    Dubstep Generator. Wobble revolves around two channels of our exclusive Spectral Morphing Synthesis engine. Each channel features independent harmonic controls, individual...
    Wurlitzer V
    Virtual Wurlitzer. The Wurlitzer V is a high end software recreation of the classic Wurlitzer 200A electric piano. Unlike sample libraries, its physical modeling engine reproduces...
    X-treme FX
    Sound effects. X-Treme FX is a virtual instrument dedicated to sound effects, foleys and atmospheric sounds. For sound designers it means having a brand new soundbank and the...
    XILS 3
    Emulation of EMS VCS3 synth. Based on the architecture of the legendary EMS VCS3 synth, XILS 3 is capable of creating both 'classic' sounds and totally new ones. Its matrix design is capable...
    XILS 3 LE
    Virtual modular synth. Capable of producing both a very wide range of classic analog sounds, and sounds no other analog synth can do, The XILS 3 LE V2.0 cumulates an authentic...
    XILS V
    Virtual vintage vocoder synth. The XILS V+ features exactly the same possibilities than its famous hardware predecessor but offers a lot more : while a lot of parameters were hidden under the...
    Subtractive and additive synthesizer. Zebra is a synthesizer plug-in which combines subtractive and additive synthesis with a powerful modulation engine that even smoothly integrates with the...
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