Teachers, students and professional musicians: Recognize Major, Minor, and Diatonic Mode key signatures. Jazz musicians will particularly benefit from the modes...
    Historic Recording with Flowing Sheet Music SyncScore provides a new way of enjoying classic compositions. You can listen to the music with the score flows in a...
    Tap DJ is the ultimate pocket DJ app for iPhone and iPod! Scratch, Mix, and add FX to your music! Load up your favorite track, or choose from the preloaded...
    Mahler Translations contains over 2300 English translations of the German words and phrases found in the symphonic works of Gustav Mahler. Now in-app purchases...
    Speedy Note: Treble Clef teaches you to read the Treble Clef (G Clef) in an interactive, fun and competitive game environment. Great for beginners to advanced,...
    ProRemote is the World's first 32 channel touch sensitive control surface that fits in the palm of your hand. ProRemote allows you to control your Audio...
    ProRemote is the World's first 32 channel touch sensitive control surface that fits in the palm of your hand. ProRemote allows you to control your Audio...
      "This may be the best iPad app yet. Worth buying the iPad for all by itself. Range, power, clarity, all improving day by day. A wonderful tool." - Music in...
    Play along i-XyloPhone for "kids" of all ages! It’s the best Xylophone on the App Store! Try it now: it's really FUN!!! The iPad free version was in the Top20 in...
    This App is a powerful test tone generator. Yet it is extremely simple to use. No other audio generator App is as complete as this one whatever its price ! You...
    MIDIRegs is a Uilleann bagpipes Drones/Regulators CoreMIDI-compliant MIDI control surface for the iPhone. MIDIRegs doesn't produce any sound on its own, it is...
    Join Hollin Jones in this 32 tutorial course where he explains every feature of the surprisingly deep DJ app from Native Instruments’ Traktor DJ for iPad. In...
    Teachers, students and professional musicians: Recognize pitches (by sight and/or sound) and notate or play them on the piano. Includes a 'Grade Book' list of...
    Teachers, students and professional musicians: Test your knowledge of Triads and Seventh Chords. Test just using your ears, and/or analyze the music notation....
    Teachers, students and professional musicians: Work on your rhythmic and polyrhythmic skills. Develop better hand independence with two lines of rhythms. From...
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