    Small sequencing tool. Tracker is a small sequencing tool where the user draws the pitch and the length of each sound. It has four tracks, each with its own colour. When playing, small...
    Special Effects. Geometer is a visually oriented waveform geometry plugin. It works by generating some "points" or "landmarks" on the waveform, moving them around and messing...
    Turns your sound on and off. Skidder turns your sound on and off. While that may not sound very rewarding, you have a great deal of control over the rate, pulsewidth, on/off slope, panning...
    Filtering. Rez Synth allows you to "play" bandpass resonant filter banks that process your sound. In the right hosts, MIDI notes can trigger individual filters or banks of...
    Delay. Transverb is like a delay plugin, but it can play back the delay buffer at different speeds. Think of it like a tape loop with two independently-moving read...
    FX. Buffer Override can overcome your host app's audio processing buffer size and then (unsuccessfully) override that new buffer size to be a smaller buffer size. It...
    Scrubbing. Scrubby goes zipping around through time. Speeding up or slowing down playback, moving backwards or forwards, Scrubby does whatever it takes to reach its...
    Mono-merging and stereo-recentering. Monomaker is a simple mono-merging and stereo-recentering utility. You can use it to progressively mix down a stereo signal to mono and you can use it for equal...
    MIDI utility. Thalamus is a multi-purpose utility plug - it can filter or replace messages, generate MIDI from parameter automation, log and save input as .mid file. MIDI can...
    Crazy Diamonds
    Vintage strings. Crazy Diamonds emulates vintage string ensemble devices. Remember that gorgeous G minor chord just at the beginning of that famous song with a very similar name?...
    Music trainers
    Helpfull fot learning notes, intervals, triads, Keys, and more. Helpfull fot learning notes, intervals, triads, Keys, and more...
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