics...)
    Triplets made of notes with different slur directions are now properly grouped. This can change the appearance of previous scores.
    Better management of objects, notes an lyrics position when inserting or deleting bars, or when changing the time signature.
    New keyboard shortcuts: fast forward and rewind. This can be especially useful to those who rehearse a score using a footswitch.
    New management for the default document file name.
    The area-driven discontinuous selection now only applies to the selected parts in merged (multivoice) staves.
    MusicXML import/export: better management of ottava (8va,8vb, etc)
    Virtual Singer: management of note slurs and bend effects
    Harmony Assistant: In engraver mode, note position calculation has been sped up.
    Harmony Assistant: When forcing the number of bars per line, the automatic computation of bar width in engraver mode is deactivated.
    Harmony Assistant in page mode: improvement of document window maximize/minimize/restore management
    Linux version: Compatibility with Ubuntu 10.04 - 11.10, KUbuntu, XUbuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Mint 12, Fedora 15, Mandriva One 2011, OpenSuse 2.1, Debian 6.0.3.


    Virtual Singer : SAMPA Q in English.
    Audi sync problems could occur when the score contains both notes with negative delay and tempo changes
    Jump & target display on text staves.
    CMF export.
    Graphical objects dialog box: file import.
    Text formating while writing an email.
    Palette duplication while hide all /show all.
    Score file loading, as well as some editing operations, didn't work on very heavy staves (more than 32,000 symbols)
    Fixed appearance of curve over triplets
    Fixed ckef change problem on merged (multi-voice) staves
    Fixed vu-meter display on staff with lyrics when output is MIDI.
    Possible to deactivate the cautionary key signature display at end of line once activated
    In some cases, some objects were graphically misplaced when viewing the staff in the Karaoke window
    Multi-voice staves couldn't be properly duplicated
    Fixed digital track contextual menu.
    Fixed page setup problem when "score" object were used within a score.
    Harmony Assistant: Fixed MyrScript problems on staff merging
    Harmony Assistant: in engraver mode, display of tied notes connected by a special beam
    Macintosh, Linux: Fixed palette handling problem on multi-screens
    Windows: in some tutorials, squares appeared in text.
    Melody Assistant v 7.6 2 mars 2011 Windows
    1. Intégration du moteur de recherche Kooplet (nouvelle icône dans la palette "Outils Edition")
    2. Afin de simplifier la gestion des codes d'enregistrement de nos produits, apparition de l'option de menu "Gérer mes licences". Sur Windows, cette option est disponible dans le menu "?" et sur Macintosh dans le menu de l'application.
    3. Harmony Assistant: Configuration et impression de tablatures pour cithare.
    4. Nouveaux raccourcis claviers possibles:
    - Activation de l'outil tempo
    - Activation de l'outil de changement de clef
    - Activation de l'outil de changement de métrique
    - Activation de l'outil de changement de tonalité
    5. Possibilité de fixer une durée de découpage de la note supérieure à sa durée. Permet de faire apparaître une note de durée supérieure à la durée réelle.
    6. Possibilité de choisir l'aspect du soupir: aspect 'moderne' tel qu'il était dans les versions précédentes, et aspect 'ancien' où le soupir ressemble à un demi-soupir inversé
    7. Nouvelles polices de symboles, pouvant être utilisées dans les textes
    8. Harmony Assistant: Nouvelles polices musicales, nouvelle organisation de la liste des polices pour une utilisation plus facile. Possibilité de fixer la police utilisée lors de la création d'un nouveau document.

