Logic Pro
    Digital Audio Workstation. Logic Pro X is the most advanced version of Logic ever. Sophisticated new tools for professional songwriting, editing, and mixing are built around a modern...
    Cubase SX
    Music Recording and Production System. Cubase SX3 takes music production to a new level by adding more than 70 new features including powerful Audio Warp Realtime Timestretching, an intuitive Play...
    Audio Multitrack Editor. With Deck 3.5, you can spot effects, edit dialouge, process soundtracks, record ADR-style voiceovers and craft complex mixes to stereo or complete 5.1 surround...
    Deck LE
    Audio Multitrack Editor. Deck LE gives you everything you need for quick, easy, pro quality multitrack recording and editing, record, edit, and play back up to 8 tracks of audio.
    Cubase SE
    Audio-MIDI Sequencer. Based on Steinberg's renowned Cubase SX, Cubase SE is ideal for anyone who keeps a sharp eye on their finances but doesn't want to do without professional...
    Modular Sequencer. Numerology is a revolutionary new MIDI sequencer, it is a modular sequencing environment designed for performing musicians. It works by giving the user an...
    Audio/MIDI sequencer. Tracktion is a new audio/midi workstation - giving you a clean, intuitive, and clutter-free interface without losing the features you find in software costing...
    easy beat
    MIDI sequencer. Easy beat is a music authoring program for the Macintosh. It uses the QuickTime Music Architecture (QTMA) to play songs. If you have QuickTime 3.0 or newer...
    Audio-MIDI Sequencer. With Intuem, you can edit your music as you see it in front of you, there are no special editing windows to hide the other tracks making editing confusing and...
    Digital Performer
    Digital Audio Recording MIDI Sequencer. Digital Performer is an integrated digital audio and MIDI sequencing production system. It provides an environment for editing, arranging, mixing, processing and...
    Perform, record, and create music.. Rebuilt from the ground up with a fresh new look and amazing new features, GarageBand is the easiest way to create a great-sounding song on your Mac. Add...
    Midi Grasshopper
    Midi Sequencing Application. Midi Grasshopper is a midi sequencing application. A user may create midi files and aiff files for burning on a CD for play back on any CD Player. Midi...
    Master Tracks Pro
    MIDI Sequencing Software. Master Tracks Pro is a professional MIDI sequencing program. Record, edit, and play musical compositions on your computer with ease and accuracy. Play back up to...
    Sequencer Directed Live. Live is an audio sequencer which you can play like an instrument. It allows you to bring together audio material from various sources. All the samples used are...
    Audio sequencing. MetaTrack is a direct to disk audio montage & mixing application specially designed for use with MetaSynth. It displays all sounds graphically using MetaSynth...
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