
Category Education and composition / Training
Version 1.0
Format App
Compatibility MusicGamesOneMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $69  /  69€
Updated On Dec 22, 2007
Total Downloads 219
Mac Downloads 219

Learn Music Fundamentals in a Video Game Format

The MusicGamesOne program is intended to make learning music fundamentals fun, while developing fluency and full ownership of music concepts. The program creates an animated and interactive video game format that develops a fast response to musical information.

The Five Games

1. Note naming. This game includes bass and treble clefs with up to three leger lines above and below the staff. It has two modes: practice mode and game mode. In practice mode, the student can work on small, medium or large note groups, on bass, treble or both clefs, and on recognition by eye or by ear. The game mode puts students to the test. It moves through sixteen levels of difficulty, requiring aural as well as visual recognition.

2. Diatonic intervals. This game breaks down the topic of intervals...
The MusicGamesOne program is intended to make learning music fundamentals fun, while developing fluency and full ownership of music concepts. The program creates an animated and interactive video game format that develops a fast response to musical information.

The Five Games

1. Note naming. This game includes bass and treble clefs with up to three leger lines above and below the staff. It has two modes: practice mode and game mode. In practice mode, the student can work on small, medium or large note groups, on bass, treble or both clefs, and on recognition by eye or by ear. The game mode puts students to the test. It moves through sixteen levels of difficulty, requiring aural as well as visual recognition.

2. Diatonic intervals. This game breaks down the topic of intervals into 16 parts and thus 16 stages of the game. Early stages focus on identifying just the number of intervals. Intermediate stages require the student to understand the different qualities of each interval number; major and minor thirds, for example. In the final stage, students must identify the quality and number of all intervals.

3. Chromatic intervals. This game builds on knowledge acquired in the diatonic intervals game, asking students to identify the quality of intervals with sharps and flats on the top and bottom notes.

4. Major Key Signatures. In this game, students must identify and create major key signatures up to seven flats and sharps.

5. Minor Key Signatures. Students must identify and create minor key signatures up to seven flats and sharps.

Features of All Games

• Before each stage begins, the student is presented with a help screen containing the key information required for success
• Each stage of the game has for levels:
Green: extremely easy (slow) with answers given
Blue: still slow, but with no helping answers
Yellow: moderately fast response time required
Red: fast response time required
• The response time of the student is always factored in to a student's progress through a stage: if a student responds quickly, the student progresses quickly through the stage.
• Most stages are built of two parts: in the first part the student must identify the interval or key signature; in the second part the student must create the interval or key signature.
MusicGamesOne MusicGamesOne v 1.0 Dec 22, 2007 MacOS X UB
The program was released in November of 2007
Musical Hearing
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