Smart Colors eases your or your students entry into piano playing through the use of colors. To get started, attach your favorite colored stickers onto a piano...
    Esta es la versión gratuita. Esta app está diseñada para aprender de manera fácil, divertida y estimulante los aspectos más importantes de la teoría musical....
    Esta es la versión sin publicidad. Esta app está diseñada para aprender de manera fácil, divertida y estimulante los aspectos más importantes de la teoría...
    Grâce à l'application Play Music, découvrez des cours de guitare, piano, basse et batterie 100% multimedia, avec partitions, explications, enregistrements audios...
    Did you ever wonder how Kontakt instruments are created? If so, you've discovered the right course! Learn everything you need to know about creating your first...
    Un vero e proprio corso di batteria con cui potrai facilmente imparare a suonare partendo da zero. Un insegnante personale ti accompagnerà man mano nei tuoi...
    Apprenez comment lire la musique de manière amusante et interactive ! Music Theory Tutor fournit tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour apprendre les bases de la...
    This 12-tutorial FREE first look, by Logic expert David Earl, gives you a high-level intro to some of the coolest new stuff. Join David as he takes you on this...
    Violin Tutor Book 1 from Vamoosh is a fun, user- friendly introduction to violin playing. The stimulating backing tracks, simple format and example videos...
    Learn To Play The Blues on Harmonica with this fabulous collection of 168 tutorial video lessons. Learn the basics,styles and techniques required for some great...
    Musica Touch offers music education (ear training, music theory/note reading, counterpoint) and composition tools (play a tune on the screen piano and see it...
    Teach yourself the play the banjo with this collection of 334 tuitional video lessons. Learn different styles and techniques and have loads of fun along the...
    Develop your knowledge of musical key signatures with Musition. Work your way through the provided lessons, learning the order of sharps & flats, their...
    The Applause interactive music app listens to the note you play on your violin and then shows you if you are high, low or correct. The height of the error...
    Take a Master Class in how to Play The Cello with this superb collection of 243 tuitional video lessons. The Cello is a brilliant instrument and its fun to...
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