    Stereo enhancement. Designed for adding adjustable stereo spread to mono or stereo input signals Stereoizer gives you the controls you need to take your sounds into new dimensions....
    Augustus Loop
    Tape-based delay effect. Augustus Loop is an emulation of a tape-based delay effect, with some extra features to facilitate its use as a looping device : - Really long maximum delay...
    Reverb Effect. Spacious and lush, MasterVerb is a true stereo reverb with a natural sound and a silky-smooth decay. Independent room size and decay time parameters allow...
    Fusion Field
    Reverberation. Fusion Field is an easy to use diffusion reverb that QuikQuak has created in response to requests for a RaySpace 'light' and a version of Glass Viper's own...
    Tube-Tech CL 1B
    Compressor. Tube-Tech CL 1B is a true studio classic, heard on tons and tons of records for the past 20 years. Like its hardware counterpart, the Tube-Tech CL 1B native...
    T-RackS Deluxe
    Mastering & Mixing Suite. The new T-RackS 3 raises the bar again in high-end DAW mastering and mixing, with a suite of 9 analog modeled and digital Dynamics/EQ processors, full metering...
    Rock Amp Legends
    Guitar Amp simulator. Nomad Factory has collaborated with guitarist Jimmy Crespo to custom-build this guitar amp simulator plug-in. With guitar in hand, Jimmy Crespo worked in the...
    Compressor with build-in side-chain. Creating a side-chaining effect in most VST sequencers can be quite a hassle. The purpose of SideKick is to make this process a lot easier. You will be able to...
    Acoustic Feedback
    Guitar feedback. Acoustik Feedback is a simple and intuitive plug-in which emulates the feedback effect which occurs between the guitar and the amplifier. Features : -...
    A multi-effect step-sequencer plug-in. Effectrix is a multi-effect sequencer plug-in. "Tweak your beats, create new rhythms, turn your stuff into colorful grainclouds....reverse parts, stretch...
    Multi-band spline equalizer. SEQ2 is a linear-phase, multi-band spline equalizer, offering a full range 10Hz to 30KHz spline envelope, HPF, LPF, high & low shelving EQ, and optional spectral...
    Algorithmic room and reverb effects processor. MolecularBytes AtomicReverb is an algorithmic room and reverb effects processor as a VST plug-in. With its unique combination of algorithms, it is possible to...
    Subharmonic generator. For years, sound design and post production professionals have been waiting for a subharmonic synthesizer plug-in that delivers the earthshaking sound of...
    Connect several sequencers over the internet. VSTunnel Plug-in behaves like an effect Plug-in. Simply place the Plug-in to the "Master Insert" of the sequencer. Instead of modifying the audio, like usual...
    Philta XL
    Filters. Philta XL offers high quality filters with up to 96 db cutoff - but to get really crazy, you will love to tweak the LFPs and envelope followers of this dude....
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