    Beatslicer. H4xxor is a simple beatslicer featuring twelve user-definable slice regions, each mapped to a midi note. A sample is loaded, optionally stretched to fit host...
    Toxic III
    Hybrid synthesizer. Toxic III features a hybrid synthesis engine, combining the best of FM and Subtractive synthesis. With the addition of a warm, analog-modeled filter and set of...
    FM synth. Free FM synth which produces good quality high and low voices… Features: *3 wave oscillators as LFO's and three phase distortion main oscillators. *For...
    Blood Bucket
    Synth. Two oscillators are combined in a variety of ways to modulate a third oscillator
    Drum synth. Mini groovebox style drum machine with an onboard bass synth.
    Sting Thing
    Plucked string. Plucked string synth based on 'Karplus Strong' algorithm with advanced controls and filtering to create a more natural tone
    Electric Keys
    Vintage keyboard instruments. Electric Keys is a cross-platform virtual instrument that delivers authentic sounds of 50 classic, vintage electric keyboard instruments from the last 40 years....
    Dream sequencer
    Substractive step synth. Host synchronized step sequencer for producing those simple deep bass sequences produced in the mid 70's by Tangerine Dream etc.
    Symphonic Instrument
    Virtual orchestra. - 8GB orchestral instrument sound library. - Convolution reverb for authentic acoustic spaces. - MachFive compatibility – library loads directly into MachFive...
    Hybrid synth. This synth offers a wide variety of ways to create automated motion of the synth's sound. This is achieved by the use of 4 envelopes, 8 LFOs, three 16 step CV...
    Synthesizer. The simple front panel defies the complexity that's under the hood, there is a bank of oscillators that are mathamatically detuned by non linear amounts to sound...
    Multi-oscillatored synthesizer. - 8 oscilators with 7 waveforms per oscillator ( sine/sawtooth/triangle/ramp/pulse/w.noise/p.noise ) - 5 filter types per oscillator ( LP/HP/BP/notch/moog ) -...
    Kick drum synthetizer. KickMaker is a synthesizer designed specifically to create good kick drum sounds. It uses four independent oscillators and a wide range of effects, allowing one...
    Monophonic voice synthesizer. A monophonic voice synthesizer comprising a basic 2 oscillator 'analog' model and three band filters. the lower keyboard controls pitch and the upper portion...
    Sun Ra
    Hybrid synth. Ambient texture generator. It's based on a dual synthesis engine (1substractive oscillator + 2 wave players), completed with several randomization options and a...
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