    Substractive synth. - One Oscillator - Arpeggiator - Ring Modulator - Distortion - Delay unit - VCF-ADSR (Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, Band Reject) - VCA-ADSR
    Electric piano. Very soft electric piano like pianos you can hear on the Vangelis piece's of music.
    Organ. Eproduces the sound of big pipe organs in a cathedral. It's a mix between two samples.
    Synth. One "warm", polyphonic synth sound. EQ, ADSR, Portamento, Fully automatable.
    Synth. One plyphonic sound, one sample. Warm.
    Drum synth. Drum machine 12 or 24 tracks. On each track : led gate, midi note, label screen, trigger, volume, pan, equalisation, pitch, velocity, 4 effects sends on-off,...
    FM synth. Monophonic synthesizer for basses, leads and percussions, Legato performance, pitchbend. Features : two FM oscillators, One ADSR envelope, chorus, legato on off
    The Lizard
    Synth. Wild and Abrasive FM synth with full Envelope and LFO control of all Modulators
    Additive synthesis. A crazy instrument which uses spherical harmonics to modulate the vertices of a sphere. These vertices are then used to generate waveforms for a simplistic...
    Ping Percussions. 16 pings can be played simultaniously. Each ping is mapped to a different key, like in a drum-layout. Each ping has a parameter for frequency, duration, panning,...
    Ticky Clav
    Physical Modelling Clavinet. This plugin emulates the ultra-funky sound of the Hohner Clavinet, forever associated with Stevie Wonder's "Superstition". The synth engine is based on a...
    Particle Fountain
    Synthesizer. A monophonic synth which attaches a sound (either a sawtooth or a square wave) to a bunch of particles, which move in a 2d space like a fountain. The particles'...
    Piano. The mda Piano VSTi is modelled around 31 carefully sampled and mastered Piano samples. Its Width Control not only controls panning of notes across the keyboard...
    FM synth. The mda DX-10 VSTi is a freeware FM synth that recreates the classic FM sound but with a much simpler and more intuitive interface than any DX synth, or any of...
    Microrock Pro
    Physically modelled synthesizer. -microrock- is a physically modelled synthesizer with filters, distortion, overdrive, wah, chorus, vibrato and delay effect. -microrock- is a monophonic...
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