
Category Audio Production / Sequencers
Version 5.4
Format App
Compatibility ArdourMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $1  /  1€
4.3 / 5 , 6 votes
Updated On Oct 9, 2016
Total Downloads 46,169
Mac Downloads 46,169

Digital Audio Workstation

Ardour is a digital audio workstation. You can use it to record, edit and mix multi-track audio. Produce your own CD's. Mix video soundtracks. Experiment with new ideas about music and sound. Generate sound installations for 12 speaker gallery shows. Have Fun.

Ardour capabilities include: multichannel recording, non-linear, non-destructive region based editing with unlimited undo/redo, full automation support, a mixer whose capabilities rival high end hardware consoles, lots of plugins to warp, shift and shape your music, and controllable from hardware control surfaces at the same time as it syncs to timecode. If you've been looking for a tool similar to ProTools, Nuendo, Cubase SX, Digital Performer, Samplitude or Sequoia, you might have found it.
Os x 10.6+
Ardour Ardour v 5.4 Oct 9, 2016 MacOS X Intel
Ardour 5.4 is now available, with important bug fixes for MIDI (including looping), dozens of less significant but still noteworthy fixes and new features, plus the first version of our support for Ableton's Push 2 surface
Ardour Ardour Ardour v 4.0 Apr 21, 2015 MacOS X Intel
The Ardour project is pleased to announce the release of Ardour 4.0. This release brings many technical improvements, as well as new features and over a thousand bug fixes.

The biggest changes in this release:

Better cross platform support. Ardour now runs on GNU/Linux, OS X and for the first time, Windows.
JACK is no longer required, making it easier than ever for new users to get Ardour up and running (though JACK is still usable with Ardour).
The user interface has seen a thorough overhaul, leading to a more modern and polished experience.
Ardour Ardour v 3.5.403 Oct 16, 2014 MacOS X Intel
New MIDNAM file for the Korg Volca series
Use 1-based numbering for MIDI controllers, rather than 0-based
"Show All Automation" for MIDI tracks shows all named controllers
Support channel NoteNameLists in MIDNAM files
amend the list of known video file extensions
New versions of jadeo and harvid for video work, providing better compatibility with video drivers on various Linux systems.
Fix rounding error on rulers and BBT grid
audio Ardour v 3.1.10 Apr 11, 2013 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and New Functionality

MIDI channel control expanded
Freesound improvements

support for the Non Session Manager (NSM) session protocol
treat file names ending in .midi as well as .mid (case-insensitive) as MIDI files
correctly handle multiple export files with the same extension (e.g. WAV) but different formats (the format name is appended to the filename)
when searching for various kinds of files, expand "~" if it is found in the search path, following POSIX conventions (~ => home folder/directory)
dynamically update plugin menus when "Hide" is used in plugin manager so that it is not necessary to restart Ardour to see the result
make 0 and keypad-0 keys reset the mono panner, to match stereo panner
add export track output option to stem export dialog
use LILV state API to load LV2 presets, thus supporting presets that have extra information associated with them
improve error reporting when realpath(2) fails
document -a (no announcements) option on man page

Drag-n-Drop Fixes and Improvements

fix drag and drop from region list so that it actually works, even though it is not as pretty as it was
allow Drag-n-Drop onto the blank track area of the editor once again
correctly indicate during drag-n-drop where a drop is possible and where it isn't (though the clarity of this depends a bit on your desktop environment)
correctly honor ctrl/command modify during drag-n-drop (to indicate copy vs. embed)
always import (copy) MIDI files since Ardour considers them writable
correctly handle drag-n-drop of mixed file types (audio & MIDI)


create "been here before" file even if a first time user doesn't modify the default configuration options
fix crash on some systems during fetching announcements from
fix incorrect listing of MIDNAM files in the event of the user having their own private set of them in addition to those supplied with Ardour
fix mishanding of LXVST (and windows VST) plugin names where the path includes a directory with a period/dot in its name such as ~/.lxvst
fix crash when deleting non-existent plugin presets
fix crash when using multiply-nested compound regions
fix undo/redo of deletion of note, patch change and sysex events
make track header faders insensitive to vertical scroll wheel events (again)
make MIDI clock synchronization work (again)
Don't include unselected regions in edit grouped region operations
Ignore track selection if there are any selected regions.
fix behaviour when switching into automation write mode while the transport is moving
"Hide All" in editor track list functions more consistently
Tracks/busses created from templates get names based on the user-supplied value, if given
digital Ardour v 3.0 Mar 14, 2013 MacOS X Intel
Major New Features

MIDI recording, playback and editing, including plugin instrument support for LV2, VST and AudioUnits
Parallelization of DSP operations to use any number of processors
Matrix-style patching/routing
Overhauled export system (multiple formats at once, stem exports, multichannel exports)

New & Improved Audio Signal Handling

Monitor section
Solo operation redesigned, includes Solo Isolate and correct AFL/PFL modes
Per-channel visible phase invert buttons
Internal aux sends and explicit aux busses
Improved send control
Stereo panning via width+position
Track/Bus groups extended

Audio Editing

Option for Automation moves with Regions
Rhythm Ferret improvements
Vertical stacking of overlapping regions in tracks
Non-destructive, non-overlapping recording mode
New region editing features
Strip Silence
Media search path

New & Improved GUI details

Session overview pane
Unified processor list (plugins, sends, returns etc)
Extended Region list
Extended Track/Bus list
Improved and expanded editor cursor set
Dynamically resizable big clock window
New and improved preferences dialog(s)
New editing implementation for clocks

External Control

MIDI binding maps
Dramatically improved Mackie Control support
Linear Timecode support
Improved MTC chase
MIDI Clock chase


64 bit timeline
Dynamically resizable disk buffers
JACK Session support
Undo system internals use less memory and improve speed
hardware Ardour v 3beta5 Jul 24, 2012 MacOS X Intel
Visualization of automation while recording it has returned (this was removed during the development of Ardour3 as we merged some improvements in data handling from Ardour2/Mixbus). Several other less notable changes to the way automation data is handled add up to a vastly improved system, with more to come. One important missing piece right now: undo/redo for automation capture does not work.
Handle AudioUnit plugin GUIs that want to resize themselves
Working handling of LV2 plugin presets
Touch automation now works for AudioUnit plugins, at least those whose GUIs do the right thing
Provide an easier way to add mixed (audio+MIDI) tracks to a session, to facilitate the use of plugins like Reaktor which accept both audio & MIDI data.
Name insert and send ports as "return" and "send" rather than "in" and "out". It is possible that this might break some connections in some existing sessions.
Allow alt-drag on stereo panner to move just one side of the stereo field. this wiggles a bit, possibly because of rounding, and that probably needs to be addressed
Send automation now works
Smooth 0.5 second fade out during quit, plus MIDI panic to turn everything off

Fix issues with MIDI note selection when entering and leaving leaving internal ("note") edit mode, starting rubber-band note selection drags, and when changing region selections.
Fix crash when quitting with MIDI notes selected
Add "v" as a new MIDI editing key for velocity, add a velocity editing dialog, and allow all selected MIDI notes to have their velocity set to the same adjusted value
Remove extra .mid suffix added to cloned MIDI region names
Properly handle zero-length MIDI files during import
Improve vertical positioning of MIDI notes during drags
Disallow import-without-copy for MIDI files
Prevent exit from note edit mode on double-click with a modifier held down - prevents creation of malformed notes
Do not mark imported MIDI files as un-writable - all MIDI files are subject to rewriting at any time
Rename MIDI "Fork" operation to "Unlink from other copies"
Make a few more MIDI track menu options apply to the current selection
Remove believed-unnecessary and broken MIDI thru option
Extend a previous region if we click in a MIDI automation lane where there is no region

Fix generic MIDI bindings that use note on/off commands
Add BCF2000 device info file for Mackie Control
Alternate Korg nanoCONTROL MIDI binding map
New Korg nanoControl2 MIDI binding map
Allows definitions in a binding map that refer to elements that have not yet been (and might never be) created in a session. When those elements are created (e.g a send, or a plugin) the binding will start to work.
Add a set-bank function to MIDI binding map support
Add optional threshold for catch-up with non motorised controls in generic MIDI surfaces. This is very useful when working with devices that vary in the "gaps" they may generate when sending a continuous fader motion (i.e. sending non-contiguous controller values). The default value, for example, does NOT work well with a Peavey PC1600X controller, but when tweaked, the faders work very well.
bindings to MIDI note on/off messages that involve non-toggle controls (e.g. transport) now do something sensible.
bindings to transport controls for "goto start", "goto end" and "play selection" now work)

