Drum Set • It's a Drum Set • It's on your phone • It's free • Are you STILL reading this ? Jam your sessions when you don't have your instruments with you,...
    Speedy Note: Clef de Sol vous apprend à lire les notes en clef de sol dans un environnement interactif, amusant et stimulant. Parfait pour les débutants, les...
    simpliChords is a simple and intuitive scales, chords, voicings and progressions library. Just select a key and all informations you need will be shown on...
    MIDIAngloXL is a 30-button Anglo Concertina MIDI control surface. MIDIAngloXL doesn't produce any sound on its own, it is for playing hardware or software...
    Record your music and play along to it like a Looper Pedal. The LoopDeLoop recording looper let you record musical parts and then play them repeatedly on a loop...
    Tap A Rhyme - a collection of your kids favourite nursery rhymes and song. Kids will learn and enjoy the songs as they have fun with this Tap A Rhyme....
    Défier vos aptitudes musicales avec Interval en identifiant l’accord qui vous est joué. Pour chaque casse-tête, Interval vous jouera deux accords qui seront...
    Entrainement de l'oreille musicale pour tout le monde. Apprenez à transcrire et jouer la musique à l'oreille. Avez-vous (ou un de vos amis) toujours voulu...
    This single-function app uses the microphone to listen to sounds and show their overall frequency content. It is intended as a musical tool for visualisation of...
    Musicians – playing jazz and other genres – use improvisation to explore their creativity and to generate musical ideas. This course – by the talented jazz...
    In the Ear Training 101 course you learned how to identify melodic notes and intervals. In this exercise-filled, 49-video course, Gregg Fine teaches you how to...
    Studio quality reverb for AUv3 compatible hosts / Audiobus / Inter-app audio and songs from your iTunes music library. AudioReverb is an algorithmic...
    FamiPiano 2 is a piano app based on 8-bit game machine. [features] - Different sound in same time at the top and bottom pianos. - All settings in one screen....
    XII, an Experimental AudioVision App, performances ,in real-time, 3D computer graphics animations visualized by audio and music based on Twelve-tone technique,...
    DjembeTime lets you create notations for traditional West African rhythms, play them on your device and share with other people. - Studio quality sound recorded...
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