RME is a young German team of developers with a robust vision of creating innovative, user friendly, and high-quality digital audio solutions for less money. Founded in 1996, RME quickly earned their stripes as a premiere industry provider, expanding rapidly into mainstream international markets. Each developer on the RME team is either a musician or sound engineer - besides being a specialist in hardware and software development. Additionally, to give their designs a persistent competitive edge in today's market, RME developers regularly network with other industry specialists to exchange knowledge and information - truly designing a line of products with superior quality, and affordable, mass-market appeal. Products include Digital audio cards, AD/DA converters

Software by RME

DIGI96 Series
Drivers. Driver for DIGI96 series, Supports all DIGI96 series cards.
Fireface 400/800 Driver
Driver for Fireface 800. Driver for RME Fireface 800 soundcard
Hammerfall DSP driver
Driver for Hammerfall DSP System. Mac OS X (10.2 or up) driver for Hammerfall DSP System. Supports PCI card, CardBus, Digiface, Multiface, HDSP 9652 and HDSP 9632.
Hammerfall DSP MADI driver
Driver for Hammerfall DSP MADI. Driver for Hammerfall DSP MADI PCI card
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