    Rain sounds. AudioRain offers high quality rain sounds. Shape your rain in real time, work from the small drop to the shower. Have it your way even in 5.1 audio. With...
    Modular synthesizer. Bazille is a large modular system combining digital oscillators with analogue-style filters and modelled effects, with a flexibility that only modular patching...
    Hybrid synthesizer. Spectral is a very unique software synthesizer, in some aspects similar to additive as well as subtractive synthesizers. It features four unique 121 band...
    Liquid Rhythm
    Beat generator. Liquid Rhythm is an innovative beat generator that enables users to access literally ten quadrillion rhythmic patterns, import pre-existing tracks created using...
    Synthesizer. Hive was made to be fast and simple. The streamlined single screen UI lets you dive into sound creation immediately. A fluid workflow invites you to tweak away...
    Drum synthesizer. Heartbeat is an innovative software drum synth with a familiar, yet unique, sound character. A world class effects section is included, as well as the innovative...
    The mangle
    Granular synth/sampler plugin. The mangle is a granular synthesis instrument, with full automation, preset recall, and tools to 'play' the stream of grains expressively. Features: - Animated...
    Synthesizer. - No samples—all oscillator waveforms are generated from scratch. - Many unique waveforms including Sub-harmonics, Bit-Noise and FM Crossfade. - Unique LFOs...
    Synthesizer. - New synthesis method: Impulse Modeling Synthesis (IMS) based on the latest research in psychoacoustics. - Access completely new sonic territory - Sounds more...
    Imperial Grand
    Hybrid Modeling piano. Imperial Grand starts with the famous dark, rich Bösendorfer style sound, and establishes an incredible level of realism by using patented NEO Hybrid Modeling...
    Hybrid synthesizer. Just like its little brother Harmless, Harmor is driven by a powerful additive synthesis engine. Its modules will look familiar to subtractive synthesizer...
    Synthesizer. Polyphonic mode with up to 24 simultaneous notes that should be enough for even the most elaborated master pieces. Monophonic mode with adjustable...
    Semi-modular synthesizer. Entity is a semi-modular architecture, offering a selection of modules you can assemble in various ways to create a wide variety of configurations. With Entity...
    Additive synthesizer. Harmless is an additive synthesizer doing subtractive synthesis. Or if you prefer, a subtractive synthesizer powered by an additive synthesis engine. You may...
    Groove instrument. Egoist is a groove instrument. Load any audio file and squeeze the groove out of it! Try your mp3 library and use it as a sound source! The additional onboard...
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