    Accordion. It emulates a variety of accordion sounds. It consists of seven registers, each octave and volume can be adjusted
    Making Music
    Online Musical Instrument Encyclopedia. MakingMusic is an online Musical Instrument Encyclopedia, providing a description, an image and a sound clip per instrument. This is an ongoing Freeware...
    Blue Cat's Gain Suite
    A series of gain utilities. Blue Cat's Gain Suite is a simple series of gain utilities which let you control the volume of an audio track. The interest of these plug-ins resides resides in...
    E-Piano Module
    Virtual electric piano. E-Piano module with a rich, warm and silky sound. It is quite unique by its character. The module is made with a hybrid technology, which involves sample...
    Grand Piano
    Virtual piano. High quality stereo acoustic grand piano. Expands to 12MB
    MIDI pattern sequencer. SEQ541 is a MIDI pattern sequencer for OS X. The program is extremely flexible, all it requires is that you have an external MIDI device generating a clock and...
    MPC Pad 187
    Editor for the Akai MPC 1000. MPC Pad 187 is a full program editor for the Akai MPC 1000. The application allows for easy editing and creation of MPC 1000 program files. It can edit all...
    A tablature editor. Features : - Tablature editor - Score Viewer - Multitrack display - Autoscroll while playing - Note duration management - Various effects (bend, slide,...
    Amazing Maze
    Interactive realtime composition for sampled sound particles. Amazing Maze is a infinite realtime composition that creates an astounding sonic cosmos by manipulating instrumental sound particles in time and space. It takes...
    Musical analysis software. IAnalyse can synchronize the pages of a score (or PDF images) on an audio or video file. You can draw annotations (graphics, texts or images) on the partitions,...
    PSP PianoVerb
    Reverb. PSP PianoVerb reproduces special kind of reverberation originally provided by piano strings. It generates reverberation using twelve string operators with...
    1212 I/O driver
    Driver for 1212 I/O. Driver for the Korg 1212 I/O card
    Five Line Skink
    Abc music editor, score display and player. The abc notation is a compact, human and machine readable notation that can be used to produce scores, and has more than 20K tunes available. Five Line Skink is...
    Midisport 2x4 Driver
    Driver for Midisport 2x4. Driver for the Midisport 2x4 interface
    Semi-Modular Synthesizer. Zoyd is a virtual Synthesizer. It has a rich feature set embedded in a semi-modular architecture to produce unique sonic experience. It doesn't try to simulate...
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