    1. Le crescendo/decrescendo posé est maintenant identique à celui montré sur le curseur de la souris.
    2. Dans la boîte de changement de durée de note, la valeur par défaut est maintenant celle sélectionnée dans la palette.
    3. Afin d'éviter les confusions, la forme de tête de note sélectionnée dans la palette "Outils aspect note" n'est plus mémorisé lorsqu'on quitte et relance le logiciel. Il revient maintenant à la valeur par défaut (tête ovale et pleine).
    4. Pour les utilisateurs de souris à un seul bouton, Ctrl + clic peut être utilisé en lieu et place du clic droit prolongé.
    5. Lors de son ouverture, la taille de la fenêtre du JukeBox s'adapte à la résolution courante de l'écran
    6. Lors du changement de taille des caractères dans l'aspect graphique de la portée, la position des nuances et des textes libres est adaptée pour suivre la nouvelle hauteur de la portée.
    7. Jukebox: remplacement du classement purement alphabétique par un classement alphanumérique
    8. Amélioration de la prise en compte de notes pointées par l'algorithme de quantification
    9. L'appui sur la touche "Majuscules" pendant l'ouverture d'un document sauvegardé avec une ancienne version repositionne les nuances et les changements de tempo à leur emplacement d'origine
    10. Import MusicXML: meilleure gestion des paroles vides (répétition de la ligne précédente)
    11. Import MusicXML: Nouvelle gestion des accroches sur tuplet.
    12. Lors de l'import de fichiers multi-partitions au format ABC, il est maintenant possible d'écouter les musiques dans la liste avant de sélectionner celle que l'on veut charger.
    13. Virtual Singer: possibilité d'appliquer un décalage en demi-ton aux voix Virtual Singer.
    14. Harmony Assistant, Import Tabledit: traitement des tablatures pour Dulcimer

    1. L'édition d'un symbole pouvait "casser" la mise en page
    2. Correction d'un problème de saisie des poignées des coulés.
    3. Correction d'un problème de déplacement de coulé.
    4. Correction de l'édition du style des ornements textuels lorsqu'ils étaient à la valeur par défaut.
    5. Correction d'un problème de taille de tige en tablature guitare.
    6. Correction de l'affichage de l'accroche en tablature guitare quand un écart était demandé entre la tige et la note.
    7. La recherche dans l'interface ne traitait pas la gestion des Espaces Utilisateurs
    8. Correction d'un problème de rafraîchissement des listes.
    9. Correction de l'ouverture des palettes filles depuis la palette maître.
    10. Correction de l'affichage du raccourci sur les touches dans le clavier virtuel
    11. Correction de la taille des fenêtre utilisateur zoomées au chargement.
    12. Correction d'un problème mineur de copier/coller.
    13. Correction d'un problème de jeu de musique dans l'album.
    14. Correction d'un problème d'affichage de la ligne d'accord.
    15. Correction d'un problème d'affichage des barrés sur certains diagrammes d'accord.
    16. Correction d'un problème d'annulation
    17. Correction d'un crash en import S3M (débordement d'index)
    18. Correction d'un problème d'export de fichier ABC multi portées.
    19. Correction d'un problème de durée de note en import ABC.
    20. Correction d'un débordement à l'import MIDI de certains fichiers très particuliers.
    21. Correction de "dupliquer note avec tige inverse" quand plusieurs notes étaient sélectionnées.
    22. Correction de l'aspect du curseur lors du posé des nuances crescendo/decrescendo.
    23. Correction de crash lors du forçage de la liste des mesures jouées à une liste vide, lorsque la partition contient des pistes numériques
    24. Correction de problèmes d'affichage des altérations sur les appoggiatures
    25. Correction d'un problème d'affichage de l'armure lorsque la clé est masquée
    26. Correction de la sauvegarde des raccourcis clavier utilisateurs.
    27. Harmony Assistant: Correction d'un problème de marge en import GuitarPro
    28. Harmony Assistant: Correction de l'import NoteWorthy (problème sur les nuances)
    29. Harmony Assistant: Correction de l'importateur Tabledit.
    30. Harmony Assistant:Correction de l'importateur Finale.
    31. Harmony Assistant, Import MusicXML: la localisation des silences remplissant la mesure était défectueuse ce qui pouvait engendrer des silences de durée illégale dans les mesures non vides
    32. Harmony Assistant: Correction d'un problème de calcul de tablature pour accordéon sur les appoggiatures.
    33. Harmony Assistant: Correction d'un problème sur la gestion de l'espace Musl.
    34. Harmony Assistant: Correction du script de génération de groupe d'instruments numérique.
    35. Harmony Assistant: Correction sur le script de forçage de la police des textes des paroles
    36. Macintosh: Correction d'un problème de glisser/déposer
    37. Macintosh: Correction d'un problème mineur (cosmétique) sur l'installateur
    38. Macintosh: Correction d'un problème de rotation de texte
    39. Macintosh: Correction de l'association des extensions de fichiers à nos programmes
    Melody Assistant v 7.5.1 9 juin 2010 Windows
    1. Direct access to MUSL from the application
    2. New MyrScript version. See MyrScript manual for all changes
    3. Fretted tab palette improvement. New display modes are provided. When the select cursor is on the score, the note is shown in the palette.
    4. Improvements on all import scripts.
    5. New script to hide all dynamics
    6. Palette sizes can be changed: Shift+Click on the title.
    7. In the "Virtual Keyboard", when the select cursor is on the score, the note is shown in the palette.
    8. Chord diagrams can be displayed in relative or absolute colors (Global Setup > Appearance)
    A new section in the manual explains this color notation.
    9. Real time MIDI input improvement
    10. MIDI file format improvement
    11. Stem direction computation improvement
    12. Note contexual menu: change note or group of notes to rest.
    13. Scroll mode: invisible rests are displayed in grey
    14. Free texts and free texts objects, tag $W provides a clickable URL
    15. Staff display mode : lyrics size can be adjusted to staff scale.
    16. Jukebox : total time spent on a document can be displayed
    17. Better display of chords names in chord grid.
    18. When staff scale is changed, dynamics position is adapted
    19. Alternate position in harmonica tab.
    20. In harmonica setup you can define extra holes.