Quite a lot of work was done to polish up the revised Mackie Control support that surfaced in Beta4. The code has now been tested on the SSL Nucleus, Mackie Control and Mackie Control Pro, Steinberg CMC and Behringer BC* devices, and all work well modulo issues with the ALSA/JACK MIDI bridge. Specific details that were addressed included:
metering now works on MC Pro
fix V-Pot displays for Mackie Control
fix 100% CPU use when using Mackie Control other than SSL Nucleus
timecode display works

MIDNAM, Plugin preset & Program Changes
Some major reworking was done to integrate the handling of patch/instrument data, regardless of whether a MIDI track is being used to drive external synthesizers or plugin instruments. This is not complete, and may never be because the two concepts do not really fully align (plugin presets are NOT program changes). As part of that work, some other details of handling MIDNAM files (used to define programs for external synthesizers) were addressed:
fix search path for MIDNAM files
add MIDNAM data into patch change dialogs
fix lookup of MIDNAM patch data
save MIDNAM settings for each track
Stop s with unresolved s to stop errors on startup
add a General MIDI MIDNAM file

Add option to not use gradients when rendering waveforms
Outline fade in/out handles in black
Provide some numerical data during automation trim (range) drags
Shift-click on shuttle controller in wheel mode resets it to 1.0 (100%)
Move binding for duplicate-region to secondary-d rather than d, use d for draw notes mouse mode
Introduce the idea of a "default transport speed", used whenever Session::start_transport() is called. Only the shuttle controller alters it, and even that only alters it in wheel mode, which means that stopping the transport does not rever the default speed back to zero. To get back to zero either switch the shuttle controller back to sprung mode, or change the speed back to zero
Keep latency dialog for plugins above the plugin GUI
Add a menu option and key press (F) in port matrices to flip the selected row and columns in the matrix.
Middle-click on a location clock still works even when the location/clock is locked
Filter the existing session chooser to .ardour files, as with the open session chooser.
Hide patch changes if they are too wide for the region at a given zoom level
Move delta-to-edit-point options to the main clock context menus
Make faders visually desensitised when their tracks are in automation-play.
Properly manage the splash screen, particularly on OS X
Add primary-modifier click on monitor knobs to go to -inf dB
Try to provide some rationality for region gain line visibility (and automation line visibility in general
Paste to the track under the mouse if we are using the mouse as the edit point, otherwise use selected tracks
Fix for plugin windows reappearing at (0,0) after ardour becomes the active app again on OS X
Remove beta page from startup wizard
In startup wizard, use dbl-click to activate "what would you like to do?" radio buttons, rather than click
Fix crash on zooming out too far
Grey-out patch changes on inactive channels rather than not plotting them at all
Sensitize region-related actions even in non-object mode
Provide dialogs to edit pan values numerically, at least for mono and stereo panners.
Simplify management of waveform visibility / shape / scale
Add option to disable autoscroll of editor
Fix for track height step losing 'grip' on the track being resized
Add translucent "shade" to playhead cursor
Thicken automation lines (makes dragging them easier, and looks better too)
Make more or less all left-hand-side treeviews use the same style in both the editor and mixer windows
Handle failure to start audioengine correctly, rather than get stuck in an endless dialog.
Force I/O selector windows to stay-on-top (experimental)
Fix display of region names that don't fit inside a region
When sounding notes on selection / note movements, play the note for as long as the mouse button is held dow
Darken light theme treeview text
Add option to add new range marker from the context menu without needing the keyboard
Slightly narrower faders in the editor track controls area

Opaque regions correctly overwrite anything in the mix buffer
Fix crash when sum of fade in + fade out is longer than the region
fix (very old) bug when evaluating automation curves at a position before the first point on the curve.
Gracefully handle LV2 plugins without a GUI
Always create short xfades when adding a region after a capture pass
Fix up various loose ends associated with the conversion to the "new xfade model"
Don't alter session search path when auditioning audio files
Avoid splitting unselected regions on the same track as a selected region
Make the "No selection = all tracks" button work
Improve display of timestretching in stacked layers mode
prevent x-axis movement of the end points of region gain lines
Re-implement URIMap to tolerate broken plugins that use the wrong context to map MIDI event types
Fix clear-selection behaviour
Don't reset region fades to default after a playlist edit unless the fades used to be part of an xfade and now no longer are
Fix a variety of issues with mouse cursors
Slightly unpleasant hack to stop control points being unselected when you ctrl-drag a selected point in order to do a push drag.
Correct rounding issues when converting between audio frame and unit/pixel values
Handle discontiguous control point selections properly when dragging.
Allow movement of several vertically-colinear points at the same time.
Fix incorrect automation point drags when a drag is started with push held and finished without it.
Use the same logic to decide on step size when scroll-wheeling faders in the mixer and knobs in the monitor section
Fix subtraction math for ranges used when computing what data to read from regions/playlists
Fix uninitialised variable causing garbage output from panners in some cases.
When we rename a track, only rename its playlist if it has never contained any regions
Prevent latency measurement output buffer being silenced by cycle_end, to fix port insert latency measurement
Claim button release on patch change events so that editing a patch change does not also open the region editor for any selected regions.
Fix non-updated ordinary fade-outs during trim drags
Fix crash when creating a new session after session close
Make automation state management full locale-independent (so sessions can be moved between locales without messing up automation data)
Correctly handle plugins with variable input AND output when they are the first processor in a track/bus
Don't set TimeFXRequest done to true too early, fixes crashes after time stretching
Somewhat primitive implementation of allowing the edit note dialog to handle multiple notes
Try to correctly manage follow-playhead behaviour before and after playhead drags
Make crossfade edge drags undoable.
Make sure that regions created during AsTrack and AsTapeTrack imports are added to the master region list, otherwise if they are subsequently deleted they will be lost. This causes the undo record to go wrong as it references a non-existant region.
Commit one reversible command for the whole of an import, rather than one per region; makes MIDI imports into multiple tracks undoable in one step
Fix off-by-one in computation of crossfade lengths.
Set up layering correctly on compound playlists so that the regions on the compound list are arranged the same as on the original.
Fix incorrect display of automation lines after points are removed.
Don't change playlists of frozen tracks when changing the playlist of a route group
Patch from colinf to put the playlist / take name in the playlist button tooltip
Make "View >> Toolbar When Maximized" act immediately, i.e., even when already maximized changing this toggle changes whenever toolbar is shown or not;
Renames "Toolbar When Maximized" to "Show Toolbar" as it acts whenever editor has maximized space or not.
Escape angled brackets in playlist names for tooltips.
Handle failure of statfs to return available disc space on Samba shares mounted via GVFS
Detect filesystems mounted read-only when determining whether a session is writable
Make fit contents / show full range work for all selected tracks
Fit note range on adding regions to tracks during import
Colour lower stacked regions with a lighter colour and make it configurable
Fix some issues with toggling mixer-on-top status
Use preview filename rather than the first-alphabetically-sorted filename for preview in the import dialogue
Fix broken visibility and size management of piano roll keyboard + scroomer
Fix several crashes during shutdown
Never try to remove state from a read-only session
Fix crash associated with track freezing
Return silence from read_from_sources() if we try to read a channel that our source does not have (if replicate-missing-region-channels is turned off
fix restore of mute control state when loading session
Fix failure to load A2 sessions with a ControlOut.
Make switching between input+disk monitoring work "right" for MIDI track
Fix a bug that led to messages about notes already being on at program start because of a double seek with no read in between
Slighty brighten bar lines and slighty dim beat lines for easier visual distinction
Fix logic for setting mixer strip name button widths
Change option name to clarify that get_default_narrow_ms is applied to the mixer only
Store the topologically sorted order of execution so that even the single DSP processor case uses its
Adds an 'empty' preset to the preset drop-down list, so that plugins can be set back to the 'no preset' state rather than being stuck in the state of 'preset loaded and modified
Make sure we always copy Freesound imported files as well as MIDI ones
Clarify the meaning of the show-region-gain-envelopes option.
Tweak naming of various buttons and labels in the export dialog
Unify clamping of frames-per-unit values during zoom
Declick before the end of seamless loops, not after the end, so that loops are rendered accurately
Fixing issues with opening a browser for web-access
Fix reset of transport speed when seamless looping
Prevent the nastiness that occurs when the RHS editor list is dragged so that the pane handle "vanishes" into the tabs
Don't swallow left/right scroll events in a midi region view when in internal edit mode
Don't try to backup sessions from older versions of ardour that are also read-only
In export format dialog, show preview of generated part of description
Revert to using SSE mix-buffers-with-gain rather than simple one.
Fix stem export. The capturing processor of routes was never removed, and was restored inactive, which made stem export fail.
Change logic for compiling export format descriptions from incomplete formats
Increase the export "chunk size" to speed it up over 10% at least in some situations
Remove some excess commas from the export format description
Drastic rethink of the relationship between remote control ID and route order keys
Don't specify real-time priority when starting JACK
Be more graceful if there is an undo record which references a non-existant object; this shouldn't happen, of course, but there was a bug in some early betas which made it occur
Allow new idle visual changer calls to be requested while the current changer is executing (fixes auto-return even when zoomed in)
Fix some oddities with playhead movement when locating during roll
fix rec-enable toggle with the Korg nanoKONTROL
Set number of process thread buffers based on run-time-discovered num-cpus
Fix missing lock causing erroneous disk space reports when dragging audio clocks.
Don't start a clock drag if we drag to the right of the numbers.
Fix crash on trying to snap to markers when there aren't any
Don't rename playlists on rename track if the track has >1 playlist
Do not deactivate the meter in a frozen track
Fix Jack transport master after session load.
Report correct time instead of old time when locating as Jack transport master.
Set fader and plugin parameter automation curve default values
Don't spin on Session::timecode_transmission_suspended() if disconnected from JACK because it will never be re-enable
Use correct event struct when handling key events in patch changes
Flip semantics for next/prev bank so that the direction in numerical terms matches next/prev patch (i.e. up arrow goes to higher numbers)

