Are you are an oboist preparing or studying Berio's Sequenza VII? If so, you will have encountered his unusual timing where each of the 13 bars (measures) in...
    For beginners tuning the guitar isn't always that easy. If you don't know the notes traditional guitar tuners can be very complicated. Guitar Colour System® is...
    Try a completely new, original, fun, exciting and relaxing music and game experience with the sounds of your Laser Piano HD synth! Compose your songs or play the...
    Learn all about LPX Remote's intelligent, multi-touch, second screen capabilities with Logic expert and macProVideo publisher, Steve H.
    A sight singing app based on the degrees of the scale (Do Re Mi So La Ti Do). Singers who use this system are more likely to sing in tune, and don't need 5 years...
    LH XYZ is an easy-to-use OSC (Open Sound Control) message sender, sending the accelerometer sensor and gyroscope sensor data from your iPhone over the wireless...
    The Guitar 7th Chord Workout app was created to help guitarists with transitioning between chords while staying in rhythm. Each group of 7th chords are based on...
    Chromatic Instrument Tuner helps you tune your instrument. It uses advanced algorithms to discover the fundamental sound frequency. You can tune your piano,...
    Just like our previous work “My Little Note”, “My Little Rhythm HD” is an iPad application for improving your basic musical skill. When studying how to read...
    Did you ever wonder how Kontakt instruments are created? If so, you've discovered the right course! Learn everything you need to know about creating your first...
    Cajón Drum is a musical instrument that gives you the best of a drum kit and a Peruvian cajón box drum, all in the palm of your hand. Features • ten different...
    Simple and powerful, this viola tuner is both in one! You can listen the sound of each tuning string as well check & fine-tune the strings with the help of the...
    Fonction Avez-vous un ami qui peut immédiatement écrire la musique après avoir écouté une chanson qui vous fait il émerveillé? Avez-vous un ami qui peut...
    Mic Polar illustrates the directionality of all basic microphone types, in an interactive diagram. A linear or logarithmic polar plot shows the microphone's...
    Violon Alto Violoncelle & Tuner Pro + est les meilleurs simples cordes tuning application pour Apple Watch. Jouez chaque son en utilisant votre montre Apple ou...
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