    Musical scales experimentation tool. Scala is a powerful software tool for experimentation with musical tunings, such as just intonation scales, equal and historical temperaments, microtonal and...
    Live performance software. It's a live performance software with effects, stretching, synthetiser, granuling, stuttering etc.
    Standalone Csound front end for OSX. MacCsound is an integrated development environment for creating and controlling Csound instruments and processes. It attempts to keep all the power and...
    Granular synthesis. Amber-X is a granular synthesis application, based upon Amber by Matt McCabe and Jennifer Bernard. Granular synthesis is a process by which sounds are broken...
    Music analysis and algorithmic composition. AthenaCL is a modular, object orientated, interactive command-line environment for music analysis and algorithmic composition. Scores are created in Csound as...
    Graphic user interface for CSound. Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound processing package Csound. Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly graphic...
    Spectral audio composition environment. Spectacular is a spectral audio composition environment. it allows for non-linear spectral manipulations with spectral interleaving, sequencing, envelopes,...
    Generative sound environment. A generative sound environment based on John Cage's "Fontana Mix" (1958). The original concept of the piece uses a graphical random generator that is supplied...
    3D music application. In SONASPHERE, functional units, such as sound samples, effects and mixers, are represented as small spherical 'Objects' floating within 3D Space. Users can...
    Generative sound environment. SEELEWASCHEN was composed by Karlheinz Essl for an outdoor light installation by the German artist Rainer Gottemeier. Using the sound of one single bell stroke...
    Live audio tool. Miraton is a program to play and compose music live for Mac OS X. It is programmed to import sound files (.wav, .aiff, .mp3, .snd, .mov, any format supported...
    Beat Generation. AntiLoop is an OS X Application that generates percussive audio and midi based on a set of probabilities given by the user. it's rebuilt from the ground up.
    Algorithmic music generator. Lexikon-Sonate is an interactive realtime composition environment for musical composition and live performances. It takes advantage of composition algorithms...
    Realtime interactive programming environment. CPS is a realtime interactive programming environment for audio, MIDI and other media & I/O. Patches are build by placing objects and making wires between them....
    drool string ukelele
    Algorithmic randomized sequencer. Drool string ukelele is a randomized algorithmic sequencer/looper application. It consists of 8 sampler/sequencer modules which sequence randomized data located...
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