Teach yourself to play drums with this brilliant collection of 280 tuitional lessons. Learn the styles, beats and fill ins and more. The drummer is a key...
    Teach Yourself to play Finger Picking or Fingerstyle guitar with this amazing collection of 389 tuitional video lessons. Lessons include Intro to Folk...
    Teach Yourself To Play The Harmonica or Mouth Organ with this superb collection of 298 video lessons. Lessons are suitable for the beginner to expert and cover...
    Teach yourself the play the banjo with this collection of 334 tuitional video lessons. Learn different styles and techniques and have loads of fun along the...
    Teach yourself how to play the recorder with this collection of 108 easy to follow video lessons. Lessons are suitable for children who want to learn their...
    TEFpad est un éditeur de tablature qui implémente sur iPad la plupart des fonctions du logiciel TablEdit. Il est désormais compatible avec l'iPhone et l'iPod...
    TEFview pour iOS est une app qui vous permet de visualiser; d'imprimer et de jouer des tablatures créées par TablEdit, éditeur de tablatures, sur votre iPad,...
    Chord positions for Guitar, Ukulele, Bouzouki, Cavaquinho, Mandolin, Mandola & Banjo: - auto play of the chords when selected - ability to play the chord by...
    Temperaments: Tune your music and your ears. Temperaments is an application for learning about musical tunings and temperaments used throughout history. Want to...
    The Lite version of the Temperaments application. In-app purchases can upgrade Lite to the full Temperaments app. Temperaments: Tune your music and your ears....
    Le métronome le plus exact et le plus vendu de l'App Store. Tempo a été classé comme “Nouveau et digne d’intérêt” et comme “Choix des Employés” par Apple sur la...
    Approved and used by Mike Mangini (Dream Theater, Drummer of the Year*), Tempo Advance is the metronome app to bring your musicianship to the next level. Now our...
    The app is good for performers who want a faster or slower version of a music piece. And for others, it can be HILARIOUS to hear your favorite song in a...
    When you want to fix the tempo sensibly while compose music... When you want to know the tempo of music now playing... Then with this app, you can know the...
    Change the BPM of your music! Perfect for Runners, Cyclists, DJs, Music Instructors and Dance Instructors or anyone who wants to move to their own beat....
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