    1. Picture fine position
    2. Accordion tablatures
    3. Chord manual beaming
    4. Ties display
    5. Alternate position on tabs
    6. Ornaments display
    7. Selected note moving
    8. Metronome in digital export
    9. "Repeat previous bar" display
    10. Paper size is not displayed when control handles are hidden
    11. Windows position at start up
    12. TimeCode script
    Melody Assistant v 7.5.0d 5 mai 2010 Windows
    1. Direct access to MUSL from the application
    2. New MyrScript version. See MyrScript manual for all changes
    3. Fretted tab palette improvement. New display modes are provided. When the select cursor is on the score, the note is shown in the palette.
    4. Improvements on all import scripts.
    5. New script to hide all dynamics
    6. Palette sizes can be changed: Shift+Click on the title.
    7. In the "Virtual Keyboard", when the select cursor is on the score, the note is shown in the palette.
    8. Chord diagrams can be displayed in relative or absolute colors (Global Setup > Appearance)
    A new section in the manual explains this color notation.
    9. Real time MIDI input improvement
    10. MIDI file format improvement
    11. Stem direction computation improvement
    12. Note contexual menu: change note or group of notes to rest.
    13. Scroll mode: invisible rests are displayed in grey
    14. Free texts and free texts objects, tag $W provides a clickable URL
    15. Staff display mode : lyrics size can be adjusted to staff scale.
    16. Jukebox : total time spent on a document can be displayed
    17. Better display of chords names in chord grid.
    18. When staff scale is changed, dynamics position is adapted
    19. Alternate position in harmonica tab.
    20. In harmonica setup you can define extra holes.