update to Suil 0.6.4 for support of plugins with X11 and Qt GUIs
change build system to support complation with CLANG (via setting the CC and CXX environment variables)
remove more than 500 unnecessary #included header files, thus speeding up compilation a bit
use chrpath to reset RPATH within bundled libraries so that the runtime linker will not go looking in places set by parts of the GTK build stack
adjust bundling/packaging to make SUIL (and thus several LV2 GUIs) work
fix to work even if there is no automation directory
Use std::string instead of PBD::sys::path
use various g_**** functions rather than versions from PBD::sys namespace
fix osx build script when the path to the plugin folder contains spaces
OS X version can now successfully find an existing running instance of JACK
fix substitution and install of session templates
define CHARSETALIASDIR (again) to stop various bits of the GNU stack from loading a charset.alias file that we did not provide
converge on 3 different search paths (ARDOUR_CONFIG_PATH, for configuration files; ARDOUR_DLL_PATH, for included shared libraries; ARDOUR_DATA_PATH, for other included data files), all of which can be controlled from the environment
Use a map of region names to speed up RegionFactory::new_region_name, which was a performance bottleneck

Updated Russian and Spanish translations.

Carl Hetherington, David Robillard, Colin Fletcher, James Roberts, Antony Gelberg, Dave Flick, Rodrigo Severo, Marcin ?, Tim Mayberry, Lynde ?, Roy Vegard, Thomas Vecchione, Thorsten Wilms, Sakari Bergen, Johan Mattsson, JaaxxOne, Philippe
Demartin, Alexander Prokoudine, Pablo Fernández and Paul Davis.
workstation Ardour v 2.8.13 Jul 5, 2012 MacOS X UB
Build Changes:

Fixed build for VST support.
Switch to new LV2 stack.

Bug Fixes:

Fix various crashes during session open.
Installer works correctly when run as root.
Fix nasty off by one error that put the end of an end-trimmed region one sample beyond where it should be. this would lead to the creation of 1 sample xfades where there should be none, if another region was aligned to the same point that the region had been nominally trimmed to.
Fix modifier definitions to work with newer GTK versions.
Fix direction of zoom wheel in timebar rulers.
Fix crash when deleting some LV2 plugins that have had a GUI on-screen.
Fix click latency correction.
Fix translation of sample rate expressed as kHz.
Fix/workaround bug in GTK that prevents bindings from working.
Fix non-functioning use of arrow keys in keybindings.
Fix bug capable of causing significant "weirdness" when evaluating a curve in a position before the first point of the curve (this bug has existed in Ardour since revision 17, which is nearly 13,000 revisions in the past.).
Fixing issues with opening a browser when using the bundle. Use xdg-open instead of glib functions.
Spelling fixes from Debian.
Fix typo in region fade key bindings.


Switch to FFADO as the default firewire backend for JACK.
Add 176.4kHz rate to audio engine dialog.
Save/goto view bindings are now Shift-Fn to save, Fn to goto (Fn is F1, F2, etc).
Increase the click pool size.
Change reset of the click/metronome to improve behaviour when locating and looping.
Display modifier names in keybinding editor using real key logos (e.g. the "cauliflower" symbol for Command on OS X).
Make sure loop markers are shown when loop is initiated.
Fix odd behaviour of code used to determine if the mouse pointer is inside the track canvas.
Speed up session close by not redrawing stuff as each track/bus is destroyed.
Allow Separate to work on a range selection.
Crop no longer works on all tracks if no tracks are selected.
Improve sensitivity of some menu items based on the currently selected edit point.
Remove (sub)menu items from keybinding window.
Improve ruler text space above baseline.
Clarify what the "precise" button does in the timefx dialog by using a better label.
Various tweaks to Freesound UI.
Apply automation when bouncing with automation in Touch mode, not just Play mode.
Don't distort crossfades when changing their length substantially.
Disallow colons in snapshot names.
Add COMPOSER to TOC/CUE files.
Improved interaction with (backported from Mixbus and Ardour3).

OS X Specific:

If a user has a personal key bindings file automatically switch old OS X keybindings to new modifier names.
Fix potential crashing bug in AudioUnit plugin code for describing parameters.
Fix handling of AudioUnit GUI resizing (as happens on new versions of OS X with the default Apple plugins, and with plugins from various manufacturers).
Save and restore AudioUnit GUI positions whenever they are hidden/shown.
Fix misplacement of Carbon plugin GUI windows because of differences between Carbon/Cocoa/GTK coordinate spaces. (Note: this only affected multi-monitor setups where the user had positioned the menu bar on a non-left-most screen).
sound Ardour v 3beta3 Feb 18, 2012 MacOS X Intel
Significant New Functionality

Click/metronome is now latency compensated
Monitor Section is now an optional feature that can be added/removed to/from a session as needed.
Restore ability to create TOC and CUE files during export, and improve the formatting of these files
Enter and exit node edit mode with dbl-click in any MIDI region (also leave with a single click on anything other than a MIDI region or note)
Make plugin controls displayable in the mixer strip
Add a way to create a new MIDI track with an instrument pre-selected
Restore independent gain control over click/metronome
Now-functional MIDI list editor
delete notes
full keyboard and scroll editing
keyboard navigation
Primary-z and Primary-r undo/redo, as expected
much more to be done in the future (including note insertion)

GUI Improvements

Smart mode (combined object+range mode) now improved in many ways large and small
Return of the splash screen
More and improved tooltips
Reorganize structure of the Regions and region context menus
Make contents of region properties dialogue expand with the window
Cleanups for the Freesound browser (add stop, remove URI, clear barberpole)
New mouse mode (Draw Notes) rather than overloading range mode
Double click on send "box" toggles the display of its controls in its parent mixer strip
Add option to use plugin GUIs or Ardour generic ones.
"aux-" dropped from the name of aux sends
Add warnings for overwriting marker files
Use the same criteron to sensitize the choose-top-region menu item as to decide whether to open it or not, to prevent a sensitive menu item that does nothing.
Tidy up RegionLayeringOrderEditor a bit, including making it respect edit groups.
Don't offer to save master bus as a route template
Show proper progress information for export while normalizing
Some improvements to the add track/bus dialog to make it more obvious how to add MIDI tracks
Region list now accurately tracks regions' fade in/out status and length
Don't autoscroll right if we are moving left, and vice versa;
Fix issue with export channel splitting getting stuck in the filename
Show an example filename in the main export dialog
Use custom i-beam cursor for range mode
Fix position of viewport after a playhead drag outside the viewport (when following the playhead).
Improve usage of expanded window space in the export dialog + put the "advanced" stuff in a Gtk::VPaned
Fix the width of generic plugin editors
Don't bother opening a time FX dialog if we are just time stretching MIDI regions
Update summary on switching playlists
Button joiner: used to surround the play-range & roll buttons, and also object and range mouse mode buttons; clicking on it toggles special modes ("always play range" and "smart mode" respectively).
Clicking on track rec-enable button while step-editing now exits step-editing mode.
Add delta-time option to MIDI tracer window. Note that its not incredibly accurate or useful right now, because timestamps come from the system clock and are taken when the data is read/written to the port buffer, not its actual timestamp within the buffer
New display of "implicitly on" buttons (rather than using an alternate color, we draw the "actively on" color as a border around the button).

