Quality Tones

Apps for Brass LLC
Version 4.0.0
Prix 3.99€
Categorie Educatifs / Jeux, Ear Trainig
Compatible avec
  • iPad2 3G
  • iPad2 Wifi
  • Langues
    Sorti le 14 nov. 2015
    Mis à jour le 5 nov. 2017
    Taille 33 Mo
    Quality Tones train brass musicians to learn how to play any note, in any range, in any dynamic, beautifully and consistently. This method has been proven to dramatically help brass musicians of all levels develop a more beautiful sound, and a more consistent and accurate level of playing.

    Accuracy exercises are a must for brass musicians. There are hundreds of effective teaching methods designed to help brass musicians play more accurately, but there are two things that make the Quality Tone App unique and superior:

    1. Randomization – In order to obtain maximum effectiveness, all quality tones in each session will appear in a random order. This method allows you to work on a variety of quality tones in your full range in a much more efficient manner. You will find this method more...
    Quality Tones train brass musicians to learn how to play any note, in any range, in any dynamic, beautifully and consistently. This method has been proven to dramatically help brass musicians of all levels develop a more beautiful sound, and a more consistent and accurate level of playing.

    Accuracy exercises are a must for brass musicians. There are hundreds of effective teaching methods designed to help brass musicians play more accurately, but there are two things that make the Quality Tone App unique and superior:

    1. Randomization – In order to obtain maximum effectiveness, all quality tones in each session will appear in a random order. This method allows you to work on a variety of quality tones in your full range in a much more efficient manner. You will find this method more difficult than practicing attacks in a non-random order, but you will also find it supremely more effective. No longer will you have to worry about playing contrasting excerpts or passages right after the other, because you’ll be confident and trained to play any note beautifully, in any order, and in your entire range - on demand!

    2. Customization – This app surpasses standard method books because it gives you the ability to work on exactly what you need to practice, and then constantly tweak it in a matter of seconds. You can customize the lowest and highest note that will be asked for in each session, and turn on or off 13 different variations of dynamics and articulations. This allows you to isolate and focus on specific areas you would like to improve. You could devote an entire session to soft high note attacks, improve your stopped horn technique if you’re a horn player, extend your extreme high range if you’re a lead trumpet player, or slow things down with a series of long tone variations - there are endless possibilities. This Quality Tone App will tailor to YOUR needs.

    Apps For Brass LLC Quality Tones

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      Quality Tones
      Apps For Brass LLC Quality Tones
      Apps For Brass LLC
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