    Advanced stochastic synthesizer. CosmosÆ’ is a real-time dynamic stochastic synthesis engine, which does generate sonic textures with a complex event distribution process. Having a recursive...
    Composition and performance tool. From the concert hall to avant-garde performance spaces, whether you're filling a stadium or a CD, Kenaxis can handle your vision. KEY FEATURES: * Powerful...
    Programmable Audio Generator. PAG is a program for creating audio files containing a series of tones. It is useful for creating files of test tones, for testing audio software, or equipment.
    Music editor. Radium is a music editor with a new and better interface. The advantages of this interface compared to piano rolls (the normal sequencer interface), are that...
    Turns sounds into images and images into sounds.. Photosounder is a one-of-a-kind image-sound editing program. It is unique in that it opens images and sounds indiscriminately, treats and processes them as...
    Granular synthesis. Pulsaret is a new interactive real-time program for asynchronous/synchronous prototypes granular synthesis. Pulsaret implements a wide range of time-domain...
    RGB MusicLab
    Pixels into music. RGB Music Project by Kenji Kojima is a composite artwork of visuals, music and technologies that converts visual data into a music in attempts to discover...
    Instrument assisted by computer for live performance. With the Expresseur, experience the pleasure of playing music live, without having to worry about the complex problem of notes. Go directly to the world of...
    Granular synthesis sound system. CrusherX-Live! is a stand alone synthesizer application whose powerful real-time granular synthesizer algorithm enables you to synthesize very complex sounds and...
    Dynamic MIDI-oriented music editing and realtime manipulation. - sophisticated event routing and manipulation - powerful MIDI editing environment - interactive algorithmic composition tools - easy audio recording
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