Internal Improvements

Aux sends and regular sends are now numbered independently
Various optimizations for the core processing loop (reduces apparent DSP load, especially with small sessions)
For now, only use the multi-threaded process code if we are using >1 processor for DSP; this involves making the DSP use setting only take effect on a restart of Ardour.
Increase size of click pool to cover longer latency settings
Make adding tracks/busses from templates just like adding them at the start of a session, in that IO connedon't offer to save master bus as a route templatections are prevented until they are all added
Use new Lilv state API to save LV2 plugin state (requires latest lilv version)
Store Region export state in instant.xml
Add aux sends at the position that the menu was opened, rather than always pre-fader
Make crossfade active state and length changes undo-able.
Use musical_time_equal() test for equality when copying notes, not strict floating point equality.
Make crossfade convert-to-full and activate/deactivate work across edit groups
Stop sending MMC/MTC while exporting or freewheeling for any other reason.

Bugs Squashed

Fixed crashing bug caused by Apple's implementation of getmntinfo()
Fix a variety of bugs of varying severity related to the tempo map changes done for 3.0 beta2
Catch exception thrown by SMF code when it cannot write to a file
Fix export threading timeouts when disk operations take long. Might fix other timeout issues also.
Fix failure to find route templates
Clear clicks when auto-returning or looping
Make time stretch respect edit group
Make plugins-stop-with-transport work
Explicitly cancelling solo status when a route's inputs drop to zero
Rework design of midi clock ticker to avoid expensive generalization that has turned out to have no particular use, and fix bug that caused incorrect ticks to be sent (or attempted) as the transport starts up.
Fix timefx on multiple regions, even regions of mixed type
Tape track files need to be created when opened, not when written to
Fix failure to summon the disk butler thread when a track that needs it is followed by a track that does not
Do not crash if an LV2 plugin calls the UI write callback with a port number that ardour has decided is not an automatable parameter
Fix for crash-by-assert just after a MIDI diskstream overwrite (e.g. just after an edit, while playback is active)
Fix bug in MidiClock that sent MIDI Clock messages with negative offsets after a loop point
download Ardour v 3beta1a Nov 26, 2011 MacOS X Intel
After a furious 3 months (more than 600 code commits), the Ardour team is pleased to announce the release of Ardour 3.0 Beta 1. This is the first version of Ardour 3 that has support for OS X (Intel only for now, sorry PPC users), where you will find fully functional AudioUnit instrument support among all the other goodies that Ardour 3 brings. The (very long) list below documents the other many changes, including support for Linux native VSTs, an initial new version of Freesound browsing, some shinier (and perhaps out of place) new buttons, and a metric ton of bug fixes and improvements.
mac Ardour v 2.8.12 Oct 10, 2011 MacOS X UB
New Features or Behaviour and workflow improvements

OS X Lion Support
Linux binary packages (for all versions of Linux on x86 or x86_64 processors)
Correctly align newly recorded material on the timeline
OS X: double-click on a session file opens Ardour
reinstate "merge files" in import dialog so that 2 mono files can be imported as a stereo track
Forces new tempo and meter markers to start a new bar on the first beat
Changes to automation data recording
No longer decide automation control point visibility based on zoom level
Remove unnecessary control points in automation data as it is recorded
Allow timecode to skip forwards or backwards or even loop while recording automation (data is only recorded during forward playback)
Add a second Delete action, so both Backspace and Delete can be bound to delete. this is really useful on macbooks which have a backspace but no delete key. to turn on this behavior, users will have to add the new editor-alternate-delete action to theri bindings, OR go to Preferences->Mouse/Key and re-load one of the default bindings files
New route groups are turned "on" at creation
F4 is bound to the real separate action, not the Separate sub-menu (ergnomic bindings only)
Remove some rhythm ferret options that are not implemented in A2
Change order of range menu so more common operations are nearer the top

Crash Fixes

Fix crash when two overlapped regions are selected
Fixes crashes when playhead is moved if fader automation is on the 'write' setting
Symptom-fix for an issue with bogus crossfades. Avoids crashes though it doesn't fix the underlying problem.

Bug Fixes

Fix misbehaviour when freewheeling due to Ardour's own export
Change the way we use "physical screen height" to better account for multi-monitor setups
Make sequence-files option for import use file timecode, make all import/embed ops use per-file TC if timecode was requested, rather than just the first file's TC
Fix occasional deafening noise at region cut points
Fix management of fade in/out active management
Restore text to the editor canvas on big-endian machines (OS X PPC)
Don't try to call "render" on AU plugins with no input elements
Some Mackie-emulation systems (e.g. euphonix) send zero for the tick count when the jog wheel is moved, so accomodate this by pretending that they reported 1 tick
Save/restore environment as needed when forking external apps like JACK
Fix possible drift out of sync of tracks during varispeed
Don't adjust session end location when any region end is moved.
LV2 UI parameter now handled by the GUI thread, not just the same thread that the update happened
Prevent ardour from ever, EVER, EVAH removing an existing source file
Make sure declicking fades reach their target
Fix Insert Region From List and Fill Range with Selected Region
Add support for AudioUnit parameter listening
Make timefx thread sleep for a bit after its done, so that the GUI can process its requests before it dies and takes it request buffer with it
Fix old issue where copy-pasting a range selection from region(s), each region would inherit the parents full fade-in or -out even when the region excerpt didnt include the fade
Fixes for gcc 4.6
Do not try to silence port buffers after a reconnect, since this violates old JACK policy and new JACK implementation
Fix reallocation of silent, passthru and send buffers, specifically after a reconnect to JACK
Fix cut-n-paste typo that caused Session::send_buffers to be the wrong size
Commit patch from colinf to just err, rather than abort, if ::truncate_start() is called on an empty automation list
Fixed bug where embedded sources did not correctly obey the BWF time stamp and would import at the timestamp of the first file
When importing sources that are using sample rate conversion, the BWF start time has to be converted also
Fix bug that prevented fade-ins from being restored in an inactive state
Remove almost all use of Glib::ustring to avoid issues with non-Latin characters in file names on some versions of OS X
Do not attempt to lookup sndfile constants/enums using a string, because this breaks when using anything but english
Allow correct restoration of Lock Edit mode


New Basque translation from Maider Likona and friends
windows Ardour v 2.8.11 Jul 23, 2010 MacOS X UB
Ardour 2.8.11 is now available. It contains only 1 change from 2.8.10, but it's an important one:

* Do not prevent transport operations after an export (and potentially at other times)
macintosh Ardour v 2.8.10 Jun 17, 2010 MacOS X UB

Ardour 2.8.10 is released into the wild today, primarily to fix an annoying regression in 2.8.9:

* keyboard presses and releases are now correctly sent to Ardour created plugin GUIs (e.g. for LADSPA plugins), making it possible to use the keyboard to set parameter values and define preset names.


Just a couple of days since 2.8.8, and Ardour 2.8.9 is here. Why? It turned out that the infamous mute bug (which caused the mute button to do nothing) was actually not fixed in 2.8.8 (or prior versions where this has been claimed). This has been one of the worst regressions of recent versions of Ardour, and I mistakenly blamed packagers and distributions for it. Thankfully member the_CLA spent time with me on IRC and we finally proved to my satisfaction that the bug was really in Ardour. Its now fixed, hopefully forever.

In addition, a new Ardour user on OS X pointed out two rather unfortunate problems that have now been fixed:
* If a plugin has existing presets, the preset selector in the plugin editor window would steal key events, possibly causing an unintentional (and unrecoverable) reset of the plugin state (very annoying)
* All canvas items except for the text used to label and regions could have their color adjusted. These two exceptions have now been added to the set of things that can be tweaked by, for example, a color-blind user, or someone who just wants dark colors for tracks and white text on region names.


* Dramatic improvements to automation editing so that it more or less works as anyone might expect. DOWNSIDE: for this release, the display of automation data is not updated in realtime while in write/touch mode. This will be fixed in a future release.
* Correct very strange and erratic punch recording behaviour that would create regions on tracks that were not record enabled
* Fix crash when zooming canvas repeatedly
* Fix handling of files larger than 2GB that could cause very slow reload of existing sessions (speedup was from 9 minutes to 30 seconds)
* Subtle but important change that may fix issues with recording not placing material in the correct location on the timeline
* Correctly order signal processing after adding a send (fixes issues with placement of recorded material)
* Regions overlapped by 2 other regions will now no longer semi-randomly fail to be audible during playback
* Region exports and bounces now use region fade in and fade out curves.

