Whether you are a beginner or expert musician, you will find this app useful as a fun tool for learning, understanding, practicing, and improving your knowledge...
    Historic Recording with Flowing Sheet Music SyncScore provides a new way of enjoying classic compositions. You can listen to the music with the score flows in a...
    Music Recording Artist & Aspiring music industry Must Have App!!! ProStudioApp 2 is a Mobile multi-Track Recording Studio in your Pocket. *Import any...
    Auria LE is a "lite" version of Auria with a very limited set of features. If you'd like a more complete version of Auria, we suggest looking at either Auria or...
    Music theory covering Notes (Notation / Piano), Key Signatures, Intervals, Chords, and Rhythms, that tests basic musicianship at an advanced level. Includes a...
    Speedy Note: Bass Clef teaches you to read the Bass Clef (F Clef) in an interactive, fun and competitive game environment. Great for beginners to advanced,...
    Auria Pro - Mobile Music Production. Redefined. "This is the first mobile mixing (AND recording AND post production) app that I've ever used that is truly...
    Historic Recording with Flowing Sheet Music SyncScore provides a new way of enjoying classic compositions. You can listen to the music with the score flows in a...
    Test and work your dictation skills by arranging randomly generated rhythmic blocks (Quarter Rest, Quarter Note, Eighth Notes, Triplet, Sixteenth Notes, Rest \...
    Speedy Note: Alto Clef teaches you to read the Alto Clef (C Clef) in an interactive, fun and competitive game environment. Great for beginners to advanced,...
    Speedy Note: Tenor Clef teaches you to read the Tenor Clef (C Clef) in an interactive, fun and competitive game environment. Great for beginners to advanced,...
    String Groove ® teaches improvisation to string players through written notation, listening examples, play along exercises and spoken instruction to students....
    Historic Recording with Flowing Sheet Music SyncScore provides a new way of enjoying classic compositions. You can listen to the music with the score flows in a...
    MIDITinaXL is 48-button English Concertina CoreMIDI control surface for the iPad. The button layout is identical to the real instrument, and the built-in note...
    12 Simultaneous Visual Strobe Tuners for any musical instrument, fast, accurate, and noise resistant, using the built-in mic on your iPad. The multiple unique...
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