Test and work your dictation skills by arranging randomly generated rhythmic blocks (Quarter Rest, Quarter Note, Eighth Notes, Triplet, Sixteenth Notes, Rest \...
    Historic Recording with Flowing Sheet Music SyncScore provides a new way of enjoying classic compositions. You can listen to the music with the score flows in a...
    "BEST HOUSE TECH GLITCH D&B APP in years!" "Fantastic app" K Machine is a new kind of audio visual instrument, allowing the creation of sound & touch...
    Esta es la versión sin publicidad. Esta app está diseñada para aprender de manera fácil, divertida y estimulante los aspectos más importantes de la teoría...
    The Hohner Chromatic Button Accordion MIDI Controller is a chromatic button accordion (CBA) style CoreMIDI control surface for the iPad. The app doesn't produce...
    Do you sing in a choir but can't read notes? Would you like to hear how a song sounds? Want to map notes to keys on the piano? Want to learn how to read notes?...
    "ME MIDI Sampler" turns your device into a sampler for professional audio special effects. Will be able to: - Create a polyphonic keyboard with 84 voices and a...
    "Cotracks is a brilliant concept and, on the whole, has been beautifully realised by Futucraft." - MusicAppBlog.com "Cotracks is a great platform for creation...
    Galileo is a music tuner. Earth mode shows the pitch by chromatic scale in circle.(Please set the microphone on). Jupiter mode shows detailed pitch in smaller...
    Purely Drums is designed to help you become a better drummer. By repeatedly practising the routines and lessons included in the software, your playing technique...
    ChordTap for iPad ~check quickly chord tone This APP is, • The composer is an application for support. • Press the 288 button piano code will be played. We have...
    Listed as one of the best drum apps for iOS on www.musicappblog.com Designed by a musician for musicians Drums by Asrodot brings a novel twist to drumming on...
    About mo’rhythm djembe/dunun play along Mo’Rhythm Beginning African Drumming Play Along App is the brain-child of world-renowned percussionist Monette Marino....
    Learn or improve the sight reading of the notes, in any notations, on the violin, using this app just a few minutes each day The app has 2 modes:? 1. Notes...
    Are you are an oboist preparing or studying Berio's Sequenza VII? If so, you will have encountered his unusual timing where each of the 13 bars (measures) in...
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