* Save & recall port insert latency values
* JACK Latency = 256 menu option now works
* Importing files with the "Sequence files" option now works
* Cleanup LV2 "external gui" extension support
* Clear solo state when deleting a route that is soloed
* Notify user that deleting a route will save the session state
* Ellipsize long names in the track/bus inspector
* Force exported AIFF files to be big-endian
* Anchor the crossfade start and end points so that they cannot be edited
* Correctly retain MIDI bindings for global transport controls
* Do not burn 100% of a CPU's available cycles if disconnected from JACK
* Put the fixed size columns (check marks) on the left side of the mixer's track and group lists for easier access to their functionality
* Fix strange behaviour when dragging region(s) towards time zero
* Rationalize track selection and range selection
* Make selecting a range in mouse range mode work even if there is already a time selection
* When splitting N-channel regions to mono regions, each new region shows up as its own region, not a child of the original
* Clearing an automation track of data no longer generates an error when next loading the session ("Cannot reconstitute XML history node ...")

* Include links in Help menu to the tutorial and reference manuals
* switch from ctrl-drag to alt-drag for "drag-selection-as-region"
* change automation track selection model slightly so that auto tracks are highlighted as expected. only show range boxes when the automation will actually get edited. clicking an automation track should show the editor-mixer for the parent track
* Configurable behaviour when an N channel track plays a region that has less than N channels (silence or replicate the last channel). Default is silence.

* Significantly updated version of the GTK GUI toolkit in use, which fixes a number of issues including...
* Multiple monitors now supported correctly
* Various fixes for handling AudioUnits, particularly UAD
* Use Apple's ExtAudioFile API for file types not otherwise handled on OS X (MP3, AAC and others)
* Use libsndfile to try to get timestamp info because Apple has no API for this
* Do not categorize AU plugins using the "subtype" property because its meaningless. Use "type" instead which is coarser but has a clear meaning.
* Added a shortcut to Volumes (external disk drives) when opening a session
* Add option to enable/disable translation on OS X
* Remove automation mode selector from AU plugin view window, since it doesn't do anything useful
* Correctly handle AU parameter types, so that more parameters are available for automation
* If a plugin has a Carbon-based editor, properly close that window when deleting the plugin (e.g. when closing the session)

* Spanish (Pablo Fernández)
* French (Raphaël Doursenaud)
pc Ardour v 2.8.7 Feb 4, 2010 MacOS X UB

* Smarter decision making when deciding which in/out configuration to choose when handling an AU plugin that has several.
* When exporting/bouncing/consolidating, tell AU plugins the new processing blocksize so they will actually run during the process. Yes, that means what you think it means.
* Remove use of std::locale() which is utterly and completely broken on OS X, and causes a program to crash if used with any actual national locale.
* Don't reconfigure I/O of AU plugins when they already have the correct I/O configuration
Ardour v 2.8.5 Jan 25, 2010 MacOS X UB
* MMC (and other remote control protocols) no longer causes Ardour to discard recorded material when stopping transport.
* fix latency compensation when punching in (which was a regression in 2.8.2)
* fix crash when loading a session with certain kinds of crossfades
* fix "crashes" caused by an endless loop of events related to the editor track "big text cursor"
* don't cause clicks and/or possible plugin problems when editing while the transport is stopped
* load plugin presets at the right time
* an implementation of "Save As" (result is still saved within the session folder)
* new option in editor track list context menu to show only tracks that have regions under the playhead
* initialize the export folder name correctly
* initialize system template folder name correctly
* fixes for 64 bit build with some versions of gcc (ensures that assembler optimizations will be used)
* plugin "favorites" file format modified for portability. We are sorry that you will lose your list of favorites (and/or hidden plugins) after upgrading.
* updated translations for Italian, Russian, Swedish, Norwegian

OS X only
* fix potential (and observed) crash in AudioUnit plugins caused by Ardour's incorrect setup of data buffers
* fix crash when using AudioUnit plugins that use tempo/meter information from Ardour
* fix discovery of AudioUnit factory presets
* reimplement integration with the OS X main menubar
* make all shortcuts work (Ardour used to ignore many or most Alt/Option- combinations)
* fix issues with the cache of AudioUnit configuration data, and ensure that the file can be safely updated in the future.
* fix display of AudioUnit GUI's written in Carbon (no more "white windows of death")
* make international language support work on OS X (Ardour will try, and generally succeed) to follow the preferences you specify in System Preferences).
Ardour v 2.8.4 Nov 15, 2009 MacOS X UB
New Features
* plugin manager now has a "hide" option so that you can control which plugins show up in the plugin menus (J. Abelardo Gutierrez)
* new "by category" plugin menu, to complement the "by creator" one that already existed (J. Abelardo Gutierrez)
* if auto-play is enabled, defining or changing a range selection will immediately start playing it
* new action, ToggleRollMaybe, which leaves loop play or range play mode but without stopping the transport (Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-space by default)
* PortInsert GUIs now have a builtin hardware latency "ping" tester, modelled on Fons Adriennsen's jdelay. This can accurately measure the roundtrip signal latency of your insert and sets the latency that JACK sees. You can now use external h/w processing and get sample-accurate latency compensation within Ardour.
* new Region Layering Editor. This is accessed via the region context menu, and provides an easy way to modify the layering of regions at a given location (it will only show in the menu if there is more than one region under the mouse pointer). It can be used as an excellent tool for comping loop recording or overdubs in general. Thanks to JAG for this excellent addition.

Critical Fixes
* fix BWF header contents
* fix crash caused by auto-saving after unloading a session
* fix crash caused by using an audio interface without inputs or outputs
* fix crash caused by data overrun when generating peak files
* fix crash bug caused by having no outputs on a track or bus and more than 1 input

* make exported file name text entry "activatable" in export region dialog
* correctly continue to keep sending MTC when looping
* make display of files to process during import correct
* window titles are now consistent (and do not include "ardour")
* show region sync point in the popup region editor
* fix copy-drag operations when in lock edit mode
* tidy up region gain line drawing so that it doesn't extend past the region
* improve audio file format names shown in the interface
* remove edit point clock
* more vertically-oriented layout of toggle controls in LADSPA editors
* add key stroke (left/right arrow) and wheel (left/right, shift-down/up) scrolling in mixer window
* fix missing display of plugins in the plugin manager (corrupt plugin type information)
* do not ignore auto-connect setting when it is disabled for a new session
* do not stop at session end if synced to JACK but not the time master.
* save audio settings even when using FFADO
* don't reset panner or plugin parameter values when switching automation to Write or Off (avoids losing a manually set value)
* fix "separate" edit so that regions created do not overlap by 1 sample
* provide host callbacks for AU plugins to get tempo, musical time and transport information
* make region "lower-to-bottom" and "raise-to-top" have persistent rather than temporary effects
* sort items in the region context menu to match order in the track
* cleanup of Mackie/Logic Control support to prevent it from stopping Session unloading from proceeding correctly
* save and restore seamless loop setting when changing transport slave mode, since no JACK doesn't allow seamless loop
* when renaming tracks/busses/sends/inserts, scan everything to avoid JACK port duplicate names
* display an explanation if JACK shuts down due to backend issues (e.g. another application changes the sample rate)
* updated swedish and italian translations

OS X specific
* add /Volumes to file browser, to make external drives more visible
* prevent the editor right hand side notebook from vanishing and being un-resizable
* left click on the error/status bar clears whatever text is displayed there
* send AU Event notifications when modifying parameters or presets - makes ALL AudioUnit GUIs update during automation or preset changes, rather than just the ones from Waves, PSP, etc.

