* WHO’S THAT HIDING…..? Bang... Bang... PEEKABOO DRUM! * * A great introduction to the Instruments & Sounds of the Orchestra * * 16 Amazing Orchestral Musical...
    Have you ever wished you were a "natural" musician? The kind who can sing in tune, play by ear freely and easily, and improvise amazing-sounding music on...
    Whether you are a musical instrument player, a music composer or a singer, you often feel jealous of people who own perfect pitch (the ability to instantly name...
    Ce est la version gratuit. Cette application a été conçue pour apprendre les bases de L´OREILLE MUSICALE de manière simple et pratique. Aucune connaissance de...
    The OFFICIAL ABRSM Violin Scales Trainer is a fun and rewarding way to practise scales and arpeggios for Violin. It’s been uniquely developed to combat the...
    Learn the notes on the staff and where they are on the guitar in a fun way. You have three lives and have to destroy 30 notes to get to the next level. Good...
    A selection of challenges specifically designed to improve your sight singing and musical ear. Sing the right notes and try to beat your best score. Note Hitter...
    Kids Music Note provides an easy tool to help kid learning read piano notes on the treble clef and bass clef. * Real piano sound for each key * Practice piano...
    Tap A Rhyme - a collection of your kids favourite nursery rhymes and song. Kids will learn and enjoy the songs as they have fun with this Tap A Rhyme....
    Petit génie de la musique ! Amusez votre enfant, tout en lui faisant découvrir la musique et les animaux. Grace à plusieurs mélodies célébres (Beethoven,...
    This is a piano application to learn and play scales from all around the world. It is helpful for studying composition and music theory. ?About a hundred...
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