    1. Picture fine position
    2. Accordion tablatures
    3. Chord manual beaming
    4. Ties display
    5. Alternate position on tabs
    6. Ornaments display
    7. Selected note moving
    8. Metronome in digital export
    9. "Repeat previous bar" display
    10. Paper size is not displayed when control handles are hidden
    11. Windows position at start up
    12. TimeCode script
    Melody Assistant v 7.5.0c 20 avril 2010 Windows
    1. Fixed extra rests that appeared while playing the score
    2. Fixed crash when using the virtual keyboard palette
    3. The "Use .myr extension instead of .mus" check box hadn't any effect (always considered as active)
    4. Two options weren't translated in Spanish in the "Internet" menu
    5. Fixed a problem of OMeR registration code management in Melody/Harmony
    6. Portuguese version of the interface has been completed (Thanks to Zeca)
    7. Text of the program interface in English have veen proofread and amended
    8. User sound selection problems have been fixed
    9. Harmony Assistant: Possible crash when pressing the backspace key on an empty password when accessing the MUSL space management
    10. Harmony Assistant: FIxed "Guitar & color" script
    11. Harmony Assistant: Changing a script text can now be undone through the "Actions" palette
    12. Harmony Assistant: Improvement of the "Input along pattern" script
    13. On Windows, important alert messages didn't appear in a box anymore, but on the MyrScript log window
    14. Windows: keyboard shortcut filenames couldn't include accented characters
    15. Windows 95,98,ME: it was impossible to run the program when the Unicode library (unicows) is installed
    Melody Assistant v 7.5.0 12 avril 2010 Windows
    1. Direct access to MUSL from the application
    2. New MyrScript version. See MyrScript manual for all changes
    3. Fretted tab palette improvement. New display modes are provided. When the select cursor is on the score, the note is shown in the palette.
    4. Improvements on all import scripts.
    5. New script to hide all dynamics
    6. Palette sizes can be changed: Shift+Click on the title.
    7. In the "Virtual Keyboard", when the select cursor is on the score, the note is shown in the palette.
    8. Chord diagrams can be displayed in relative or absolute colors (Global Setup > Appearance)
    A new section in the manual explains this color notation.
    9. Real time MIDI input improvement
    10. MIDI file format improvement
    11. Stem direction computation improvement
    12. Note contexual menu: change note or group of notes to rest.
    13. Scroll mode: invisible rests are displayed in grey
    14. Free texts and free texts objects, tag $W provides a clickable URL
    15. Staff display mode : lyrics size can be adjusted to staff scale.
    16. Jukebox : total time spent on a document can be displayed
    17. Better display of chords names in chord grid.
    18. When staff scale is changed, dynamics position is adapted
    19. Alternate position in harmonica tab.
    20. In harmonica setup you can define extra holes.

    1. Picture fine position
    2. Accordion tablatures
    3. Chord manual beaming
    4. Ties display
    5. Alternate position on tabs
    6. Ornaments display
    7. Selected note moving
    8. Metronome in digital export
    9. "Repeat previous bar" display
    10. Paper size is not displayed when control handles are hidden
    11. Windows position at start up
    12. TimeCode script
    Melody Assistant v 7.4.7 22 avril 2009 Windows
    New features
    1. A new mode, available in global setup, "Ornaments" section, enables to display an effect only once per chord, when the chord is built or changed.
    2. Harmony Assistant: New script: Notation > Colors > Colorize accidented notes
    3. New commands in text, page header and page footer: $A, document creation date, $U, document last change date
    4. In "score" free objects, the displayed view can now be defined. The matching values have been added to MyrScript

    1. The program now loads faster
    2. Smaller delay before music starts to play
    3. Chord line/grid transposition, when chords are frozen, i.e. entered manually by the user:
    Better management of enhatmonucs, and management of the bass note (chords wih "/")
    4. Improvement of grace note detection while quantizing
    5. Improvement of slur positionning on priority tablatures
    6. Better vertical positionning of slurs on non-priority guitar tablatures
    7. In scroll mode, page starts are now shown by a thicker line than line starts
    8. Shape notes: square notehead appearance has been changed
    9. MIDI Export: MIDI time base has been optimized
    10. MIDI Import: Improvement of the graphical appearance of the result score
    11. MIDI Import: Automatic minimal quantize is applied only when necessary
    12. ABC Import: instruments are better managed
    13. "Mask palettes" and "Unmask palettes" keyboard shortcuts are now merged into "Mask/Unmask palettes"
    14. Default starting values of crescendi/decrescendi are now set according to the previous dynamics. Ending value is +/- 20% of the starting value.
    15. Default width of crescendi/decrescendi has been divided by two.
    16. Automatic computation of slur direction when building chords
    17. Improvement of display and positionning of Marcato.
    18. Improvement of ornament position when placed above or below the staff: noteheads are now avoided
    19. Homogeneisation of lyrics control handle between scroll mode and page mode.
    20. In scroll mode, ornaments related to the note and set to "invisible" are now shown in light gray (as in page mode)
    21. Protection against deleted folders when running the application
    22. Improvement of arrow ending lines display
    23. In the quick selection of chords in chord line, octaves and inversion are taken into account
    24. Better default position for fingering ornaments
    25. Minor graphic fix when moving free objects
    26. When a free object is locked, the mouse pointer shows a padlock.
    27. Virtual Singer: new management of words written uppercase: they are spelled only if each letter is followed by a dot. For instance, G.P.S. and NATO
    28. MusicXML import: drum staves that use the "unpitched" tag are now properly managed
    29. Harmony Assistant: Palette scripts included in user palettes close when clicking again on thier icon
    30. Harmony Assistant: Improvement of the Noteworthy import module
    31. Harmony Assistant: In some cases, it could be diffucult to edit the lyrics line by clicking on it.
    32. Windows: the MIDI input test is now more responsive
    33. Windows: Better keyboard management for characters available through Ctrl + Alt

