Guitar Tuner - Chromatic

Version 3.0.10
Prix Gratuit
Categorie Outils / Accordeurs
Compatible avec
  • iPad2 3G
  • iPad2 Wifi
  • iPad 3G
  • iPad Wifi
  • iPhone
  • iPhone 3G
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 4
  • iPod Touch avec micro
  • iPod Touch 4eme Gen.
  • iPod Touch 3eme Gen.
  • Langues , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
    Sorti le 7 mai 2011
    Mis à jour le 16 avril 2024
    Taille 22.6 Mo
    A simple, free tuner that works.

    What the users are saying:
    "This is the only chromatic tuner that I tried on here that actually works." - dharris (USA)

    "Great app, love the noise cancellation thingy and it's probably the most accurate tuner on the app store" - Joshua Joe (New Zealand)

    "Awesome! - One of the best tuners on the app store! I'm impressed" - Ybxbmhnjgl (Canada)

    Guitar Tuner is a chromatic tuner which uses the iPhone/iPod microphone to give you an accurate pitch reading.

  • works with any instrument!
  • chromatic: works with any note!
  • accurate to 0.33 Hz
  • slider control to filter background noise
  • fine tuning display with +/- 50 cent range and 2 cent increments
  • wide range display shows +/- 2.5 semitones with 10 cent increments
  • extremely fast 0.1 second refresh rate
  • Last Harmonic LLC Guitar Tuner - Chromatic

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      Guitar Tuner - Chromatic
      Last Harmonic LLC Guitar Tuner - Chromatic
      Last Harmonic LLC
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