Midisport 2x2 Driver
    Driver for Midisport 2x2. Driver for the Midisport 2x2 interface
    Grand Piano
    Virtual piano. High quality stereo acoustic grand piano. Expands to 12MB
    Gain. The Sonalksis FreeG is an intuitive tool that can be used for a variety of applications to increase the control and flexibility of the signal flow in the insert...
    31 Band 1 3 Octave Master EQ
    Master EQ. 31 Band 1/3 Octave Master EQ ...Low CPU Usage
    Breakbeat cutting effect. LiveCut is a plugin dedicated to breakbeat Cutting inspired by Nick Collins library for SuperCollider called BBCut.
    Accordion. It emulates a variety of accordion sounds. It consists of seven registers, each octave and volume can be adjusted
    Le Synthe
    EMS synthi AKS emulation. Le Synthé V5 is an emulation of the mythic Synthi AKS constructed by EMS in 1972. As an emulation, you can found the original interface (devices and matrix...
    FireWire Solo Driver
    Driver for FireWire Solo. Driver for the FireWire Solo interface
    VST Effects
    Bundle of 30 plug-ins. Bandisto - Multi-band distortion BeatBox - Drum replacer Combo - Amp & speaker simulator De-ess - High frequency dynamics processor Degrade - Sample quality...
    KORE Player
    Free software player for KORE Soundpack libraries. KORE Player is based on the same six integrated sound engines as KORE 2, combining the sonic capabilities of Absynth, FM8, Guitar Rig, Kontakt, Massive and...
    Quattro USB Driver
    Driver for Quattro USB. The most recently driver for Quattro USB.
    Free distortion, compressor and filter for drums and guitar. CamelCrusher is a free versatile 'colouring' multi-effect plugin. It offers two characteristically different distortion sounds which can be blended together to...
    Drumachine R8
    Drum synthesizer. DRUMACHINE R8 is a 8 part drum synthesizer with 14 drums (each with one sub drum) and a monophonic synthesizer. Features: • 14 drums • Bassdrum,...
    Drumcore Free
    Drums and percussions. This is a fully working version of the DrumCore 3 plug-in. The way it differs from full DrumCore is: DRUMKITS FREE only includes two (2) kits vs. DrumCore which...
    Drum machine. Breakage is an intelligent drum machine designed to make it easy and fun to play complex, live breakbeat performances. Features: - A step-sequencer pattern...
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