    1. Fixed a problem of Japanese staff names in the merged staves contextual menu
    2. Fixed lyrics text display and preview in the staff selector in Japanese
    3. When changing orchestra in the new score box, some names could be improperly translated
    4. Fixed problem of "Num Lock" key management. In some dialog boxes, pressing this key or using an external keypad could make the box close.
    5. Some score files containing digital tracks or RealSinger voices couldn't be loaded. This is fixed.
    6. Fixed Tempo objects selection.
    7. Fixed some sounds of the GMSE sound base
    8. Fixed problem in music scrolling when asking for playing music from the cursor
    9. Fixed possible crash with some staff templates
    10. Fixed keyboard shortcut for resetting palettes
    11. Fixed problem of copy/paste/add on digital tracks
    12. Fixed display problems on bar numbers
    13. Fixed note insertion on standard staff in priority tablature mode
    14. Fixed note insertion on tablature in non priority tablature mode
    15. BMP files drawn from top to bottom are now properly managed
    16. Text in MIDI export: an extra character was added at the end. It could confuse some MIDI/Karaoke players
    17. Fixed problem when erasing fine positions
    18. Fixed problem on target caption background
    19. Fixed problem in reverberation curve management
    20. Fixed miscellaneous problems when working in scroll mode on a bar located after the end of the score
    21. Fixed accidental color display problem in chords
    22. Hiding the bar on the left of the systems when staves are merged is now correct on screen
    23. ABC Export: fixed problem when title is styled
    24. ABC Export: fixed crash when some pieces of text were too long.
    25. ABC Import: fixed pronmem when the "/" character was part of a chord name. The default alignment of chords will be "left".
    26. Accented chord line names in mixer palettes
    27. Crash when searching a text for a word
    28. Fixed file name extension problem with .bak files
    29. Dutch interface has been amended
    30. Crash when pressing the Esc key while clicking the "new document" icon*
    31. Wrong paper size settings from "Preview > Options > Paper size"
    32. Problems when trying a note on the MIDI output from "Note Options" window.
    33. Possible crash when editing a rule that uses the default instrument
    34. Crash when editing an instrument related to a staff with rules, when the music stopped playing.
    35. Target icon could disappear in the ruler when the score contains views.
    36. When adjusting slurs placed on tied notes, an infinite loop (program frozen) could occur
    37. Dots on chords located out of the display area could still appear, aligned on the left edge of the document window
    38. When inserting a free object on an empty score, a crash could occur (more frequently on Windows)
    39. A crash could occur while editing the lyrics line, especially after a MusicXML import.
    40. Virtual Singer: the singer could be out of tune when singing some chords
    41. Melody Assistant: Fixed problem when play tools palette was rotated
    42. Melody Assistant: possible crash when using an accordion score template
    43. Harmony Assistant: Wrong scale bounding and possible crash when resizing the document window
    44. Harmony Assistant: Possible crash when adding a script to a user palette
    45. Harmony Assistant: Problems in Japanese script name translation
    46. Harmony Assistant: Fixed octave offset in chord grid contextual menu
    47. Harmony Assistant: preferences loading: the value for the delay in milliseconds of the 11th MIDI output wasn't properly read
    48. Harmony Assistant: Fixed pop-up menu in accordion tablatures
    49. Harmony Assistant: Fixed problem when editing rhythm matrix by right-click
    50. Harmony Assistant: Notepad 2000 file import is now functional
    51. Harmony Assistant: Fixed "Note names" script on merged staves
    52. Harmony Assistant: Fixed "Ossias" script. Selected bars were improperly managed
    53. Harmony Assistant: When editing views, the "Printing options" button was active even when no view is selected. Clicking this button could then make the program crash
    54. Harmony Assistant: Fixed a problem on the merged staves contextual menu when the staff name begins with "-"
    55. Windows: the printing task lost its name the second time "Print page" is clicked
    56. Windows: Workaround for a problem related to the Nuance PaperPort 11 PDF printer driver. A malfunction in this driver made the application quit with the message "Can't find resource file 'Toccata.rsr'". The application now work around this problem, the device driver designer apparently not willing to fix it.
    57. Windows: possible crash when printing scores that embed black & white pictures
    Melody Assistant v 7.4.6e 22 oct. 2008 Windows
  • Fixed transposition problem when adding/changing a clef.

