DAM JukeBox
    Virtual jukebox. DAM JukeBox is a replica of an old fashioned juke box that you can run on your very own Windows PC. You can play your whole MP3 collection through a juke box...
    dBPowerAMP Audio Player
    Audio Player. DAP plays Mp3s, WMA, Ogg Vorbis, Monkeys Audio, Real Audio, Wave and Midi, and many more, something for everyone: - Crossfader - fades old tracks out whilst...
    All you need to cut your mp3. Mp3DirectCut is a fast and extensive audio editor and recorder for compressed mp3. You can directly cut, copy, paste or change the volume with no need to...
    Samplist's CD Player
    Audio CD player. An audio CD player with special 'loop' and 'region' functions designed for use with samplers and hard disk recorders. Features:  - Instant access to any...
    Compact media player with playlist, echo and speed control.. Mp3_chung is a compact media player with playlist, integrated echo and speed control. To install,just unzip the zip file into c:\mp3_chung folder. To play,just...
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