This app is for the Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass. Ever want to know where the notes are on the Fingerboard? "Orchestral Strings Training Tool" is for all...
    Isolate different musical tracks to help learn instruments. Play the original track or jam along with your own instrumentation using our tracks as backing to...
    Learn how to read sheet music. This is the fifth application in a series of games that will help you become an expert in sight reading. Play the game for...
    Practice sight reading with a violin by matching up the finger positions to the notes in the keys of C. This app uses a straight forward approach of displaying...
    Groove 3 provides world-class training videos for music production and recording. This player lets you stream videos directly to your iPhone anywhere you have an...
    Pistes de guitare d'accompagnement pour la pratique de la danse flamenco. Choisissez la vitesse. Les pistes suivantes sont incluses: - tangos - solea...
    Generate snare-drum exercises on the fly and improve your sight-reading skills. The app generates randomized snare drills from a built-in pool of common...
    If you want to learn rhythms like quintuplets, septuplets and similar, you will enjoy TUPLET TRAINER. TUPLET TRAINER is based on a simple method for learning...
    SPECIAL UPDATE DISCOUNT: reduced price for a limited period! If you want to learn rhythms like quintuplets, septuplets and similar, you will enjoy TUPLET...
    Learn to read music! If you’ve always wanted to learn how to read music then this app is a great start. It will introduce you to all the different rhythmic...
    Learn My Part is designed primarily to help choir members learn their individual voice parts. There are some sample MIDI files pre-loaded but you can add your...
    Become a better musician with Multirhythms! Multirhythms' features are designed to help you master tricky rhythms and limb independence: Metronome • Practice...
    L’appli pour guitare indispensable ! L’appli sonore pour guitare la plus réaliste de toutes ! Guitar Suite HD Gratuit possède six sous-menus principaux :...
    L’appli pour guitare indispensable! Jouez de la guitare à un niveau supérieur grâce à l’appli sonore pour guitare la plus réaliste de toutes ! Guitar Suite...
    Featured by Former X Factor Band "The Risk" Singer's Friend is THE vocal...
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