Carl Hetherington, J. Abelardo Gutierrez, Valerio Orlandini, Emanuele Costantini, Petter Sundlöf, Ben Loftis, and your increasingly overweight chief grunt Paul Davis.
Ardour v 2.8.3 Oct 13, 2009 MacOS X UB
* Ardour can now open un-writable sessions without complaining. This includes sessions on read-only media and those for which write access is not granted to the user.
* support FLAC & Ogg/Vorbis import and export (via system libsndfile)
* provide jdelay-based hardware/port insert latency measurement (note: this is not automatic, but is initiated by the user in the insert GUI)
* Enable very basic automation for On/Off plugin parameters. Write and Read modes only (no Touch, graphical editing is not allowed). It is a little crude but better than none at all and can only get better!
* OSC API now supports add locate command (/ardour/locate i= i=)

* the OS X builds include a fix for a crashing bug in the Pango font handling library. This would often occur during zoom operations.
* plugin/send/insert displays in mixer strips should now always list the correct items
* change keybindings to more closely match 3.0
* make keybindings pay attention only to "relevant" modifiers (i.e. ignore numlock)
* when loading a template, make sure the user template directory exists
* add track-record-enable-toggle action to menu, to make it actually bindable
* fixup creation of tracks/busses with > 2 channels from track templates
* simplify waveform choices menu
* compiles cleanly with gcc4.4 patches
* limit group button width
* "in" and "out" as part of a port name should not be translatable by default, since it will break session portability. French & Polish users who need to get old sessions that have these names translated and need to keep them working should set the environment variable ARDOUR_RETAIN_PORT_NAME_SUFFIX_TRANSLATION to force old behaviour.
* Transpose appears in the popup region context menu as well as the Regions menu
* auto-* buttons now have a fixed size
* keep the transient auto-analyse dialog from showing up more than once per launch of Ardour
* fix some actions that need to be sensitive depending on the existence of selected tracks
* save and recall rectified waveform view setting(s)
* make tearoff windows still forward key events (and thus bindings still work)
* make big clock window into a utility window, not a menu
* Bad syntax in LV2 RDF files no longer causes crash on startup.
* Apply button made clickable when modifying the meter marker at the start of the session.
* fix import channel->track Mapping option so it follows the region/track menu selection
* add shortcuts to both SYSTEM and USER templates folder.
* correctly display wastebasket content size
* reinstate export-region which was lost
* make zoom-to-region more straightforward.
* fix logic in undo, redo and swapping of visual state changes
* Add "all" items to track right click context menu instead of relying on the -all- edit/mix group
* New Session/Startup dialog changes
o if no interface has been identified previously, put the audio setup tab as the first tab
o if JACK is not running and no interface has ever been chosen, show JUST the audio setup tab. once JACK is successfully
o properly handle situation where use opts not to load a session because of SR mismatch
* better (less crash-prone) behaviour when JACK fails to start from "within" ardour.
* Freesound mootcher patch (it might work now!)
* LV2 external UIs supported
* LV2 epp logarithmic parameters handled
* LADSPA log parameters default values set appropriately
* handle localized decimal indicator in BarController widget
* i/o buttons now show connection state a bit more sensibly
* edit group visibility maintained in session file
* better behaviour of the splash window with the Ion WM (activated by setting the environment variable ARDOUR_USE_OVERRIDE_REDIRECT_SPLASH)
* "About" window set as transient for editor
* Prevent sends/inserts from ever being renamed to the same name as a track/bus
* make handling of session and history files more robust across ardour versions
* don't allow crossfade point dragging to create illegal values
* allow DIST_LIBDIR to override LIBDIR during the build

# updated russian translation from Alexandre Prokoudine
# updated french translation from Raphaël Doursenaud
# tweaks to german translation
Ardour v 2.8.2 Jul 22, 2009 MacOS X UB
Ardour 2.8.2 contains a fix for a another critical bug on OS X that causes ardour to crash when deleting plugins with Carbon-based user interfaces. There are also two other small fixes - logarithmic plugin parameters can now be modified sensibly, and when importing files using the "copy files to session" option, an existing BWF timestamp is no longer lost. All OS X users are recommended to upgrade immediately - for those who have paid for any previous 2.8-series version, it is a free upgrade. Linux users may choose to wait for 2.8.3 in a couple of weeks which will contain a dozen or so other bug fixes. Thanks to Thomas Vecchione for help with debugging the crash, and Nick Murtagh for those two other fixes.
Ardour v 2.8.1 Jul 10, 2009 MacOS X UB
New Features
* Built-in menu item to connect to #ardour on IRC via web browser
* Insert Time action can now optionally move tempos & meter markers

* sort playlist menus in a more agreeable way
* sort ports correctly in many lists/menus
* faster startup by using pre-rendered region names
* implement panner reset functionality (missing since 0.99!)

Crashing Bugs
* fix crash when deleting AudioUnit plugins (Leopard/Cocoa GUI specific)
* fix crash when closing a session after displaying 1 or more plugin GUIs

Data Loss Bug
* fix serious error in Cleanup that could lead to data loss

* fix AudioUnit input/output configuration cache handling for some plugins with "interesting" configurations.
* switching into write automation mode doesn't reset gain levels
* stop import dialog from resizing at various times
* fix apparently-insensitive file selector in import dialog on OS X
* fix details of file formats when exporting CD markers
* fix marker bars, canvas and playhead getting out of sync with timeline
* fixes for some newer versions of gcc (4.4)
* don't bother to search for JACK server software if JACK is already running
* catch JACK shutdown and handle more safely - should solve issues with trying to save after a JACK shutdown.
* AudioUnit plugins can be turned off/bypassed and then turned back on
* Session names that include '/' or '\' are caught and asked for again.
* restore markers (including session start & end) and playhead correctly even if they had very large values (>12hrs)

Updated/New Translations
* Swedish (Petter Sundlof)
* French (Martin Blanchard/Ralph Doursenaud)
* Czech (Pavel Frich)
* Italian (Emanuele Constantini)
* Norwegian (Eivind Ødegård)

Carl Hetherington, Nick Mainsbridge, Andreas Ruge, Ben Loftis and head grunt Paul Davis
Ardour v 2.8 Apr 10, 2009 MacOS X Intel
New Features
* Track/Bus Templates (see below)
* Distributable VST support (see below)
* VST preset handling
* VST chunk handling
* AudioUnit state & preset handling
* new playhead-to-{next,previous}-region-boundary variant commands that ignores track selection (on Linux, Windows-LeftArrow or Windows-RightArrow; on OS X, Ctrl-LeftArrow or Ctrl-RightArrow)
* New, thoroughly edited Spanish translation
* New "accurate" crossfade icons

* Correct handling of Shift- shortcuts on OS X
* Fix confusion with Ctrl/Cmd/Option on OS X
* Cmd-, now shows Preferences window on OS X
* Removing a track/bus that was visible in the editor mixer strip causes the editor mixer strip to move to the next track/bus
* Default click output is dual mono (2 outs), not mono (1 out)
* Fix ordering of editor & mixer displays when order in the other window is changed and sync-editor-mixer-order is enabled.
* If we attempt to move beyond the current limit of the horizontal scrollbar, change its upper limit so that we keep scrolling (fixes a bug with playhead tracking beyond the current session end)
* Standardize sizing of ComboBoxSelectors throughout the GUI
* Fix crash when renaming a track after deleting a plugin that had a visible GUI/editor window
* Make "consolidate range" and "bounce range to region list" not apply processing to the original audio.
* Added variants of "consolidate range" and "bounce range" which do apply processing.
* Fix potential for clipping when use Transpose or TimeFX
* Standardize some menu actions across CD and loop/punch rulers. also allow right-click drag to create ranges, which may be more discoverable than ctrl-click drag because the other rulers already use right-click for creating markers
* "Mute region" shortcut operates on all selected regions
* Fixes for crossfade clicks
* Fixes for gcc 4.4
* Fix crash when sending MIDI feedback with MTC enabled
* Allow dragging of automation lines
* Preserve sufficient significant digits when saving automation events to disk
* Quantize shuttle speed changes to whole semitones when shuttle in semitone mode
* Use region sync points correctly for grid and playhead motion
* Fix subtle bug when playing plugin automation that could sometimes lead to crashes and memory corruption
* Use Vamp 2.0 and Rubberband 1.3 (includes an important fix for a potential audible issue when stretching)
* Fix freeze progress bar display
* Fix potential crash caused by multithreaded execution of plugins while "freezing" a track
* Make name-click to toggle plugin active state show up via the bypass button state in the GUI
* be willing to load some additional types of AU plugins, including AUNetSend and AUNetReceive
* Context menu-driven operations on ruler bars now cause things to be added in the right place (e.g. new markers)
* Fix a crash that occured while dragging a region after a split
* Do not cache JACK port buffer addresses, to permit operation with experimental versions of Jack2.
Ardour v 2.8 Apr 10, 2009 MacOS X PPC
New Features
* Track/Bus Templates (see below)
* Distributable VST support (see below)
* VST preset handling
* VST chunk handling
* AudioUnit state & preset handling
* new playhead-to-{next,previous}-region-boundary variant commands that ignores track selection (on Linux, Windows-LeftArrow or Windows-RightArrow; on OS X, Ctrl-LeftArrow or Ctrl-RightArrow)
* New, thoroughly edited Spanish translation
* New "accurate" crossfade icons

