C3 Multi Band Compressor

Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 1.2.9
Format AUVST
Compatibility C3 Multi Band CompressorMacOS X PPC
License Freeware
Price Free
4.7 / 5 , 3 votes
Updated On May 14, 2005
Total Downloads 40,219
Mac Downloads 25,814
Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 1.210
Format VST
Compatibility C3 Multi Band CompressorWindows
License Freeware
Price Free
4.7 / 5 , 3 votes
Updated On Aug 30, 2003
Total Downloads 40,219
PC Downloads 14,405

Multi Band Compressor

C3 Multi Band Compressor is a three band compressor developed by Slim Slow Slider. It that has dividing filters (ButterWorth IIR or LinearPhase FIR), three stereo compressors and a limiter.
*SamplingRate: 44.1k, 48k, 88.2k, 96k support
*StereoOut: (mono->stereo, stereo->stereo)support
*32bit float internal precision
C3 Multi Band Compressor C3 Multi Band Compressor v 1.2.9 May 14, 2005 MacOS X PPC
Improve the algorism of "attack time" detection.
ApulSoft C3 Multi Band Compressor C3 Multi Band Compressor v 1.2 Oct 28, 2004 MacOS X PPC
First Mac Release by ApulSoft
C3 Multi Band Compressor C3 Multi Band Compressor v 1.210 Aug 30, 2003 Windows

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version 1.2, MacOS X PPC
Power hungry, but very impressive.
version 1.2.9, MacOS X PPC
Alors la ... mes respects a ApulSoft, j'ai mis la Note la plus haute car il est tres bon et en plus il est gratuit, franchement et cela n'engage que moi, le resultat vaut largement certain plug's du meme genre qui coute horriblement cher.
version 1.2, MacOS X PPC
Difficile de ne pas tomber sous le charme de cet outil de mastering gratuit. à conseiller à tous ceux qui veulent faire du pre-mastering de leur démo ou créations personelles.

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