  • Fixed crash when using the complete mixer that is opened through the master palerre

  • Crash when clicking with the hammer on the last pixel of a lyrics or chord line located at the bottom of a staff area.

  • Fixed minor graphic glitch in the placard when music is scrolling (page mode off)

  • Harmony Assistant: Improvement of slur management in Finale import.

  • Harmony Assistant: Noteworthy import, improvement of dashes and melismas

  • Harmony Assistant: MyrScript: fixed problem of FirstSelectedSymbol when adding a staff.

  • Harmony Assistant: MyrScript: added TitleColor value for dynamics.

  • Harmony Assistant: Fixed GetStringStyle (was varying according to the display scale)
  • Melody Assistant v 7.4.6d 15 oct. 2008 Windows
  • MusicXML import: "Nested slurs" errors could display an alert that was difficult to get rid of.

  • For several years, time signature change are not displayed on tablatures. This new version will display them when the related standard staff is hidden.

  • In some cases, ghosts rests could be printed. It has been fixed.

  • The "Voice" menu was available on "Text" staves, and the "Add voice" option crashed.

  • Fixed a very long delay when applying settings to the global note appearance.

  • Infinite loop when applying an action to the selection range on a staff with lyrics.

  • Wrong calculation of rule related to fundamental when the fundamental doesn't start at the same time as the note.

  • Wrong placement when moving notes from discontinuous selection

  • Line shift for notes with inverted head.

  • It was possible to override the numerator capacity in time signature while loading a MusicXML file.

  • Crash when creating an empty (staffless) document, then adding a staff and clicking OK immediately.

  • Crash when loading a RealSinger voice that contains an empty fragment.

  • When creating a new document, name of the staves that have been added in "Change orchestra" and changed by the user are now preserved.

  • Possible crash when editing a special beam

  • When changing clef/key, the affected area now runs up to the next clef/key, even if it is a cautionary or recall marker

  • Beam display problem in reversed special beams

  • Virtual Singer: it wasn't possible to force the phonetics of a syllable that was not pronounced in the original language.

  • Fixed GUI problems in dynamics/tempo object resizing

  • Fixed melisma display problems when commands were included in the lyrics text.

  • Improvement of TAB file import

  • Infinite loop after editing a note when sung voice are played

  • Harmony Assistant: New MyrScript method: Dialog.IsFrontFloatingWindow

  • Harmony Assistant: MyrScript: Fixed stack overflow when event vector were called (e.g. MouseWheel)

  • Harmony Assistant: New MyrScript value: Score.CurrentDisplayDpi to change score display scale.

  • Harmony Assistant: New MyrScript methods: Score.EditComments, Staff.EditBarNumbering, Staff.EditLyrics, Staff.EditTablature.

  • Harmony Assistant: MusicXML Export: crash when the score ended with non-printed bars, and a note overlaps these bars.

  • Harmony Assistant: MyrScript: Score.Preserve() didn't preserve the views

  • Harmony Assistant: it was impossible to create a view without staves.

  • Harmony Assistant : Fixed crash in MyrScript: floating palettes were incompatible with adding a staff manually

  • Harmony Assistant: Possible crash in engraver mode, when a tuplet was cut by a barline.

