Magic Stave Free listens to you singing or playing an instrument and displays the notes being played on a musical stave and shows the note position on a...
    The Strasser accordion app is the only iPad application offering a true-to-life simulation of the classical four-row Strasser accordion. High-end recordings...
    Do you need to amplify your voice when presenting in front of big crowd? Have you connected your personal computer to a big screen TV and would like to turn the...
    "You don't know the real WADAIKO App!!" "If you have the app, you can get real WADAIKO sounds!!" "Taiko Spirits +" has evolved to to become a more realistic...
    "You don't know the real WADAIKO App!!" "If you have the app, you can get real WADAIKO sounds!!" "Taiko Spirits" has evolved to to become a more realistic...
    Lighten your gig bag! GuitarToolkit delivers all your essential guitar tools—tuner, metronome, chords, scales & arpeggios. Supports all your instruments! 6-,...
    Important ! This version of MixPad is for iLive running firmware V1.9 and is not compatible with iLive V1.8 or earlier firmware. Make sure the iLive you want...
    Note: please update your bt4 pedal to latest firmware. The BT Pedal Editor is an application for Positive Grid BT-4 and BT-2 Bluetooth MIDI Footswitch....
    Pocket Organ C3B3 is a musical keyboard application for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch that simulates the Hammond Organ. The sound is generated with the synthesis of the...
    "If you’re looking for a great resource to develop and maintain your beat vocabulary and rudimental proficiency, this is a great place to start." - Modern...
    MidiBus is a MIDI clock sync generator and monitor. Choose your bpm, time signature and MIDI destinations. Press the play button and all selected apps and...
    Beat-Machine is a powerful vintage beat box emulation for iOS. It combines a simple X0X sequencer and a flexible sample player with high quality FX and...
    The most realistic Piano Accordion app ever, complete with 120 basses and HD sounds!
    SpeakerAngle is the first app that allows you to precisely measure and adjust speaker toe-in angles with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch in order to get the...
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