* Correct handling of Shift- shortcuts on OS X
* Fix confusion with Ctrl/Cmd/Option on OS X
* Cmd-, now shows Preferences window on OS X
* Removing a track/bus that was visible in the editor mixer strip causes the editor mixer strip to move to the next track/bus
* Default click output is dual mono (2 outs), not mono (1 out)
* Fix ordering of editor & mixer displays when order in the other window is changed and sync-editor-mixer-order is enabled.
* If we attempt to move beyond the current limit of the horizontal scrollbar, change its upper limit so that we keep scrolling (fixes a bug with playhead tracking beyond the current session end)
* Standardize sizing of ComboBoxSelectors throughout the GUI
* Fix crash when renaming a track after deleting a plugin that had a visible GUI/editor window
* Make "consolidate range" and "bounce range to region list" not apply processing to the original audio.
* Added variants of "consolidate range" and "bounce range" which do apply processing.
* Fix potential for clipping when use Transpose or TimeFX
* Standardize some menu actions across CD and loop/punch rulers. also allow right-click drag to create ranges, which may be more discoverable than ctrl-click drag because the other rulers already use right-click for creating markers
* "Mute region" shortcut operates on all selected regions
* Fixes for crossfade clicks
* Fixes for gcc 4.4
* Fix crash when sending MIDI feedback with MTC enabled
* Allow dragging of automation lines
* Preserve sufficient significant digits when saving automation events to disk
* Quantize shuttle speed changes to whole semitones when shuttle in semitone mode
* Use region sync points correctly for grid and playhead motion
* Fix subtle bug when playing plugin automation that could sometimes lead to crashes and memory corruption
* Use Vamp 2.0 and Rubberband 1.3 (includes an important fix for a potential audible issue when stretching)
* Fix freeze progress bar display
* Fix potential crash caused by multithreaded execution of plugins while "freezing" a track
* Make name-click to toggle plugin active state show up via the bypass button state in the GUI
* be willing to load some additional types of AU plugins, including AUNetSend and AUNetReceive
* Context menu-driven operations on ruler bars now cause things to be added in the right place (e.g. new markers)
* Fix a crash that occured while dragging a region after a split
* Do not cache JACK port buffer addresses, to permit operation with experimental versions of Jack2.
Ardour v 2.7.1 Dec 10, 2008 MacOS X Intel
* option to preserve formants when stretching/shifting
* new option to control whether newly added plugins are active or not, enabled by default
* copy sends as well as plugins when doing copy/paste operations in the mixer strip
* copy send I/O configurations when copying sends
* remove height buttons from automation tracks
* new option to do cubase-style solo-overrides mute (off by default)
* ardour-build plugin GUIs are now "taller" rather than "wider"
* insert-time operation can now move markers too
* double-click on plugin/send/insert boxes now brings up plugin manager
* handle an instant.xml file (GUI state) that has been modified by ardour 3.0 (without crashing)
* shorten coreaudio's format text strings
* creating ranges from region selections now offers two different options: create 1 range spanning all selected regions, or create 1 range per selected region.

* fix OS X display of startup message about missing JACK
* actually delete commands from undo history when limiting depth of the history list. this fixes a massive memory leak in ardour when working with lots of regions and/or lots of edits.
* MAJOR fix for any situation where an audio track is playing more channels than it has output ports. triggered by a report about playing an 8-chn AIFF file via the auditioner
* set up folder/directory name correctly for range export
* drastically improve handling of Drag-n-Drop internally, avoiding memory leaks and potential memory corruption
* when using a top menubar (as on OS X), don't quit when the editor window is closed.
* prevent lockup/hangs when caused by editing a track name and then resizing so that the track name entry field is hidden
* select objects when clicking on them in region gain mouse mode, so that subsequent operations do not operate on unexpected objects.
* don't duplicate LADSPA plugins in plugin manager list
* items in region context menus that need a position (e.g. split) are desensitized if the edit point is "mouse", to avoid odd behaviour.
* fix a bug that made certain prompt windows potentially able to cause crashes
* make panner changes propagate into the panner GUIs even when the number of streams being handled is reduced
* do not crash in an xrun handler when there is no session
* lots of Session members now initialized in constructor, rather than being left to chance
* correct control surface track indexing (fixes a crash when using Tranzport and others to go to "next" or "prev" track)
* MTC message delivered internally when handling an MMC locate now contains correct FPS value, avoiding stupid error message from showing up.
* compile correctly even with NLS=0
* track names are now visible even with the "light" theme
Ardour v 2.7 Nov 24, 2008 MacOS X PPC

* Overall dramatic improvements in OS X GUI performance
* New action to rotate editor/mixer window stacking
* New action to cycle through mouse modes
* Plugin windows can now have keyboard focus locked to them
* Add missing extensions to exported files based on selected file type
* Loop/Range ruler now visible by default
* Default crossfade is now -3dB cut
* Crossfade presets changed to include -6dB cut and two S-curves (icons sadly not changed yet)
* New support for Wiimote control (experimental, disabled by default and not currently possible on OS X)
* Selected tracks are always visible when scrolling through with select-next-track or select-previous-track
* Skip non-active and hidden tracks with select-previous-track and select-next-track
* Several new tooltips all over the place and better tooltip colors
* On OS X, Button2 can be emulated with Ctrl-Option-Button1
* Busses are never auto-connected to physical inputs
* Unmodified clicking in canvas rulers now sets playhead position, similar to existing behaviour in the "real" rulers. Use Ctrl- (Linux) or Command (OS X)-click/drag for new markers/ranges.
* Crossfade-editor specific keybindings: space => play xfade, left-arrow => play fade out, ctrl-left-arrow => dry fade out, right-arrow => play fade in, ctrl-right-arrow => dry fade in
* Drag-n-Drop from OS X Finder now more reliable but no longer supports MP3 or AAC (will be reverted in the future)
* Start position and Sync position clocks added popup region editor
* Better stay-on-top behaviour for certain windows
* LV2 port notification fix for GUI updating
* New German translation
* New post-export nag screen
* Per-track OSC control of solo/mute/rec-enable and gain


* Removed suggestion that users can save while disconnected from JACK
* Corrected reversed handling of "show-editor-mixer" state on startup
* Fixed crasher caused by changing gain with transport stopped & panner bypassed
* Correct reverse logic for making h/w monitoring available given h/w capabilities
* Fix confusing relabelling of plugin bypass button
* Prevent double registration of ALSA sequencer ports
* Correctly initialize JACK timeout parameter when starting JACK
* Ignore triple-clicks on mute/solo/rec-enable button
* Momentary solo/mute now works
* Fix serious error when calculating interpolated Curve values (will cause tiny, almost certainly undetectable changes in automation and fade curves, but may also remove clicks)
* Fix quoting in TOC files wrap PBD::Thread... signals in a mutex to avoid crashing during startup as multiple threads "emit" the signal
* Make comboboxes a little bigger on X11
* B|B|T clocks measuring duration now use zero-based values
* New regions created by AudioFilters (Reverse/TimeFX/Transpose) inherit all relevant settings of their ancestor
* Fix for incorrect reading of fade out curve under a few circumstances
* Catch exceptions while loading AudioUnits
* Correct some glitches with playhead motion when looping/reversing
* Fix failure when opening a session by double-clicking the session file icon (OS X)
* Fix loss of "current dialog" tracking when exiting a dialog via a button (could cause crash on next Ctrl-w)
* Detect no-installed-JACK on OS X to avoid silent crashes for new users


* GTK/OSX patch now in SVN
* Check build host for broken mutex-based glib atomic ops
* Two versions of clearlooks now in SVN - older, for X11 (crisp!), and newer for OS X (faster!)
Ardour v 2.7 Nov 24, 2008 MacOS X Intel

* Overall dramatic improvements in OS X GUI performance
* New action to rotate editor/mixer window stacking
* New action to cycle through mouse modes
* Plugin windows can now have keyboard focus locked to them
* Add missing extensions to exported files based on selected file type
* Loop/Range ruler now visible by default
* Default crossfade is now -3dB cut
* Crossfade presets changed to include -6dB cut and two S-curves (icons sadly not changed yet)
* New support for Wiimote control (experimental, disabled by default and not currently possible on OS X)
* Selected tracks are always visible when scrolling through with select-next-track or select-previous-track
* Skip non-active and hidden tracks with select-previous-track and select-next-track
* Several new tooltips all over the place and better tooltip colors
* On OS X, Button2 can be emulated with Ctrl-Option-Button1
* Busses are never auto-connected to physical inputs
* Unmodified clicking in canvas rulers now sets playhead position, similar to existing behaviour in the "real" rulers. Use Ctrl- (Linux) or Command (OS X)-click/drag for new markers/ranges.
* Crossfade-editor specific keybindings: space => play xfade, left-arrow => play fade out, ctrl-left-arrow => dry fade out, right-arrow => play fade in, ctrl-right-arrow => dry fade in
* Drag-n-Drop from OS X Finder now more reliable but no longer supports MP3 or AAC (will be reverted in the future)
* Start position and Sync position clocks added popup region editor
* Better stay-on-top behaviour for certain windows
* LV2 port notification fix for GUI updating
* New German translation
* New post-export nag screen
* Per-track OSC control of solo/mute/rec-enable and gain