  • Harmony Assistant: Minor fixes in the NoteWorthy import.

  • Fixed contextual menu behaviour in accordion tablatures

  • Windows: Better name extension added to the file name when exporting or saving as.

  • Windows: Better management of copy/paste from/to third party applications
  • Melody Assistant v 7.4.6c 3 sept. 2008 Windows
  • Improvement in antialiased curve drawing. The drawing is now mathematically accurate.

  • The "Voice" menu was available on staved of type "Text". The "Add voice" option generated a crash

  • Very long delay when applying settings to the general display of selected notes

  • Infinite loop when applying an action to the selection range on a staff with rules.

  • Wrong calculation on rules related to the fundamental when the latter didn't start at the same time as the note.

  • Wrong positioning when moving notes in discontinuous selection

  • Notes with inverted heads appeared shifted on staff lines

  • Fixed slur appearance between two consecutive notes (insertion and automatic adjustment)

  • Harmony Assistant: MusicXML Import: nested slur errors could display an alert. They are now silent.

  • Harmony Assistant: MusicXML Import: Possible overload of the time signature numerator

  • Harmony Assistant: Fixed NoteWorthy import script
  • Melody Assistant v 7.4.6 25 août 2008 Windows
  • When trying a digital effect processor, now plays from the first written note after the beginning of the selection range

  • When importing a stereo digital audio track switched to mono: panning of the digital track is now centered.

  • MIDI Export: when some notes had negative delays (sound before the written time), the export generated a score that had a small delay at the beginning.

  • MIDI Export/Play: the way of sending bank number has been changed (MSB then LSB) to comply to the MIDI guidelines

  • Harmony Assistant: when creating a new drum pattern, if no drum instrument is present in the file, open a pattern from "Drum Bank/DefaultDrumPattern" instead of opening an empty score.

  • New function for displaying and printing curves (braces, ties, slurs)

  • FASOLA: Solmization with accidentals: management of key signatures and implied accidentals

  • Fixed a memory problem when displaying a digital track in engraver mode

  • The automatic update didn't manage alphabetical sub-versions (e.g : 9.4.5c)

  • Crash when printing a "two previous bars" repeat symbol, when it hadn't been displayed before

  • Crash in the voice overflow when the "play tools" palette was opened from the master palette

  • Fixed guitar tablatures for some rare cases

  • Up/Down by one degree: problem in the management of implied accidentals.

  • Problem in management of the first note in the selection range, when it had a negative graphic offset

  • Crashes when creating, editing or deleting targets on a score without staves.

  • Digitall effect processor edit: crash when defining a flat LFO curve, when direction is reversed.

  • Moving notes selected individually (discontinuous selection) didn't work well outside the first staff.

  • Crash when restarting music through the "Pause" button after having deleted staves

  • Possible crash when changing velocities into dynamics.

  • MusicXML 2.0 import: Management of "volume", "pan", "blank-page" and the "page" attribute in "credits"

  • MusicXML Import/Export: Tablatures are now written and read properly

  • MIDI Import: Problem when loading bank number MSB/LSB

  • Fixed problem in NoteWorthy import.

  • Harmony Assistant: when creating a drum pattern, drum instruments added automatically could be in "user" mode.

  • Harmony Assistant: adjustments on the Finale import script

  • Harmony Assistant: MyrScript : Fixed GetLyricsAtBar(), that deleted text style information.

  • Harmony Assistant: Trying an accompaniment from its selection box while music is playing could erase the first staff of the score.

  • Harmony Assistant: Fixed problem in all the MyrScript floating palette, when a note was edited individually on the score (double-click on the notehead with the "lasso" tool)

  • Harmony Assistant: MyrScript: The MIDI.RawPacket method didn't send the right data
  • Melody Assistant v 7.3 2 avril 2007 Windows
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    Try this program!! And you will be amased about it. You can really produce good scores from existing midi-files or your own compositions. All the notations are possible. And it plays the songs the way you want it to play. Amazing set of tools. For only $20 or €20 you can be a registered user. Really worth the money.

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