
Category Education and composition / Reference
Version 2.5.554
Format AppAUVST
Compatibility TonespaceMacOS X Intel
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On Mar 16, 2015
Total Downloads 2,584
Mac Downloads 1,311
Category Education and composition / Reference
Version 2.5.554
Format AUVST
Compatibility TonespaceWindows
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On Mar 16, 2015
Total Downloads 2,584
PC Downloads 1,273

Chord learning

Tonespace is an intuitive music keyboard, combined with a chorder. It supports over 50 different grids, 14 scales, 18 keys, 30+ chord types and 10 chord voicings. It can function as a VST or Audio Unit plugin, processing incoming MIDI events and/or generating outgoing MIDI. You don't need to use MIDI though: there is also a standalone executable which contains its own little synth for a fast start.

With Tonespace you can play and visualize chords while you move the mouse around in a grid-like space, learn how musical scales and keys work, and how chords relate to these, using the simple octave-based spaces. You can visually discover how chords map onto surprisingly simple geometric shapes in the more advanced spaces and use the chord-generation algorithm to generate chords from these simple shapes in the advanced spaces.
Tonespace Tonespace v 2.5.554 Mar 16, 2015 MacOS X Intel
Fixed: always same chord selected whatever cell is clicked in Logic X 64-bit AU
Mucoder Tonespace Tonespace v 2.0.361 Mar 21, 2011 MacOS X UB
# fixed: updated manual with information on features added since public beta 2.0.294
# new: added pdf manual version
# fixed: mode 'Midi triggers note (modulated)' transposed some notes an octave too low
# fixed: some slight factory preset tweaks
# new: added 'Monads' chord filter option, making it possible to use the chord fitting assist modes also with single notes
# fixed: slow startup of the tonespace UI on OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard
# fixed: Logic revalidating tonespace AU component every time during start up
# fixed: 'none' chord displayed in balzano 3-shape
# fixed: note was not released when mouse up on disabled cell
# fixed: hold notes until next click did not work as users expected
# fixed: crash in Ableton Live on Windows when closing VST gui while tonespace help/about dialog still visible
# new: 'trigger' parameter replaces the 'on midi' parameter and controls when and how cells are triggered (either by mouse and/or by incoming midi notes)
# new: midi triggering offers several variants, including triggering on mouse clicking, mouse hovering or by incoming midi note as in tonespace 1.0
# new: triggering by midi notes can optionally transpose/modulate incoming midi notes from CMajor into the selected scale/key (allows to play 'white keys only' and still generate chords that are in key)
# new: 'on click' parameter replaces the 'mouse' parameter and controls whether chords are released on mouse-up or held until next click
# new: 'assist' parameter offers new chord assist modes, including a mode for fitting chords to a scale/key instead of to the space.
# new: with chord fitting to scale/key: when more than one chord is possible you can either take the best one, cycle through all, or pick a random one for an arpeggio-like effect
# new: 'chord filter' parameter allows to restrict the types of chords that are used by chord assist algorithms. Select between 2, 3 and 4 note-chords. This also reduces the number of chord assist parameter modes, as they longer have to select the chord size
# new: 'voicing' parameter has been extended with new inversion types and open/close modes. The old open/open+/open++ modes are now called spread/spread+/spread++
# new: the currently hovered and/or clicked root cell is now also higlighted, so you always know where you are in the grid, even when using chord voicings with a different root note
# new: last played and estimated next chord names are displayed
Tonespace Tonespace v 2.5.554 Mar 16, 2015 Windows
Fixed: always same chord selected whatever cell is clicked in Logic X 64-bit AU
Mucoder Tonespace Tonespace v 2.0.361 Mar 21, 2011 Windows
# fixed: updated manual with information on features added since public beta 2.0.294
# new: added pdf manual version
# fixed: mode 'Midi triggers note (modulated)' transposed some notes an octave too low
# fixed: some slight factory preset tweaks
# new: added 'Monads' chord filter option, making it possible to use the chord fitting assist modes also with single notes
# fixed: slow startup of the tonespace UI on OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard
# fixed: Logic revalidating tonespace AU component every time during start up
# fixed: 'none' chord displayed in balzano 3-shape
# fixed: note was not released when mouse up on disabled cell
# fixed: hold notes until next click did not work as users expected
# fixed: crash in Ableton Live on Windows when closing VST gui while tonespace help/about dialog still visible
# new: 'trigger' parameter replaces the 'on midi' parameter and controls when and how cells are triggered (either by mouse and/or by incoming midi notes)
# new: midi triggering offers several variants, including triggering on mouse clicking, mouse hovering or by incoming midi note as in tonespace 1.0
# new: triggering by midi notes can optionally transpose/modulate incoming midi notes from CMajor into the selected scale/key (allows to play 'white keys only' and still generate chords that are in key)
# new: 'on click' parameter replaces the 'mouse' parameter and controls whether chords are released on mouse-up or held until next click
# new: 'assist' parameter offers new chord assist modes, including a mode for fitting chords to a scale/key instead of to the space.
# new: with chord fitting to scale/key: when more than one chord is possible you can either take the best one, cycle through all, or pick a random one for an arpeggio-like effect
# new: 'chord filter' parameter allows to restrict the types of chords that are used by chord assist algorithms. Select between 2, 3 and 4 note-chords. This also reduces the number of chord assist parameter modes, as they longer have to select the chord size
# new: 'voicing' parameter has been extended with new inversion types and open/close modes. The old open/open+/open++ modes are now called spread/spread+/spread++
# new: the currently hovered and/or clicked root cell is now also higlighted, so you always know where you are in the grid, even when using chord voicings with a different root note
# new: last played and estimated next chord names are displayed

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