* Removed suggestion that users can save while disconnected from JACK
* Corrected reversed handling of "show-editor-mixer" state on startup
* Fixed crasher caused by changing gain with transport stopped & panner bypassed
* Correct reverse logic for making h/w monitoring available given h/w capabilities
* Fix confusing relabelling of plugin bypass button
* Prevent double registration of ALSA sequencer ports
* Correctly initialize JACK timeout parameter when starting JACK
* Ignore triple-clicks on mute/solo/rec-enable button
* Momentary solo/mute now works
* Fix serious error when calculating interpolated Curve values (will cause tiny, almost certainly undetectable changes in automation and fade curves, but may also remove clicks)
* Fix quoting in TOC files wrap PBD::Thread... signals in a mutex to avoid crashing during startup as multiple threads "emit" the signal
* Make comboboxes a little bigger on X11
* B|B|T clocks measuring duration now use zero-based values
* New regions created by AudioFilters (Reverse/TimeFX/Transpose) inherit all relevant settings of their ancestor
* Fix for incorrect reading of fade out curve under a few circumstances
* Catch exceptions while loading AudioUnits
* Correct some glitches with playhead motion when looping/reversing
* Fix failure when opening a session by double-clicking the session file icon (OS X)
* Fix loss of "current dialog" tracking when exiting a dialog via a button (could cause crash on next Ctrl-w)
* Detect no-installed-JACK on OS X to avoid silent crashes for new users


* GTK/OSX patch now in SVN
* Check build host for broken mutex-based glib atomic ops
* Two versions of clearlooks now in SVN - older, for X11 (crisp!), and newer for OS X (faster!)
Ardour v 2.4.1 Apr 10, 2008 MacOS X UB
  • new "Insert Time" operation (see the Track menu)

  • fix problems with port insert I/O configuration

  • clocks used for duration start at 0|0|0 in BBT mode, not 1|1|0

  • audio file suffix detection is now case-insensitive

  • fix missing undo/redo for region drags

  • fix problems with dragging in Locked Edit mode

  • rename menu items for monitoring options, and make the one based on JACK insensitive if there are no JACK ports capable of being monitored in that way

  • make plugin latency compensation work for AU's

  • fix incorrect muting of regions when auditioning a crossfade

  • add a declicking fade at start and end of any audition

  • fixes for window sizes of AU plugin GUIs,

  • fix "hidden AU GUI shows up when app becomes active/focus again" bug

  • new LevelMeter class used for all meters
  • Ardour v 2.4 Apr 2, 2008 MacOS X UB
  • on OS X, direct support for import of all file types supported by CoreAudio, including MP3 and AAC. Linux users can take comfort: there is ongoing work to offer similar capabilities on their platform.

  • per-track faders in editor window

  • Freesound integration (direct searching and download of samples from Freesound) via the Import dialog.

  • Vertical auto-scrolling (if you drag a region off the top or bottom of the editor, the editor "canvas" will scroll just as it does now with left/right scrolling)

  • AU GUIs basically working (issues remain with SmartElectronix plugins but we're working them to fix the situation)

  • AU automation working

  • New option to create xrun markers on the location markerbar

  • Tape Machine monitoring mode ( description)

  • Rubberbanding Snaps to Grid (self explanitory I hope, defaults to off)

  • Per-track gain faders in the editor window (when the track height is large enough)

  • dynamic discovery & loading of keybindings

  • Locked Edit mode disallows sliding regions in time. Override by holding 3rd mouse button

  • Font size scaler in Windows -> Preferences -> Misc

  • MIDI auto-rebinding patch (the first N controllers always control the first N tracks in the mixer, no matter which tracks they are)

  • Improvements
  • Updated French translation

  • Newly added audio (recorded/imported/embedded) is not analyzed by default (an option exists to control this). if you use "split at percussive onsets" frequently, you may want to turn the option on to avoid having to do the analysis on demand.

  • New menu arrangement (less clutter, more logical for the most part)

  • Enforce unique names for playlists, busses and tracks

  • Pop up warning dialog for massive split operations

  • Try to make adding lots of regions (e.g. from split-at-points) scale a bit better

  • Splash screen displays startup/progress messages

  • New grabber mouse edit point cursor used when edit point is set to mouse and the mouse is in object mode

  • Allow ardour to use the (hard) maximum number of open files

  • Make import GUI report if you are importing a file of a name that already exists in the session.
  • super-optimize meter drawing

  • Remove beat entry from meter dialog (beats are not allowed in API)

  • Notably speed up startup time by deferring track display untl the GUI is idle

  • Put focus in plugin search entry when plugin selector is shown

  • New FREEDESKTOP scons option installs desktop MIME entry and .desktop file. Also uses fd.o standard names and locations for icons.

  • Minimize clock redrawing

  • Rearrange icons/presets on xfade editor to be symmetric

  • Add CAF to list of likely audio file suffixes

  • Add a quick file type icon.

  • Improvements on the FFT analysis tool:

  • Enable FFT analysis by default
    FFT graph is now drawn using Cairo
    The window is now a window instead of a dialog
    Analysis window can be resized
    The view can be switched between normalized and an absolute value
    The minimum and maximum values for a graph can be shown
  • Enable icon-start-from-.ardour-file to work on OS X

  • Ignore dbl-clicks on mute/solo/rec-enable buttons since they make the user-experience feel inconsistent

  • Fixes
  • AU plugins work on PPC

  • copy-n-paste of AU plugins working

  • fix problem where peakfile is slightly older than audio data even though it is ready

  • prevent flush_pending() calls from "top menu" items on OS X from locking the GUI

  • fix splashscreen crash

  • fix problems with files being needlessly re-analysed at startup

  • Fix bug which caused the current import logic to select existing file name as target file when importing. This caused the newly imported file to be concatenated after the original data.

  • fixed uninitialized variable that made ardour scrub at the wrong times

  • fix deadlock in playlist::partition();

  • fix up meter thread management when JACK client starts/stops/is halted

  • fix Playlist::partition_internal() to avoid acting on regions that should not be operated on given the range provided ;

  • fix locate-play-locate

  • make AudioRegion::master_read() obey length limit of (first) master source, not the region length

  • fixes from chris cannam for rb_effect bugs

  • fix up BWF creation

  • fix silly error in removing channels from audio_diskstream

  • (OS X native: don't write dynamic pango.rc into app.bundle)

  • use Glib::get_home_dir() rather than HOME for user_ardour_path

  • make feature lines (rhythm ferret etc) scale with zoom and hide them whenever RF hides

  • properly install apple event handlers

  • change plugin add logic to avoid asking for stream counts before they would be configured

  • fix up new session dialog to not use manage(), and thus not throw away widgets when their page is hidden (by removal) in the tabbed browser

  • fix untranslated string comparison of import mode names when comparing with whatever the user selected

  • fix dragging that involves locked regions

  • stop crash occuring when carrying out playlist partitions in empty playlists
    Buy Ardour near Columbus, United States at:

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    version 2.8.11, MacOS X UB
    I think it would be fair to the developers to point out that this is NOT freeware.
    They ask for a donation at download. But someone going to the site expecting free software may be disappointed. That said there is nothing stopping you downloading for evaluation and then returning to pay later if the software is up to your expectations.
    version 2.7.1, MacOS X Intel
    They fixed my bug! yea!!!!
    version 2.7, MacOS X Intel
    Never mind my previous bug complaint - it was a bug with playing multichannel AIFF files - which not everyone has on their computers - an easy thing for a developer to overlook.
    version 2.7, MacOS X Intel
    I love the concept behind Ardour, and the price tag. But it is just not stable for me - I managed to get version 2.7 to crash on me within the first 5 minutes by doing things like resizing file import dialogs, etc, as I have been able to do to almost every version of this program I have tried. I hope they keep working on it though, because it is a fantastic program.
    The Ardour 2 stable version is really great. I like it very much.
    version 3beta1a, MacOS X Intel


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